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News Feeds (com_newsfeeds) provides a way to organize and present news feeds. News feeds are a way that you present information from another site on your site. For example, the website has numerous feeds that you an incorporate on your site. You an use menus to present a single feed, a list of feeds in a category, or or a list of all fee
This module shows an iFrame window to specified location. Help
Watermelon is a wonderful and healthy treat. We grow the world's sweetest watermelon. We have the largest watermelon patch in our country.
The Who's Online Module displays the number of Anonymous Users (e.g. Guests) and Registered Users (ones logged in) that are currently accessing the Web site. Help
This module displays the list of weblinks in a category.
Weblinks (com_weblinks) is a component that provides a structured way to organize external links and present them in a visually attractive, consistent and informative way. Help
The users extension lets your site visitors register, login and logout, change their passwords and other information, and recover lost passwords. In the administrator it allows you to create, block and manage users and create user groups and access levels. Help Please note that some of the user views will not display if you are not logged in to the
Default on: Joomla Help Default off: Two new plugins are available in 1.6 but are disabled by default. Contact Creator
If you are an experienced Joomla! 1.5 user, 1.6 will seem very familiar. There are new templates and improved user interfaces, but most functionality is the same. The biggest changes are improved access control (ACL) and nested categories.
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System plugins operate every time a page on your site loads. They control such things as your URLS, whether users can check a "remember me" box on the login module, and whether caching is enabled.
The syndicate module allows you to display a link that allows users to take a feed from your site. It will only display on pages for which feeds are possible. That means it will not display on single article, contact or weblinks pages, such as this one. Help
The Statistics Module shows information about your server installation together with statistics on the Web site users, number of Articles in your database and the number of Web links you provide.
By putting all of your content into nested categories you can give users and search engines access to everything using a menu.
The search component uses plugins to control which parts of your Joomla! site are searched. You may choose to turn off some areas to improve performance or for other reasons. Many third party Joomla! extensions have search plugins that extend where search takes place. Default On: Content Help Contacts Help Weblinks
This module will display a search box. Help
The search component proviedes basic search functionality for the information contained in your core components. Many third part extensions also can be searched by the search component. Help
Your installation includes sample data, designed to show you some of the options you have for building your website. In addition to information about Joomla! there are two sample "sites within a site" designed to help you get started with builidng your own site. The first site is a simple site about Australian Parks . It shows you you an quickly an
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