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1) Define marketing and explain its implications. Explain how marketing is different ,

from selling.

2) What are the marketing concepts? Explain the process of evolution of these concepts.

3) What is the consumer's place in modern marketing?

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  650 Hits

International marketing management part 2

International marketing management part 2

.35) As Today's organisations are facing international competition, advertisement plays

more important role. Do you agree ? Explain the rationale behind international advertising.

36) Discuss the role of advertising in the international marketing process.

37) Compare the different approaches to budgeting for advertising.

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  746 Hits

International Marketing Logistics

International Marketing Logistics

1) Define Marketing Logistics and explain its objectives.

2) What are the main activities involved in marketing logistics? Explain them briefly.

3) Why do you regard logistics as an important activity of marketing? Explain it with special reference to international trade.

4) "Difference between domestic and international logistics can be said to arise on account of three major factors." Elaborate on this statement and enumerate the recent developments in international logistics that have made it an important plank of corporate strategy.

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  683 Hits

International Marketing Logistics papers

International Marketing Logistics 25) (a) What do you understand by liner shipping? How does it differ from tramp shipping, (b) Outline the factors a shipper has to keep in view while selecting a liner vessel, 30) Enumerate the limitations of conventional ships and discuss how containerisation has helped in overcoming these constraints, 31) Describe the advantages of containerisation to the shippers and the ship-owners. Also state its disadvantages, if any, 32) (a) What are the various types of marina containers? Describe the salient features of any two of them, (b) You have 40 MT wheat in bags and 20 MT wheat in bulk. Indicate the type and . number of containers you would require. 33) Distinguish between: . (a) Inter-modalism and Multi-modalism (b) Inland container Depots and Container Freight Stations. (c) Flat Pack Containers and Open Top Containers 34) "During the last three decades Multi-modal Transportation has made rapid progress". While commenting on the statement explain how has the multi-modal transportation benefited the movement of merchandise through Hinterland. 35) Explain the concept of land bridging and state its advantages in the Indian context. 36) Your factory is located at Hapur. You have received an order of full container load from your buyer in Los Angeles and the order is to be executed through the port of Mumbai. Detail off the routing and prepare a formal communication to your buyer , justifying the selection of routes made by you. 37) Describe the importance of national shipping as provider of logistics support to the foreign trade of a country. 38) Explain the objective's set out in the five year plans for the development of Indian shipping. 39)"The development of Indian shipping fleet from 1919 till date can be put into six phases." Discuss these phases in relation to the physical targets set in-each Five Year Plan and the policy pronouncements made by Government from time to time. 40)"Despite increasing volume of India's overseas trade over the period, the performance of Indian shipping has been rather disappointing." Comment on this , statement and discuss the constraints faced by Indian shipping industry. 41)"Indian shipping policy measures are aimed at the development of shipping fleet so as to attain self-reliance." Do you agree? Discuss how far has India been able to achieve the objectives set out in the shipping policy? 42) (a) Describe the role of Indian shipping as a net earner of foreign exchange. 43) Discuss the major concerns of the shippers and the ship owners in case of liner shipping, 44) What do you understand by the conference system in liner shipping operations. Explain its utility and the concept of pooling arrangements, 45) Discuss the basis principles and factors that govern the liner freight rates, Also specify the different elements added to basic freight rates to work out the final charges to be paid in case of break-bulk cargo. 46) Distinguish between a) General Cargo Rates and Specific Cargo Rates b) Open Rates and Advalorem Rates c) Weight Ton and Measurement Ton 47) Discuss the various types of surcharges that are usually levied on the basic freight rates. 48)What are the various ways in which a tramp may be chartered? Explain fully. 49) Describe the responsibilities of ship owners and the charterers under different forms of chartering arrangements. 50) Discuss the main clauses of voyage charter party and time charter party, 51) What are the various ways in which a tramp may be chartered? Explain fully. 52)Write short notes on : (a) Productivity of Indian ports (b) Privatisation of ports (c) Need for corporatisation of ports and progress thereof (d) Dredging Corporation' of India (e) Joint Ventures 53) Keeping in view the traffic projections for ports sector, what are the provision made in the Ninth Five Year Plan for development of ports. 54) What is Maritime Fraud? State the various factors that lead to commitment of maritime frauds. 55)Enumerate the common areas where frauds and disputes normally take place in international marine transactions and commercial shipping, and state the common precautions to be taken by international buyers and sellers to prevent the possibilities of maritime frauds. 56) "The best way for vessel owners and charterers to avoid their involvement in incidents of fraud is to make the necessary enquiries as to the standing of the parties they are dealing with, before entering into any binding commitment," Discuss. 57) Outline the role of International Chamber of Commerce in preventing and restricting the maritime frauds. 58) Discuss the various activities and services provided by international Maritime Bureau. 59) Enumerate the matters of common interest for consultation and describe the role or Liner Code in encouraging meaningful consultations with shippers. 60) What do you understand by the institutional arrangements for resolving shippers' problems. Discuss the measures that have been adopted in USA lo safeguard the interest of shippers. 61) Explain the salient features of Australian legislation for curbing unfair trade practices of carriers/conference, 62) Describe the consultation arrangements in India for resolving shippers' problems. 63) Shippers-Shipowners consultation arrangements in India leave much scope for improvement." Comment and suggest suitable measures for strengthening the same. 64) Write notes on the following : a) US Shipping Act of 1916 and US Shipping Act of 1984 b) Australian Legislation on consultations in shipping c) UN Liner Code.

  674 Hits

Export Import Procedures and Documentation

Export Import Procedures and Documentation 1. Describe the major acts related to the foreign trade in India. 2. Explain the procedures of registration formalities and export licensing. 3. Describe the general provisions for exports and imports. 4. Explain the major provisions of exports. 5. Describe the major provisions of imports. 6.Write short notes on: i) Deemed exports ii) Foreign type (development and Regulation) Act, 1992 iii) Duty Exemption Scheme ' iv). Duty Remission Scheme. 7. Discuss the duties of an exporter under FOB and CIF contract. 8 . Explain briefly various contracts under Incoterms. 9. Explain briefly various aspects covered under the general conditions in export contract. 10. Describe the major legal implications of FOB contract. 11. Do you think that arbitration is better than litigation? Discuss. 12. What is the need for documents in international business? Substantiate your answers with suitable examples. 13. "In export-import trade people are dealing in documents and not in goods". Critically examine this statement. 14. What are the major commercial documents? Write major characteristics of Bill of lading and Bill of Exchange. 15. Describe the essential requirements in preparing the Commercial Invoice. 16. Distinguish between "Received for shipment Bill of Lading" and "On-board shipped Bill of Lading" as well as between "clean" and " claused" Bill of Lading. 17.Describe major documents needed by the importing countries. 18. Explain the main export incentives in India and the documents needed to claim them. 19. Distinguish between: a) Insurance policy and Insurance Certificate b) Consular Invoice and Customs Invoice c) Customs Declaration form and 'D' For 20. Write short notes on: i) Legal documents in importing countries ii) Simplified Export Documents iii) Import Documents 21. How ED1 is different from Electronic Commerce? 22. Why ED1 has become a necessity for International Trade? 23. What is EDIFACT? What are the other ED1 standards? 24. What is the role of VAN? 25. What are the steps necessary to implement EDI? 26. What are security and legal issues which organization must consider while implementing EDI? 27. What kind of strategic advantages an Export house may get through EDI?   28. Discuss the significance of payment terms in export transactions. 29. What are the various alternatives available to an exporter from the viewpoint of realizing export proceeds ? Arrange them in order of safety. What are the risks associated with each of these alternatives ? 30. Discuss the mechanism of realising payment under letter of credit arrangements.

  667 Hits

Export Import Procedures and Documentation details

Export Import Procedures and Documentation details 31. What precautions should an exporter take while exporting under Letter of Credit arrangements ? 32. What is the method of realising payments under Documents Against Acceptance. 33. Discuss? How does it differ from that of Documents Against Payments? 34. Is it possible for an Indian exporter to export on Running Account Basis? Discuss. 35. What do ~ O L I mean by exchange control 7 Describe the broad objectives of exchange control. 36. Explain various provisions related to regulation and management of foreign exchange. 37. All exports to which the requirement of declaration applies must be declared or appropriate forms. Discuss. Explain the procedure for furnishing the forms. 38. Write notes on: i) Foreign Currency Account. ii) Procedure for furnishing the SOFTEX Form. 38. What is the purpose of extending packing credit to exporters? Explain the procedures of packing credit. 39. What do you mean by, pre-shipment finance? Enumerate the methods of postshipments  nent finance. Describe the procedure of pre-shipment credit in foreign currency. 40What is post -shipment finance? Explain various methods of post-shipment finance. 41. Explain the procedures of export under Deferred payments. 42. Describe the role of Export Import Bank of India, 43. Write short notes on: i) Pre-shipment Credit In Foreign Currency ii) Post- Shipment Credit in Foreign Currency iii) Buyer's Credit iv) Factoring v) Forfaiting 44. Evaluate the services provided by the ECGC to the exporters. 45. How far has the ECGC helped the exporters in obtaining export finance? 46. Describe the different kinds of policies and financial gurantees issued by the ECGC. 47. "Credit is a major weapon of international competition but it involves risk." Discuss. 48. What is the nature of the risks faced by the international marketer in financing his operations and granting credit to his customers ? What are the means available in\ India to handle these risks 7 50.Evaluate the services provided by the ECGC to the exporters. 51. How far has the ECGC helped the exporters in obtaining export finance? 52. Describe the different kinds of policies and financial guarantees issued by the ECGC. 53. "Credit is a major weapon of international competition but it involves risk." Discuss. 54. What is the nature of the risks faced by the international marketer in financing his operations and granting credit to his customers ? 55. What are the means available in India to handle these risks ? What are the advantages of containerisation? 56. Distinguish between Liner and Tramp shipping services.   57. What are various forms of chartering of the shipping services? Explain. 58. What are the needs of shipping conference? How does it help in export business? 1 59. Why cargo insurance is needed? Explain with suitable examples. 60. Describe various types of perils in cargo insurance policy against which insurance cover can be obtained.

  639 Hits

Export Import Procedures

Export Import Procedures and Documentation  61. Explain the kinds of losses. How these losses can be covered by the cargo insurance policy?

62. Explain the features of Open Cover Policy. 63. Distinguish between Open Cover and Open Policy. 64. What are the responsibilities of the insured in a cargo insurance policy? 65. Equmerate the documents needed for filing the cargo insurance claims. 66.uescribe various stages involved in the shipment of export cargo. 67. Describe the procedures of obtaining excise rebate under excise rebate policy. 68. Can YOU export the goods without permission from the customs authorities What are the objectives of customs control? 69. Describe various stages involved in customs clearance . 70. Explain in brief main Acts involved in Customs Clearance of lrrlport Cargo. 71. What do you mean by IGM and BIE? Explain in detail types of BIE and Differences therein. 72. Illustrate how the date becomes important for deciding the rate of duty and exchange Rate. Explain various types of duties. 73. Describe various types of bills of entry. What documents are to be enclosed wit11 Bill of Entry? 74. Write short notes on the following: a) Stages of customs clearance of import cargo b) Duties c) ED1 (Electronic Data Interchange) 75.Analyze the role and functions of the institutions assisting export-marketing effort at product/ industry level. 76.Discuss the institutions providing technical and specialised services to the export sector in India. 77.Describe the institutions set-up for Government policy making and consultation for export promotion in India. 78. Discuss Government participation in foreign trade and enumerate the corporations established for the same. 79. Analyze the objectives of institutional set-up for export promotion in India. 80.Analyze the role and functions of the institutions assisting export-marketing effort at product/industry level. 81. Discuss the institutions providing technical and specialised services to the export sector in lndia.

82. Describe the institutions set-up for Government policy making and consultation for export promotion in India.   83. Discuss Government participation in foreign trade and enumerate the corporations established for the same. 84. Analyze the objectives of institutional set-up for export promotion in lndia.

  684 Hits

Company law part1

Company law  1) Who are the directors of a company? How are they appointed? 2) Explain the rules regarding the number of directors and directorships. 3) Discuss the legal position of directors. 4) What restrictions have been imposed by the Companies Act in respect of appointment of directors? 5)Explain the qualifications and disqualification for the office of a director. 6) What is meant by qualification shares? Is it necessary to be a shareholder or to acquire qualification shares before acting as a director? 7) What are the circumstances when the office of a director shall become vacant'? 8) How can a director be removed from office before the expiry of their term of office? 9) Discuss the powers and duties of directors. 10) Explain the liability of directors towards the company and third parties. Can a director be held liable for criminal liability? 11) Write an explanatory note on meetings of directors. 12) Explain the procedure of allotment of shares. 13) What is an irregular allotment? What are its consequences? 14) What is meant by return of allotment? 15) Under what circumstances can a company issue shares at a discount? 16) When shares can be issued at a premium? For what purposes the premium amount can be utilised? 17) What is a shareccrtificate? When must it be issued? Can a company issue a duplicate share certificate, if so when? 18) What is share warrant? Distinguish between a share certificate and a share warrant. 19) What is meant by 'call'? What are the requisites of a valid cell? 20) Explain the procedure of forfeitingthe shares. What is theeffect of forfeiture'? How forfeiture is different from surrender of shares? 21 "Company is an artificial person created by law with a perpetual succession and is different from the personality of the member constituting it'. Comment. 22 Discuss the concept of corporate veil. Under what circumstances can this veil be lifted?

  701 Hits

Company law cases 1

COMPANY CASES SOLVED/UNSOLVED 1.Reliance Limited wants to provide financial assistance to its employees, to enable them to subscribe for certain number of fully paid shares. Considering the provision of the Companies Act, 1956, what advice would you give to the reliance company in this regard? 2. Punj llyod company limited has only seven shareholders, all the shares being fully paidup. All the shares of one such shareholder are sold by the court in an auction and purchased by another shareholder. The company continues to carry on business thereafter. Discuss the liabilities of the shareholders of the company under the Companies Act, 1956. 3. Amir khan applies for share on the basis of a prospectus which contains mis statement. The shares are allotted to him, who afterwards transfers them to amitabh . Can amitabh bring an action for a rescission on the ground of mis-statement? Decide under the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956. 4. The Memorandum of Association of a company was presented to the Registrar of Companies for registration and the Registrar issued the certificate of incorporation. After complying with all the legal formalities a company started a business according to the object clause, which was clearly an illegal business. The company contends that the nature of the business cannot be gone into as thecertificate of incorporation is conclusive. Answer the question whether Coal India ltd contention is correct or not. 5. Start tv was started with the object of building A mall with shops. The building was destroyed by fire and the company wanted to alter the objects clause in the memorandum by substituting the words A mall with shops with the words Shops, Residential buildings and Warehouses for letting purposes. Will this alteration of the memorandum for the purpose be permissible? Decide referring to the provisions of the companies Act, 1956. 6. Jai corp ltd, who is a resident of New Delhi, sent a transfer deed, for registration of transfer of shares to the company at the address of its Registered Office in Mumbai. He did not receive the shares certificates even after the expiry of four months from the date of dispatch of transfer deed. He lodged a criminal complaint in the Court at New Delhi. Decide, under the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956, whether the Court at New Delhi is competent to take action in the said matter?

  666 Hits


ICSI BUSINESS LAW Question Bank part 1 1.(a) State, with reasons in brief, whether the following statements are correct or incorrect.  (i) A company cannot sue and be sued in its own name.  (ii) A bill which is drawn and accepted without consideration is called accommodation bill (iii) A person who does not invest or participate in the management of the firm but only gives his name to the firm, is called a nominal partner.  (iv) Consideration is not necessary in a contract of agency. (v) A contract of sale for future goods is a valid contract. (vi) The liability of the surety is coextensive with that of the principal debtor.  (b) Attempt any two of the following :  (i) "Sharing of profit is not the conclusive test of partnership." Comment.  (ii) Ajit is indebted to Balram for Rs.5 lakh. Ajit sells his property to Chinky for Rs.6 lakh. Chinky, the purchaser of Ajits property, promises to pay off the debt to Balram. Later, Chinky fails to pay the debt amount to Balram. Can Balram sue Chinky for the debt amount of Rs.5 lakh ? Give reasons. (iii)Manjeet, a minor falsely represented himself to Nakul that he was a major and requested to lend him Rs.10,000. Nakul believed and acted upon Manjeets statement and lent him Rs.10,000. Later, Manjeet failed to repay the loan amount to Nakul who filed a suit against Manjeet in the court of law. Manjeet pleads his minority. Decide giving reasons 2. (a) State, with reasons in brief, whether the following statements are true or false:  (i) A contract for the sale of future goods is always known as an agreement to sell.  (ii) A partner can be expelled from a firm only with the consent of all the partners.  (iii) A private company is required to file a statement in lieu of prospectus with the Registrar of Companies before allotting its shares.  (iv) Revocation of offer does not take effect until it is actually communicated to the offere.  (v) A promissory note is a threeparty instrument.  (b) Write notes on any two of the following :  (i) Subagent  (ii) Statutory meeting  (iii) Auction sales  (iv) Forged endorsement 3. (a) State, with reasons in brief, whether the following statements are correct or incorrect. Attempt any six :  (i) Besides minors and persons of unsound mind, there are others too who are disqualified from contracting by law.  (ii) A contract to contract is not a contract (iii) A continuing guarantee can be revoked as to the past transaction by giving notice to the creditor . .  (iv) An auctioneer can refuse to accept the highest bid.  (v) A preference shareholder does not have a right to vote on every resolution of the company.  (vi) The liability of a sleeping partner is limited.  (vii) Order instrument can be negotiated by delivery only.  (viii) A firm cannot be appointed as a director of a company.  (b) Write short notes on any two of the following :  (i) Certificate of incorporation (ii) Anticipatory breach of contract  (iii) Irrevocable agency  4. (a) State, with reasons in brief, whether the following statements are correct or incorrect  (i) A specific guarantee once given is irrevocable.  (ii) Future goods can be the subject matter of a sale.  (iii) Sharing of losses is an essential element of the existence of partnership. (iv) Cheques are always payable on demand.  (v) A company is an incorporated individual having a separate legal entity.  (b) Attempt any two of the following :  (i) No seller can give to the buyer a better title to the goods than what he himself has. Comment. (ii) Explain the legal position of a minor under the Indian Contract Act, 1872 for necessaries supplied to him.  iii) Anubhav, an author, enters into a contract with Balwant, a publisher, for writing a book for him. But, subsequently Anubhav refuses to write the book for Balwant. Now, Balwant files a suit against Anubhav for specific performance of the contract. Will Balwant succeed ? Give reasons.  (iv) Amit promises to procure an employment for Bimal in a government department and Bimal promises to pay Rs.5,000 to Amit for the same. Amit gets the said job for Bimal. However, Bimal refuses to pay the promised money to Amit who files a suit in the court of law to recover Rs.5,000 from Bimal. Will Amit succeed ? Give reasons 5.(a) State, with reasons in brief, whether the following statements are correct or incorrect.  (i) Specific offer can be accepted by any member of the general public.  (ii) Drawer of a dishonoured cheque due to insufficiency of funds is liable to imprisonment for a maximum period of one year.  (iii) In the case of an agreement to sell, ownership in the goods passes from seller to the buyer immediately.  (iv) The partnership firm has no legal existence apart from its partners (v) A company cannot sue a third party in its own name. .  (vi) Any promise made for the benefit of the principal debtor may be a sufficient consideration to the surety for giving the guarantee.  (b) Write notes on any two of the following :  (i) Continuing guarantee  (ii) Association not for profit  (iii) Contingent goods. 6. (a) State, with reasons in brief, whether the following statements are correct or incorrect. (i) Consideration may move from the promisee or any other person.  (ii) Goods in return of goods is an acceptable mode of sale of goods.  (iii) Not negotiable crossing means the cheque cannot be further transferred. (iv) A shareholder of a private company can easily transfer his shares to anyon  (v) A partner can retire in accordance with the partnership deed.  (vi) A surety must be an adult person.  (b) Attempt any four of the following :  (i) Customs and trade usages  (ii) Inchoate or incomplete instrument.  (iii) Exceptions to the doctrine of caveat emptor.  (iv) Statutory duties of a Company Secretary. 

  690 Hits


ICSI BUSINESS LAW PART 2  1. (a) Distinguish between sale and hirepurchase agreement. (b) "Once an instrument passes through the hands of a holder in due course, it is purged of all defects." Explain. (c) Write a note on contract over the telephone 2. (a) Distinguish between dissolution of partnership and dissolution of partnership firm  (b) Under what circumstances can an aggrieved party institute a suit for injunction and for specific performance of a contract? Explain with examples.  (c) Ajeet, owner of an apple orchard, believes that all the apple trees in his orchard are fruitbearing trees. However, he has no sufficient ground for his belief. Even then, Ajeet states to Baljeet that his orchard has all fruitbearing trees. Induced by this statement, Baljeet purchases the orchard. Later on, it is found that only 50% trees are fruitbearing. Now, Baljeet files a suit for the repudiation of the contract. Will Baljeet succeed ? Give reasons. 3. (a) Distinguish between any two of the following  (i) Condition and warranty.  (ii) Partnership and Hindu Undivided Family (iii) Private company and public company. 4. (a) Distinguish between sale and an agreement to sell under the Sale of Goods Act, 1930.  (b) Discuss briefly whether an agreement by way of wager is a voidable contract. (c) Define negotiable instrument. Distinguish between a bill of exchange and cheque.  5. Distinguish between void contract and voidable contract. 6. Distinguish between shareholders and members of a company 7.Distinguish between functional form of departmentation and product form of departmentation. Describe with the help of diagrams and illustrations    8. Distinguish between negotiation and assignment

  683 Hits


Friday, 07 January 2011 18:22

  FOUNDATION COURSE IN TOURISM 1 Mention the role played by seasonality in tourism Answer with examples? 2 Discuss the various types of accommodation used by toruists ? 3 Write an essay on subsidiary services in tourism? 4 Mention the threats and obstacles to tourism in India. Give examples also? 5 What role can the local bodies and officials play in tourism development at a destination ? 6 How is history used and misused in tourism? 7 Write about 300 words each on any two of the following : (i) Relevance of maps in tourism (ii) Role of media in tourism promotion (iii) Social impacts of tourism 8 What do you understand by tourism system ? Mention the various forms of tourism? 9 How does a tour operator package a tour ? Prepare a two day itinerary of a package tour of your choice? 10 Mention with examples the skills required to be a tourist guide? 11 What do you mean by tourism ? Discuss the various types of tourism. 12 Write short notes on any two in about 200 words each (a) Special Interest Tourism (b) Alternative Tourism (c) Silk route  (d) Sustainable Tourism 13 What is tourism system ? Discuss its various components? 14 "In the recent past transport has become the back bone of Tourism". Discuss the statement with special reference to India? 15 What are the different subsidiary services involved in tourism ? . 16 Define Guides and Escorts. For successful guiding what qualities are required ? 17 "India is a land of different Seasons". Discuss the potential of tourism with reference to Landscape, Environment and Ecology of India?   18 "Tourism Marketing is the base of tourism". Do you agree ? If yes, justify your answer. 19 Write a note on living culture and performing arts of India? 20 Discuss the Socio-Economic impacts of tourism? 21 Write an essayon historical evolution of tourism? 22 What are the various constituents of Tourism industry ? Describe their linkages. 23 Discuss the functions of a tour operator? 24 Write about 300 words each on any two of the following : (a) Escorts (b) Political impacts of Tourism (c) Role of Performing Arts in Tourism 25 Define the following in about 100 words each : (a) Promotional events (b) Market research (c) Product life cycle (d) Travel Agency 26 Write an essay on informal services in Tourism? 27 Discuss the sources of information needed for tourism business? 28 Write an essay on India's Biodiversity ? 29 \tVhat is the role of Monuments and Museums in tourism ? 30 Mention the infrastructure required for tourism development? 31 Explain the term "Tourism" and describe the various purposes which motivates people to indulge in Tourism activities ? 32 Why is it necessary for a tourism professional to obtain knowledge about regulations related to Tourism ? Describe any four important regulations related to the travel trade. 33 Discuss the need and importance for Tourism statistics. Explain briefly the various statistical means for assessing and comparing tourism sector data ? 34 Describe the major characteristics of a service product. What are the steps involved in developing a service product ? 35 Write short notes in about 150 words each (any four of the following) :  (a) Types of tourist Accommodation units in India. (b) Seasonality in Tourism (c) Guides and Escorts (d) Role of media in Tourism Promotion  (e) Travel writing 36 Discuss the various operating functions of a Travel Agency. Also establish linkages between Travel Agencies and Tour Operation companies? 37 Elaborate the various steps in the Tourism Planning Process and discuss the role of Local Bodies in the development of Tourism at destinations. 38 Answer any two in about 300 words each :  (a) Why do personnels in the Tourism Industry need to have a pleasing personality and (b) good communication skills ? Identify and discuss the role of subsidiary services in Tourism. (c) Mention the relationship and interdependence of infrastructure development and tourism.

  594 Hits


TOURISM DEVELOPMENT PRODUCTS, OPERATIONS AND CASE STUDIES 1 What are the methods of profiling tourists ? How does it help in promoting a destination ? 2 Discuss various types of museums. How can they be used for educational purposes ? 3 Discuss the city of Mumbai as a tourism destination for different types of tourists? 4 Discuss the adventure sports tourism with special reference to India? 5 Write a detailed note on the importance of crafts and folk art in the promotion of tourism? 6 Give a detailed account of the project of 'Palace Wheels'. Is it a successful project ? 7 Discuss the policy of the government for marketing Indian tourism outside India? 8 What do you understand by highway services ? How has the state of Haryana used them for promoting tourism ?  9 Describe the basic concept of beach and island tourism with examples from Kovalam and Lakshdweep ? 10 Write short notds on any two of the following in about 250 words each : (i) Taj Mahal as a monument (ii) Khajurahofestival (iii) Gir National Park (iv) Tirupati and Kamakhya 11 Write a comprehensive note on the anthropology of tourism? 12 How are escorting Services important for tourism ? Discuss 13 Prepare a plan for a group of foreign tourists to undertake a daylong tour of any popular tourist city of India? 14 Describe Mumbai as a business city ? 15 Discuss the usefulness of adventure sports for tourism and give suitable examples? 16 Examine the tourism potential of Kovalam beach resort? 17 Write an essay on evolutionary stages of the growth of the pilgrim Tourism in India? 18 Describe Palace on wheels and its significance as a tourism product? 19 What is Operation Europe ? How did it help tourism ? Discuss. 20 Write about 300 words each on any two of the following :  (a) Gir National Park (b)PATA (c) Heritage Hotels 21 What is the advantage of profiling tourists ? How do you profile foreign tourists ? Explain.  22 Describe Taj Mahal to a group of domestic tourists visiting AgrU for the first time? 23 Take a group of foreign tourists on a visit to Prince of Wales Museum, Mumbai and describe it to them? 24 Write a detailed letter to your friend giving information about Khajuraho Festival? 25 Discuss the role of cuisine in promoting a tourism destination? 26 Discuss the historic importance of jim Corbett National Park in promoting wildlife tourism in India? 27 Examine the role of cultural festivals in tourism in India? 28 Give an account of Kalinga-Bali yatra and its significance for Regional tourism? 29 Give details of Heritage Hotel Scheme and discuss its role in tourism promotion ? 30 Write about 300 words each on any following : (a) Guest Host Relationship. (b) Highway Services. (c) Arts and Crafts in Tourism. 31 Mention the factors that effect the Guest-Host relationship in Tourism Industry ? 32 What are the attributes of a good wildlife Tourism Guide ? What are the problems faced by wildlife Tourism Guides and Escorts ? 33 As a Tour Manager, explain the points to consider while preparing for a tour. Also mention the problems one may encounter with tourists during a tour? 34 Explain with the help of an example, the role of Dance Festivals in attracting tourists to India. 35 Examine the tourism potential of Gir National Park? 36 Explain the role of crafts and folk art in Tourism? 37 Write an essay on the Kalinga-Bali Yatra? 38 Discuss the role and importance of PATA in the Tourism Industry ? 39 What do you understand by Heritage Hotel ? Explain the features of a Heritage Hotel. 40 Write short notes on any two of the following in about 300 words each  (a) Taj Mahal (b) Hindu Pilgrimage sites in India (c) Beach Tourism

  721 Hits


MANAGEMENT IN TOURISM 1 Mention the skills required to be an entrepreneur ? 2 Define management. Discuss the various management iszues in tourism? 3 Define the {ollowing in about 100 words each : (i) Business Traveller (ii) Balance Sheet (iii) Projgct Appraisal (iv) Controlling 4 Discuss the steps you would take to plan a convention? 5 Discuss the relevance of public relations in tourism business? 6 What do you understand by Human Resource Management ? Discuss its importance for tourism organisations? 7 Write an essay on food service management ? 8 How has information technology changed the management functions in tourism? Answer with examples. 9 Discuss the significance of management concept and the roles and responsibilities of a manager in present day competitive and multinational business environment.? 10 What kind of qualities are required to become a successful Entrepreneurship in Tourism ? 11 Discuss the various views related to organisation structures? 12 What is Transactional Analysis ? Discuss its importance in relation of Tourism Business? 13 Write a note on Human Resource Management in Tourism ? 14 Discuss the role of I.T. on the various sectors tourism. Give relevant examples ? 15 Discuss the essential components of a tour package? 16 Discuss the role of Public Relation in tourism.? 17 Do you think Low Cost Carriers in India can survive for long ? Give your opinion with relevant examples. 18 "Convention is an integral part of modern tourism business." Comment ? 19 Discuss the role of small and Medium Enterprises in economic growth of a country? 20 Discuss the important management issues involved in tourism trade. 21 What are the various steps involved in planning ? Discuss with reference to a tourism organisation. 22 Discuss the importance of interpersonal behaviour in tourism business? 23 Write short notes (any two) : (a) Ego States (b) Life Position (c) Recruitment (d) Selection Process 24 What are the different components of Marketing Mix in tourism ? Which one would you recommend for Indian Tourism ? 25 . Write short notes (any two) : (a) Profit and Loss statement (b) Balance Sheet (c) Profitability Analysis (d) Break Even Point 26 Differentiate between tour operator and travel agent. What are the various linkages in  travel trade ? 27 Discuss the importance of Public Relation in Tourism ? 28 How do you foresee the future of Convention Industry in India ? 29 Define Management. Mention the roles and responsibilities of a Manager in a tourism organisation? 30 Why is decision making important in tourism trade ? Discuss the steps involved in decision making. 31 Explain Conflict. Discuss how conflict influence inter-group relations and group performance ? 32 Discuss the importance of human resource management in tourism ? 33 Write an essay on sources of finance? 34 As a manager, what type of briefings would you give to your subordinates for the smooth conduct of a tour ? 35 Analyse various issues related to tourism transport management? 36 What are the managerial tasks involved in organising conventions ? 37 Explain the responsibilities of a tour manager in conducting a tour? 38 Write about 300 words each on any two of the following : (a) Management issues in hotels (b)Public relations in Tourism (c) Profitability analysis

  608 Hits


INDIAN CULTURE : PERSPECTIVE FOR TOURISM 1 Discuss customs and rituals related to life cycle?  2 How can various archaeological sites in India be made attractive for the tourists ? 3 Critically examine the stylistic classification of music in India ? 4 Differentiate between Hindi cinema and regional cinema. Analyse in brief the achievements of Indian cinema ? 5 Write short notes on any two of the following in about 250 words each : (i) Mughal Architecture (ii) Parsi Theatre (iii) Papier Mache 6 Analyse chief characteristic features of north Indian cities in the 6th century B.C. ? 7 Discuss the growth of Indian handicrafts. Enumerate the weaknesses of the handicrafts sector inIndia? 8 Examine salient features of tourism policy in India? 9 Discuss various sculptural forms of ancient India? 10 Write a note on major Hindu sects? 11 Describe the richness of Indian culture and its assimilative traditions ? 12 Write a brief note on some of the major fairs and festivals of India ? 13 Write a detailed note on the conservation of culture ? 14 Analyse the socio-cultural changes during theGupta period ? 15 Trace the development of cinema in post independence India ? 16 Discuss the development of Mughal architecture.Name at least five important Mughal monuments which are used as tourist attraction ? 17 Write a note on Indian textiles and custumes ? 18 Discuss beliefs, cultural patterns and dress styles of some of the important tribes of India? 19 Assess the growth of wood and metal crafts of India ? 20 Write short notes an any two of the following in about 300 words each : (a) Mohenjodaro (b) Modern Indian Paintings (c) Folk Theatre (d) Ancient Sculpture 21 Discuss 'Cultural involution' in the case of Bali and Toraja. What significance can it have in Indian case ? 22 Give an account of the main features of Bhakti and Sufi movements in India ? . 23 Discuss the essential elements that constitute Indian music ? 24 Discuss various forms of modern Indian theatre.How can theatre contribute in the promotion of tourism ? 25 Write a note on the stupa and rock-cut architecture in Ancient India ? 26 Discuss the roles of the Museum in the promotion of Tourism ? 27 What is identity ? Discuss the formation of Tribal identity? 28 What are the government policies for the development of tourism in India ? 29 What is the role of mass media in development of tourism ? 30 Write short notes on any two of the following in about 300 words each ,  (a) Pottery in the Ganga Valley (b) Image of women in Indian Cinema (c) Kumbh Mela (d) Papier Mache. 31 Discuss the important characteristics of Indian festivals and fairs. Can they be used as tourism products ? 32 Discuss the main features of Indo-Islamic architecture. Pick up any 2 monuments of your choice ? 33 Describe the main tribal zones of India. How will the development of tourism affect them ? 34 Write a note on the development of modern Indian theatre ? 35 List the main textiles of India. Which ones do the tourists like the most ? 36 Why is the conservation of culture important ? Explain the main aspects of this conservation. 37 Write a note on the evolution of modern Indian painting? 38 Discuss the various features of the Bhakti and Sufi movements in India ? 39 Write a note on the importance of stone craft in the Indian handicrafts tradition ? 40 Write short notes on any two of the following in about 300 words each :  (a) Rock-cut architecture (b) Women in Indian Cinema (c)Educational Role of Museums (d)Tradition of Religious Tolerance in India

  533 Hits


ECOLOGY, ENVIRONMENT AND TOURISM 1 Explain the meaning of Abiotic Environment with the help of appropriate examples? 2 Discuss the impact of tourism on environment and suggest measures to reduce adverse impacts ? 3 Write an essay on Responsible Tourism ? 4 What is Tourism Master Plan ? Explain. 5 Analyse critically the relationship between conservation requirements and development ? 6 Describe Chipko Movement and the debate on building large dams in India ? 7 Discuss how tourism is both an opportunity to the locals as well as pressure on locals? 8 Evaluate the impact of tourism on wildlife? 9 Discuss the importance of wetlands. Also examine the impact ol tourism on wetlands ? 10 Write short notes on any two of the following in about 300 words each : (i) The Aquatic Biomes (ii) Indian Philosophy and Environment (iii) VisitorBehaviour (iv) The Making of Shimla (v) Adventure Sports 11 What are the different components of the abiotic environment ? How have they changed with time ? 12 Explain main elements of Indian philosophical views on environment? 13 Write an essay on the relationship between environment and development? 14 What is multiplier effect ? How does it affect the economy of an area  15 How does tourism affect environment ? Discuss critically. 16 How did the National Action plan of 1992 affect tourism ? Describe.

17 How would you identify pressures and assess thresholds on environment in the context of tourism ? 18 Write a note on the process through which various mountains were transformed into hill stations ? 19 What are wetlands ? How does excessive tourism affect them ? 20 Write short notes on any two of the following in about 250 words each : (a) Hotels and Resorts (b) Wildlife (c) Politics of Environment (d) Tourism Master Plan 21 Describe in detail the nature of terrestrial biomes of the world ? 22 How is environment described in the Indian philosophical tradition ? Discuss. 23 Does tourism activity always affect environment adversely ? Examine. 24 Examine the importance of regional assets in tourism development ? 25 Discuss the role of locals in tourism development ? 26 Examine the nature of wild life in any two biogeographic zones of India? 27 Describe how the hill-stations of Darjeeling and Nilgiris were established ? 28 Examine the character of beaches in India. What are the possibilities of tourism promotion there ? 29 Write an essay on the water sports in India ? 30 Write short notes on any two of the following in about 300 words each : (a) The Ecosystem and its components (b) Sustainable Development (c) Importance of Tourism Master Plan (d) India Tourism Policy-1982 (e) Visitor Behaviour and Environment. 31 What are biomes ? Describe some of the terrestrial biomes of the world. 32 How has the environmental question been understood in the Indian philosophical tradition ? 33 Write a note on the nature of relationship between environment and development? 34 Define 'Community'. How have local communities been influenced by tourism ? 35 Write a note on tourism as a tool for conservation.   36 Write an essay on the politics of environment? 37 What are the ways in which the local physical environment is affected by visitor behaviour ? 38 Write a note on wild life ? How does it get affected by tourism ? 39 Write an essay on the role of different kind of accommodation in promoting tourism? 40 Write short notes on any two of the following in about 250 words each : (a) Tourism Master Plan (b) Wet Lands (c) Hill Stations (d) Multiplier Effects

  614 Hits


TOURISM MARKETING 1 Discuss the relevance of marketing in tourism Answer with examples? 2 What do you understand by international tourism markets ? Mention about some tourism markets for India. 3 Write an essay on socially responsible marketing Give examples also ? 4 What do you understand by product designing in tourism ? Can every tourism resource be treated as a tourism product ? 5 What is marketing ? How would you make a marketing plan for a travel agency ? 6 Discuss the emerging trends in domestic tourism? 7 What do you mean by marketing research ? Why is it important in tourism business ? 8 "Tourism will not flourish unless local bodies are involved in the profit sharing". Comment ? 9 Write a note on social marketing ? 10 Describe tourism product. What elements should you consider while designing a tourism product ? 11 Discuss the 4 P's of Marketing Mix. Why do we need a fifth 'P' (People) ? 12 "India is a paradise for Culture lovers". As a marketer how can you get advantage of this perception ? 13 Discuss the challenges and problems faced by the tourists in the sphere of accommodation? 14 Discuss the functions of a tour operator ? 15 Discuss the main features of the tourism marketing. How would you make a plan for a travel agency ? Explain. 16 What do you mean by market segmentation ? Discuss the basis for segmentation in tourism marketing.

17 What are the strategic options available to a marketeer to fight the competition ? Discuss. 18 Discuss the importance of technology in tourism trade? 19 What aspects would you consider important while developing a tourist transport product ? 20 What is alternative accofiunodation ? Discuss the salient features of alternative accommodation. 21 What is Destination Marketing ? Suggest a marketing strategy to market India 22 Write a note on trade fares and travel marts?. 23 What are the components of Tourism marketing Explain ? 24 Discuss the Concept of socially Responsible Marketing applicable to tourism business ? 25 "Marketing starts with consumer and ends with consumer". Discuss with special reference to tourism business? 26 Why market segmentation is important ? Discuss the basis of market segmentation. 27 Discuss the major foreign tourist generating markets for India? 28 "Cuisine has a prominent role in tourism promotion". Discuss ? 29 Discuss the role of events and activities in tourism marketing ? 30 "Marketing Research (MR) is the key to success".Discuss the statement in the changing scenario How MR helps the business man ? 31 Write short notes on any two about 300 words each : (a) Public organisations (b)Role of Local Bodies (c) Role of NGOs (d) Social marketing 32 Describe the contents of tourism marketing mix? 33 What are FAM Tours ? Discuss the importance of FAM tours in tourism industry. 34 Discuss the role of commissions in tourism marketing ?

  621 Hits


HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT 1 What makes career planning a success ? 2 Write a note on counselling? 3 Discuss the reasons for employees' grievances.? 4 Why is employees' motivation required in a travel agency ? As a manager, how will you motivate the employees ? 5 Discuss on-the-job training methods? 6 Discuss the functions and operations of Personnel Management? 7 What is job analysis and job description ? Discuss their importance in an organisation? 8 Describe the phases in the design and implementation of a Human Resource Accounting System? 9 What are the approaches for effective Human Resource Information System ? 10 Discuss the concept and objectives of Human Resource Planning ? 11 What are the objectives of Human Resource Planning (HRP) ? Describe the micro and macrolevel Scenario of HRP in Hospitality Industry. Explain staff training and development. How are they different from each other ? 12 What do you understand by job Evaluation ? Describe its advantages. 13 Differentiate between Maslow's Need Hierarchy Theory and Herzberg's Two factor Theory?  14 What is career planning and how it differs from manpower planning ? 15 What do you understand by counselling functions ? Answer with suitable examples. 16 Describe performance appraisal. What are the different methods of performance appraisal ? 17 What is grievance ? What different methods can be adopted by an organisation to redress the grievances of it's employees ? 18 Define the term "Discipline". Explain its meaning and purposes? 19 Write about 300 words each on any two of the following : (a) Transfer and promotion (b) Selection Test (x) Human Resource Audit (d) Job enrichment 20 What is Human Resource Planning? Discuss its need in hospitality industry? 21 What are the diff erent manpower supply forecasting techniques? 22 Discuss the functions and operations of personnel management ? 23 What are the objectives of training and how it is useful for an otganrzation ? 24 Describe "Maslow's Need Hierarchy theory of Motivation" in detail? 25 Write an essay on the importance of Human Resource Planning? 26 What do you understand by Human Resource Audit ? Mention the steps required in it. 27 Discuss the various job evaluation methods ? 28 Discuss the functions of a Personnel Office ? 29 Write short notes on any of the following : (a) Induction Placement. (b) Job Analysis. (c) Task Analysis. 30 How are motivation and career planning related to employee's efficiency and productivity ? Give examples while answering 31 Define the following :  (a) Counselling. (b)Job description. (c) Human Resource Information System. (d) Manpower Forecasts. 32 Why is on-the-job training essential in any service organisation ? Discuss its merits and demerits? 33 Devise a career plan for a management trainee in a leading travel or hospitality organisation? 34 Discuss the manpower supply forecasting techniques?

  603 Hits


BACHELOR OF EDUCATION ES-331 : CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION 1. Answer the following question in about 600 words. Define the term Curriculum. Explain the basic considerations in Curriculum planning. 2. Describe Instructional planning. What are the steps involved in it ? 3. Answer the following question in about 600 words. What are various strategies of training to instil teaching skills among teachers ? Describe any one with suitable examples. 4. What do you mean by system approach to instruction ? How will you as a teacher, use system approach in teaching secondary school students ? Illustrate your answer with example. 5. Answer the following questions. Answer in about 150 words each : (i) What are the different bases of curriculum development ? {ii) What is micro teaching ? How is it different from simulated teaching ? (iii) Describe three characteristics of instructional objectives in behavioural terms, with examples. (iv) What is team teaching ? Discuss its merits and demerits. (v) Differentiate between class-room management and class-room discipline. {vi) Differentiate between norm referenced tests and criterion referenced tests. (vii) Mention the aims and types of project work in brief. 6. Answer the following question in out 600 words. After visiting a Learning Resource Centre or Teaching Aids library in a nearby college of education, write a critical report on the status and use of the resource centre. 1. Answer the following question in about 600 words. What do you understand by the term Curriculum ? Explain the major approaches to Curriculum Development. 2. Describe the important activities to be taken for organising interactive session in the class. Illustrate with suitable examples. 3. Answer the following question in about 600 words. What is the meaning of probing skills ? Explain their uses with examples. 4. Explain with examples the various steps involved in preparation of instructional material. 5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each : (I) Explain the methods of curriculum evaluation. (ii) What is a resource centre ? Mention the use of resource centre for a teacher. (iii) Explain Hilda Taba Model of Curriculum Development. (iv) Define instructional objectives with their advantages and limitations. (v) Mention the innovative trends in curriculum. (vi) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of lecture method. (vii) What do you mean by activity based instruction ? Explain with examples. 6. Answer the following question in about 600 words. While imparting instruction in your classroom, you must have come across many classroom problems. Describe how did you manage them. 1. Answer the following question in about 600 words. 'The main problems of curriculum are lack of sequence, continuity and integration of content included in curriculum.' Discuss the statement with convincing arguments. 2. Describe the components and sub-system of a given instructional system and explain their integration. 3. Answer the following ql.restion in about 600 words' Describe as to how the teacher, the student and the environment can function as resources for instruction. 4. Discuss the mechanisms of efleclive management of instruction. 5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each : (i) Discuss how a well planned curriculum can make teaching and learning more effective. (ii) Discuss the role of different types of reinforcements in classroom teaching. (iii) Describe learner-related factors which influence curriculum developrhent and transaction. (iv) Describe the role of formative evaluation in curriculum development. (v) Identify common defects of teaching through demonstration and suggest suitable measures to remove them. (vi) Fxplain with examples the procedure of conducting group-investigation of a problem. (vii) How will you formulate instructional strategy for your teaching ? Discuss. 6. Answer the following question in about 600 words' You have studied about flow-charting the content in Block 3,/ES-331. (i) Analyse the content of a topic of your choice from your discipline/subject and present it through aflow chart. (iil Justify the flow chart you have presented. 1. Answer the following question in about 600 words. What do you mean by the concept "curriculum emluation" ? Why do we evaluate curriculum ? Discuss. 2. Describe with example the input-process-output model of a system as applicable to any instructional system. 3. Answer the following question in about 600 words. Explain with examples various teaching skills required for effective teaching at the Secondary/Senior .Secondary School level. 4. Discuss with examples the following training strategies : (i) Interaction analysis (ii) Simulation 5.. Answer each question in about 150 words (i) How is Tyler's Model of curriculum construction different from Taba's Model ? (ii) Explain the role of various factors to be taken into view while planning a curriculum : (iii) Identify and briefly a<plain the causes that make a given instructional system inefficient. (iv) Dfferentiate between various styles of programmed instruction. (v) Describe the organisation and evaluation of the micro-teaching approach. (vi) Discuss various levels of instruction with the help of examples. (vii) Discuss merits and demerits of activity based instruction. 6. Answer the following question in about 600 words. You have studied instructional media in Block 4/ES 331. You must have watched/listened to some educational TV /radio programme. o Present an overview of the content, objectives, format and learning outcomes of the programme. o Discuss the rationale for selection of the medium (television or radio). o Suggest measures to improve effectiveness of the programme. 1. Answer the following question in about 600 words. What are different viewpoints on the concept of curriculum ? Which one do you prefer most and why ? 2. Discuss the organisation of the three types of instructional systems. Describe teacher's role in these systems. 3. Answer the following question in about 600 words. Describe the various types of teacher-based instructional activities, with examples, from the subject that you are teaching. 4. Describe various techniques of classroom management which help in better learning outcomes. 5. Answer the following questions. Answer each question in about 150 words : (i) Explain and differentiate between macro-level and micro-level curriculum evaluation. (ii) What are the components of communication system and how are they relevant to classroom instruction ? (iii) Differentiate between simulated teaching and micro teaching. (iv) Write instructional objectives of any topic you have taught in your class with mental abilities involved in them. (v) Discuss the components associated with the skill of stimulus variation. (vi) Briefly describe various instructional resources with special reference to environment as a resource. 6.. Answer the following question in about 600 words. "You, as a teacher, might have felt that the existing curriculum of secondary or senior secondary school should be need-based and related to socio-economic and political scenario of the society." What are the emerging trends in curriculum for the future so as to produce socially productive citizens ? 1. Answer the following question in about 600 words. Explain the three major approaches to curriculum development with suitable examples. 2. Describe in brief six aspects of a curriculum which determine various approaches of developing it. 3. Answer the following question in about 600 words. What are the various strategies pertaining to instruction and classroom management required to manage your instructional activities most effectively ? 4. Discuss instructional objectives on the basis of Bloom's cognitive system or REIM system. 5. Answer the following questions. Answer each question in about 150 words : (i) Discuss with suitable examples various innovative teaching techniques adopted by a teacher in transacting the curriculum. (ii) What skills are needed to use various media in the teaching-learning process to cater to the individual differences of your students ? (iii) Discuss the role of the teacher in curriculum planning. (iv) Write a short note on Computer-Assisted Instruction. (v) Why are some students non-responsive to the questions asked ? What remedial mechanism is required for such students ? (vi) Identify and briefly explain various resources that could be used to make instruction effective. (vii) Why do the teachers prefer non-projected to projected visual media ? Give suitable examples of both the media. 6. Answer the following question in about 600 words. During teacher's training programme you are supposed to acquire requisite competencies and skills to teach effectively. State those skills and competencies and explain as to how they are helpful in making an effective teacher. 1. Answer the following question in about 600 words. Differentiate among process, structure and humanistic approaches to curriculum. 2.Discuss the relative influence of development and social considerations of curriculum planning. 3. Answer the following question in about 600 words. Describe the input-process-output model of a system as applicable to any instructional system. 4. What do you mean by activity-based instruction ? Discuss its merits and demerits. 5. Answer the following questions. Answer each question in about 150 words. (i) Discuss the importance of formative evaluation in developing need-based curriculum. (ii) Differentiate learning from instruction. Support your answer with suitable examples. (iii) How will you assess the effectiveness of the lecture method ? (iv) Write short notes on the following : (a) Analysis category/level of cognitive objectives (b) Synthesis category/level of cognitive objectives (v) Discuss the role of classroom management in effective teaching. (vi) Discuss the advantages of cooperative learning in your classroom. (vii) How does the skill of questioning make your teaching more effective ? Discuss. (viii) Why should we use Over Head Projector (OHP) in comparison to other projected media ? How will you prepare OHP transparencies ? 6.. Answer the following question in about 600 words. Choose a topic of your interest from the subject of the area you are teaching in your school. Develop programmed learning material on it using linear style.

  595 Hits


PSYCHOLOGY OF LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT 1. Answer the following in about 600 words. Clarify the concepts of growth and development. Discuss the role of a teacher in facilitating the growth and development of the higher secondary school students. 2. What do you mean by Cognitive Development ? Explain Piaget's theory of cognitive development. 3. Answer the following in about 600 words. Explain different factors that affect the development of personality. Describe the impact of mass media on the personality development of adolescents. 4. Explain the concept of learning and briefly describe its different theories. 5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each (i) Explain with examples emotional development of an individual. (ii) What is humanistic approach to learning ? Describe its characteristics. (iii) What do you mean by domains of learning ? Give suitable examples for different domains. (iv) Explain the concepts of intelligence, aptitude and creativity, with suitable examples. (v) Explain intrinsic and extrinsic motivation with suitable examples. (vi) Define the concepts of heredity and environment. How do heredity and environment influence the growth and development of an individual ? (vii) Explain the nature and process of verbal learning. 6. Answer the following in about 600 words. How will you identify maladjusted students in your class ? How will you as a teacher solve the psychological and social problems of such students ? Explain, 1. Explain the concept of development. Discuss the role of the teacher in facilitating human development. 2.Explain the concept of cognitive development with special reference to Piaget's framework for conceptualising child development. Discuss factors facilitating cognitive development, 3. Answer the following question in about 600 words. Discuss Bio-social and Psychoanalytical approaches to personality giving propositions of prominent propounders of these approaches. 4. List major tenets of the Humanistic approach to learning. Discuss the contributions of Maslow towards Humanistic Psychology. 5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each : (i) Discuss personal factors influencing the process of learning. (ii) Explain any three levels of cognitive domain or area. (iii) Discuss in brief the nature and development of values in school system. (iv) Define the concept of `Locus of Control' and explain its dimensions giving examples. (v) Explain the nature and types of psychological conflicts. (vi) What is meant by Defence Mechanism' ? Discuss any three defence mechanisms giving suitable examples. (vii) What do you understand by `Social Maturity' ? Explain briefly its relationship with socialadjustment. 6. - Answer the following question in about 600 words. Suppose you have identified one backward and one gifted student in your class. Describe the method you used to identify each of them. Discuss the principles you would follow in guiding ; A - the backward student and B --the gifted student. Summarise the contrasting characteristics of A and B.   1. Answer the following question in about 600 words. Differentiate between the concepts of growth and development. Discuss adolescence as the crucial stage of human development. 2. Explain the concept and nature of personality. Discuss the psychoanalytical and psychosocialapproaches in understanding personality. 3. Answer the following question, in about 600 words. Explain the psychometric approach to understand the concept of intelligence. Discuss appropriate instructional strategies for handling individual differences of the learners at various levels of intelligence. 4. Explain the concept of learning. Discuss various characteristics of learning with suitable examples. 5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each : (i) Explain the principles of learning deduced from the learning theory of Thorndike. (ii) Explain nature of social adjustment and social maturity with examples. (iii) Discuss briefly the relationship between heredity and environment on growth and development of the individual. (iv) Define the concept of motivation and explain its role in learning. (v) Discuss teachers' role in improving group relationship in a school. (vi) Briefly discuss broad classification of students with special needs with reference to physical and mental aspects. (vii) Discuss impact of various mass media on personality development of school children. 6. Answer the following question in about 600 words. One of your students has secured 95% in the Board's examination. How will you find out whether he is gifted or creative ? In case you have identified him as a gifted student, what steps would you follow while guiding him in the school ? 1. Answer the following question in about 600 words. Explain the behaviourist approach to learning. Discuss its educational implications. 2 Explain the concept of transfer of learning. Discuss different types of transfer of learning and explain their educational implications. 3. Answer the following question in about 600 words. Explain the genetic basis of individual differences. Discuss the role of heredity in influencing the mental development of the learners. 4. Discuss special needs of learners/children from the deprived section of society. What role will you play in fulfilling those needs ? 5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each : (i) What do you understand by affective domain ? Discuss the main organising principles in affective domain. (ii) Discuss the importance of social maturity. (iii) Discuss any three characteristics of gifted children. (iv) Discuss the relationship between maturity and learning. Give suitable examples in support of your answer. (v) Explain any three basic assumptions that are necessary for providing guidance to the learners. (vi) What are the various causes of conflicts ? How would you resolve the conflicts among your students ? (vii) Describe the characteristics of a creative child. 6. Answer the following question in about 600 words. How will you identify socially maladjusted students in your class ? How will you help them in making their social adjustment better ? Justify your answer with suitable examples. 1. Answer the following question in about 600 words. Describe various stages of human development. Discuss the role of teacher in facilitating the development of the learners. 2. What is meant by 'individual differences' ? Discuss the factors producing individual differences. 3. Answer the following question in about 600 words. Define the students with special educational needs. Describe the teacher's role in meeting the educational, social and psychological needs of such students. 4. Explain the concept of learning. Discuss personal factors that influence learning, with suitable examples.   5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each : (i) Explain Piaget's views on moral development. (ii) Discuss the role of teacher in the development of adolescent personality. (iii) Explain the meaning of interest and its development in studies at school. (iv) Discuss the implications of verbal learning for class-room practice. (v) Briefly discuss the environmental factors influencing learning. (vi) Mention the different types of conflicts and explain the measures for resolving them. (vii) Differentiate between Guidance, Counselling and Psychotherapy. 6. Answer the following question in about 600 words. Discuss some effective methods of learning which you would like your students to practice in the class and home. Illustrate your answer with relevant examples. 1. Answer the following question in about 600 words. Explain the characteristics of socio-emotional development of secondary and senior secondary school students. Discuss teacher's role in facilitating their development. 2. Explain the concept of personality. Dscuss the main hereditary and environmental factors which influence the personality development. 3. Answer the following question in about 600 words. . Explain the concept of learning. Discuss main characteristics of Piaget's cognitive approach to learning. 4. Explain the concept ol adjustment. Discuss chamcteristics of a well-adjusted and a maladjusted person giving suitable examples. 5- Answer the following questions. Answer each question in about 150 words : (i) "Adolescence. is a period of stress and strain. " Explain. (ii) Explain the characteristics oI language development in children. (iii) Explain the nafure and types of motivation. (iv) Briefly discuss the misconcepts regarding heredity and environment. (v) Explain . the main factors that influence classroom learning. (vi) Explain the characteristics of the gifted and talented students. (vii)Differentiate between guidance and counselling with suitable examples. 6. Answer the following question in about 600 words. Explain the concept of group dynamics. Describe five activities which you would like to undertake in the class for improving the group relationship among your students. 1. Answer the following question in about 600 words. Differentiate between growth and development with the help of suitable examples. Why should a teacher study the principles governing growth and development ? 2. Explain the concept of individual differences. Discuss the individual differences in intelligence and creativity with suitable examples. 3. Answer the following question in about 600 words. Explain the concept and types of motivation. How does motivation contribute to enhance children's academic achievement ? 4. Discuss the influence of personal and environmental factors on classroom learning. Give examples. 5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each : (i) "Adolescence is a period of storm and stress." Elaborate. (ii) What should a school do to ensure healthy social development of children ? (iii) How do children attain new concepts ? (iv) How does cognitive domain of learning differ from affective domain ? (v) How will you facilitate students' adjustment in schools ? Discuss. (vi) Explain the meaning and nature of guidance. How is it related to counselling ? (vii) Explain the situations in which you can use the method of spaced and unspaced learning. 6. Answer the following question in about 600 words. Prepare a plan for the identification of emotionally maladjusted children in your class. Discuss the strategies you shall devise to help such children.

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