Mba Global Network

Advanced Strategic Management


Advanced Strategic Management

1.         What are the various approaches to the corporate management and which one is the best in Indian environment?  Give illustrations.


2.         Identify the various modes of entry Ranbaxy Laboratories has adopted in different regions and discuss the pros and cons of each mode of entry.

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  287 Hits

Management control system


Management control system

Q.1 (a)"In an organization, control involves a variety of functions. What are these functions ? Briefly describe he there-tier spectrum of organizational

planning and control.

(b) "The concept of responsibility is a logical extension oil the idea of delegation of responsibiiity and authority for elective management control," Explain. Whale carp he three key principles elective control and management of operations ?

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  3546 Hits

Management control system


Management control system

Q.1 (a)"In an organization, control involves a variety of functions. What are these functions ? Briefly describe he there-tier spectrum of organizational

planning and control.

(b) "The concept of responsibility is a logical extension oil the idea of delegation of responsibiiity and authority for elective management control," Explain. Whale carp he three key principles elective control and management of operations ?

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  356 Hits

Business Statistics top short questions



Business Statistics top short questions

Comment: “Mean is unbiased estimator and standard deviation is a biased estimator”.Comment: “Poisson is a limiting form of Binomial distribution."The value of index can be obtained with the help of different methods, but that method is the best which satisfies Time Reversal' and factor 'reversal test'. Comment."Different formulae, to find the value of index, are used in different situations." Comment.Comment on “Laspeyre's has upward bias and Paasche's has downward bias."Comment on "Fisher's index is ideal because it satisfies time reversal and factor reversal test".Comment: "Coefficient of correlation is independent of change of origin and change of scale, whereas regression coefficients are independent of change of origin but not change of scale."“A correlation coefficient r=0.8 indicates a relationship twice as close to r=0.4” Comment.Do you agree with the following statement and comment: "Dispersion indicates the variations round the value of mean, and skewness and kurtosis indicate the nature of variations round the value of means, whether they are symmetrical or not."Comment: "Measures of dispersion and central tendency are complementary to each other in highlighting the characteristics of a frequency distribution.""A cat was sitting on the floor of the house and looking for rats in the kitchen." Count the number of letters in each word of the above statement and make a frequency table (i) of the discrete type (ii) of continuous type by taking the suitable size of the class interval."Every average has its own peculiar characteristics. It is difficult to say which average is the best." Comment.Comment  "Statistics is the science of averages."Comment  "Statistics is a scientific method."Comment  "Statistics is a body of methods for making wise decision in the face of uncertainty."Comment  "Statistics affects everybody and touches life at many points. It is both a science and an art"Comment  "Statistics can prove any thing."Comment  "Proper function of statistics is to enlarge individual experience."Comment "Statistics does study quantitative variable and does not .study qualitative variable."Comment: "Large number of figures are more consistent as compared to small number of figures".
  1118 Hits

Business Statistics top short questions



Business Statistics top short questions

Comment: “Mean is unbiased estimator and standard deviation is a biased estimator”.Comment: “Poisson is a limiting form of Binomial distribution."The value of index can be obtained with the help of different methods, but that method is the best which satisfies Time Reversal' and factor 'reversal test'. Comment."Different formulae, to find the value of index, are used in different situations." Comment.Comment on “Laspeyre's has upward bias and Paasche's has downward bias."Comment on "Fisher's index is ideal because it satisfies time reversal and factor reversal test".Comment: "Coefficient of correlation is independent of change of origin and change of scale, whereas regression coefficients are independent of change of origin but not change of scale."“A correlation coefficient r=0.8 indicates a relationship twice as close to r=0.4” Comment.Do you agree with the following statement and comment: "Dispersion indicates the variations round the value of mean, and skewness and kurtosis indicate the nature of variations round the value of means, whether they are symmetrical or not."Comment: "Measures of dispersion and central tendency are complementary to each other in highlighting the characteristics of a frequency distribution.""A cat was sitting on the floor of the house and looking for rats in the kitchen." Count the number of letters in each word of the above statement and make a frequency table (i) of the discrete type (ii) of continuous type by taking the suitable size of the class interval."Every average has its own peculiar characteristics. It is difficult to say which average is the best." Comment.Comment  "Statistics is the science of averages."Comment  "Statistics is a scientific method."Comment  "Statistics is a body of methods for making wise decision in the face of uncertainty."Comment  "Statistics affects everybody and touches life at many points. It is both a science and an art"Comment  "Statistics can prove any thing."Comment  "Proper function of statistics is to enlarge individual experience."Comment "Statistics does study quantitative variable and does not .study qualitative variable."Comment: "Large number of figures are more consistent as compared to small number of figures".
  380 Hits

Management Information System


Management Information System



Q.1.   Define in your own words a database, database management system, database administration and a database machine.

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  1343 Hits

Management Information System


Management Information System



Q.1.   Define in your own words a database, database management system, database administration and a database machine.

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  334 Hits

Management of Machines and Materials


Management of Machines and Materials

Q.1  (a)   Explain different types of production systems giving suitable examples.

(b)   Elaborate various situations which lead to a study of facility location. Give examples.

Q.2.  (a)   Discuss basic Material Handling Systems giving their area of application.  List the objectives of material handling.

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  1110 Hits

Management of Machines and Materials


Management of Machines and Materials

Q.1  (a)   Explain different types of production systems giving suitable examples.

(b)   Elaborate various situations which lead to a study of facility location. Give examples.

Q.2.  (a)   Discuss basic Material Handling Systems giving their area of application.  List the objectives of material handling.

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  363 Hits

Labour law and Industrial relation


Labour Law

"Arbitrators appointed by the parties under Section 10-A of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 are not Tribunals, therefore no appeal can lie under Article 136 of the Constitution against awards given by them." Comment with the help of decided cases.

Are "Lockout" and "Strike" Constitutional Rights? Elucidates with the help of decided cases.

Define "Strike" as under Industrial Disputes Act, 1947.

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  1759 Hits

Labour law and Industrial relation


Labour Law

"Arbitrators appointed by the parties under Section 10-A of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 are not Tribunals, therefore no appeal can lie under Article 136 of the Constitution against awards given by them." Comment with the help of decided cases.

Are "Lockout" and "Strike" Constitutional Rights? Elucidates with the help of decided cases.

Define "Strike" as under Industrial Disputes Act, 1947.

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  317 Hits

Business management important questions



Business management important questions


Q. 1. What is `management' ? Discuss the importance of management in modern business organisations.

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  3047 Hits

Business management important questions



Business management important questions


Q. 1. What is `management' ? Discuss the importance of management in modern business organisations.

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  282 Hits

Wages and salary administation important questions



Wages and salary administation important questions



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  1150 Hits

Wages and salary administation important questions



Wages and salary administation important questions



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  287 Hits

Total quality management question bank



Total quality management question bank


1. Write a note on “Contract Review”

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  1450 Hits

Total quality management question bank



Total quality management question bank


1. Write a note on “Contract Review”

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  306 Hits

Top Management information system part -1

MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM(1) It is said, “Information and communication are most of the time complementary and sometimes supplementary to each other”. Elaborate!(2) What do you understand by competitiveness of ICT? Highlight the impact of ICT for the developing nations with respect to the economic activities.(3) What are the hardware and software issues for the technology for convergence? Also explain what do you understand by soft switched-based applications?(4) What are the standardized protocols for call control and media mapping in network multimedia communications over packet-based networks? Describe them!(5) Write a detailed note on emerging trends in convergence of it and consumer electronics.?(6) Briefly describe the modern practices and emerging trends related to technology, design and security issues involved in e-commerce?.(7) What do you understand by Artificial Intelligence? What are the factors that highlighted the need of developing AI? What are the goals of AI?(8) Discuss the application of AI with respect to the developments in the field of computers. Also discuss the major works that typically describes the earlier work done in AI.(9) If you have to build artificial intelligence in your organization, what factors you would think of and take into consideration. Mention those factors in a stepwise manner ?(10) Define Artificial Intelligence and mention some of its current applications.(11) What are expert systems? Mention the working principles of expert systems.Also discuss how knowledge can be represented in expert systems.(12) What are artificial neural networks? Discuss their business applications.(13) Discuss the salient features of the genetic algorithms. How do they differ from the artificial neural networks? Explain mutation and mating with the help of examples.(14) What are the factors that differentiate traditional logic and fuzzy logic? Explain the concept of membership characteristic function and also discuss the Business applications of Fuzzy Logic.(15) Define decision support system in your own words. Exemplify using your organizational context.(16) What are the characteristics of DSS? What are its components?(17) Differentiate between DSS, MIS & EIS with the help of suitable examples.(18) Why is DSS more of a facility than a system?(19) Explain the major functions of DSS and its applications.(20) What is group DSS ? What are the components of group DSS?(21) What are the practical difficulties of using an operational system’s database to service the information needs of strategic decision-making?(22) Briefly explain the importance of the Extract-Transform-Load operation, and the functions of the Load Manager component of a data warehouse.?(23) Why is it important to separate fact data from reference data in a data warehouse?(24) Why is metadata an important component of a data warehouse? What is a metadata repository and how is it used by the query manager component of a data warehouse?(25) What do you mean by ‘business intelligence’? What is an OLAP Engine?(26) Explain how the progress of data visualization technology in recent years has helped data analysts and business decision makers.?(27) How can you use the Web as a data source for your data warehouse? What types of information can you get from the Web? Explain briefly the steps needed to ensure that only good quality, reliable data is loaded into the data warehouse from the Web.?(28) How is data mining different from OLAP? Explain briefly.?(29) What do you understand by “data” and “information”? Give three examples each to distinguish between data and information?.(30) Explain the meaning of the terms database, database management system and database administrator in your own words.?(31) Explain what do you understand by database management systems? Describe its components.?(32) What are data models? How you would classify the data models? Differentiate between various data models with the help of an example.?(33) What is normalization and why it is used? Explain with the help of an example how would you derive normal forms.(34) Discuss different types of data in database system.What are the developments in database technology with respect to data types?(35) Explain the concept of programming language. Explain identifiers, constants, expressions, and library functions.?(36) Give points to support that Visual Basic is an excellent development tool. Highlight important features of VB.(37) Java is not 100% pure object oriented language? Do you agree or not? Justify your answer.(38) What do you understand by HTML? Present the features of HTML.?(39) “Excel is a versatile spreadsheet package. It can do wonder for accountants”. Comment.(40) “With so many ready made and customized software available-The need for a manager is to learn to use them effectively rather than learn to program them.”. Do you agree?(41) What makes Java an almost perfect web programming language?What are its disadvantages?(42) What are the different phases of traditional system life cycle?(43) What are the three phases of traditional system life cycle where users are highly involved?(44) What are the various steps and deliverables in the development phase?(45) In which phase of system life cycle the following are performed? Defining the problem, identifying its causes, specifying the solution, and identifying the information requirements.?(46) What are the three major areas of feasibility, which are addressed in system analysis?(47) Which of the design lays out the components of the system and their relationship to each other, as they would appear to users?(48) What types of resources are used in an information system?(49) What are the different types of computer based information system used in different functional areas business by organizations?(50) Who are the typical users of information system?


  836 Hits

Top Management information system part -1

MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM(1) It is said, “Information and communication are most of the time complementary and sometimes supplementary to each other”. Elaborate!(2) What do you understand by competitiveness of ICT? Highlight the impact of ICT for the developing nations with respect to the economic activities.(3) What are the hardware and software issues for the technology for convergence? Also explain what do you understand by soft switched-based applications?(4) What are the standardized protocols for call control and media mapping in network multimedia communications over packet-based networks? Describe them!(5) Write a detailed note on emerging trends in convergence of it and consumer electronics.?(6) Briefly describe the modern practices and emerging trends related to technology, design and security issues involved in e-commerce?.(7) What do you understand by Artificial Intelligence? What are the factors that highlighted the need of developing AI? What are the goals of AI?(8) Discuss the application of AI with respect to the developments in the field of computers. Also discuss the major works that typically describes the earlier work done in AI.(9) If you have to build artificial intelligence in your organization, what factors you would think of and take into consideration. Mention those factors in a stepwise manner ?(10) Define Artificial Intelligence and mention some of its current applications.(11) What are expert systems? Mention the working principles of expert systems.Also discuss how knowledge can be represented in expert systems.(12) What are artificial neural networks? Discuss their business applications.(13) Discuss the salient features of the genetic algorithms. How do they differ from the artificial neural networks? Explain mutation and mating with the help of examples.(14) What are the factors that differentiate traditional logic and fuzzy logic? Explain the concept of membership characteristic function and also discuss the Business applications of Fuzzy Logic.(15) Define decision support system in your own words. Exemplify using your organizational context.(16) What are the characteristics of DSS? What are its components?(17) Differentiate between DSS, MIS & EIS with the help of suitable examples.(18) Why is DSS more of a facility than a system?(19) Explain the major functions of DSS and its applications.(20) What is group DSS ? What are the components of group DSS?(21) What are the practical difficulties of using an operational system’s database to service the information needs of strategic decision-making?(22) Briefly explain the importance of the Extract-Transform-Load operation, and the functions of the Load Manager component of a data warehouse.?(23) Why is it important to separate fact data from reference data in a data warehouse?(24) Why is metadata an important component of a data warehouse? What is a metadata repository and how is it used by the query manager component of a data warehouse?(25) What do you mean by ‘business intelligence’? What is an OLAP Engine?(26) Explain how the progress of data visualization technology in recent years has helped data analysts and business decision makers.?(27) How can you use the Web as a data source for your data warehouse? What types of information can you get from the Web? Explain briefly the steps needed to ensure that only good quality, reliable data is loaded into the data warehouse from the Web.?(28) How is data mining different from OLAP? Explain briefly.?(29) What do you understand by “data” and “information”? Give three examples each to distinguish between data and information?.(30) Explain the meaning of the terms database, database management system and database administrator in your own words.?(31) Explain what do you understand by database management systems? Describe its components.?(32) What are data models? How you would classify the data models? Differentiate between various data models with the help of an example.?(33) What is normalization and why it is used? Explain with the help of an example how would you derive normal forms.(34) Discuss different types of data in database system.What are the developments in database technology with respect to data types?(35) Explain the concept of programming language. Explain identifiers, constants, expressions, and library functions.?(36) Give points to support that Visual Basic is an excellent development tool. Highlight important features of VB.(37) Java is not 100% pure object oriented language? Do you agree or not? Justify your answer.(38) What do you understand by HTML? Present the features of HTML.?(39) “Excel is a versatile spreadsheet package. It can do wonder for accountants”. Comment.(40) “With so many ready made and customized software available-The need for a manager is to learn to use them effectively rather than learn to program them.”. Do you agree?(41) What makes Java an almost perfect web programming language?What are its disadvantages?(42) What are the different phases of traditional system life cycle?(43) What are the three phases of traditional system life cycle where users are highly involved?(44) What are the various steps and deliverables in the development phase?(45) In which phase of system life cycle the following are performed? Defining the problem, identifying its causes, specifying the solution, and identifying the information requirements.?(46) What are the three major areas of feasibility, which are addressed in system analysis?(47) Which of the design lays out the components of the system and their relationship to each other, as they would appear to users?(48) What types of resources are used in an information system?(49) What are the different types of computer based information system used in different functional areas business by organizations?(50) Who are the typical users of information system?


  315 Hits

Quantitative Analysis for Managerial Applications

Quantitative Analysis for Managerial Applications(1) What do you understand by time series analysis? How would you go about conducting such an analysis for forecasting the sales of a product in your firm?(2) Compare time series analysis with other methods of forecasting, briefly summarizing the strengths and weaknesses of various methods.(3) What would be the considerations in the choice of a forecasting method?(4) What are the basic steps in establishing a relationship between variables from a given data?(5) What do you understand by the term correlation? Explain how the study of correlation helps in forecasting demand of a product.(6) Why is forecasting so important in business? Identify applications of forecasting for(a) Long term decisions.(b) Medium term decisions.(c) Short term decisions.(7) What is the practical utility of the central limit theorem in applied statistics?(8) What is the major difference between probability and non-probability sampling?(9) Discuss the important of measuring variability for managerial decision making.?(10) Review the advantages and disadvantages of each of the measures of variation.(11) What is the concept of relative variation? What problem situations call for the use of relative variation in their solution?(12) Distinguish between Karl Pearson's and Bowley's coefficient of skewness. Which one of these would you prefer and why?(13) List the various measures of central tendency studied in this unit and explain the difference between them.?(14) Discuss the mathematical properties of arithmetic mean and median?(15) Review for each of the measure of central tendency, their advantages and disadvantages?(16) Explain how you will decide which average to use in a particular problem?(17) What are quantiles? Explain and illustrate the concepts of quartiles, deciles and percentiles?(18) Explain the purpose and methods of classification of data giving suitable examples?(19) What are the general guidelines of forming a frequency distribution with particular reference to the choice of class intervals and number of classes?(20) Explain the various diagrams and graphs that can be used for charting a frequency distribution?(21) What are ogives? Point out the role. Discuss the method of constructing ogives with the help of an example.(22) Distinguish between primary and secondary data. Discuss the various methods of collecting primary data. Indicate the situation in which each of these methods should be used?(23) Discuss the validity of the statement: "A secondary source is not as reliable as a primary source."(24) Discuss the various sources of secondary data. Point out the precautions to be taken while using such data?(25)State the essentials of a good questionnaire? Describe briefly the questionnaire method of collecting primary data. 

(26) Explain what precautions must be taken while drafting a useful questionnaire?(27) As the personnel manager in a particular industry, you are asked to determine the effect of increased wages on output. Draft a suitable questionnaire for this purpose?(28) It you were to conduct a survey regarding smoking habits among students of IGNOU, what method of data collection would you adopt? Give reasons for your choice?(29) Distinguish between the census and sampling methods of data collection and compare their merits and demerits. Why is the sampling method unavoidable in certain situations?(30) Explain their `population' and `sample'. Explain why it is sometimes necessary and often desirable to collect information about the population by conducting a sample survey instead of complete enumeration?(31) Think of any major decision you made recently. Recall the steps taken by you to arrive at the final decision. Prepare a list of those steps?(32) Comment on the following statements:(a)"Statistics are numerical statement of facts but all facts numerically stated are not statistics".(b)"Statistics is the science of averages".(33) What is the type of the following models?(a)Frequency curves in statistics,(b)Motion films,(c)Flow chart in production control, and(d)Family of equations describing the structure of an atom.(34) List at least two applications of statistics in each, functional area of management.(35)What factors in modern society contribute to the increasing importance of quantitative approach to management?(36)Describe the major phases of statistics. Formulate a business problem and analyse it by applying these phases?(37) Explain the distinction between:(a) Static and dynamic models(b) Analytical and simulation models(c) Descriptive and prescriptive models.(38) Describe the main features of the quantitative approach to management?


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