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Annamalai university marketing assignment 2nd year

2.1 PRODUCT AND SERVICES MARKETING1. Service sector has a significant contribution in growth of an economy. Do youagree or not? Substantiate yours views.2. Explain in details, how can the product life cycle (PLC) concept beoperationalised in a real life situation.3. Why do customers switch service provider? Can you do anything as a marketerto prevent the customers from switching?Discuss the importance of location decisions for educational services.4. Discuss pre - test marketing and test marketing with suitable examples. Whatare the various steps will you undertake to test market for water filter designedand targeted for institutions.2.2 MARKETING RESEARCH1. “A descriptive research design is formal and rigid whereas exploratory researchdesign is informal and flexible.” Explain this statement by using Indian examples.2. Do you agree that data obtained through experiments are more valid and reliablethan through surveys and observations? Why or why not? Explain.3. Prepare a questionnaire for studying the marketability of a hypothetical consumerproduct.4. “Sampling error is an inherent part of the sampling process; it cannot beeliminated.” What do you think about this statement? Do you agree or disagree?Explain.2.3 CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR1. Government of India would like to introduce ‘Battery Operated Passenger Car’ inorder to reduce the pollution and global warming but the fare may be high. As aconsumer diagnose the issue and state your attitude towards the fare.2. As a consumer behaviourist, how do you identify, explore and assess the ruralconsumer’s behavior with regard to fashionable products? Critically analysethis statement.3. Analyse and assess the consumer decision making process and bring out theimpediments while buying a high priced car like- Mercedes Benz, Rolls Royce,etc.4. China is producing and selling low quality products at cheaper rate to India dueto the impact of globalisation. As a consumer, state your pros and cons of abovesaid issues.32.4 GLOBAL MARKETING1. Discuss the euro dollar market with international liquidity and role of SDRS.2. Explain the different positioning strategies consider any four home applianceitems and discuss the positioning strategies adopted by the global marketers.3. An international company is planning to introduce an ultra modern luxury car.Suggest suitable marketing strategies to develop your sales in both Indian andInternational Market. .4. Discuss the cultures and ethical issues that affect the global trade with suitableexample.2.5 SALES AND DISTRIBUTION MANAGEMENT1. “Salesman should be assigned to that particular territory where his relativecontribution to profit is the maximum”. Discuss this statement and describe thedeterminants of sales territory.2. “The job of personal selling is not merely of booking orders” In the light of thisstatement, describe the nature of the selling job and the process of selling in thispresent competitive world.3. As a marketing manager for a nondurable manufacturing company, what factorswould you consider and what process would you adopt to select a distributionchannel? Explain.4. Some people opine that a middleman increases the cost of marketing, whileothers praise it as it adds value to the product. How would you reconcile thesetwo opposite views?2.6 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT1. Trace the path taken from organizational resources and organizational behaviourto the development of strategic advantage.2. In what way can timing and competitor reaction be crucial for a strategic choice?Discuss.3. Congruence and co-ordination among strategies should take place throughvertical and horizontal fit. Explain.4. Companies should evaluate performance on the basis of a combination ofquantitative and qualitative criteria. Why? Discuss.42.7.1 E-BUSINESS1. Give a detailed presentation on designing, developing and deploying the on-linebusiness system for textile industry.2. Discuss the challenges and opportunities of e-commerce in Indian SoftwareIndustry.3. “EDI is not especially complex or convoluted, but many EDI projects fail whenresponsibility is thrust wholly on the IT staff”. Discuss in detail.4. Globalization has put increased pressure on organizations to operate at entirelynew level of effectiveness. This can be managed through application of BPR toolsto reduce procedures and the use of IT for effective decision-making. Presentyour perspectives elaborately.2.7.2 BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS1. Consider the following research questions,(a) How do the minority groups at a certain university view the studentscounseling program?(b) Examine the relationship between intelligence and creativity among thestudents.Indicate(i) The type of research that would best answer the question(ii) An appropriate sampling method(iii) The best method of collecting the data.2. Discuss the role of Regression analysis in business and industry. How areRegression Coefficients helpful in analysing the Regression lines?3. The mean weekly sales of soap bars in department stores were 146.3 bars perstore. After an advertising campaign, the mean weekly sales in 22 stores for atypical week was increased to 153.7 and showed a standard deviation of 17.2.Was the advertising campaign successful?4. Prepare questionnaire for the following research problem.“Identify the factors influencing recently married couples striking a divorce”

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