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2.1 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT1. “One reason for implementing global training programmes is the need to avoidbusiness losses due to cultural insensitivity”. What sort of training programmewould you recommend to avoid such cultural insensitivity?2. Bring out some real life examples of how to use interest inventories to improveemployee selection. In doing so, suggest some examples of occupationalinterests that you believe might predict success in various occupations includingProfessor, Accountant and System Analyst.3. Design a graphic rating scale for the below mentioned professions:i) Secretaryii) Engineeriii) Web Designer.4. Develop an incentive plan for the following positions:i) Chemical Engineerii) Plant Manageriii) Used car sales forceiv) First-line supervisorExamine the factors that you have to consider in reaching your conclusions.2.2 MARKETING MANAGEMENT1. Examine the suitable demographic segmentation variables other than age andsex for the following industry• Two wheeler• Brewery• Insurance2. You have been selected by the ABC pharmaceutical company to be a sales forcefor the period of three years. Identify and describe how you would progressthrough the steps in effective selling.3. Select an example of a new product failure in the recent context. Explore andprepare a report highlighting the causes for its failure. Do you think a betterunderstanding of consumer behaviour could have contributed to its success inthe market place? Do you accept or not? Justify your stand.4. Design a questionnaire to determine repeat purchase behaviour and brandloyalty with respect to• Fairness cream• Mobile• Sports shoe• Ready-to-wear garments32.3 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT1. Design an appropriate capital structure which yields more profitability of aservice industry of your choice. Illustrate your answer with the help of anEBIT-EPS analysis.2. “The finance manager should take an account of the time value of money inorder to take a correct financial decision.” Elucidate the statement with thehelp of suitable illustration.3. “The goal of capital management is the maximisation of long run earning topresent share holders” – Comment.4. You are a finance manager in a manufacturing organization. You came toknow the sales are very low when compared to the last year. So you havedecided to do credit sales. Draft a proposal highlighting the decision areas tobe concentrated to avoid non-payment.2.4 PRODUCTION AND MATERIALS MANAGEMENT1. Why are some Industries located near the source of raw materials, whereas someother Industries are located near the market? Justify your answer with practicalexamples.2. Explain the different types of plant layout? Write the advantages anddisadvantages of each types of layouts with exam.3. Describe the requirements of effective system of production and planning controlin any steel plant.4. Describe the method of drawing X and R charts. State the formula you would usein both cases.2.5 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS1. “A company that fails to go global is in the danger of losing its domesticbusiness to competitors with lower costs, greater experience, better andproducts and is a nutshell, more value for customer. – Discuss.2. “IMF and World Bank serve the interests of industrialized nations rather thanthat f the developing countries.” – Discuss.3. Do you justify that the working pins would really link the present scenario ofInternational Business with that of the future?4. Do you think that International Financial institution help in competencybuilding of World nation and thereby enhance the magnitude the diversity ofglobal business? Explain.2.6 PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP1. Should we combine debt – related cash flows with project cash flow? Why?Discuss the issues related to the principle of treating the financing cash flowseparately from the investment cash flow.2. Demand estimate is an important part of a project feasibility study. What arethe points we should consider is estimating demand?3. Write a detailed not EON the purpose of post – completion audits and thestrategy employed. Is there any problem faced with the audit of mutuallyexclusive projects? Discuss.4. How can entrepreneurs develop a position of ethical leadership in businesstoday?42.7.1 HRM : (a) LABOUR WELFARE AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS1. Describe “employee – employer relations” in both organized and unorganizedsectors of this economy?2. Workers education helps a worker to solve his problems not as an individualbut is a member of his social class discuss?3. Describe various kinds of statutory welfare programmes available to labourersin India?4. Describe the different machinery for the prevention and settlements ofindustrial disputes in India?2.7.1 HRM : (b) TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT1. Devise a development program for the managerial personnel of an MNC.2. Identify the procedures and their pitfalls for the effective implementation of MDPin organizations and suggest suitable measure to avoid pitfalls.3. Discuss the training methods available for the development of various skills ofPublic Sector employees with suitable illustrations.4. Examine the training evaluation practices in Indian industries.2.7.2 MM : (a) SALES AND DISTRIBUTION MANAGEMENT1. “Salesman should be assigned to that particular territory where his relativecontribution to profit is the maximum”. Discuss this statement and describe thedeterminants of sales territory.2. “The job of personal selling is not merely of booking orders” In the light of thisstatement, describe the nature of the selling job and the process of selling in thispresent competitive world.3. As a marketing manager for a nondurable manufacturing company, what factorswould you consider and what process would you adopt to select a distributionchannel? Explain.4. Some people opine that a middleman increases the cost of marketing, whileothers praise it as it adds value to the product. How would you reconcile thesetwo opposite views?2.7.2 MM : (b) MARKETING RESEARCH AND CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR1. How are psychographics distinct from demographics? Why would it benecessary to study psychographics to better understand marketing andconsumer behaviours?2. In the early stages of development consumer behaviour was known as buyerbehaviour. What important aspect of the exchange process does this change inname reflect?3. What is secondary data? What are the various sources available for secondarydata? How will you evaluate the merits of secondary data?4. Analyze the consumer decision making process and problems in buying aluxury car with appropriate examples?52.7.3 FM : (a) INVESTMENT, SECURITY AND PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT1. As an individual investor, what aspects of public issues you should be familiarwith? Discuss your views with relevant to the recent trends in primary market.2. If the market price per share is equal to the book value per share, the followingare equal : Return on equity, Earnings price ratio, Total yield. Elucidate with few examples.3. Describe the procedure developed by Markowitz for choosing the optimalportfolio of risky assets with suitable examples.4. How and when will you adopt (1) Portfolio Reconstruction (2) PortfolioRebalancing and Upgrading and (3) Performance attribution when you are anefficient portfolio manager?2.7.3 FM : (b) MANAGEMENT OF FUNDS1. As a management accountant you are asked to introduce a system of capitalexpenditure control for your organisation. Explain in detail the importantfeature you want to incorporate in system you propose to introduce, with asuitable example of a project involving capital expenditure. 2. “Efficient inventory management is reflected in the liquidity and profitability ofthe firm”. Do you agree? Justify your statement.3. “Lease financing has proved its unique adaptability to various financialproblems”. Explain with suitable examples.4. If sales forecast is subject to error, then there is no purpose of budgetary. Do youagree (or) disagree. Give your views by appropriate examples.2.7.4 PM : (a) PRODUCTION, PLANNING, CONTROL AND MAINTENANCE1. List out the different phases of production planning and control in a MNC andbriefly discuss each.2. Discuss the need for demand forecasting in planning. As a manager discuss thebenefits in an organization.3. Discuss the techniques involved in quality control. Point out the advantagesand limitations.4. Assume that you are a production manager for TATA Steel, How will you deal breakdown maintenance cost? What types of maintenance you will adopt for them.2.7.4 PM : (b) QUALITY MANAGEMENT1. Discuss the characteristics of an effective leader regarding quality of daily usageproducts in the present economic circumstances.2. List out measures to be taken by a manufacturing organization to handlecustomer’s complaints in order to retain them.3. An acceptance control chart has limits that are based on the specification limitsfor the product rather than limits which differentiate between random andassignable causes. Under which circumstance should a quality managerconsider using an acceptance control chart?4. According to current quality management thinking, what type of approaches toquality improvement is least likely to produce positive results?62.7.5 SYSTEMS : (a) PERSONAL PRODUCTIVITY TOOLS1. Create a document and write brief notes on applying following operations.a. Put Bullets and Numbersb. Apply various Font parameters.c. Apply Left, Right, and Centre alignments.d. Apply hyperlinkse. Insert picturesf. Insert ClipArtg. Show the use of WordArth. Add Borders and Shadingi. Show the use of Find and Replace.j. Apply header/footers2. Compare the cost, overheads and sales figures of a company for last three yearsthrough appropriate chart in MS-Excel.3. Students will prepare for their upcoming test over mail merge by practicingthree different types of mail merge; from a MS-Access database, an MS-Excelspreadsheet, and using the Mail-Merge function built into MS-Word.4. Briefly write the advanced features of the software used in making thepresentation.2.7.5 (b) INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY1. As an Information Technology employee express your opinion about client servernetwork along with its advantages and disadvantages in any company.2. As a manager of how you handle this model and also explain underwhich model do comes.3. As an info entrepreneur, assess your options for growth in software project.4. How does an ERP system enforce best practices for an Indian organization?

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