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MS-5   Dec, 2008 MS-5 : MANAGEMENT OF MACHINES AND MATERIALS l. (a) Give two examples (with supporting details) for each of a service and manufacturing firm, of the impact of technology in service and product design. (b) Data for a breal+even analysis revealed that total cost at volumes of 600 and 800 units were Rs. 8,00,000 and Rs. 9,60,
MS-5   Dec, 2009 MS-5 : MANAGEMENT OF MACHINES AND MATERIALS 1(a) Explain with the help of a suitable diagram the framework of organising and control in a production system. (b) On the basis of material flow classify production systems and give examples for each type. 2(a) List down different phases of value engineering approach as used f
Ms-5 Dec 2010 solved paper from ignou university you can buy this ms-5 book from this site    
MS-5   Dec, 2011 MS-5 : MANAGEMENT OF MACHINES AND MATERIALS 1. (a) Discuss conceptual model of an operations   system. Explain some of the performance objectives in operations management. (b) Explain the frame work of organising and   control in a production system. 2. (a) What are different types of process forms&nbs
MS-4 -   june-2007 MS-4 : ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE FOR MANAGERS 1. (a) Explain the Continuity concept and the Periodicity concept and discuss their significance. (b) Explain the nature of accounting function and describe the role played by the Accountant in a business organisation. 2. The following items appear on the Trial Balance prepared
MS-4 -   june-2008 MS-4 : ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE FOR MANAGERS l. (a) What do you understand by the concept of conservatism ? Why is it also called the concept of prudence ? Why is it not applied as strongly today as it used to be in the Past ? (b) What is a Balance Sheet ? How does a Funds Flow Statement differ from a Balance Sheet ? Enum
MS-4 -   june-2009 MS-4 : ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE FOR MANAGERS 1. 'Management Accounting is an extension of financial Accounting'. Explain how is Management effective tool of financial control ? Discuss. 2. Explain the cost concept and the concept of conservation. Why are assets shown at cost even when this market prices far
MS-4   june-2010 MS-4 : ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE FOR MANAGERS 1."In managing cash, the finance manager faces the problem of compromising the conflicting goals of liquidity and profitability". Comment on this statement. How would you determine the optimum cash balance in a business organisation ? 2. What is meant by appropriate capital struc
MS-4   june-2011 MS-4 : ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE FOR MANAGERS 1. (a) What do you understand by capitalisation of earnings ? How is the value of a firm ascertained with the help of its earnings ? Explain with an example. (b) How can accounting reports, prepared on a historical basis after the closure of an accounting period, be useful to man
MS-4   Dec, 2007 MS-4 : ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE FOR MANAGERS l. (a) What dq you understand by Accounting Standards ? How do they differ from Accounting Concepts ? Why should the accounting practices be standardised ? (b) Why are the fixed assets shown at their book value rather than their market value, even if the latter has appreciated si
MS-4   Dec, 2008 MS-4 : ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE FOR MANAGERS   l. (a) Explain the Money Measurement Concept and the Accrual Concept. What are the limitations of the former concept. Explain. (b) What do you understand by Accounting Standards ? Why are they necessary ? Explain with examples. 2. (a) Explain First-In First-Out and Last-In
MS-4   Dec, 2009 MS-4 : ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE FOR MANAGERS 1. (a) What do you understand by Internal Audit ? How do the functions of an internal auditor differ from that of External Auditor ? (b) Explain the consistency concept and Accrual Concept of Accounting. How is the Accrual Concept adhered to while preparing the final accounts of
MS-4   Dec, 2011 MS-4 : ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE FOR MANAGERS 1. (a) How does an accountant follow the principle "anticipate no profit, provide for all losses" ? On which accounting concept is this based ? Explain it and discuss its significance. (b) Distinguish between Financial Accounting and Management Accounting. What is the most import
MS-3 – June-2007 MS-3 : ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT 1 (a) What is Environmental Movement ? (b) Discuss in detail the policy measures taken by the Government and the efforts made by business firms for promotion and protection of the nafural environment. Give examples. 2. What is the rationale for private sector development ? Critically examine t
MS-3 – June-2008 MS-3 : ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT 1. Discuss the salient features of the New Economic Policy and the initiatives taken by the government for economic restnrcturing. 2. Describe the institutional framework for Small Scale Industry (SSI) which emerged over the period. 3. (a) Discuss the salient features of the Gandhian Model of
MS-3 – June-2009 MS-3 : ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT 1.. Discuss the interaction matrix of economic and non-economic environment. How does the economic environment influence the non-economic environment of business and vice versa ? Explain with suitable examples. 2. what are the objectives of public sector? Elaborate the objectives which resulte
MS-3 – June-2010 MS-3 : ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT 1. What do you think are the defining characteristics of economic and non-economic environment ? How do these environments impact the business ? Explain with examples. 2. (a) 'The small scale industry has found a place of prominence in the successive industrial policies of India'. Keeping this
MS-3 – June-2011 MS-3 : ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT 1. Examine the interaction between economic environment and business management. How the environment and management influence each other ? Explain with suitable examples. 2. "The economic environment of business exercises a strong influence on the non-economic environment of business and vice
MS-3 – Dec-2007 MS-3 : ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT 1. "The management movement in India has been relatively strong and distinct." Discuss the statement giving examples. 2. Explain industrial sickness. What are the factors responsible for sickness in small scale industry ? What remedial measures would you suggest for tackling the problem ? 3. Cr
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