Ignou mba assignments ms-21 to ms-97 all we have
Course Code:MS - 25
Course Title:Managing Change in Organisations
Assignment Code:MS-25/TMA/SEM - II/2018
Coverage:All Blocks
Q1. Explain in detail process of Turnaround Management as propounded by Grinyer and McKiernan. Write down various triggers of Turnaround action at any Indian company.
Q2. Explain in detail the "Rational and Natural-System" model of organisational analysis related to change.
Q3. Differentiate between TQM and continues improvement. What role does organisational management system and Human Resource management system play in a successful TQM
Q4. What are the domains of Organisational diagnosis? How these dimensions help in getting meaningful comprehensive picture of a sick organisation?
Q5. Why do people have emotional resistance to change? What can be possible implications of resistance? Under what conditions coercion can be good method of handling resistance by
citing an ex
Course Code:MS - 26
Course Title:Organisational Dynamics
Assignment Code:MS-26/TMA/SEM - II/2018
Coverage:All Blocks
Note : Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31st October, 2018 to the coordinator of your study centre.
1. Describe the concept of Mapping Role Systems / Role Set and Role Space. Explain with example taking your role and various other roles in the organization and draw the Role
space and Role Set Maps in relation to your role and various organizational roles in the organization you have worked or aware of.
Briefly describe the organization structure of the organization you are referring to.
2. How do you see decentralization as a structured mechanism of Empowerment? Why is there a need for integrating mechanisms with decentralization? How does it serve the
objective of an organization? Explain with suitable examples. Briefly describe the context and the organization you are referring to.
3. Define and describe the concept and mechanisms of Organizational Learning. Briefly explain the factors which facilitate and retard organizational learning.
Relate your answer with the organizational experience you have or the ones you are aware of. Briefly describe the organization you are referring to.
4. Define Diversity and briefly describe the sources /dimensions of Diversity and also approaches to deal with them.
Explain with suitable examples drawing from your own experience or the ones you are aware of. Briefly describe the context
Course Code:MS - 27
Course Title:Compensation and Rewards Management
Assignment Code:MS-27/TMA/SEM - II/2018
Coverage:All Blocks
Note : Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31st October, 2018 to
the coordinator of your study centre.
1. Explain the frame work for compensation policy at macro and micro levels. Discuss the
practical difficulties in translating the policies into action.
2. Explain the norms for fixation of wages. Discuss, whether the same principles of wage
fixation apply to industries in public and private sector.
3. Explain the concept of internal and external equity. Briefly describe the methods and
systems of job evaluation.
4. Discuss whether and why stock options are becoming popular? What are their advantages
and disadvantages?
5. Explain the concept of tax planning. What is the distinction between tax planning and tax
Course Code:MS - 28
Course Title:Labour Laws
Assignment Code:MS-28/TMA/SEM - II/2018
Coverage:All Blocks
Note : Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31st October, 2018 to the coordinator of your study centre.
1. Discuss the sources of industrial jurisprudence in India. Describe the genesis, objective and classification of labour legislation in India.
2. Explain the object and scope of the Delhi shops and establishments Act, 1954. Describe the procedure for registration of an establishment.
3. Discuss the important definition under the Industrial disputes Act, 1947. Describe the provisions for investigation and settlement of industrial disputes under the Act.
4. Explain the object, scope and coverage of the minimum wages Act, 1948. Discuss the functions and composition of advisory board and the central advisory board under the
5. Discuss, which are the establishments covered by the Employees' provident funds and miscellaneous provision Act, 1952? What are the various modes in which the central
provident fund commissioner can recover arrears of any amount due from any employer
Course Code:MS - 29
Course Title:International Human Resource Management
Assignment Code:MS-29/TMA/SEM - II/2018
Coverage:All Blocks
Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31st October, 2018 to
the coordinator of your study center. All the answers should comprise of relevant
Q1. What are the complexities associated with IHRM operating in different countries with
different culture. Why cultural sensitivity is crucial when an organisation adopts
international Human resource management system?
Q2.Briefly explain culture shock. Explain how Degree of adjustment varies with time with the
help of examples from different cultures.
Q3. Explain cross cultural negotiation. Under globalised working environment how people from
different culture go through negotiation process. Support your answer with the help of
relevant examples.
Q4. Describe some IR practices adopted by France and United Kingdom. Why mergers and
acquisition requires meaningful and careful evaluation of various factor under IHRM?
Q5. Discuss the relevance of organisational capability for global working environment. What are
the key resources required to develop organisational capability.
Course Code:MS - 44
Course Title:Security Analysis and Portfolio Management
Assignment Code:MS-44/SEM - II /2018
Coverage:All Blocks
Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31st October, 2018 to
the coordinator of your study centre.
1. Define Investment. Discuss the effect of changes in investment environment on investment decisions.
2. What are the objectives of listing of securities? Discuss the requirements for listing of securities on stock exchange.
3. What is efficient market hypothesis? Explain the different forms and anomalies of efficient market hypothesis.
4. How is Sharpe's model an improvement over Markowitz model? Explain the procedure for portfolio risk measurement under Sharpe's model.
5. Critically examine the applicability of Jenson and Treynor's measures of portfolio
Course Code:MS - 45
Course Title:International Financial Management
Assignment Code:MS-45/SEM - II /2018
Coverage:All Blocks
Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31st October, 2018 to the coordinator of your study centre.
1. Explain the various forms of international financial flows. Discuss the structure of balance of payments and explain the impact of various international financial flows on
the structure of balance of payments.
2. Explain the interest rate parity relationship, giving its application and reasons for deviation.
3. What do you understand by exchange rate exposures? Describe different types of exchange rate exposures and the techniques used to manage them.
4. Why is cost of capital important for a firm? Explain the reasons for variations in the cost of capital across different countries.
5. What is meant by Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)? What forces stimulates FDI in a country
Course Code:MS - 46
Course Title:Management of Financial Services
Assignment Code:MS-46/TMA/SEM - II /2018
Coverage:All Blocks
Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31st October, 2018 to
the coordinator of your study centre.
1. Explain the meaning and concept of Financial Services. Discuss the different types of Fee Based and Fund Based Services that are being provided by Financial Institutions.
2. Select any two Government Securities and discuss how these Securities are issued. Give your views on why investors should invest in these Securities.
3.Explain the meaning and scope of 'Corporate Advisory Service'. Discuss the different
types of Corporate Advisory Services that are provided.
4.What are the purposes for which Venture Capital Companies provide finance, Discuss
the modes that it uses for providing these funds.
5. Discuss the need for Insurance and describe any two Non-life Insurance policies of your
choice in detail.
Course Code:MS - 55
Course Title:Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Assignment Code:MS-55/SEM - II /2018
Coverage:All Blocks
Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31st October, 2018 to
the coordinator of your study centre.
1. Why is it said the, "The new supply chain game is becoming a competition between
effective supply networks rather than individual corporations".
2. Highlight the importance of location in supply chain network. What situations could
result due to poor location?
3. What are the essential differences in a B2C and a B2B supply chain? List the respective
characteristics that necessitate such differences?
4. What are pull and push strategies? Do you agree that a supply chain is usually a
combination of both push and pull? Justify your answer.
5. What
Course Code:MS - 56
Course Title:Materials Management
Assignment Code:MS-56/TMA/SEM - II /2018
Coverage:All Blocks
Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31st October, 2018 to
the coordinator of your study centre.
1. Discuss, with suitable examples, how socioeconomic and cultural aspects may become
the determining factor in the success of international purchasing.
2. Define the various roles of materials management in the context of internal and external
interfaces to materials management system.
3. Describe the information systems in materials management and explain their importance in manufacturing process.
4. MRP II is widely used in the batch production environment. However, it has some discernible limitations. What are these limitations? How they can be overcome these
limitations by using mixed strategies?
5. Which problems are unique to spare parts that other materials do not exhibit? Why do these problems
Course Code:MS-57
Course Title:Maintenance Management
Assignment Code:MS- 57/TMA/SEM-II/2018
Coverage:All Blocks
Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31st October, 2018 to the coordinator of your study centre.
- 1.What is reliability centred maintenance? What are the important steps involved in implementing it in any plant?
2. Explain what is meant by cost absorption and cost apportionment? Illustrate each with two examples from maintenance department. Discuss the methods of cost absorption and
state which method do you consider to be the best and why?
3. Manyorganizationshavestandingconflictsamongstmaintenanceand
production/operations employees. Describe the nature of these conflicts. What are the main causes?
4. What is meant by reliability and explain how it is different from quality? „Availability is a more practical and appropriate measure of equipment performance‟. Discuss.
5. "Under RCM methodology, the problem is not failure at all, it is the consequences of failure". Discuss.
6. Write the short notes on the following
a) Life Cycle Cost
b) Terotechnology
c) Condition Based Maintenance (CBM)
d) Spare Parts
Course Code:MS-58
Course Title:Management of R&D and Innovation
Assignment Code:MS-58/TMA/SEM-II/2018
Coverage:All Blocks
Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31st October, 2018 to the coordinator of your study centre.
1. What is the role of Intellectual Property Protection (particularly Patents) on Technological Innovation? What is the present state of Intellectual Property
Protection in India?
2. What does the 'creative process' mean? Describe the comment upon the elements of the creative process. Is it necessary that the states in the creative process should occur
in a certain order?
3. How do partnerships in innovation and R & D activity come into being? Do
partnerships happen by accident or by conscious planning? Give some examples of
agencies in different countries which facilitate partnering in innovation and R & D.
4. What are the four different leadership styles as reflected in the Blanchard model?
How are the styles interrelated?
5. Discuss the salient feature of the incentives and support measures provided by the
following countries for promotion of R & D and technology development.
6. Write short notes on the following:
b) Applied Research
c) R & D Budgeting
d) Total Quality Design
Course Code:MS - 66
Course Title:Marketing Research
Assignment Code:MS-66/TMA/SEM - II/2018
Coverage:All Blocks
Note : Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31st October, 2018 to
the coordinator of your study centre.
1. (a)Define Marketing Research. How and why marketing research assumes significance as
an important link between the consumer and the marketer. Discuss
(b)Explain the various types of research designs that a marketer can consider in undertaking
marketing research activities for the marketing problems faced by the firm.
2. (a)What is data in research? Why and when data collection becomes relevant in a research
project? Discuss with a suitable example.
(b)Discuss the basic concepts in sampling and the steps involved in sampling process.
3. (a)What is Qualitative research? Identity and discuss the areas where qualitative research
can be used in marketing.
(b)Elaborate the importance of editing, coding, classification tabulation and presentation
of data in the context of research studies. Elaborate
4. (a)What is cluster analysis? What are its possible areas of application in marketing
(b)Koffee Enterprise was established with a presence across the entire coffee value chain
from procuring, processing and roasting of coffee beans to retailing coffee products
across various formats. The company has pioneered the coffee culture by launching
coffee outlets in late 90's. Today Koffee enterprise has the country's largest footprint
with multi format outlets enjoying a market share of around 45% in the organized café
segment spread across 220 cities with 1540 outlets.
The introduction of the bean-to-cup format in the café segment at competitive prices
has revolutionized the coffee drinking habits thus driving out-of-home consumption by
installing 30,900 vending machines and 560 kiosks across the country.
Management has found that the vending machine and kiosk business contributed very
little to the overall business and has remarkably declined in terms of consumption thus
impacting a drop in the revenues.
You have been hired by the company to undertake research and offer your
recommendations and future course of action to revive this line of business back on the
Question :
(a) Prepare a marketing research proposal to help Koffee enterprise.
(b) Develop questionnaire to undertake a personal survey for the following set of
(i)For consumers to capture personal information and their perception, patronage
and satisfaction with various aspects of the format.
(ii)Owners of the vending machines/kiosks to get insights of the reasons for poor
patronage, competition and consumer experience.
Course Code: MS - 68
Course Title: Management of Marketing Communication and Advertising
Assignment Code: MS-68/TMA/SEM - II/2018
Coverage: All Blocks
Note : Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31st October, 2018 to the coordinator of your study centre.
1.(a) What is marketing communications? As a customer does the role of marketing communication helps in your buying decisions process? Discuss with suitable illustration.
What elements of promotion mix would you recommend for the following and why?
(i) Proposed electric car to be offered/launched
(ii) Public Transport services (Road ways) in your location.
(b) As one of the leading direct broadband satellite TV provider in the country, when and why it becomes necessary to plan promotional strategies. Explain.
Discuss the various steps involved in the planning process of promotional strategy by taking the above example.
2. (a) Distinguish advertisement from advertising. What are the two major activities that contribute to the success of an advertisement? Discuss by picking up any two print
advertisements of your choice and evaluate in terms of its impact on the target market.
- 2.(a) What do you understand by the term "Media" in the context of advertising and communication?
As a media Head of a leading Ad agency what criteria would you adopt in media selection in the following situations.
(i) Pre-launch promotional strategy for a 250 motor cycle for urban youth
(ii) Initiative to educate ban on plastic bags
(iii) Creating awareness on the dangers of drunk driving.
(b) What are the major objectives of sales promotion? Discuss the different types of sales promotion available for the marketer to enhance the sales of the firm.
4. (a) What is an advertising agency? Discuss the basic structure of an advertising agency. What
are the major reasons that marketers seek services from these agencies? Justify.
(b) What is Internet Marketing? What are the major reasons for its remarkable growth in the last decade. Collect data / information from various sources for this growth and prepare an
essay highlighting the scope, growth and challenges of this medium for the next five years.
Course Code:MS-91
Course Title:Advanced Strategic Management
Assignment Code:MS-91/TMA/SEM-II/2018
Coverage:All Blocks
Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31st October, 2018 to
the coordinator of your study centre.
1. Describe the scope of corporate policy and discuss policy formulation process in detail.
2. Read the case study on corporate Governance at TISCO (Block – 2) and answer the
questions given at the end.
3. Select any service organization (name and describe the organization) and explain how
information technology has enhanced the quality of service of this organization.
4. Highlight the importance of R & D strategy to the competitiveness of a firm and discuss
the steps involved in developing R & D strategy.
5. Discuss the scope and objectives of social audit citing examples of companies driven by
these objectives while pursuing their commercial activity of generating wealth.
6. Write short notes:
a) Need for Corporate Governance
b) Joint Ventures
c) Innovation and Creativity
d) Corporate Philanthropy
Course Code:MS - 94
Course Title:Technology Management
Assignment Code:MS-94/TMA/SEM - II/2018
Coverage:All Blocks
Note : Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31st October, 2018 to
the coordinator of your study centre.
1. How does Technology Forecasting help an organization in decision making? Explain
with the help of examples.
2. Identify an organization which has adopted a specific route of technology transfer for its
product.. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of adopting a specific route by the
organization for its product.
3. List out different technology development approaches. Explain each approach with the
help of an example.
4. Write a brief not on 'Science and Technology in India' in the contemporary scenario.
5. Explain the role of R & D in an organization. Illustrate with the help of examples.
Course Code:MS - 95
Course Title:Research Methodology for Management Decisions
Assignment Code:MS-95/SEM - II /2018
Coverage:All Blocks
Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31st October, 2018 to
the coordinator of your study centre.
1. "The manager/ researcher is not equipped to arrive at a focused the precise research
question, till he carries out a thorough inventory check of the problem area". Examine the
above statement and justify with examples why you agree/disagree with it.
2. Distinguish between secondary and primary methods of data collection. Is it possible to
use secondary data methods as substitutes of primary methods? Justify your answer with
suitable illustrations.
3. Explain an itemized rating scale. What are the various issues involved in constructing an
itemized rating scale?
4. What are non-parametric tests? How are they different from parametric tests? Explain the
advantages and disadvantages of the non-parametric tests.
5. What are the guidelines for effectively presenting the research results through oral
presentation? How can a researcher make his presentation more effective? What are the
audio-visual aids available for the purpose?
Course Code:MS - 96
Course Title:Total Quality Management
Assignment Code:MS-96/TMA/SEM - II/2018
Coverage:All Blocks
Note : Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31st October, 2018 to
the coordinator of your study centre.
1. Discuss as to how Xerox fought back to regain its lost glory using the concept of Total
Quality Management (TQM).
2. Critically analyze the role of strategic planning in implementing TQM using an example
from the business world.
3. Explain how business organizations operate in a socially responsible way using ISO
26000. Use the published material for reference.
4. What is the role of human factor in TQM? Illustrate with the help of example.
5. Differentiate between 'Award' and 'Certification' giving examples.
Course Code:MS-97
Course Title:International Business
Assignment Code:MS- 97/TMA/SEM-II/2018
Coverage:All Blocks
Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31st October, 2018 to
the coordinator of your study centre.
1. Explain the evolution of globalization and discuss various stages of globalization with
2. Briefly explain the types of trade blocks and discuss the welfare impact of Preferential
Trading Arrangements (PTAs).
3. Discuss in detail volatility of environment and the impact of environmental factors on
market entry with the help of examples.
4. Examine various strategic issues involved in international operations management.
5. Discuss the role of internet in transformation of business and the emergence of new
business models in detail.
6. Write short notes
a) Corporate Values
b) International Joint Ventures
c) Transition Economies
d) Need for Strategic Alliances