Mba Global Network

MS-3 – june-2011

MS-3 – June-2011


1. Examine the interaction between economic environment and business management. How the environment and management influence each other ? Explain with suitable examples.

2. "The economic environment of business exercises a strong influence on the non-economic environment of business and vice versa". Briefly discuss citing specific interactions.

3. "India today has one of the most diversified industrial structures in the world." Examine the basic structural changes in the economy in the light of the above statement.

5. What are the principal elements of Industrial Policy of 1980 ? Compare it with the Industrial Policy of 1991 and discuss.

6. "Foreign investment and technology will largely be beneficial to India's industrialisation and economic development". In the light of this discuss foreign investment policy and foreign collaborations in the post reform period.

7. Write short notes on any four of the following :

(a) Changing role of Government

(b) Industrial Sickness

(c) Revenue Deficit

(d) Rao - Manmohan Model of Development

(e) Administered Prices

MS-3 – June-2010
MS-3 – Dec-2007


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