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Annamalai hr assignments second year

2.1 ORGANISATIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT OF CHANGE1. The issues that arise in consultant-client relationship are preventable? How?Explain.2. "Change does not occur in a vacuum" Discuss the factors operating both withinand outside the organisation.3. Change is a process that can be enabled, not managed. Discuss.4. T-Groups are probably the oldest OD intervention but still now we are using itwhy? Substantiate your views?2.2 TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT1. Devise a development program for the managerial personnel of an MNC2. Identify the procedures and their pitfalls for the effective implementation of MDPin organizations and suggest suitable measure to avoid pitfalls.3. Discuss the training methods available for the development of various skills ofPublic Sector employees with suitable illustrations.4. Examine the training evaluation practices in Indian industries.2.3 LABOUR WELFARE1. Discuss the legal provisions governing sanitary and hygiene facilities under thefactories Act.1948.2. Explain the milestones in the development of labour welfare in India.3. Discuss "arising out of and in course of employment" as used in Workmen'sCompensation Act.1923.4. What are the measures that can be taken to improve the working conditions?Quote an example of a large industrial unit.32.4 INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS1. Sketch the existing models of Workers Participation in Management followed inIndian industries? Critically evaluate and identify their limitations and suggestsuitable measures to overcome it.2. “Trade unions are inevitable for Industrial democracy” – Comment on thisstatement with regard to its principles and functions.3. Critically assess the administrative machinery set up by Central and StateGovernments for resolving industrial disputes in India. How far it is effective?Bring out your suggestions to make them more effective?4. With recent examples, explicate the collecting bargaining practices followed inIndian Public sectors. How far it differs from Private Sectors?2.5 WAGES AND SALARY ADMINISTRATION1. Is wage paid to the person for the job done by him or for the designation what heholds? Examine this statement with the help of the evidences from industry.2. “Equal pay for equal job”. Do you agree with this statement? Justify your standby quoting examples from the pay structures of State and Central Governmentsfor the same job.3. Why does collective bargaining fail in most of the time? Identify the reasons forthe failure and suggest fruitful measures to make the collective bargainingsuccess.4. Do fringe benefits motivate the employees to enhance productivity? If yes, quotefew examples from Government and Private sector companies. If not, identify therationale behind offering such fringe benefits.2.6 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT1. Trace the path taken from organizational resources and organizational behaviorto the development of strategic advantage.2. In what way can timing and competitor reaction be crucial for a strategic choice?Discuss.3. Congruence and co-ordination among strategies should take place throughvertical and horizontal fit. Explain.4. Companies should evaluate performance on the basis of a combination ofquantitative and qualitative criteria. Why? Discuss.42.7.1 E-BUSINESS1. Give a detailed presentation on designing, developing and deploying the on-linebusiness system for textile industry.2. Discuss the challenges and opportunities of e-commerce in Indian SoftwareIndustry.3. “EDI is not especially complex or convoluted, but many EDI projects fail whenresponsibility is thrust wholly on the IT staff”. Discuss in detail.4. Globalization has put increased pressure on organizations to operate at entirelynew level of effectiveness. This can be managed through application of BPR toolsto reduce procedures and the use of IT for effective decision-making. Presentyour perspectives elaborately.2.7.2 BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS1. Consider the following research questions,(a) How do the minority groups at a certain university view the studentscounseling program?(b) Examine the relationship between intelligence and creativity among thestudents.Indicate:(i) The type of research that would best answer the question(ii) An appropriate sampling method(iii) The best method of collecting the data.2. Discuss the role of Regression analysis in business and industry. How areRegression Coefficients helpful in analysing the Regression lines?3. The mean weekly sales of soap bars in department stores was 146.3 bars perstore. After an advertising campaign, the mean weekly sales in 22 stores for atypical week was increased to 153.7 and showed a standard deviation of 17.2.Was the advertising campaign successful?4. Prepare questionnaire for the following research problem.“Identify the factors influencing recently married couples striking a divorce”

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