Mba Global Network

International Marketing Logistics

International Marketing Logistics1) Define Marketing Logistics and explain its objectives.2) What are the main activities involved in marketing logistics? Explain them briefly.3) Why do you regard logistics as an important activity of marketing? Explain it with special reference to international trade.4) "Difference between domestic and international logistics can be said to arise on account of three major factors." Elaborate on this statement and enumerate the recent developments in international logistics that have made it an important plank of corporate strategy.5) In the context? of trade liberalisation policies in India, examine the importance ofa) domestic logisticsb) international logistics6) You are free to purchase tea, process and back it, and export it to a buyer in U.K. Plan logistics set up right upto the consumer.7) Comment on the following statements.a) Traditionally, physical distribution is considered as the other half of marketing.b) Distribution, marketing and manufacturing can not be viewed as separate activities within the business, particularly at the strategic level.c)Logistics system helps in improving the customer service.8) State the four levels at which logistics information is needed and explain the main features of an integrated information system.9) "Meeting distribution demands of customers is the key requirement for the successful operation of a distribution system." Elaborate on this statement and discuss the various customer service considerations.10) What are the major aspects of strategic logistics planning? Explain these aspects and enumerate the factors that influence logistics planning11) What are the three important concepts relevant to logistics management by an organization? Explain them briefly and-state which one you regard as the best approachand why?12) Discuss the various environmental aspects which an organization engaged in foreign trade has to reckon with and clarify their impact on logistics system.13) "Objectives and policies for functioning of the supply chain are usually in conflict both within and across operational units." Amplify this statement and explain how can they be balanced in order to build up an integrative logistic system.14) Describe the role of air transport in movement of cargo in overseas trade of India.15) Outline the structure of civil aviation in India and discuss the role of AAI and DGCAin the functioning of air services in India.16) Describe the working of Air India and Indian Airlines and state the impact of allowing private operators on their functioning.17) What are the problems faced by air transport in India and how far the policy framework and programmers envisaged for the Ninth Plan could help in improving the air services.18) Analysis the role of major airports in India in handling overseas cargo, and state the constraints faced by them.19) Write explanatory notes on any three of the following:a) Significance of air transportb) Pawan Hans Helicopters Limitedc) Air cargo tariffd) IGRUAe) BCAS20) Enumerate the salient. features of commercial shipping and explain its importance for the development of international trade.21) Describe the nature and uses of various types of ships, If you are required to transport 30,000 MT of crude oil from UK to USA and within the same month 80,000 MT of whea in bulk from New Orleans to Rotterdam, decide upon your selection bf a ship and justify the same,22) What are the advantages of registration of a ship, An Indian company has purchased new ship, Briefly describe the procedure for its registration.23)Distinguish between registration and classification, and describe the advantages of classification.24) Indicate the difference between classification survey, registration survey and underwriters' survey; and enumerate the important checks the classification society does ownership

  351 Hits

International Marketing Logistics papers

International Marketing Logistics25) (a) What do you understand by liner shipping? How does it differ from tramp shipping,(b) Outline the factors a shipper has to keep in view while selecting a liner vessel,30) Enumerate the limitations of conventional ships and discuss how containerisation has helped in overcoming these constraints,31) Describe the advantages of containerisation to the shippers and the ship-owners. Also state its disadvantages, if any,32) (a) What are the various types of marina containers? Describe the salient features of any two of them,(b) You have 40 MT wheat in bags and 20 MT wheat in bulk. Indicate the type and . number of containers you would require.33) Distinguish between:. (a) Inter-modalism and Multi-modalism(b) Inland container Depots and Container Freight Stations.(c) Flat Pack Containers and Open Top Containers34) "During the last three decades Multi-modal Transportation has made rapid progress". While commenting on the statement explain how has the multi-modal transportation benefited the movement of merchandise through Hinterland.35) Explain the concept of land bridging and state its advantages in the Indian context.36) Your factory is located at Hapur. You have received an order of full container load from your buyer in Los Angeles and the order is to be executed through the port of Mumbai. Detail off the routing and prepare a formal communication to your buyer , justifying the selection of routes made by you.37) Describe the importance of national shipping as provider of logistics support to the foreign trade of a country.38) Explain the objective's set out in the five year plans for the development of Indian shipping.39)"The development of Indian shipping fleet from 1919 till date can be put into six phases." Discuss these phases in relation to the physical targets set in-each Five Year Plan and the policy pronouncements made by Government from time to time.40)"Despite increasing volume of India's overseas trade over the period, the performance of Indian shipping has been rather disappointing." Comment on this , statement and discuss the constraints faced by Indian shipping industry.41)"Indian shipping policy measures are aimed at the development of shipping fleet so as to attain self-reliance." Do you agree? Discuss how far has India been able to achieve the objectives set out in the shipping policy?42) (a) Describe the role of Indian shipping as a net earner of foreign exchange.43) Discuss the major concerns of the shippers and the ship owners in case of liner shipping,44) What do you understand by the conference system in liner shipping operations. Explain its utility and the concept of pooling arrangements,45) Discuss the basis principles and factors that govern the liner freight rates, Also specify the different elements added to basic freight rates to work out the final charges to be paid in case of break-bulk cargo.46) Distinguish betweena) General Cargo Rates and Specific Cargo Ratesb) Open Rates and Advalorem Ratesc) Weight Ton and Measurement Ton47) Discuss the various types of surcharges that are usually levied on the basic freightrates.48)What are the various ways in which a tramp may be chartered? Explain fully.49) Describe the responsibilities of ship owners and the charterers under different forms of chartering arrangements.50) Discuss the main clauses of voyage charter party and time charter party,51) What are the various ways in which a tramp may be chartered? Explain fully.52)Write short notes on :(a) Productivity of Indian ports(b) Privatisation of ports(c) Need for corporatisation of ports and progress thereof(d) Dredging Corporation' of India(e) Joint Ventures53) Keeping in view the traffic projections for ports sector, what are the provision made in the Ninth Five Year Plan for development of ports.54) What is Maritime Fraud? State the various factors that lead to commitment of maritime frauds.55)Enumerate the common areas where frauds and disputes normally take place in international marine transactions and commercial shipping, and state the common precautions to be taken by international buyers and sellers to prevent the possibilities of maritime frauds.56) "The best way for vessel owners and charterers to avoid their involvement in incidents of fraud is to make the necessary enquiries as to the standing of the partiesthey are dealing with, before entering into any binding commitment," Discuss.57) Outline the role of International Chamber of Commerce in preventing and restricting the maritime frauds.58) Discuss the various activities and services provided by international Maritime Bureau.59) Enumerate the matters of common interest for consultation and describe the role or Liner Code in encouraging meaningful consultations with shippers.60) What do you understand by the institutional arrangements for resolving shippers' problems. Discuss the measures that have been adopted in USA lo safeguard the interest of shippers.61) Explain the salient features of Australian legislation for curbing unfair trade practices of carriers/conference,62) Describe the consultation arrangements in India for resolving shippers' problems.63) Shippers-Shipowners consultation arrangements in India leave much scope for improvement." Comment and suggest suitable measures for strengthening the same.64) Write notes on the following :a) US Shipping Act of 1916 and US Shipping Act of 1984b) Australian Legislation on consultations in shippingc) UN Liner Code.

  807 Hits

International Marketing Logistics papers

International Marketing Logistics25) (a) What do you understand by liner shipping? How does it differ from tramp shipping,(b) Outline the factors a shipper has to keep in view while selecting a liner vessel,30) Enumerate the limitations of conventional ships and discuss how containerisation has helped in overcoming these constraints,31) Describe the advantages of containerisation to the shippers and the ship-owners. Also state its disadvantages, if any,32) (a) What are the various types of marina containers? Describe the salient features of any two of them,(b) You have 40 MT wheat in bags and 20 MT wheat in bulk. Indicate the type and . number of containers you would require.33) Distinguish between:. (a) Inter-modalism and Multi-modalism(b) Inland container Depots and Container Freight Stations.(c) Flat Pack Containers and Open Top Containers34) "During the last three decades Multi-modal Transportation has made rapid progress". While commenting on the statement explain how has the multi-modal transportation benefited the movement of merchandise through Hinterland.35) Explain the concept of land bridging and state its advantages in the Indian context.36) Your factory is located at Hapur. You have received an order of full container load from your buyer in Los Angeles and the order is to be executed through the port of Mumbai. Detail off the routing and prepare a formal communication to your buyer , justifying the selection of routes made by you.37) Describe the importance of national shipping as provider of logistics support to the foreign trade of a country.38) Explain the objective's set out in the five year plans for the development of Indian shipping.39)"The development of Indian shipping fleet from 1919 till date can be put into six phases." Discuss these phases in relation to the physical targets set in-each Five Year Plan and the policy pronouncements made by Government from time to time.40)"Despite increasing volume of India's overseas trade over the period, the performance of Indian shipping has been rather disappointing." Comment on this , statement and discuss the constraints faced by Indian shipping industry.41)"Indian shipping policy measures are aimed at the development of shipping fleet so as to attain self-reliance." Do you agree? Discuss how far has India been able to achieve the objectives set out in the shipping policy?42) (a) Describe the role of Indian shipping as a net earner of foreign exchange.43) Discuss the major concerns of the shippers and the ship owners in case of liner shipping,44) What do you understand by the conference system in liner shipping operations. Explain its utility and the concept of pooling arrangements,45) Discuss the basis principles and factors that govern the liner freight rates, Also specify the different elements added to basic freight rates to work out the final charges to be paid in case of break-bulk cargo.46) Distinguish betweena) General Cargo Rates and Specific Cargo Ratesb) Open Rates and Advalorem Ratesc) Weight Ton and Measurement Ton47) Discuss the various types of surcharges that are usually levied on the basic freightrates.48)What are the various ways in which a tramp may be chartered? Explain fully.49) Describe the responsibilities of ship owners and the charterers under different forms of chartering arrangements.50) Discuss the main clauses of voyage charter party and time charter party,51) What are the various ways in which a tramp may be chartered? Explain fully.52)Write short notes on :(a) Productivity of Indian ports(b) Privatisation of ports(c) Need for corporatisation of ports and progress thereof(d) Dredging Corporation' of India(e) Joint Ventures53) Keeping in view the traffic projections for ports sector, what are the provision made in the Ninth Five Year Plan for development of ports.54) What is Maritime Fraud? State the various factors that lead to commitment of maritime frauds.55)Enumerate the common areas where frauds and disputes normally take place in international marine transactions and commercial shipping, and state the common precautions to be taken by international buyers and sellers to prevent the possibilities of maritime frauds.56) "The best way for vessel owners and charterers to avoid their involvement in incidents of fraud is to make the necessary enquiries as to the standing of the partiesthey are dealing with, before entering into any binding commitment," Discuss.57) Outline the role of International Chamber of Commerce in preventing and restricting the maritime frauds.58) Discuss the various activities and services provided by international Maritime Bureau.59) Enumerate the matters of common interest for consultation and describe the role or Liner Code in encouraging meaningful consultations with shippers.60) What do you understand by the institutional arrangements for resolving shippers' problems. Discuss the measures that have been adopted in USA lo safeguard the interest of shippers.61) Explain the salient features of Australian legislation for curbing unfair trade practices of carriers/conference,62) Describe the consultation arrangements in India for resolving shippers' problems.63) Shippers-Shipowners consultation arrangements in India leave much scope for improvement." Comment and suggest suitable measures for strengthening the same.64) Write notes on the following :a) US Shipping Act of 1916 and US Shipping Act of 1984b) Australian Legislation on consultations in shippingc) UN Liner Code.

  418 Hits



  752 Hits



  769 Hits



  389 Hits

Export Import Procedures and Documentation

Export Import Procedures and Documentation1. Describe the major acts related to the foreign trade in India.2. Explain the procedures of registration formalities and export licensing.3. Describe the general provisions for exports and imports.4. Explain the major provisions of exports.5. Describe the major provisions of imports.6.Write short notes on:i) Deemed exportsii) Foreign type (development and Regulation) Act, 1992iii) Duty Exemption Scheme 'iv). Duty Remission Scheme.7. Discuss the duties of an exporter under FOB and CIF contract.8 . Explain briefly various contracts under Incoterms.9. Explain briefly various aspects covered under the general conditions in export contract.10. Describe the major legal implications of FOB contract.11. Do you think that arbitration is better than litigation? Discuss.12. What is the need for documents in international business? Substantiate your answers with suitable examples.13. "In export-import trade people are dealing in documents and not in goods". Critically examine this statement.14. What are the major commercial documents? Write major characteristics of Bill of lading and Bill of Exchange.15. Describe the essential requirements in preparing the Commercial Invoice.16. Distinguish between "Received for shipment Bill of Lading" and "On-board shipped Bill of Lading" as well as between "clean" and " claused" Bill of Lading.17.Describe major documents needed by the importing countries.18. Explain the main export incentives in India and the documents needed to claim them.19. Distinguish between:a) Insurance policy and Insurance Certificateb) Consular Invoice and Customs Invoicec) Customs Declaration form and 'D' For20. Write short notes on:i) Legal documents in importing countriesii) Simplified Export Documentsiii) Import Documents21. How ED1 is different from Electronic Commerce?22. Why ED1 has become a necessity for International Trade?23. What is EDIFACT? What are the other ED1 standards?24. What is the role of VAN?25. What are the steps necessary to implement EDI?26. What are security and legal issues which organization must consider while implementing EDI?27. What kind of strategic advantages an Export house may get through EDI?28. Discuss the significance of payment terms in export transactions.29. What are the various alternatives available to an exporter from the viewpoint of realizing export proceeds ? Arrange them in order of safety. What are the risks associated with each of these alternatives ?30. Discuss the mechanism of realising payment under letter of credit arrangements.

  832 Hits

Export Import Procedures and Documentation

Export Import Procedures and Documentation1. Describe the major acts related to the foreign trade in India.2. Explain the procedures of registration formalities and export licensing.3. Describe the general provisions for exports and imports.4. Explain the major provisions of exports.5. Describe the major provisions of imports.6.Write short notes on:i) Deemed exportsii) Foreign type (development and Regulation) Act, 1992iii) Duty Exemption Scheme 'iv). Duty Remission Scheme.7. Discuss the duties of an exporter under FOB and CIF contract.8 . Explain briefly various contracts under Incoterms.9. Explain briefly various aspects covered under the general conditions in export contract.10. Describe the major legal implications of FOB contract.11. Do you think that arbitration is better than litigation? Discuss.12. What is the need for documents in international business? Substantiate your answers with suitable examples.13. "In export-import trade people are dealing in documents and not in goods". Critically examine this statement.14. What are the major commercial documents? Write major characteristics of Bill of lading and Bill of Exchange.15. Describe the essential requirements in preparing the Commercial Invoice.16. Distinguish between "Received for shipment Bill of Lading" and "On-board shipped Bill of Lading" as well as between "clean" and " claused" Bill of Lading.17.Describe major documents needed by the importing countries.18. Explain the main export incentives in India and the documents needed to claim them.19. Distinguish between:a) Insurance policy and Insurance Certificateb) Consular Invoice and Customs Invoicec) Customs Declaration form and 'D' For20. Write short notes on:i) Legal documents in importing countriesii) Simplified Export Documentsiii) Import Documents21. How ED1 is different from Electronic Commerce?22. Why ED1 has become a necessity for International Trade?23. What is EDIFACT? What are the other ED1 standards?24. What is the role of VAN?25. What are the steps necessary to implement EDI?26. What are security and legal issues which organization must consider while implementing EDI?27. What kind of strategic advantages an Export house may get through EDI?28. Discuss the significance of payment terms in export transactions.29. What are the various alternatives available to an exporter from the viewpoint of realizing export proceeds ? Arrange them in order of safety. What are the risks associated with each of these alternatives ?30. Discuss the mechanism of realising payment under letter of credit arrangements.

  403 Hits

Export Import Procedures and Documentation details

Export Import Procedures and Documentation details31. What precautions should an exporter take while exporting under Letter of Credit arrangements ?32. What is the method of realising payments under Documents Against Acceptance.33. Discuss? How does it differ from that of Documents Against Payments?34. Is it possible for an Indian exporter to export on Running Account Basis? Discuss.35. What do ~ O L I mean by exchange control 7 Describe the broad objectives of exchangecontrol.36. Explain various provisions related to regulation and management of foreign exchange.37. All exports to which the requirement of declaration applies must be declared orappropriate forms. Discuss. Explain the procedure for furnishing the forms.38. Write notes on:i) Foreign Currency Account.ii) Procedure for furnishing the SOFTEX Form.38. What is the purpose of extending packing credit to exporters? Explain the proceduresof packing credit.39. What do you mean by, pre-shipment finance? Enumerate the methods of postshipments nent finance. Describe the procedure of pre-shipment credit in foreign currency.40What is post -shipment finance? Explain various methods of post-shipment finance.41. Explain the procedures of export under Deferred payments.42. Describe the role of Export Import Bank of India,43. Write short notes on:i) Pre-shipment Credit In Foreign Currencyii) Post- Shipment Credit in Foreign Currencyiii) Buyer's Creditiv) Factoringv) Forfaiting44. Evaluate the services provided by the ECGC to the exporters.45. How far has the ECGC helped the exporters in obtaining export finance?46. Describe the different kinds of policies and financial gurantees issued by the ECGC.47. "Credit is a major weapon of international competition but it involves risk." Discuss.48. What is the nature of the risks faced by the international marketer in financing his operations and granting credit to his customers ? What are the means available in\ India to handle these risks 750.Evaluate the services provided by the ECGC to the exporters.51. How far has the ECGC helped the exporters in obtaining export finance?52. Describe the different kinds of policies and financial guarantees issued by the ECGC.53. "Credit is a major weapon of international competition but it involves risk." Discuss.54. What is the nature of the risks faced by the international marketer in financing his operations and granting credit to his customers ?55. What are the means available in India to handle these risks ? What are the advantages of containerisation?56. Distinguish between Liner and Tramp shipping services.57. What are various forms of chartering of the shipping services? Explain.58. What are the needs of shipping conference? How does it help in export business? 159. Why cargo insurance is needed? Explain with suitable examples.60. Describe various types of perils in cargo insurance policy against which insurance cover can be obtained.

  712 Hits

Export Import Procedures and Documentation details

Export Import Procedures and Documentation details31. What precautions should an exporter take while exporting under Letter of Credit arrangements ?32. What is the method of realising payments under Documents Against Acceptance.33. Discuss? How does it differ from that of Documents Against Payments?34. Is it possible for an Indian exporter to export on Running Account Basis? Discuss.35. What do ~ O L I mean by exchange control 7 Describe the broad objectives of exchangecontrol.36. Explain various provisions related to regulation and management of foreign exchange.37. All exports to which the requirement of declaration applies must be declared orappropriate forms. Discuss. Explain the procedure for furnishing the forms.38. Write notes on:i) Foreign Currency Account.ii) Procedure for furnishing the SOFTEX Form.38. What is the purpose of extending packing credit to exporters? Explain the proceduresof packing credit.39. What do you mean by, pre-shipment finance? Enumerate the methods of postshipments nent finance. Describe the procedure of pre-shipment credit in foreign currency.40What is post -shipment finance? Explain various methods of post-shipment finance.41. Explain the procedures of export under Deferred payments.42. Describe the role of Export Import Bank of India,43. Write short notes on:i) Pre-shipment Credit In Foreign Currencyii) Post- Shipment Credit in Foreign Currencyiii) Buyer's Creditiv) Factoringv) Forfaiting44. Evaluate the services provided by the ECGC to the exporters.45. How far has the ECGC helped the exporters in obtaining export finance?46. Describe the different kinds of policies and financial gurantees issued by the ECGC.47. "Credit is a major weapon of international competition but it involves risk." Discuss.48. What is the nature of the risks faced by the international marketer in financing his operations and granting credit to his customers ? What are the means available in\ India to handle these risks 750.Evaluate the services provided by the ECGC to the exporters.51. How far has the ECGC helped the exporters in obtaining export finance?52. Describe the different kinds of policies and financial guarantees issued by the ECGC.53. "Credit is a major weapon of international competition but it involves risk." Discuss.54. What is the nature of the risks faced by the international marketer in financing his operations and granting credit to his customers ?55. What are the means available in India to handle these risks ? What are the advantages of containerisation?56. Distinguish between Liner and Tramp shipping services.57. What are various forms of chartering of the shipping services? Explain.58. What are the needs of shipping conference? How does it help in export business? 159. Why cargo insurance is needed? Explain with suitable examples.60. Describe various types of perils in cargo insurance policy against which insurance cover can be obtained.

  442 Hits

Export Import Procedures

Export Import Procedures and Documentation 61. Explain the kinds of losses. How these losses can be covered by the cargo insurancepolicy?62. Explain the features of Open Cover Policy.63. Distinguish between Open Cover and Open Policy.64. What are the responsibilities of the insured in a cargo insurance policy?65. Equmerate the documents needed for filing the cargo insurance claims.66.uescribe various stages involved in the shipment of export cargo.67. Describe the procedures of obtaining excise rebate under excise rebate policy.68. Can YOU export the goods without permission from the customs authorities Whatare the objectives of customs control?69. Describe various stages involved in customs clearance .70. Explain in brief main Acts involved in Customs Clearance of lrrlport Cargo.71. What do you mean by IGM and BIE? Explain in detail types of BIE and Differencestherein.72. Illustrate how the date becomes important for deciding the rate of duty and exchangeRate. Explain various types of duties.73. Describe various types of bills of entry. What documents are to be enclosed wit11Bill of Entry?74. Write short notes on the following:a) Stages of customs clearance of import cargob) Dutiesc) ED1 (Electronic Data Interchange)75.Analyze the role and functions of the institutions assisting export-marketing effort atproduct/ industry level.76.Discuss the institutions providing technical and specialised services to the export sectorin India.77.Describe the institutions set-up for Government policy making and consultation forexport promotion in India.78. Discuss Government participation in foreign trade and enumerate the corporationsestablished for the same.79. Analyze the objectives of institutional set-up for export promotion in India.80.Analyze the role and functions of the institutions assisting export-marketing effort atproduct/industry level.81. Discuss the institutions providing technical and specialised services to the export sector in lndia.82. Describe the institutions set-up for Government policy making and consultation forexport promotion in India.83. Discuss Government participation in foreign trade and enumerate the corporations established for the same.84. Analyze the objectives of institutional set-up for export promotion in lndia.

  852 Hits

Export Import Procedures

Export Import Procedures and Documentation 61. Explain the kinds of losses. How these losses can be covered by the cargo insurancepolicy?62. Explain the features of Open Cover Policy.63. Distinguish between Open Cover and Open Policy.64. What are the responsibilities of the insured in a cargo insurance policy?65. Equmerate the documents needed for filing the cargo insurance claims.66.uescribe various stages involved in the shipment of export cargo.67. Describe the procedures of obtaining excise rebate under excise rebate policy.68. Can YOU export the goods without permission from the customs authorities Whatare the objectives of customs control?69. Describe various stages involved in customs clearance .70. Explain in brief main Acts involved in Customs Clearance of lrrlport Cargo.71. What do you mean by IGM and BIE? Explain in detail types of BIE and Differencestherein.72. Illustrate how the date becomes important for deciding the rate of duty and exchangeRate. Explain various types of duties.73. Describe various types of bills of entry. What documents are to be enclosed wit11Bill of Entry?74. Write short notes on the following:a) Stages of customs clearance of import cargob) Dutiesc) ED1 (Electronic Data Interchange)75.Analyze the role and functions of the institutions assisting export-marketing effort atproduct/ industry level.76.Discuss the institutions providing technical and specialised services to the export sectorin India.77.Describe the institutions set-up for Government policy making and consultation forexport promotion in India.78. Discuss Government participation in foreign trade and enumerate the corporationsestablished for the same.79. Analyze the objectives of institutional set-up for export promotion in India.80.Analyze the role and functions of the institutions assisting export-marketing effort atproduct/industry level.81. Discuss the institutions providing technical and specialised services to the export sector in lndia.82. Describe the institutions set-up for Government policy making and consultation forexport promotion in India.83. Discuss Government participation in foreign trade and enumerate the corporations established for the same.84. Analyze the objectives of institutional set-up for export promotion in lndia.

  382 Hits


MATERNAL & CHILD HEALTH PLANNING AND MANAGEMENTl (a) Explain in brief the goals and objectives of MATERNAL & CHILD HEALTH care.(b) Describe the organisational set-up for delivery of MATERNAL & CHILD HEALTH care in a district.2 (a) what is Infant Mortality Rate (lMR) ? (b) Enlist the important causes of Infant Mortality in our country? (c) Describe various measures for reducing the IMR?3 (a) Discuss the importance of supervision for improving the quality of MATERNAL & CHILD HEALTH care?(b) Describe various methods of supervision being employed in the MATERNAL & CHILD HEALTH care?4 (a) How has the RCH programme evolved in India ? (b) Discuss briefly the child health components under RCH programme?5 What is a peri-natal death ? Describe various measures to bring down theperi-natal mortality in lndia'?6 (a) What is vaccine vial monitor (VVM) ?(b) How is the AFP surveillance being conducted under NPSP ?7 Write short notes on :(a) Sensitivity of diagnostic test(b) Female feticide(c) Health education methods for small groups(d) Steps for plannirrg an immunisation session in anurban slum8 Write short notes on :(a) Management Information System (MIS)(b) SupportiveSupervision9 (a) Explain the rationale of integrated Maternal and Child Health Care Services.(b) Describe in brief the socio-cultural determinants of MATERNAL & CHILD HEALTH care.10 (a) Define an indicator(b) Write the qualities of a good indicator.(c) Describe in brief the various MATERNAL & CHILD HEALTH indicators.11 (a) Explain the need and importance of Materials Management in MATERNAL & CHILD HEALTH care?(b) Describe the various components of Materials Management?12 Write short notes on :(a) Levels of Prevention in MCI Care(b) National Health Policy(c) C.P.A. and its application in Health sector(d) Community Participation for MATERNAL & CHILD HEALTH Care13 Write short notes on :(a) Sources of Information for M.l.S.(b) Methods of Supervision14 Discuss in brief the organisation of universal immunisation for children against six vaccine preventable diseases at Block level?15 (a) Outllne the components o{ essential newborn care.(b) Describe in brief the strategy for IMNCI being lmplemented in India.16 (a) What is Perinatal Mortality Ratio ?(b) Explain major causes of perinatal deaths in India?17 Comment briefly upon(a) Supplementary Immunisation Activies against polio(b) Counselling for newly weds regarding prenatal health(c) Monitoring the quality of antenatal care(d) Ensuring injection safety in outreach immunisationsessions18 Write short notes on :(a) Common-source epidemic(b) Various qualitative research methods used in reproductive health19 (a) What are the objectives of ICDS ?(b) What are the packages of servicesoffered in ICDS ?(c) How is monitoring and evaluation in ICDS undertaken ?20 (a) Discuss the epidemiology of poliomyelitis.(b) Discuss in brief the oral polio vaccine administrative guidelines.(c) What are the irnportant strategies under polio eradication programme ?21 (a) Discuss the status of women in India with special relerence to working women.(b) Describe the national policy for empowerment of women in lndia.22 Write short notes on :(a) Socio-cultural determinants of infant mortality(b) Baby lriendly hospital initiative(c) Channels of mass communication(d) Components of health care evaluation23 Write short notes orr :(a) At risk approach for MATERNAL & CHILD HEALTH(b) Tips on counselling the young adults24 (a) How do you administer the BCG vaccine ?(b) What steps would you take while investigating an outbreak of Measles in an urban slum?25 What is the system of monitoring antenatal services under RCH programme ? How will you evaluate the impact of essential new born care package at the state level ?26 Write short notes on :(a) Inventory management of materials(b) Janani Suraksha Yojana(c) The MTP Act(d) Fertility indicators27 Comment briefly upon :(a) Focus Group Discussion(b) Difference between sensitivity and specificity of a diagnostic test28 (a) Suggest measures to reduce Neonatal Mortality in India.(b) Define the Perinatal Mortality Ratio29 Outline the package of services available under RCH program. Make a detailed illustration of Maternal Health care services at CHC level?30 Summarize the National Immunization Schedule for children. What newer vaccines would you offer to your client as an added option, and why ? Also explain the dose and schedule of never vaccines.31 Write short notes on :(a) Planning cycle(b) Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA)(c) Indicators of Maternal Health(d) Cluster samplingComment briefly upon :(a) The PNDT Act(b) Difference between Relative Risk and Attributable Risk32 (a) Describe the role of socio - cultural factors in child health(b) Enumerate strategies under NRHM to achieve its goals.33 What is Community Needs Assessment Approach ? Describe the package of servicesunder RCH programme?34 (a) Enumerate newer vaccines and their dosage schedule.(b) Describe the Preconception and prenatal Diagnostic Techniques (Prohibition of selection) Act 1994?35 Discuss in brief :(a) Organization of MATERNAL & CHILD HEALTH services in rural areas of a district(b) Microplanning for National Polio Immunization day (Pulse Polio) in a DHCarea(c) ABC - VED analysis (d) Behaviour change communication in RCH36 Describe in brief :(a) Socio - demographic goals for 2010 under(b) National Population Policy(c) Monitoring of RCH programme37 Outline the components of MATERNAL & CHILD HEALTH care package.How these services are being delivered in rural areas in India ?38 Why the neonates need to be treated as a special group ? Explain the components of Essential Newborn care?39 Summarize the components of Resource Management. Illustrate the budgeting process in health?40Write short notes on the following(a) AFP Surveillance(b) Leadership and Team building(c) Infection control in a hospital(d) National Health Policy 200241. Differentiate between the following (a) Retrospective and Prospective study designs(b) Incubation period and Window period42 Why the adolescents need to be treated as a special group ? Explain the management of a pregnant adolescent?43 Outline the components of Reproductive and Child Health Services. How these services are being integrated with primary health care in India ?44 Explain the difficulties faced by Polio Eradication Initiative. Outline the classification of cases under AFP Surveillance?45 Write short notes on the following(a) Integrated management of neonatal and(b) childhood illness (IMNCI)(c) Counselling Skills(d) Color coding for biomedical waste(e) Pre-Conception and Pre-natal Diagnostic(f) Techniques (Regulation and Prevention of Misuse) Act.46 Differentiate between (a)Common source and Propagated epidemics(b)General Fertility Rate (GFR) and Total Fertility Rate (TFR)

  905 Hits


MATERNAL & CHILD HEALTH PLANNING AND MANAGEMENTl (a) Explain in brief the goals and objectives of MATERNAL & CHILD HEALTH care.(b) Describe the organisational set-up for delivery of MATERNAL & CHILD HEALTH care in a district.2 (a) what is Infant Mortality Rate (lMR) ? (b) Enlist the important causes of Infant Mortality in our country? (c) Describe various measures for reducing the IMR?3 (a) Discuss the importance of supervision for improving the quality of MATERNAL & CHILD HEALTH care?(b) Describe various methods of supervision being employed in the MATERNAL & CHILD HEALTH care?4 (a) How has the RCH programme evolved in India ? (b) Discuss briefly the child health components under RCH programme?5 What is a peri-natal death ? Describe various measures to bring down theperi-natal mortality in lndia'?6 (a) What is vaccine vial monitor (VVM) ?(b) How is the AFP surveillance being conducted under NPSP ?7 Write short notes on :(a) Sensitivity of diagnostic test(b) Female feticide(c) Health education methods for small groups(d) Steps for plannirrg an immunisation session in anurban slum8 Write short notes on :(a) Management Information System (MIS)(b) SupportiveSupervision9 (a) Explain the rationale of integrated Maternal and Child Health Care Services.(b) Describe in brief the socio-cultural determinants of MATERNAL & CHILD HEALTH care.10 (a) Define an indicator(b) Write the qualities of a good indicator.(c) Describe in brief the various MATERNAL & CHILD HEALTH indicators.11 (a) Explain the need and importance of Materials Management in MATERNAL & CHILD HEALTH care?(b) Describe the various components of Materials Management?12 Write short notes on :(a) Levels of Prevention in MCI Care(b) National Health Policy(c) C.P.A. and its application in Health sector(d) Community Participation for MATERNAL & CHILD HEALTH Care13 Write short notes on :(a) Sources of Information for M.l.S.(b) Methods of Supervision14 Discuss in brief the organisation of universal immunisation for children against six vaccine preventable diseases at Block level?15 (a) Outllne the components o{ essential newborn care.(b) Describe in brief the strategy for IMNCI being lmplemented in India.16 (a) What is Perinatal Mortality Ratio ?(b) Explain major causes of perinatal deaths in India?17 Comment briefly upon(a) Supplementary Immunisation Activies against polio(b) Counselling for newly weds regarding prenatal health(c) Monitoring the quality of antenatal care(d) Ensuring injection safety in outreach immunisationsessions18 Write short notes on :(a) Common-source epidemic(b) Various qualitative research methods used in reproductive health19 (a) What are the objectives of ICDS ?(b) What are the packages of servicesoffered in ICDS ?(c) How is monitoring and evaluation in ICDS undertaken ?20 (a) Discuss the epidemiology of poliomyelitis.(b) Discuss in brief the oral polio vaccine administrative guidelines.(c) What are the irnportant strategies under polio eradication programme ?21 (a) Discuss the status of women in India with special relerence to working women.(b) Describe the national policy for empowerment of women in lndia.22 Write short notes on :(a) Socio-cultural determinants of infant mortality(b) Baby lriendly hospital initiative(c) Channels of mass communication(d) Components of health care evaluation23 Write short notes orr :(a) At risk approach for MATERNAL & CHILD HEALTH(b) Tips on counselling the young adults24 (a) How do you administer the BCG vaccine ?(b) What steps would you take while investigating an outbreak of Measles in an urban slum?25 What is the system of monitoring antenatal services under RCH programme ? How will you evaluate the impact of essential new born care package at the state level ?26 Write short notes on :(a) Inventory management of materials(b) Janani Suraksha Yojana(c) The MTP Act(d) Fertility indicators27 Comment briefly upon :(a) Focus Group Discussion(b) Difference between sensitivity and specificity of a diagnostic test28 (a) Suggest measures to reduce Neonatal Mortality in India.(b) Define the Perinatal Mortality Ratio29 Outline the package of services available under RCH program. Make a detailed illustration of Maternal Health care services at CHC level?30 Summarize the National Immunization Schedule for children. What newer vaccines would you offer to your client as an added option, and why ? Also explain the dose and schedule of never vaccines.31 Write short notes on :(a) Planning cycle(b) Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA)(c) Indicators of Maternal Health(d) Cluster samplingComment briefly upon :(a) The PNDT Act(b) Difference between Relative Risk and Attributable Risk32 (a) Describe the role of socio - cultural factors in child health(b) Enumerate strategies under NRHM to achieve its goals.33 What is Community Needs Assessment Approach ? Describe the package of servicesunder RCH programme?34 (a) Enumerate newer vaccines and their dosage schedule.(b) Describe the Preconception and prenatal Diagnostic Techniques (Prohibition of selection) Act 1994?35 Discuss in brief :(a) Organization of MATERNAL & CHILD HEALTH services in rural areas of a district(b) Microplanning for National Polio Immunization day (Pulse Polio) in a DHCarea(c) ABC - VED analysis (d) Behaviour change communication in RCH36 Describe in brief :(a) Socio - demographic goals for 2010 under(b) National Population Policy(c) Monitoring of RCH programme37 Outline the components of MATERNAL & CHILD HEALTH care package.How these services are being delivered in rural areas in India ?38 Why the neonates need to be treated as a special group ? Explain the components of Essential Newborn care?39 Summarize the components of Resource Management. Illustrate the budgeting process in health?40Write short notes on the following(a) AFP Surveillance(b) Leadership and Team building(c) Infection control in a hospital(d) National Health Policy 200241. Differentiate between the following (a) Retrospective and Prospective study designs(b) Incubation period and Window period42 Why the adolescents need to be treated as a special group ? Explain the management of a pregnant adolescent?43 Outline the components of Reproductive and Child Health Services. How these services are being integrated with primary health care in India ?44 Explain the difficulties faced by Polio Eradication Initiative. Outline the classification of cases under AFP Surveillance?45 Write short notes on the following(a) Integrated management of neonatal and(b) childhood illness (IMNCI)(c) Counselling Skills(d) Color coding for biomedical waste(e) Pre-Conception and Pre-natal Diagnostic(f) Techniques (Regulation and Prevention of Misuse) Act.46 Differentiate between (a)Common source and Propagated epidemics(b)General Fertility Rate (GFR) and Total Fertility Rate (TFR)

  406 Hits

Financial Markets


1.Explain the evolution of global and Indian Financial Markets. Compare and bring out the similarities in the Evolution of these two.

2.Comment the mechanism and steps leading to Book Building Method. Discuss the process of pricing an issue in the Book Building Method.

3.Visit a Sharekhan Stock Broker of your choice and observe how trading is done in the secondary markets. Write a detailed note on your visit.

4. Explain the different equity valuation techniques.

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  619 Hits

Financial Markets


1.Explain the evolution of global and Indian Financial Markets. Compare and bring out the similarities in the Evolution of these two.

2.Comment the mechanism and steps leading to Book Building Method. Discuss the process of pricing an issue in the Book Building Method.

3.Visit a Sharekhan Stock Broker of your choice and observe how trading is done in the secondary markets. Write a detailed note on your visit.

4. Explain the different equity valuation techniques.

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  392 Hits

Financial market




1. Discuss the role of Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) in regulating the Financial markets in India. Also briefly explain the major achievements of SEBI since its inception.

2. What is a 'financial market' ? Discuss the components of Indian Financial Markets and

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  721 Hits

Financial market




1. Discuss the role of Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) in regulating the Financial markets in India. Also briefly explain the major achievements of SEBI since its inception.

2. What is a 'financial market' ? Discuss the components of Indian Financial Markets and

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Investment management

Investment management

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Options trading

Options trading

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