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 ignou mba assignments 2019 ASSIGNMENT Course Code:MS-01 Course Title:Management Functions and Behaviour Assignment Code:MS- 01/TMA/SEM-I/2019 Coverage:All Blocks Note : Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 30 th April, 2019 to the coordinator of your study center. 1.What are the assumptions of different decision m...
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Ignou mba assignments ms-21 to ms-97 all we have

Ignou mba assignments ms-21 to ms-97 all we have Click here to buy assignments ASSIGNMENT Course Code : MS - 25 Course Title : Managing Change in Organisations Assignment Code : MS-25/TMA/SEM - II/2018 Coverage : All Blocks Q1. Explain in detail process of Turnaround Management as propounded by Grinyer and McKiernan. Write down various triggers of ...
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IGNOU ASSIGNMENTS DEC 2018 Click here to buy assignments ASSIGNMENT Click here to buy assignments Course Code : MS-01 Course Title : Management Functions and Behavior Assignment Code : MS-01/TMA/SEM-II/2018 Coverage : All Blocks Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31st October, 2018 to the coordinator of your stu...
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ASSIGNMENT 2018 - 2019

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Ignou assignments 2018


MS-01 Management Programme ASSIGNMENT FIRST SEMESTER 2018 MS- 01: Management Functions and Behaviour School of Management Studies INDIRA GANDHI NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY MAIDAN GARHI, NEW DELHI – 110 068 ASSIGNMENT Course Code : MS-01 Course Title : Management Functions and Behaviour Assignment Code : MS- 01/TMA/SEM-I/2018 Coverage : All Blocks Note : Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 30t h April, 2018 to the coordinator of your study center. 1. Briefly describe the Management processes. Explain any one of them with respect to its significance and importance in organisational performance and efficiency. Explain with your organisational experience. Briefly describe the organisation, you are referring to. 2. What are the techniques used in different steps of Decision-making? Based on your organisational experience, discuss the importance and rules of Brainstorming in the process. Briefly describe the organisation and the situation, you are referring to. 3. What are the major antecedent conditions for change? Based on your organisational experience, discuss the necessity or otherwise of ‘why all organisations must change’ in the background of ‘how an organisation grows’. Explain the situation and organisational settings you are referring to. 4. 4. Base on your organisational experience/exposure critically discuss the role and impact of formal and informal groups on ‘Management’. Briefly describe the organsational setting, you are referring to. Management Programme ASSIGNMENT FIRST SEMESTER 2018 MS – 2: Management of Human Resources School of Management Studies INDIRA GANDHI NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY MAIDAN GARHI, NEW DELHI – 110 068 MS-2 ASSIGNMENT Course Code : MS - 2 Course Title : Management of Human Resources Assignement Code : MS-2 /TMA/SEM – I/2018 Coverage : All Blocks Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 30th April, 2018 to the coordinator of your study center. 1. Explain the process of human resource planning. Describe how HR forecast is carried out in the organisation you are working with or an organisation you are familiar with. 2. Discuss the concept of ‘performance appraisal’. Explain any two methods of performance appraisal that you are familiar with citing suitable organisational examples. 3. Define mentoring and distinguish it from performance coaching. Assume you are responsible for mentoring of employees in a large organisation. Discuss how you will make mentoring a strategic function. Illustrate. 4. Discuss the laws covering wages. Analyse the recent amendments and trends in laws covering wages in India. 5. Critically evaluate the state of workers’ participation in Management in the present day business scenario. Explain with examples your answer giving due details of the organizations and the sources you are referring to. Management Programme ASSIGNMENT FIRST SEMESTER 2018 MS - 03: Economic and Social Environment School of Management Studies INDIRA GANDHI NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY MAIDAN GARHI, NEW DELHI – 110 068 MS-03 ASSIGNMENT Course Code : MS - 03 Course Title : Economic and Social Environment Assignment Code : MS-03/TMA/SEM - I/2018 Coverage : All Blocks Note : Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 30th April, 2018 to the coordinator of your study center. 1. Discuss the critical elements of macro-economic policies. How economic environment gives a direction to the changes in the economic planning? 2. Differentiate between Economic Growth and Economic Development. Why is growth and development synonymously used in economic discussion? 3. Discuss the genesis of mixed economy framework in India. 4. “An important factor which influences the Balance of Payment of an economy is the exchange rate of its currency vis-à-vis other major currencies”. Explain the statement given above. 5. How the twin objective of equity and justice was met by the economic reforms of 1991? Explain. 6. Write short notes on the following: (i) Trade Union Movement (ii) Public Accountability (iii) Administered prices Management Programme ASSIGNMENT FIRST SEMESTER 2018 MS - 04: Accounting and Finance for Managers School of Management Studies INDIRA GANDHI NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY MAIDAN GARHI, NEW DELHI – 110 068 MS-04 ASSIGNMENT Course Code : MS-04 Course Title : Accounting and Finance for Managers Assignment Code : MS-04/TMA/SEM-I/2018 Coverage : All Blocks Note : Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 30th April, 2018 to the coordinator of your study center. 1. How is ‘Financial Accounting’ different form ‘Management Accounting’? Discuss the role and activities of an Accountant. 2. The Balance Sheets of XYZ Ltd as on 31st December, 2016 and 2017 are as given below:




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Annamalai university asssignments 2018 order now


M.B.A. HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENTSECOND YEARAcademic Year 2017 - 2018ASSIGNMENT TOPICSThis booklet contains assignment topics. Students are asked to write theassignments for SIX papers as per instructions, those who have opted Project andViva-Voce.Students are asked to write the assignments for the EIGHT Papers as perinstruction those who have opted Two Theory Papers (2.7.1 & 2.7.2) as specialisation.

Last date for submission: 28-02-2018Last date for submission with late fee ` 300/- : 15-03-2018

NOTE:1. Assignments sent after 15-03-2018 will not be evaluated.2. Assignments should be in the own hand writing of the student concerned andnot type-written or printed or photocopied.3. Assignments should be written on foolscap paper on one side only.4. All assignments (with Enrolment number marked on the Top right hand corneron all pages) should be put in an envelop with superscription “MBAAssignments” and sent to The Director, Directorate of Distance Education,Annamalai University, Annamalainagar – 608 002 by Registered post.5. No notice will be taken on assignments which are not properly filled in withEnrolment Number and the Title of the papers.6. Students should send full set of assignments for all papers. Partialassignments will not be considered.ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONSWrite assignments on any TWO topics in each paper out of the FOUR. For eachtopic the answer should not exceed 15–pages. Each assignment carries 25 marks(2 topics).DR. M. ARULDIRECTOR22.1 ORGANISATIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT OF CHANGE1. “OD is the prescription for the process of planned change in organisations”-Discuss.2. “A collection of suitable interventions, built on humanistic- democratic values,that seeks to improve organisational effectiveness and employee well-being”-Discuss.3. “Change is easy to devise but difficult to implement and impossible to sustain”-Examine this statement and offer your comments.4. “Learning organisations attack fragmentation, competitiveness, and reactiveness”-Elaborate this statement?2.2 TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT1. A leading FMCG company in India decides to train its entire population ofemployees and managers to provide “Legendary Customer Service.” Suggestand explicate a design for evaluating the impact of such a massive trainingeffort.2. Is training transfer an important issue in the automobile manufacturingcompanies? How transfer is evaluated in those companies? Design an actionplan sheet that a manager and employee could use to facilitate transfer oftraining. Justify each category included in the action plan.3. In a financial services company where 100 employees are working ininformation technology department had a high employee turnover rate. A surveyof employees revealed that the reason most left was dissatisfaction with the levelof training. The average turnover rate was 23 percent per year. The cost torecruit and train one new employee was Rs. 56,625/-. To address the turnoverproblem, the company developed a skills training program that averaged 80hours per year per employee. The average employee wage was Rs. 35/- perhour. Instructor, classroom, and other costs were Rs. 170,000/-.a) What is the total cost of training? The total cost of turnover?b) If the turnover rate dropped 8 percent (from 23 percent to 15 percent), whatwas the financial benefit of the training program?c) What was the ROI of the training program?d) How much would the turnover rate have to be reduced (from 23 percent) forthe training program to show a benefit?4. Assume you are a personnel manager in an service organisation, If you had anopportunity to choose between adventure learning and action learning fordeveloping an effective team in your organisation, which would you prefer?Defend your choice with precise justification.32.3 LABOUR WELFARE1. Elucidate the objectives scope and need of the voluntary welfare measures.2. Discuss the various welfare measures available to protect the female labour andthe Agricultural labour mention the social assistance available to them.3. Write the various statutes enacted by Indian Parliament from time to time andvarious schemes implemented by government for the welfare of child, femaleand contact labours in India.4. Explain the psychological issues relating to the employment and measures to betaken to prevent adverse impact on overall health of employees.2.4 INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS1. Describe the new perspectives of 1990s. Discuss the implications of postmodernism for employment relations. Explain the latest developments in HRMfor industrial relations issues with suitable examples.2. Explain the historical perspective of Industrial relations in India. Discuss theissues and challenges facing by the organisations related to industrial relationsin an organisation you are familiar with.3. Explain the meaning, origin and growth of trade unions in India. Describe thepresent trade union scenario of an industrial area with which you are familiar.What are your suggestions for strengthing the trade unions in India.4. Define grievance and discuss the role of Human Resource department ingrievance handling. Explain various approaches of grievance resolution, in youropinion which approach is most effective and why?2.5 WAGES AND SALARY ADMINISTRATION1. ‘‘Indian managers are poorly paid compared to their counterparts abroad’’.Examine this statement and offer your comments on it with suitable evidences.2. ‘‘Hard workers get poor wage where as the workers hardly work get high wage.’’Do you agree to this statement? Justify your stand with valid evidences.3. Do you agree that the objectives of collective bargaining are to reduce the areasof conflict and to crate work atmosphere geared to productivity? Elucidate.4. “If selection and placement decisions are done effectively, an individualperformance should not vary a great a deal; therefore, an incentive system is notnecessary”. Dou you agree to this statement? Justify your view.42.6 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT1. If strategic planning is essentially a program, can it display the degree ofadaptiveness that 21st century enterprises need? Would ‘strategic improvisation’be a plausible alternative? Explore the practical consequences of strategicimprovisation for enterprise management.2. Select an Automobile industry in India, and evaluate its competitivebusiness strategy using Porter’s five force model? What strategies can yousuggest to convert the unattractive forces in to attractive ones?3. “Complementary mergers may result in each firm filling in the missingpieces of their firm with pieces from other firm” – Examine the validity of thestatement in the Indian context with necessary examples.4. ‘Formality is the enemy of creativity and innovation’. ‘Informality is theenemy of disciplined and reliable performance’. Is it consequently impossiblefor an enterprise to be both innovative and disciplined? Investigate howthese qualities can be combined.2.7.1 E-COMMERCE1. Describe the current e-commerce scenario in India and explain the futureprospect of e-commerce.2. Explain the characteristics of large companies that involve B2G and B2Ctransactions in their business, which require roboust, capable and scalableelectronic commerce system.3. Visit the following / / / For each site determine whether it is in the exposure stage, interaction stage, ecommerce stage or e-business stage. Provide reasons for your answer.b. Determine whether each site is B2C, C2C, C2B or B2B and why.c. Critically discuss the process of setting up a free-standing website and evaluatethe potential of e-commerce for small business development in India.4. Consider the development of a portal for a Retailer shop. Discuss the varioustechnologies, tools and components involved in designing the same.2.7.2 BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS1. Below is the gist of an article from Business Week. After reading it(a) identify the broad problem area, (b) define the problem, and(c) explain how you would proceed further.“While Chrysler‘s minivans, pickups, and sport utility vehicles take a big shareof the truck market, its cars trail behind those of GM, Ford, Honda, and Toyota.Quality problems include, among other things, water leaks and defective parts”.2. It is advantageous to develop a directional hypothesis whenever we are sure ofthe predicted direction. How will you justify this statement?3. If a control group is a part of an experimental design, one need not worry aboutcontrolling other exogenous variables. –Discuss this statement.4. Whenever possible, it is advisable to use instruments that have already beendeveloped and repeatedly used in published studies, rather than develop our owninstruments for our studies. Do you agree? Discuss the reasons for your answer.M.B.A.[H.R.M.] – 2ND YEAR - Assignment C- 1900ANNAMALAI UNIVERSITY PRESS 2017 - 2018


M.B.A. HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENTFIRST YEARAcademic Year 2017 - 2018ASSIGNMENT TOPICSThis booklet contains assignment topics. Students are asked to write theassignments for EIGHT papers as per instructions.

Last date for submission: 28-02-2018Last date for submission with late fee ` 300/- : 15-03-2018

NOTE:1. Assignments sent after 15-03-2018 will not be evaluated.2. Assignments should be in the own hand writing of the student concerned andnot type-written or printed or photocopied.3. Assignments should be written on foolscap paper on one side only.4. All assignments (with Enrolment number marked on the Top right hand corneron all pages) should be put in an envelop with superscription “MBAAssignments” and sent to The Director, Directorate of Distance Education,Annamalai University, Annamalainagar – 608 002 by Registered post.5. No notice will be taken on assignments which are not properly filled in withEnrolment Number and the Title of the papers.6. Students should send full set of assignments for all papers. Partialassignments will not be considered.ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONSWrite assignments on any TWO topics in each paper out of the FOUR. For eachtopic the answer should not exceed 15–pages. Each assignment carries 25 marks(2 topics).DR. M. ARULDIRECTOR21.1 PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT1. What do you see as the main difference between a successful and anunsuccessful decision? How much does luck versus skill have to do with it? Givea detail note on it.2. Take any two Indian companies and examine how they have succeeded or faileddue to poor strategic planning.3. Suggest a method of departmentation for a large multi-product Organisationwith a huge market spread over the whole country. Explain the reasons for yoursuggestions.4. ‘Motivation is the core of management’. Comment. What practical suggestionswould you offer to management to motivate its staff in an industrialOrganisation?1.2 MARKETING MANAGEMENT1. “Chinese computer and electronic products possess advantages in design,innovation, rapid response and global market flexibility”- comment.2. “Legal aspects protect competitors and consumers from many unethical pricingstrategies that unscrupulous marketers may wish to attempt”. Critically analysethe statement.3. “Advertising on the internet has changed significantly over the past decade andsome might argue that it is for the worse" Do you agree or disagree? Discusswith practical illustrations.4. Examine the challenges encountered by the pharmaceutical wholesaledistributor for surviving and thriving in this new and ever changing environment1.3 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT1. “The consequences of over- capitalization are far more serious and fatal thanunder-capitalization”. Discuss.2. “An optimal combination of the decisions relating to investment, financing anddividends will maximize the value of the firm to its shareholders”. Examine3. “Efficiency inventory management is reflected in the liquidity and profitability ofthe firm.” Explain.4. “A low dividend payout Ratio promotes the welfare of stock holders becauselong-term capital gains are treated more favourably than dividend income fromthe tax point of view.”31.4 OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT1. Operations management is the area of creating competitive advantage. Do youagree? Justify your answer.2. A manufacturer requires 10,000 items per year. Price discount as follows:Rs.4 up to 2000 items, Rs. 3.80 between 2000 and 4000 items. Rs.3.70 forquantities above 4000. Ordering cost = Rs. 50.Comparative inventory cost=25% per year of average inventory price. Determinethe optimum purchase policy under discount.3. Explain JIT. Do you think it is practically feasible in India? What is yoursuggestion for implementing JIT?4. Operations personnel usually have a large volume and variety of resources attheir command. They should endeavor to make effective and efficient use ofthese resources to achieve the largest outputs. Comment! What are theapproaches for enhancing the utilization of resources?1.5 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT1. “The field of HRM changes so rapidly that had become necessary for one toconstantly review procedures and laws so that the practices will be effective andlegal”. Critically evaluate this statement.2. “Majority of the testing techniques for selection do not accurately assess thecharacteristics of the job. In fact most of the executives would divulge that thetesting had no impact on future job performance. Do you accept or not?Discuss with justification.3. “Identify the paramount barriers to effective training programme in IT field andhow to crush them”. Explain with real life examples.4. Technological advancements and automation are causing high stress and burnout among employees, which results negatively and unable to reap the benefit ofautomation”. Do you agree or disagree? State your view.1.6 STATISTICS FOR MANAGERS1. A random sample of 1000 workers from south India show that their mean wagesare Rs. 47 per week with a standard deviation of Rs. 28. A random sample of1500 workers from North India gives a mean wage of Rs. 49 per week with astandard deviation of Rs. 40. Is there any significant difference between theirmean level of wages?2. Calculate seasonal indices for the data given below by the link relative method

Quarter Years2007 2008 2009 2010 2011I 45 48 49 52 60II 54 56 63 65 70III 72 63 70 75 84IV 60 56 65 72 66

43. The following is the summary of a survey on the color of pens purchased bypersons belonging to different age groups. use chi-square test at 5 % level ofsignificance to find whether the age of the person has any association with thechoice of color.

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TUTOR MARKED ASSIGNMENT Course Code : IBO – 01 Course Title : International Business Environment Assignment Code : IBO – 01/TMA/2016-17 Coverage : All Blocks Maximum Marks: 100 Attempt all the questions.

1. Do you think that study of international business environment is relevant for the managers. Give your arguments and explain the economic and financial environment of international business.  

2. (a) Describe the working of Bretton Woods System.

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ignou pgdibo assignments

TUTOR MARKED ASSIGNMENT Course Code : IBO – 01 Course Title : International Business Environment Assignment Code : IBO – 01/TMA/2017-18 Coverage : All Blocks Maximum Marks: 100 Attempt all the questions. 1. Critically examine the partial Equilibrium Theory of Trade. How can this theory be applied for instruments of trade policy? 2. (a) Why do Firms become transnational? Discuss with examples.

(b) Explain the issues and controversies related to Transnational Corporations. 3. Distinguish between GATT and WTO. Discuss the Multilateral Trade Agreements related to Agriculture, Textiles and Clothing and Trade Related Investment Measures. 4. Comment on the following:

(a) There is no difference between contract and quasi contract.

(b) In contract of sale, unless there is a contrary intention, there is no implied warranty.

 (c) In the settlement of international disputes, Arbitration is not preferred by business men.

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Ignou mba assignments 2017

ASSIGNMENT Course Code : MS - 2 Course Title : Management of Human Resources Assignement Code : MS-2 /TMA/SEM – I/2017 Coverage : All Blocks Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 30th April, 2017 to the coordinator of your study center.

1. What are the primary objectives, focus, and purpose of Selection Tests and Interview in the whole process of Hiring in organisational set up? Critically examine their usefulness and importance in the short term and long term functioning and culture of the organisation. Draw from the experiences you are familiar with. Describe the organisation and the situation you are referring to.

2. What are the major „problems/errors‟ which came in the way of „Effective Performance Appraisal Systems‟ of any organization? Describe and explain with the help of your organizational experiences or the ones you are familiar with. Briefly explain the organization, situation and its fall out too support your reply.

3. Critically evaluate the state of workers‟ participation in Management in the present day business scenario. Explain with examples your answer giving due details of the organizations and the sources you are referring to.

4. What are the “Principles of Learning” which are followed in developing „Effective Training Programmes‟? Critically evaluate the „Training Environment‟ you are exposed to vis-à-vis the „Principles of learning‟ followed/not followed or the ones you are aware of. Briefly describe the situation and the organization to logically support your replies.

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annamalai university finance assignments

2.1 MANAGEMENT OF FINANCIAL SERVICES1. Risks have always been present in the banking system but their managementhas gained prominence over the recent years'. Discuss the various risks whichare being faced by banks and how are they being contained by them?2. Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) has its prime objectiveto protect the interest of policy holders. What regulations have been evolved by itto attain this objective?3. "The Stock Exchange is an essential pillar of the private sector corporateeconomy". Discuss this statement bringing out the role and functions played bythese exchanges in the process of capital formation and in mobilising resourcesfor the corporate sector.4. "Issue managers play a vital role in fund raising through public issue ofsecurities". Discuss this statement and explain the different pre-issue activitiesundertaken by an issue manager.2.2 INTERNATIONAL FINANCE1. Discuss about the recent trends in foreign private capital flows in India andevaluate the impact of this foreign investment inflow into Indian economy inpresent and future.2. Illustrate with suitable examples about the organizational characteristics of themultinational, global, international and transnational corporation in foreigntrade.3. Give a detailed study about the impact causes of the balance of paymentsdisequilibrium and the measures you recommend to correct the disequilibrium.4. Write a detailed note on India’s foreign trade performance in the recent economicpolicy regime, and the changes of government policy on foreign trade will havesome impact on export and import performance in India. Justify your answerwith examples.2.3 FINANCIAL ANALYSIS AND INDUSTRIAL FINANCING1) “Analysing ability of business operations in generating funds flow is one of themajor objectives of fund flow statement”. Do you agree or disagree? Justify yourviews how fund flow statement helps the management with appropriateexamples.2) You are given the following information pertaining to a company.Current ratio .5Liquid ratio 1.5Networking capitalRs. 30000Stock turnover ratio 6 times(cost of sales/closing stock)Gross profit ratio 20%Fixed asset turnover ratio(on cost of sales) 2 timesAverage debt collection period 2 months3Fixed assets/shareholder’s net worth 0.80Reserve and surplus/capital 0.50Draw up the balance sheet of the company3) a) lower interest rate may reduce the size of the banksb) banks are at a regulatory disadvantage when competing with other financialinstitutions for funds.Interpret the above statements.4) ICICI was formed in 1955 to provide medium and long term finance to Indianbusinesses. But over the period, it has diversified tremendously. Has thisdevelopment helped to achieve its objective. Justify.2.4 MANAGEMENT OF FUND AND ASSETS1. As a management accountant you are asked to introduce a system of capitalexpenditure control for your organisation. Explain in detail the importantfeature you want to incorporate in system you propose to introduce, with asuitable example of a project involving capital expenditure.2. “Efficient inventory management is reflected in the liquidity and profitability ofthe firm”. Do you agree? Justify your statement.3. “Lease financing has proved its unique adaptability to various financialproblems”. Explain with suitable examples.4. If sales forecast is subject to error, then there is no purpose of budgetary. Doyou agree (or)disagree. Give your views with appropriate examples.2.5 INVESTMENT, SECURITY AND PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT1. (a) When selecting bonds for a portfolio, what factors should be consideredbefore choosing specific maturities and quality ratings?(b) Comment on the following statement: “In evaluating the suitability of a bondfor a portfolio, I don’t care about its maturity. Duration is all that matters.”2. Build a portfolio oriented towards capital appreciation using round lots only,costing about Rs.2,50,000 with a target PE ratio of 20, and a target beta of 1.10.Assign equal weighting to the beta and PE constraints.3. With 3 suitable examples show how dollar cost averaging makes a profit even ina flat market, where a security is not trending up or down but fluctuates arounda mean of 0.4. Select any company of your choice included in Dow Jones Industrial Average,and calculate its dividend growth rate over the last fifteen years.42.6 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT1. Trace the path taken from organizational resources and organizational behaviourto the development of strategic advantage.2. In what way can timing and competitor reaction be crucial for a strategic choice ?Discuss.3. Congruence and co-ordination among strategies should take place throughvertical and horizontal fit. Explain.4. Companies should evaluate performance on the basis of a combination ofquantitative and qualitative criteria. Why? Discuss.2.7.1 E-BUSINESS1. Give a detailed presentation on designing, developing and deploying the on-linebusiness system for textile industry.2. Discuss the challenges and opportunities of e-commerce in Indian Industry.3. “EDI is not especially complex or convoluted, but many EDI projects fail whenresponsibility is thrust wholly on the IT staff”. Discuss in detail.4. Globalization has put increased pressure on organizations to operate at entirelynew level of effectiveness. This can be managed through application of BPR toolsto reduce procedures and the use of IT for effective decision-making. Presentyour perspectives elaborately.2.7.2 BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS1. Consider the following two research questions,(a) How do the minority groups at a certain university view the studentscounseling program?(b) Examine the relationship between intelligence and creativity among thestudents.Indicate:(i) The type of research that would best answer the question(ii) An appropriate sampling method(iii) The best method of collecting the data.2. Discuss the role of Regression analysis in business and industry. How areRegression Coefficient helpful in analysing the Regression lines?3. The mean weekly sales of soap bars in department stores was 146.3 bars perstore. After an advertising campaign, the mean weekly sales in 22 stores for atypical week was increased to 153.7 and showed a standard deviation of 17.2.Was the advertising campaign successful?4. Prepare questionnaire for the following research problem.“Identify the factors influencing recently married couples striking a divorce”

  1864 Hits

Annamalai university financial management assignments

1.1 PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT1. Choose one academic administrator and another public administrator andconduct interview and then ask them how their job differs from that of businessmanagers. How do they know how well their department, institution ororganization is performing, Since profit is probably not one of the criteria forassessing effectiveness and efficiency?2. Design a interview schedule and conduct the interview a manager in yourlocality and ask him how many subordinates he has. Are different numbers ofsubordinates supervised at the top, the middle, and the bottom of theorganizational hierarchy? What really determines the span of management inthe organization.3. “There are two notions about relationship between job satisfaction andproductivity: a happy worker is a productivity one; a happy worker is notnecessarily a productive one. Critically evaluate this statement and bring out thesituations under which each statement is true”.4. “Planning is the basis, delegation is the key, information is the guide, and actionis the essence of control of.” Trace the relationship between control and otherfunctions with real life examples.1.2 MARKETING MANAGEMENT 1. Examine the suitable demographic segmentation variables other than age andsex for the following industry• Two wheeler• Brewery• Insurance2. You have been selected by the ABC pharmaceutical company to be a sales forcefor the period of three years. Identify and describe how you would progressthrough the steps in effective selling.3. Select an example of a new product failure in the recent context. Explore andprepare a report highlighting the causes for its failure. Do you think a betterunderstanding of consumer behaviour could have contributed to its success inthe market place? Do you accept or not? Justify your stand.4. Design a questionnaire to determine repeat purchase behaviour and brandloyalty with respect to• Fairness cream• Mobile• Sports shoe• Ready-to-wear garments31.3 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT1. Design an appropriate capital structure which yields more profitability of aservice industry of your choice. Illustrate your answer with the help of anEBIT-EPS Analysis.2. The finance manager should take into account of the time value of money inorder to take a correct financial decision. Elucidate the statement with the helpof suitable illustration.3. The goal of capital management is the maximisation of long run earning topresent share holders – Comment4. You are a finance manager in a manufacturing organization. You came to knowthe sales are very low when compared to the last year. So you have decided to docredit sales. Draft a proposal highlighting the decision areas to be concentratedto avoid non-payment.1.4 OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT1. Selecting a facility location usually involves a sequence of decisions. This sequencecan include a national decision, a regional decision, a community decision and asite decision. Elucidate your views with reference to the above context.2. Why is the management of projects a challenge for most of the managers inproduction systems? How do these managers meet those challenges? What tasksmust the project team perform before the project begins? What tasks must theproject team perform as the project progresses?3. Rane is a medium size manufacture of oil field pumps. The firm has developed anew model of high-pressure, secondary-recovery purge pump which improvedperformance. Hemalatha, manager of process engineering, is trying to decidewhether Rane should make or buy the electronically controlled input valve forthe new pump. Her engineers have developed the following estimates:Make(Process A)Make(Process B) BuyAnnual volume 10000 units 10000 units 10000 unitsFixed cost/year Rs.100,000 Rs.300,000 ---Variable cost/unit Rs.75 Rs.70 Rs.80a) Should Rane make the valve using Process A, make the valve using ProcessB, or buy the valve?b) At what annual volume should Rane switch from buying to making the valveusing Process A?c) At what annual volume should Rane switch from Process A to Process B?44. A JIT implementation team is evaluating lot sizes and setup times throughoutthe factory. The first machine to be evaluated currently requires about 20minutes for the machine operator to complete a changeover between differentpart types. Each part requires 1.2 minutes for processing. Parts are currentlyproduced in batches of 60 units. The labor rate is Rs.14.50 per hour.a) What is the current average labor cost per part, including changeovers?b) If the changeover time could be reduced to 10 minutes, how much labor costper part would be saved using the current batch size of 60 units?c) If the changeover time could be reduced to 10 minutes, how much could thebatch size be reduced in order to achieve the current average labor cost perunit?1.5 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT1. “One reason for implementing global training programmes is the need to avoidbusiness losses due to cultural insensitivity”. What sort of training programmewould you recommend to avoid such cultural insensitivity?2. Bring out some real life examples of how to use interest inventories to improveemployee selection. In doing so, suggest some examples of occupationalinterests that you believe might predict success in various occupations includingProfessor, Accountant and System Analyst.3. Design a graphic rating scale for the below mentioned professions:i. Secretaryii. Engineeriii.Web Designer4. Develop an incentive plan for the following positions:i. Chemical Engineerii. Plant Manageriii. Used car sales forceiv. First-line supervisorExamine the factors that you have to consider in reaching your conclusions.51.6 STATISTICS FOR MANAGERS1. The personal director of a company wishes to select applicant for advancedtraining without regard to sex. Let ‘W’ denote Women and ‘M’ Denotes men andthe pattern of arrival be M WWW MMM WW M WWW MMMM W M W MM WWWMM W MMMM WW M WW MMMM WW M WWWW MM WW M W M WW. Willyou conclude that the applicants have arrived in a random fashion?2. The following represent the number of unit of production per day turned out byfour different workers using five different types of machine:Machine TypeWorker A B C D E Total1 4 5 3 7 6 252 5 7 7 4 5 283 7 6 7 8 8 364 3 5 4 8 2 22Total 19 23 21 27 21 111On the basis of this information, can it be concluded that (1) the MeanProductivity in the same for different Machine, (II) the worker’s don’t differentwith regard to productivity3. The average monthly sales of 5000 firms are normally distributed, its mean andstandard deviation are 36,000 and 10,000 respectively, Find.a. The number of firm have sales over 40,000b. The percentage of firms having sales between Rs. 38,500 and Rs 41,000c. The number of firm having sales between Rs. 30,000 and Rs. 40,000The relevant extract of the area table (under normal curve ) is given belowZ 0.25 0.40 0.5 0.6Area 0.0987 0.1554 0.1915 0.22574. Mr. Ramana and Miss. Lalita, Researchers of Management department, Adopteddifferent sampling techniques while investigating the sample of the students toknow the number of students falling in different intelligence level. The results are:Researcher Below Average Average Above Average GeniusRamana 129 90 66 15Lalita 80 66 50 4On the basis of the above data, can we say that the two researchers haveadopted significantly different sampling techniques? Test the hypothesis at (a) 0.05and (b) 0.01 level significance.61.7 MANAGERIAL COMMUNICATION1. Compare the barriers to oral and writtern communication. Which is morechallenging? Provide the ways and means of overcoming these challenges.2. What is the relationship between leadership behaviour and effectiveness ofcommunication? As a leader draft a letter to your subordinates to propose newproduct ideas. (Assume a FMCG company of your choice)3. What is Blogs can be used to promote business for a company selling designerleather goods? List out the essential characteristics of a good blog.4. In what way business and academic reports differ? Draft a business report to besubmitted by a Regional sales manager to Vice President of a company marketingmedical equipments.1.8 ACCOUNTING FOR MANAGERS1. How a financial statement helps the investors and creditors for a service basedcompany and manufacturing company. Give your views by taking any one companyof your choice on both the sector.2. Identify the financial ratio on which Managerial of retail store should focus.Further analyse the various importance of those ratio and give your views. Howit will help the retail store.3. Discuss various applications of the Break Even Chart. Enumerate the variouscriticism usually levelled against Break Even Charts. Differentiate how thisBreak Even chart helps the service sector and manufacturing sector.4.From the following particulars, prepare the Balance Sheet of Sri Mohan Ram.Current Ratio -- 2Working Capital -- Rs. 4,00,000Capital block to Current Assets -- 3:2Fixed Asset to turnover -- 1:3Sales Cash / Credit -- 1:2Stock Velocity -- 2 monthsCreditor’s velocity -- 2 monthsDebtor’s velocity -- 3 monthsCapital block Net Profit -- 10% of turnoverDebentures / Share Capital -- 1:2Gras Profit Ratio -- 25% (to Sales)Reserve -- 2.5% of turnover

  1668 Hits

Annamalai university marketing assignment 2nd year

2.1 PRODUCT AND SERVICES MARKETING1. Service sector has a significant contribution in growth of an economy. Do youagree or not? Substantiate yours views.2. Explain in details, how can the product life cycle (PLC) concept beoperationalised in a real life situation.3. Why do customers switch service provider? Can you do anything as a marketerto prevent the customers from switching?Discuss the importance of location decisions for educational services.4. Discuss pre - test marketing and test marketing with suitable examples. Whatare the various steps will you undertake to test market for water filter designedand targeted for institutions.2.2 MARKETING RESEARCH1. “A descriptive research design is formal and rigid whereas exploratory researchdesign is informal and flexible.” Explain this statement by using Indian examples.2. Do you agree that data obtained through experiments are more valid and reliablethan through surveys and observations? Why or why not? Explain.3. Prepare a questionnaire for studying the marketability of a hypothetical consumerproduct.4. “Sampling error is an inherent part of the sampling process; it cannot beeliminated.” What do you think about this statement? Do you agree or disagree?Explain.2.3 CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR1. Government of India would like to introduce ‘Battery Operated Passenger Car’ inorder to reduce the pollution and global warming but the fare may be high. As aconsumer diagnose the issue and state your attitude towards the fare.2. As a consumer behaviourist, how do you identify, explore and assess the ruralconsumer’s behavior with regard to fashionable products? Critically analysethis statement.3. Analyse and assess the consumer decision making process and bring out theimpediments while buying a high priced car like- Mercedes Benz, Rolls Royce,etc.4. China is producing and selling low quality products at cheaper rate to India dueto the impact of globalisation. As a consumer, state your pros and cons of abovesaid issues.32.4 GLOBAL MARKETING1. Discuss the euro dollar market with international liquidity and role of SDRS.2. Explain the different positioning strategies consider any four home applianceitems and discuss the positioning strategies adopted by the global marketers.3. An international company is planning to introduce an ultra modern luxury car.Suggest suitable marketing strategies to develop your sales in both Indian andInternational Market. .4. Discuss the cultures and ethical issues that affect the global trade with suitableexample.2.5 SALES AND DISTRIBUTION MANAGEMENT1. “Salesman should be assigned to that particular territory where his relativecontribution to profit is the maximum”. Discuss this statement and describe thedeterminants of sales territory.2. “The job of personal selling is not merely of booking orders” In the light of thisstatement, describe the nature of the selling job and the process of selling in thispresent competitive world.3. As a marketing manager for a nondurable manufacturing company, what factorswould you consider and what process would you adopt to select a distributionchannel? Explain.4. Some people opine that a middleman increases the cost of marketing, whileothers praise it as it adds value to the product. How would you reconcile thesetwo opposite views?2.6 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT1. Trace the path taken from organizational resources and organizational behaviourto the development of strategic advantage.2. In what way can timing and competitor reaction be crucial for a strategic choice?Discuss.3. Congruence and co-ordination among strategies should take place throughvertical and horizontal fit. Explain.4. Companies should evaluate performance on the basis of a combination ofquantitative and qualitative criteria. Why? Discuss.42.7.1 E-BUSINESS1. Give a detailed presentation on designing, developing and deploying the on-linebusiness system for textile industry.2. Discuss the challenges and opportunities of e-commerce in Indian SoftwareIndustry.3. “EDI is not especially complex or convoluted, but many EDI projects fail whenresponsibility is thrust wholly on the IT staff”. Discuss in detail.4. Globalization has put increased pressure on organizations to operate at entirelynew level of effectiveness. This can be managed through application of BPR toolsto reduce procedures and the use of IT for effective decision-making. Presentyour perspectives elaborately.2.7.2 BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS1. Consider the following research questions,(a) How do the minority groups at a certain university view the studentscounseling program?(b) Examine the relationship between intelligence and creativity among thestudents.Indicate(i) The type of research that would best answer the question(ii) An appropriate sampling method(iii) The best method of collecting the data.2. Discuss the role of Regression analysis in business and industry. How areRegression Coefficients helpful in analysing the Regression lines?3. The mean weekly sales of soap bars in department stores were 146.3 bars perstore. After an advertising campaign, the mean weekly sales in 22 stores for atypical week was increased to 153.7 and showed a standard deviation of 17.2.Was the advertising campaign successful?4. Prepare questionnaire for the following research problem.“Identify the factors influencing recently married couples striking a divorce”

  1369 Hits

Annamalai university marketing assignments

1.1 PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT1. Choose one academic administrator and another public administrator andconduct interview and then ask them how their job differs from that of businessmanagers. How do they know how well their department, institution ororganization is performing, since profit is probably not one of the criteria forassessing effectiveness and efficiency?2. Design an interview schedule and conduct the interview a manager in yourlocality and ask him how many subordinates he has. Are different numbers ofsubordinates supervised at the top, the middle, and the bottom of theorganizational hierarchy? What really determines the span of management inthe organization.3. “There are two notions about relationship between job satisfaction andproductivity: a happy worker is a productivity one; a happy worker is notnecessarily a productive one. Critically evaluate this statement and bring out thesituations under which each statement is true”.4. “Planning is the basis, delegation is the key, information is the guide, and actionis the essence of control of.” Trace the relationship between control and otherfunctions with real life examples.1.2 MARKETING MANAGEMENT1. Examine the suitable demographic segmentation variables other than age andsex for the following industry• Two wheeler• Brewery• Insurance2. You have been selected by the ABC pharmaceutical company to be a salesforcefor the period of three years. Identify and describe how you would progressthrough the steps in effective selling.3. Select an example of a new product failure in the recent context. Explore andprepare a report highlighting the causes for its failure. Do you think a betterunderstanding of consumer behaviour could have contributed to its success inthe market place? Do you accept or not? Justify your stand.4. Design a questionnaire to determine repeat purchase behaviour and brandloyalty with respect to• Fairness cream• Mobile• Sports shoe• Ready-to-wear garments31.3 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT1. Design an appropriate capital structure which yields more profitability of aservice industry of your choice. Illustrate your answer with the help of anEBIT-EPS analysis.2. The finance manager should take an account of the time value of money in orderto take a correct financial decision. Elucidate the statement with the help ofsuitable illustration.3. The goal of capital management is the maximisation of long run earning topresent share holders.-Comment4. You are a finance manager in a manufacturing organization. You came to knowthe sales are very low when compared to the last year. So you have decided to docredit sales. Draft a proposal highlighting the decision areas to be concentratedto avoid non-payment.1.4 OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT1. Selecting a facility location usually involves a sequence of decisions. Thissequence can include a national decision, a regional decision, a communitydecision and a site decision. Elucidate your views with reference to the abovecontext.2. Why is the management of projects a challenge for most of the managers inproduction systems? How do these managers meet those challenges? What tasksmust the project team perform before the project begins? What tasks must theproject team perform as the project progresses?3. Rane is a medium size manufacturer of oil field pumps. The firm has developeda new model of high-pressure, secondary-recovery purge pump which improvedperformance. Hemalatha, manager of process engineering, is trying to decidewhether Rane should make or buy the electronically controlled input valve forthe new pump. Her engineers have developed the following estimates:Make(Process A)Make(Process B) BuyAnnual volume 10000 units 10000 units 10000 unitsFixed cost/year Rs.100,000 Rs.300,000 ---Variable cost/unit Rs.75 Rs.70 Rs.80a) Should Rane make the valve using Process A, make the valve using ProcessB, or buy the valve?b) At what annual volume should Rane switch from buying to making the valveusing Process A?c) At what annual volume should Rane switch from Process A to Process B?44. A JIT implementation team is evaluating lot sizes and setup times throughoutthe factory. The first machine to be evaluated currently requires about 20minutes for the machine operator to complete a changeover between differentpart types. Each part requires 1.2 minutes for processing. Parts are currentlyproduced in batches of 60 units. The labor rate is Rs.14.50 per hour.a) What is the current average labor cost per part, including changeovers?b) If the changeover time could be reduced to 10 minutes, how much labor costper part would be saved using the current batch size of 60 units?c) If the changeover time could be reduced to 10 minutes, how much could thebatch size be reduced in order to achieve the current average labor cost perunit?1.5 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT1. “One reason for implementing global training programmes is the need to avoidbusiness losses due to cultural insensitivity”. What sort of training programmewould you recommend to avoid such cultural insensitivity?2. Bring out some real life examples of how to use interest inventories to improveemployee selection. In doing so, suggest some examples of occupational intereststhat you believe might predict success in various occupations includingProfessor, Accountant and System Analyst.3. Design a graphic rating scale for the below mentioned professions:i. Secretaryii. Engineeriii. Web Designer4. Develop an incentive plan for the following positions:i. Chemical Engineerii. Plant Manageriii. Used car sales forceiv. First-line supervisorExamine the factors that you have to consider in reaching your conclusions.1.6 STATISTICS FOR MANAGERS1. The personal director of a company wishes to select applicant for advancedtraining without regard to sex. Let ‘W’ denote Women and ‘M’ Denotes men andthe pattern of arrival be M WWW MMM WW M WWW MMMM W M W MM WWWMM W MMMM WW M WW MMMM WW M WWWW MM WW M W M WW. Willyou conclude that the applicants have arrived in a random fashion?2. The following represent the number of unit of production per day turned out byfour different workers using five different types of machine:5Machine TypeWorker A B C D E Total1 4 5 3 7 6 252 5 7 7 4 5 283 7 6 7 8 8 364 3 5 4 8 2 22Total 19 23 21 27 21 111On the basis of this information , can it be concluded that (1) the MeanProductivity in the same for different Machine, (II) the worker’s don’t differentwith regard to productivity3. The average monthly sales of 5000 firms are normally distributed, its mean andstandard deviation are 36,000 and 10,000 respectively, Find.a. The number of firm have sales over 40,000b. The percentage of firms having sales between Rs. 38,500 and Rs 41,000c. The number of firm having sales between Rs. 30,000 and Rs. 40,000The relevant extract of the area table (under normal curve ) is given belowZ 0.25 0.40 0.5 0.6Area 0.0987 0.1554 0.1915 0.22574. Mr. Ramana and Miss. Lalita, Researchers of Management department, Adopteddifferent sampling techniques while investigating the sample of the students toknow the number of students falling in different intelligence level. The results are:Researcher Below Average Average Above Average GeniusRamana 129 90 66 15Lalita 80 66 50 4On the basis of the above data, can we say that the two researchers haveadopted significantly different sampling techniques? Test the hypothesis at (a)0.05 and (b) 0.01 level significance.1.7 MANAGERIAL COMMUNICATION1. Compare the barriers to oral and writtern communication. Which is morechallenging? Provide the ways and means of overcoming these challenges.2. What is the relationship between leadership behaviour and effectiveness ofcommunication? As a leader draft a letter to your subordinates to propose newproduct ideas. (Assume a FMCG company of your choice)3. What is Blogs can be used to promote business for a company selling designerleather goods? List out the essential characteristics of a good blog.4. In what way business and academic reports differ? Draft a business report to besubmitted by a Regional sales manager to Vice President of a company marketingmedical equipments.61.8 ADVERTISING AND SALES PROMOTION1. Discuss the ethical issues connected with advertising with examples2. Comment on the methods of post testing of an advertisement copy. For aneffective brand building excessive globally, how will you choose your celebrities?enlist reasons for it.3. Mark five advertisement in a magazine identity the message strategy, appeal andexecution. All frameworks for each advertisement did the creative select the rightcombination for advertisement? What other message strategies (or) executionalframework could have been used.4. Select the advertising campaign and develop what you think are the objectives ofthe advertisement how has the message design achieved/attempt to achievethese objectives?

  1310 Hits

Annamalai hr assignments second year

2.1 ORGANISATIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT OF CHANGE1. The issues that arise in consultant-client relationship are preventable? How?Explain.2. "Change does not occur in a vacuum" Discuss the factors operating both withinand outside the organisation.3. Change is a process that can be enabled, not managed. Discuss.4. T-Groups are probably the oldest OD intervention but still now we are using itwhy? Substantiate your views?2.2 TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT1. Devise a development program for the managerial personnel of an MNC2. Identify the procedures and their pitfalls for the effective implementation of MDPin organizations and suggest suitable measure to avoid pitfalls.3. Discuss the training methods available for the development of various skills ofPublic Sector employees with suitable illustrations.4. Examine the training evaluation practices in Indian industries.2.3 LABOUR WELFARE1. Discuss the legal provisions governing sanitary and hygiene facilities under thefactories Act.1948.2. Explain the milestones in the development of labour welfare in India.3. Discuss "arising out of and in course of employment" as used in Workmen'sCompensation Act.1923.4. What are the measures that can be taken to improve the working conditions?Quote an example of a large industrial unit.32.4 INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS1. Sketch the existing models of Workers Participation in Management followed inIndian industries? Critically evaluate and identify their limitations and suggestsuitable measures to overcome it.2. “Trade unions are inevitable for Industrial democracy” – Comment on thisstatement with regard to its principles and functions.3. Critically assess the administrative machinery set up by Central and StateGovernments for resolving industrial disputes in India. How far it is effective?Bring out your suggestions to make them more effective?4. With recent examples, explicate the collecting bargaining practices followed inIndian Public sectors. How far it differs from Private Sectors?2.5 WAGES AND SALARY ADMINISTRATION1. Is wage paid to the person for the job done by him or for the designation what heholds? Examine this statement with the help of the evidences from industry.2. “Equal pay for equal job”. Do you agree with this statement? Justify your standby quoting examples from the pay structures of State and Central Governmentsfor the same job.3. Why does collective bargaining fail in most of the time? Identify the reasons forthe failure and suggest fruitful measures to make the collective bargainingsuccess.4. Do fringe benefits motivate the employees to enhance productivity? If yes, quotefew examples from Government and Private sector companies. If not, identify therationale behind offering such fringe benefits.2.6 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT1. Trace the path taken from organizational resources and organizational behaviorto the development of strategic advantage.2. In what way can timing and competitor reaction be crucial for a strategic choice?Discuss.3. Congruence and co-ordination among strategies should take place throughvertical and horizontal fit. Explain.4. Companies should evaluate performance on the basis of a combination ofquantitative and qualitative criteria. Why? Discuss.42.7.1 E-BUSINESS1. Give a detailed presentation on designing, developing and deploying the on-linebusiness system for textile industry.2. Discuss the challenges and opportunities of e-commerce in Indian SoftwareIndustry.3. “EDI is not especially complex or convoluted, but many EDI projects fail whenresponsibility is thrust wholly on the IT staff”. Discuss in detail.4. Globalization has put increased pressure on organizations to operate at entirelynew level of effectiveness. This can be managed through application of BPR toolsto reduce procedures and the use of IT for effective decision-making. Presentyour perspectives elaborately.2.7.2 BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS1. Consider the following research questions,(a) How do the minority groups at a certain university view the studentscounseling program?(b) Examine the relationship between intelligence and creativity among thestudents.Indicate:(i) The type of research that would best answer the question(ii) An appropriate sampling method(iii) The best method of collecting the data.2. Discuss the role of Regression analysis in business and industry. How areRegression Coefficients helpful in analysing the Regression lines?3. The mean weekly sales of soap bars in department stores was 146.3 bars perstore. After an advertising campaign, the mean weekly sales in 22 stores for atypical week was increased to 153.7 and showed a standard deviation of 17.2.Was the advertising campaign successful?4. Prepare questionnaire for the following research problem.“Identify the factors influencing recently married couples striking a divorce”

  1289 Hits

Annamalai university hr assignments 1st year

1.1 PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT1. Choose one academic administrator and another public administrator andconduct interview and then ask them how their job differs from that of businessmanagers. How do they know how well their department, institution ororganization is performing, Since profit is probably not one of the criteria forassessing effectiveness and efficiency?2. Design a interview schedule and conduct the interview a manager in yourlocality and ask him how many subordinates he has. Are different numbers ofsubordinates supervised at the top, the middle, and the bottom of theorganizational hierarchy? What really determines the span of management inthe organization?3. “There are two notions about relationship between job satisfaction andproductivity: a happy worker is a productivity one; a happy worker is notnecessarily a productive one. Critically evaluate this statement and bring out thesituations under which each statement is true”.4. “Planning is the basis, delegation is the key, information is the guide, and actionis the essence of control of.” Trace the relationship between control and otherfunctions with real life examples.1.2 MARKETING MANAGEMENT1. Examine the suitable demographic segmentation variables other than age andsex for the following industry• Two wheeler• Brewery• Insurance2. You have been selected by the ABC pharmaceutical company to be a sales forcefor the period of three years. Identify and describe how you would progressthrough the steps in effective selling.3. Select an example of a new product failure in the recent context. Explore andprepare a report highlighting the causes for its failure. Do you think a betterunderstanding of consumer behaviour could have contributed to its success inthe market place? Do you accept or not? Justify your stand.4. Design a questionnaire to determine repeat purchase behaviour and brandloyalty with respect to• Fairness cream• Mobile• Sports shoe• Ready-to-wear garments31.3 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT1. Design an appropriate capital structure which yields more profitability of aservice industry of your choice. Illustrate your answer with the help of an EBITEPS analysis.2. The finance manager should take an account of the time value of money in orderto take a correct financial decision. Elucidate the statement with the help ofsuitable illustration.3. The goal of capital management is the maximisation of long run earning topresent share holders.-Comment4. You are a finance manager in a manufacturing organization. You came to knowthe sales are very low when compared to the last year. So you have decided to docredit sales. Draft a proposal highlighting the decision areas to be concentratedto avoid non-payment.1.4 OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT1. Selecting a facility location usually involves a sequence of decisions. Thissequence can include a national decision, a regional decision, a communitydecision and a site decision. Elucidate your views with reference to the abovecontext.2. Why is the management of projects a challenge for most of the managers inproduction systems? How do these managers meet those challenges? What tasksmust the project team perform before the project begins? What tasks must theproject team perform as the project progresses?3. Rane is a medium size manufacture of oil field pumps. The firm has developed anew model of high-pressure, secondary-recovery purge pump which improvedperformance. Hemalatha, manager of process engineering, is trying to decidewhether Rane should make or buy the electronically controlled input valve forthe new pump. Her engineers have developed the following estimates:Make(Process A)Make(Process B) BuyAnnual volume 10000 units 10000 units 10000 unitsFixed cost/year Rs.100,000 Rs.300,000 ---Variable cost/unit Rs.75 Rs.70 Rs.80a) Should Rane make the valve using Process A, make the valve using ProcessB, or buy the valve?b) At what annual volume should Rane switch from buying to making the valveusing Process A?c) At what annual volume should Rane switch from Process A to Process B?44. A JIT implementation team is evaluating lot sizes and setup times throughoutthe factory. The first machine to be evaluated currently requires about 20minutes for the machine operator to complete a changeover between differentpart types. Each part requires 1.2 minutes for processing. Parts are currentlyproduced in batches of 60 units. The labor rate is Rs.14.50 per hour.a) What is the current average labor cost per part, including changeovers?b) If the changeover time could be reduced to 10 minutes, how much labor costper part would be saved using the current batch size of 60 units?c) If the changeover time could be reduced to 10 minutes, how much could thebatch size be reduced in order to achieve the current average labor cost perunit?1.5 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT1. “One reason for implementing global training programmes is the need to avoidbusiness losses due to cultural insensitivity”. What sort of training programmewould you recommend to avoid such cultural insensitivity?2. Bring out some real life examples of how to use interest inventories to improveemployee selection. In doing so, suggest some examples of occupationalinterests that you believe might predict success in various occupations includingProfessor, Accountant and System Analyst.3. Design a graphic rating scale for the below mentioned professions:i. Secretaryii. Engineeriii. Web Designer4. Develop an incentive plan for the following positions:i. Chemical Engineerii. Plant Manageriii. Used car sales forceiv. First-line supervisorExamine the factors that you have to consider in reaching your conclusions.51.6 STATISTICS FOR MANAGERS1. The personal director of a company wishes to select applicant for advancedtraining without regard to sex. Let ‘W’ denote Women and ‘M’ Denotes men andthe pattern of arrival be M WWW MMM WW M WWW MMMM W M W MM WWWMM W MMMM WW M WW MMMM WW M WWWW MM WW M W M WW. Willyou conclude that the applicants have arrived in a random fashion?2. The following represent the number of unit of production per day turned out byfour different workers using five different types of machine:Machine TypeWorker A B C D E Total1 4 5 3 7 6 252 5 7 7 4 5 283 7 6 7 8 8 364 3 5 4 8 2 22Total 19 23 21 27 21 111On the basis of this information , can it be concluded that (1) the MeanProductivity in the same for different Machine, (II) the worker’s don’t differentwith regard to productivity3. The average monthly sales of 5000 firms are normally distributed, its mean andstandard deviation are 36,000 and 10,000 respectively, Find.a. The number of firm have sales over 40,000b. The percentage of firms having sales between Rs. 38,500 and Rs 41,000c. The number of firm having sales between Rs. 30,000 and Rs. 40,000The relevant extract of the area table (under normal curve ) is given belowZ 0.25 0.40 0.5 0.6Area 0.0987 0.1554 0.1915 0.22574. Mr. Ramana and Miss. Lalita, Researchers of Management department, Adopteddifferent sampling techniques while investigating the sample of the students toknow the number of students falling in different intelligence level. The results are:Researcher Below Average Average Above Average GeniusRamana 129 90 66 15Lalita 80 66 50 4On the basis of the above data, can we say that the two researchers have adoptedsignificantly different sampling techniques? Test the hypothesis at (a) 0.05 and(b) 0.01 level significance.61.7 MANAGERIAL COMMUNICATION1. Compare the barriers to oral and writtern communication. Which is morechallenging? Provide the ways and means of overcoming these challenges.2. What is the relationship between leadership behaviour and effectiveness ofcommunication? As a leader draft a letter to your subordinates to propose newproduct ideas. (Assume a FMCG company of your choice)3. What is Blogs can be used to promote business for a company selling designerleather goods? List out the essential characteristics of a good blog.4. In what way business and academic reports differ? Draft a business report to besubmitted by a Regional sales manager to Vice President of a company marketingmedical equipments.1.8 ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR1. Suggest any suitable motivational theory for IT industry and substantiateyour views.2. “Attitude determines your Altitude”-Substantiate your views on this quotewith relevant corporate examples.3. “A happy Worker is a productive worker”- Discuss in a behavioralperspective.4. ‘Organisational development involves the development of organization in thelight of its future expansion plan’. Elaborate your views.

  1379 Hits

Annamalai university quality assignments order now

2.1 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT1. “One reason for implementing global training programmes is the need to avoidbusiness losses due to cultural insensitivity”. What sort of training programmewould you recommend to avoid such cultural insensitivity?2. Bring out some real life examples of how to use interest inventories to improveemployee selection. In doing so, suggest some examples of occupationalinterests that you believe might predict success in various occupations includingProfessor, Accountant and System Analyst.3. Design a graphic rating scale for the below mentioned professions:i) Secretaryii) Engineeriii) Web Designer.4. Develop an incentive plan for the following positions:i) Chemical Engineerii) Plant Manageriii) Used car sales forceiv) First-line supervisorExamine the factors that you have to consider in reaching your conclusions.2.2 MARKETING MANAGEMENT1. Examine the suitable demographic segmentation variables other than age andsex for the following industry• Two wheeler• Brewery• Insurance2. You have been selected by the ABC pharmaceutical company to be a sales forcefor the period of three years. Identify and describe how you would progressthrough the steps in effective selling.3. Select an example of a new product failure in the recent context. Explore andprepare a report highlighting the causes for its failure. Do you think a betterunderstanding of consumer behaviour could have contributed to its success inthe market place? Do you accept or not? Justify your stand.4. Design a questionnaire to determine repeat purchase behaviour and brandloyalty with respect to• Fairness cream• Mobile• Sports shoe• Ready-to-wear garments32.3 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT1. Design an appropriate capital structure which yields more profitability of aservice industry of your choice. Illustrate your answer with the help of anEBIT-EPS analysis.2. “The finance manager should take an account of the time value of money inorder to take a correct financial decision.” Elucidate the statement with thehelp of suitable illustration.3. “The goal of capital management is the maximisation of long run earning topresent share holders” – Comment.4. You are a finance manager in a manufacturing organization. You came toknow the sales are very low when compared to the last year. So you havedecided to do credit sales. Draft a proposal highlighting the decision areas tobe concentrated to avoid non-payment.2.4 PRODUCTION AND MATERIALS MANAGEMENT1. Why are some Industries located near the source of raw materials, whereas someother Industries are located near the market? Justify your answer with practicalexamples.2. Explain the different types of plant layout? Write the advantages anddisadvantages of each types of layouts with exam.3. Describe the requirements of effective system of production and planning controlin any steel plant.4. Describe the method of drawing X and R charts. State the formula you would usein both cases.2.5 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS1. “A company that fails to go global is in the danger of losing its domesticbusiness to competitors with lower costs, greater experience, better andproducts and is a nutshell, more value for customer. – Discuss.2. “IMF and World Bank serve the interests of industrialized nations rather thanthat f the developing countries.” – Discuss.3. Do you justify that the working pins would really link the present scenario ofInternational Business with that of the future?4. Do you think that International Financial institution help in competencybuilding of World nation and thereby enhance the magnitude the diversity ofglobal business? Explain.2.6 PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP1. Should we combine debt – related cash flows with project cash flow? Why?Discuss the issues related to the principle of treating the financing cash flowseparately from the investment cash flow.2. Demand estimate is an important part of a project feasibility study. What arethe points we should consider is estimating demand?3. Write a detailed not EON the purpose of post – completion audits and thestrategy employed. Is there any problem faced with the audit of mutuallyexclusive projects? Discuss.4. How can entrepreneurs develop a position of ethical leadership in businesstoday?42.7.1 HRM : (a) LABOUR WELFARE AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS1. Describe “employee – employer relations” in both organized and unorganizedsectors of this economy?2. Workers education helps a worker to solve his problems not as an individualbut is a member of his social class discuss?3. Describe various kinds of statutory welfare programmes available to labourersin India?4. Describe the different machinery for the prevention and settlements ofindustrial disputes in India?2.7.1 HRM : (b) TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT1. Devise a development program for the managerial personnel of an MNC.2. Identify the procedures and their pitfalls for the effective implementation of MDPin organizations and suggest suitable measure to avoid pitfalls.3. Discuss the training methods available for the development of various skills ofPublic Sector employees with suitable illustrations.4. Examine the training evaluation practices in Indian industries.2.7.2 MM : (a) SALES AND DISTRIBUTION MANAGEMENT1. “Salesman should be assigned to that particular territory where his relativecontribution to profit is the maximum”. Discuss this statement and describe thedeterminants of sales territory.2. “The job of personal selling is not merely of booking orders” In the light of thisstatement, describe the nature of the selling job and the process of selling in thispresent competitive world.3. As a marketing manager for a nondurable manufacturing company, what factorswould you consider and what process would you adopt to select a distributionchannel? Explain.4. Some people opine that a middleman increases the cost of marketing, whileothers praise it as it adds value to the product. How would you reconcile thesetwo opposite views?2.7.2 MM : (b) MARKETING RESEARCH AND CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR1. How are psychographics distinct from demographics? Why would it benecessary to study psychographics to better understand marketing andconsumer behaviours?2. In the early stages of development consumer behaviour was known as buyerbehaviour. What important aspect of the exchange process does this change inname reflect?3. What is secondary data? What are the various sources available for secondarydata? How will you evaluate the merits of secondary data?4. Analyze the consumer decision making process and problems in buying aluxury car with appropriate examples?52.7.3 FM : (a) INVESTMENT, SECURITY AND PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT1. As an individual investor, what aspects of public issues you should be familiarwith? Discuss your views with relevant to the recent trends in primary market.2. If the market price per share is equal to the book value per share, the followingare equal : Return on equity, Earnings price ratio, Total yield. Elucidate with few examples.3. Describe the procedure developed by Markowitz for choosing the optimalportfolio of risky assets with suitable examples.4. How and when will you adopt (1) Portfolio Reconstruction (2) PortfolioRebalancing and Upgrading and (3) Performance attribution when you are anefficient portfolio manager?2.7.3 FM : (b) MANAGEMENT OF FUNDS1. As a management accountant you are asked to introduce a system of capitalexpenditure control for your organisation. Explain in detail the importantfeature you want to incorporate in system you propose to introduce, with asuitable example of a project involving capital expenditure. 2. “Efficient inventory management is reflected in the liquidity and profitability ofthe firm”. Do you agree? Justify your statement.3. “Lease financing has proved its unique adaptability to various financialproblems”. Explain with suitable examples.4. If sales forecast is subject to error, then there is no purpose of budgetary. Do youagree (or) disagree. Give your views by appropriate examples.2.7.4 PM : (a) PRODUCTION, PLANNING, CONTROL AND MAINTENANCE1. List out the different phases of production planning and control in a MNC andbriefly discuss each.2. Discuss the need for demand forecasting in planning. As a manager discuss thebenefits in an organization.3. Discuss the techniques involved in quality control. Point out the advantagesand limitations.4. Assume that you are a production manager for TATA Steel, How will you deal breakdown maintenance cost? What types of maintenance you will adopt for them.2.7.4 PM : (b) QUALITY MANAGEMENT1. Discuss the characteristics of an effective leader regarding quality of daily usageproducts in the present economic circumstances.2. List out measures to be taken by a manufacturing organization to handlecustomer’s complaints in order to retain them.3. An acceptance control chart has limits that are based on the specification limitsfor the product rather than limits which differentiate between random andassignable causes. Under which circumstance should a quality managerconsider using an acceptance control chart?4. According to current quality management thinking, what type of approaches toquality improvement is least likely to produce positive results?62.7.5 SYSTEMS : (a) PERSONAL PRODUCTIVITY TOOLS1. Create a document and write brief notes on applying following operations.a. Put Bullets and Numbersb. Apply various Font parameters.c. Apply Left, Right, and Centre alignments.d. Apply hyperlinkse. Insert picturesf. Insert ClipArtg. Show the use of WordArth. Add Borders and Shadingi. Show the use of Find and Replace.j. Apply header/footers2. Compare the cost, overheads and sales figures of a company for last three yearsthrough appropriate chart in MS-Excel.3. Students will prepare for their upcoming test over mail merge by practicingthree different types of mail merge; from a MS-Access database, an MS-Excelspreadsheet, and using the Mail-Merge function built into MS-Word.4. Briefly write the advanced features of the software used in making thepresentation.2.7.5 (b) INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY1. As an Information Technology employee express your opinion about client servernetwork along with its advantages and disadvantages in any company.2. As a manager of how you handle this model and also explain underwhich model do comes.3. As an info entrepreneur, assess your options for growth in software project.4. How does an ERP system enforce best practices for an Indian organization?

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annamalai university assignments first year

1.1 PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT1. Choose one academic administrator and another public administrator andconduct interview and then ask them how their job differs from that of businessmanagers. How do they know how well their department, institution ororganization is performing, Since profit is probably not one of the criteria forassessing effectiveness and efficiency?2. Design a interview schedule and conduct the interview a manager in yourlocality and ask him how many subordinates he has. Are different numbers ofsubordinates supervised at the top, the middle, and the bottom of theorganizational hierarchy? What really determines the span of management inthe organization.3. “There are two notions about relationship between job satisfaction andproductivity: a happy worker is a productivity one; a happy worker is notnecessarily a productive one. Critically evaluate this statement and bring out thesituations under which each statement is true”.4. “Planning is the basis, delegation is the key, information is the guide, and actionis the essence of control of.” Trace the relationship between control and otherfunctions with real life examples.1.2 ACCOUNTING FOR MANAGERS1. How a financial statement helps the investors and creditors for a service basedcompany and manufacturing company. Give your views by taking any of the onecompany of your choice on both the sector.2. Identify the financial ratio on which type of retail stores adopted. Further analysethe various importance of those ratio and give your views. How it will help theretail store.3. Discuss various applications of the Break Even Chart. Enumerate the variouscriticism usually levelled against Break Even Charts. Differentiate how thisBreak Even chart helps the service sector and manufacturing sector.4.From the following particulars, prepare the Balance Sheet of Sri Mohan Ram.Current Ratio -- 2Working Capital -- Rs. 4,00,000Capital block to Current Assets -- 3:2Fixed Asset to turnover -- 1:3Sales Cash / Credit -- 1:2Stock Velocity -- 2 monthsCreditor’s velocity -- 2 monthsDebtor’s velocity -- 3 monthsCapital block Net Profit -- 10% of turnoverDebentures / Share Capital -- 1:2Gras Profit Ratio -- 25% (to Sales)Reserve -- 2.5% of turnover31.3 MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS1. Out of your own experience find out the reasons for failure of businessforecasting even in the experienced companies.2. Take the IT sector as an example for perfect competition and analyse thecharacter.3. Prepare an essay to show the growth of National Income in India afterIndependence4. Explicit the empirical production and explain optimum combination of inputswith diagrams..1.4 LEGAL ENVIRONMENT OF BUSINESS1. “A contract which is regular in all respects may still fail if there is no Conesusad idem”. Explain2. “No one can give what he himself has not”. Discuss the exceptions3. “The property of the company is the property of its members”. Comment4. “It is compulsory for every company to register articles of association”. Comment1.5 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY AND STATISTICS1. “Creative Management, whether in Public Administration or Private Industry,depends on Methods of Inquiry that Maintain Objectivity, Clarity, Accuracy andConsistency.” Examine the significance of research and this statement –Discuss.2. A random sample of size 70- is taken from an infinite normal population, whichhas its mean and variance as 200 and 750, respectively. What is the probabilitythat the sample mean is greater than 205?3. Consider any research problem of interest to you. Structure it in terms of anappropriate hypothesis to be tested. Also, mention the possible errors andrecommendation associated with your hypothesis. Illustrate your answer withthe help of suitable examples.4. An agricultural officer wants to study the effect of four different fertilizers on theyield (in tons) of a specific crop. The corresponding data are as shown below.Fertilizer Plot A B C D 1 100 150 120 70 2 80 70 110 100 3 68 90 85 78 4 125 138 60 124Check whether there is a significant difference between the yields of differentfertilizers using the Krurkal – Wallis test at a significance level of INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS1. “A company that fails to go global is in the danger of losing its domestic businessto competitors with lower costs, greater experience, better products and, is anutshell, more value for customer. – Discuss.2. “IMF and World Bank serve the interests of industrialized nations rather thanthose of the developing countries.” – Discuss3. Do you justify that the working pins would really link the present scenario ofInternational Business with that of the future?4. Do you think that international financial institution help in competency buildingof world nation and thereby enhance the magnitude the diversity of globalbusiness? Explain.1.7 MANAGERIAL COMMUNICATION1. Compare the barriers to oral and written communication. Which is morechallenging? provide the ways and means of overcoming these challenges.2. What is the relationship between leadership behaviour and effectiveness ofcommunication? as a leader draft a letter to your subordinates to propose newproduct ideas.(Assume a FMCG company of your choice)3. What are Blogs? How Blogs can be used to promote business for a company sellingdesigner leather goods? List out the essential characteristics of a good blog.4. In what way business and academic reports differ? Draft a business report to besubmitted by a Regional sales manager to Vice President of a companymarketing medical equipments.1.8 ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOUR1 Suggest any suitable motivational theory for IT industry and substantiate yourviews.2. “Attitude determines your Altitude”-Substantiate your views on this quote withrelevant corporate examples.3. “A happy Worker is a productive worker”- Discuss in a behavioural perspective.4. ‘Organisational development involves the development of organization in thelight of its future expansion plan’. Elaborate your views.

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