Mba Global Network

Monday, 30 November 2015 09:01

Financing Decisions and Capital Investment

Capital Investment and Financing Decisions PART II Very important Papers

(50) Examine potentiality bonds as source of corporate financing.

(51) Discuss the capital budgeting techniques without probabilities.

(52) Describe the general formulation of a goal programming model.

(53) What is meant by utility? Do you feel financial managers should be risk averse? Why or why not?

(54) Why should we be concerned with risk in capital budgeting? Is the standard deviation an adequate measure of risk? Can you think of a better measure?
(55) If project A has an expected value of net present value of Rs. 20,0000 and a standard deviation of Rs. 40000, is it more risky than project B, whose expected value is Rs. 140000 and standard deviation is Rs. 30000? Explain.?

(56) (a) In a probability tree approach to project risk analysis, what are initial, conditional, and joint probabilities?
(b) What are the benefits of using simulation to evaluate capital investment projects?

(57) What is the purpose of control? To what is it directed?
(58) What are the three main types of control systems? What questions should a control system answer?

(59) What tools are available to the project manager to use in controlling a project? Identify some characteristics of a good control system?

(60) What is the mathematical expression for the critical ratio? What does it tell a manager?

(61) How might the project manager integrate the various control tools into a project control system?

(62) How could a feedback control system be implemented in project management to anticipate client problems?

(63) Define monitoring. Are there any additional activities that should be part of the monitoring function?

(64) What are the most critical problems that arise in calculating a rate of return for a prospective investment?

(65) What other factors in addition to rate of return analysis should be considered in determining capital expenditures? 

(66) What percentage of the total project effort do you think should be devoted to planning? Why?

(67) Why do you suppose that the coordination of the various elements of the project is considered the most difficult aspect of project implementation?

(68) What kinds of problem areas might be included in the project plan?

(69) What is the role of systems integration in project management? What are the three major objectives of systems integration?

(70) In what ways may the WBS be used as a key document to monitor and control a project?

(71) What are the six component planning sequences of project planning?

(72) Any successful project plan must contain nine key elements. List these items and briefly describe the composition of each?

(73) What are the basic guidelines for systems design that assure that individual components of the system are designed in an optimal manner?

(74) What are the general steps for managing each “work package” within a specific project?

(75) Critically examine various theories of capital structure?

(76) Narrate the factors influencing capital structure?

(77) Explain the criteria for determining pattern of capital structure?

(78)Discuss the relevance of debt-equity ratio for Indian Public Enterprises?

(79) What is a firm’s capital structure? How is it different from financial structure?

(80) Under the traditional approach to capital structure, what happens to the cost of debt and cost of equity as the firm’s financial leverage increases?

(81) Explain ROI-ROE analysis?

(82)Explain the EBIT-EPS approach to the capital structure. Are maximizing value and maximizing EPS the same?

(83)Why is the cost of capital considered as the minimum acceptable rate of return on an investment?

(84) How is the Cost of Debt Capital ascertained? Give examples.

(85) How would you find the cost of capital for proprietorship or partnership firm? Can you thing of any ways to do this? List them.?

(86) “Retained earnings are cost free” comment?

(87) Discuss various uses of the concept of Cost of Capital?

(88) Determine the cost of capital for the following securities?

(89) Why is Time Value of Money independent of inflation and risk? Differentiate Present Value and Terminal Value?

(90) What is Net Present Value? How is the NPV rule related to the wealth maximization objectives of a firm?

(91) What is IRR ? How does it relate to financing decisions? Can you use it for investment decisions of the accept/reject type?

(92) What is Investment Decisions? How is it different from financing decisions?

(93) Bring out the factors influencing long-term financial decisions of the firm ?

(94) ‘Obtaining Positive NPV implies the same thing as minimizing the cost of capital’ Explain with examples?


Monday, 30 November 2015 08:57

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Monday, 30 November 2015 08:56

Marketing research Question Bank

Marketing research question bank
(1) A well established consumer oriented company is engaged in the manufacture of detergent cakes and powder. The Company wants to do in depth study on the consumer profile of detergent cake to readjust its brand positioning. How would you go about doing this?

(2) Suppose you are the marketing manager of a newly established electronic industry interested in manufacturing Televisions (TVs). How would you go about assessing the present demand for TVs in the country and the forecast for the next five years? 

(3) Suggest your own methods for overcoming the resistance to using market research if you are employed as marketing head of a large manufacturing organisation?

(4) What is cluster analysis? What are its possible applications? 

(5) State how the following techniques differ from each other (a) Cluster Analysis 
(b)Discriminant Analysis.

(6) An airlines marketing manager wants to segment his customer. How can cluster analysis be used for this purpose?

(7) Give few examples of marketing situations where cluster analysis can be used?

(8) Discuss with the help of examples the areas where Multi-dimentional Scaling can be applied for?

(9) Define conjoint analysis and state its potientail applications? 

(10) Describe some marketing research problems that you feel may be amenable to conjoint analysis and explain how you would use conjoint analysis in these situation?

(11) What are the steps involved in conjoint analysis? Explain with the help of examples.

(12) What are the ways in which percentages may be computed in a cross-tabulation table? which way is the best? 

(13) In a contingency table, what type of hypothesis is tested using chi-square test? What precautions may be taken while applying the test? 

(14) What are the various measures used to 'measure the strength of association between two nominal variables? Describe them and clearly mention their limitations, if any.

(15) Discuss the problem of using the contingency coefficient in intepreting the results of correlation analysis? 

(16) Explain the difference between correlation & regression?

(17) What is the basic use of a chi-square goodness of fit test'? How is the value
of the test statistic calculated? How are the expected frequenciesdetermined? 
(18) What is the appropriate test statistic for making inferences about a population mean when the variance is known? When the population variance is unknown? Suppose the population variance is unknown, but the sample size is large, what is the appropriate procedure then?

(19)Describe, in brief, the importance of editing, coding, classification, tabulation and presentation of data in the context of research study?

(20) Discuss the different aspects of classification of data.What are the likely problems encountered in the classification and how they can be handled?

(21) Why tabulation is considered essential in a research study? Give the characteristics of a good table?

(22) Write briefly about the different forms of data presentation devices?

(23) Discuss the fundamental rules of code construction?

(24) Discuss with the help of suitable examples various steps involved in data processing? 

(25) Highlight the main, differences between qualitative and quantitative research?

(26) With the help of examples, discuss the areas where qualitative research can be used in marketing?

(27) What are the various methods of conducting qualitative research? Discuss advantages and limitations of each of these methods?

(28) What are the four different levels of measurement? Discuss the mathematical operations which may or may not be used under each level of measurement? 

(29) Explain the three criterion of measuring the usefulness of an attitude scale?

(30) Distinguish between graphic and itemised rating scale What are the advantages of itemised scale over graphic rating scales? Name the level of measurement which corresponds to the data collected by graphic rating scale?

(31) Distinguish between the following:
(a) Forced & Non-forced response formats
(b) Comparitive & Non-comparitve formats
(c) Balanced & Un-balanced formats

(31) Show with the help of an example how you can convert ordinal scale measurement to nominal scale measurement?

(33) The method of analysis of data depends upon the level of its measurement". Discuss?

(34) Indicate giving reasons the scale of measurements for the following variables:
(i) Geographical area
(ii) Costs
(iii) Index numbers
(iv) Preferences
(v) Cast in a society

(35) Distinguish between the validity and reliability of a measure. How may the reliability of a measure be evaluated?

(36) What is meant by a questionnaire? 

(37) What sort of marketing information can he collected with the help of a questionnaire?

(38) What are the merits and demerits of a structured questionnaire? 

(39) In what sort of marketing studies will you use an unstructured questionnaire? 

(40) Explain the' meaning of open-ended and closed-ended question?

(41) Compare and contrast quota sampling with stratified sampling? 

(42) Point out the basic difference between stratified sampling and cluster sampling?

(43) Explain in detail the various sampling designs under non-probability sampling method. Also bring out their relevance in marketing research studies?

(44) One of the important reasons for the use of surveys is that they can obtain sound information on what people actions in the future will be. Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer?

(45) Discuss the main sources of primary and secondary data?

(46) What is the type of data available from official publications?

(47) What are the limitations associated with the use of secondary data?

(48) What are the tools of collecting data from respondents?

(49) Discuss the important sources of error in both secondary and primary data?

(50) Explain the various extraneous variables which if not controlled in an experiment contaminate the effect of the independent variable? 
(51) What are the marketing research situations suitable for
(a) Focus group study
(b) Panel research design
(c) Cross-sectional design 
(d) Quasi-experimental design

(52) Distinguish between exploratory and descriptive research design?

(53)What are the major reasons for growing importance of Marketing Research in India'? 
(54) What are the different ways of conducting marketing research'? Describe the scope for outsourcing of marketing research services in India?

(55) Suggest some possible areas where marketing research would find increasing application in India'?

(56) Briefly comment on the problems faced by researchers in conducting marketing research in India?

(57) What is marketing research? 

(58) Briefly comment on the definition of marketing research?

(59) Indicate whether marketing research is relevant to each of the following organization and if so, how each might benefit from it.
(a) Your company 
(b) Central Minis in the Government of India 
(c) A retail shop
(d) A bank 
(e) A service business

(60) What are the major weaknesses of marketing rese-1rch? 

(61) Suggest some of the precautions to be adopted in the problem definition stage?

(62) Suggest some possible areas of application of marketing research?

Monday, 30 November 2015 08:51



 1. (a) Design an algorithm and draw a 6 corresponding flow chart to convert binary

number to hexadecimal number.


(b)Write a shell program to find Greatest 6 Common Divisor (GCD) for the two given



(  c  ) Compare and contrast the disk space management methods, the linked list with

Bitmap method.


(d) Construct context-free grammar for conditional expression in "C" language.

(Example : x = (y < z) ? y : z;)


(e) Explain the differences between internal and external fragmentation.

 2. (a) Explain the differences between the following :


(i) Third generation and fourth  generation languages.


(ii)  Function and subroutine.


(iii) Compiler and Interpreter.

(iv)  Discuss the functionality and 4 implementation of two pass assemble:.


3. (a) Discuss the similarities and differences  between paging and segmentation.


(b) What is the basic philosophy of X-Windows ? How is it different from the

rest of GUIs ?

 4. (a) Define UNIX command for the following :


(i)  To count the number of users who are currently logged in.


(ii)  To change the password.


(iii) To shut down the system at a particular time.

 (iv) To print the file names and their file

sizes in the current directory.


(v) To terminate the particular process.


 (b) List the major activities performed in the development of a software product. Also

mention the limitations of the development cycle.


 5. (a) Explain the important features of CASE tools.


(b) What are conditions that characterize deadlock ? Explain the occurrence and

avoidance of deadlock graphically among 3 processes and 3 resources.


 6 . (a)  Write a shell program to find the greatest prime number less than L00.


 (b) Consider the following processes in the ready queue; assuming that all processes

entered the queue at the same time


Calculate the average turnaround time and average waiting time by using :


(i)  Round Robin (quantum:2) algorithm


(ii) SIF scheduling algorithm.


( c  ) What is Compiler ?   Explain the Compiler design phases in brief.


(d) Explain the qualities of software product and process in brief.


(e)Write a brief note on demand paging and segmentation.





(b) Write qualities and key attributes that are essential for a system analyst. What is a

CASE tool and how it is relevant in software engineering ? Give examples.


 8.  (a) What is loader? Explain different loading schemes in brief.

 (b)  Give features of UNIX environment.


9.  (a) Explain the following UNIX commands :

(i)  tee

(ii) cat

(iit) comm

(i") pwd


(b) Explain the file and directory structure in UNIX. Draw diagrams in support of your



 10.  (a)  Write a short note on 4GL. What are its limitations ?


 (b) Write short notes on nny two of the following :


(i) Access lists for file protection


(ii) System maintenance


(iii) Integration testing


( c  )  Suggest (with examples) any 2 requirement gathering techniques.

10 . (a) Explain Prototyping model in detail. What 8 is the difference between unit testing and integration testing ? Explain with the help of suitable examples.



(b) Write a shell program to calculate the  average marks and percentage of a student in five subjects.


(  c  ) Explain different types of operating systems  and give one example for each.


(d) Explain the steps and tasks performed by a  two - pass assembler. Write one advantage of single - pass assembler over two – pass assembler and vice - versa.


 11 .(a)  What is the criteria to select a CASE tool ? Explain any two CASE tools.


 (b) What do you mean by feasibility analysis ?  Explain different categories of feasibility analysis in brief.


 12 . Write down UNIX commands for the following operations :


(i) To save the output of a command in a file.


(ii)  To change the password of a user.


(iii) To kill a running process.


(iv) To list down the files and directions.


(b) What is dynamic memory allocation ? What  is the advantage of dynamic memory allocation over static memory allocation and vice - versa ?


(  c   )  Explain UNIX file system in brief.


13. (a) Draw the architecture and explain any four key features of X - WINDOWS.


(b) How is a directory in WINDOWS  categorised in terms of its file structure ? Give diagrams.


14. . (a) Write an algorithm and draw a flowchart to find the greatest prime number less than 512.


(b) What is a deadlock ? Explain essential  requirements or conditions for deadlock to occur.


15  .   (a) Design an algorithm and draw a corresponding flow . chart to check whether a given year is a leap year or not. 7



(b) Ust the conditions that characterize a deadlock. Explain the occurence and avoidance of deadlock


   graphically among 3 processes and 3 resources


(d) What is a debugging system ? Describe the functions and capabilities of an interactive debugging sysiem.


16  . (a) Define the main differences between Network operating system and Distributed operating system.


 (b) Construct a Context Free Grammar for the following


'C' statements : 6


(i) fuithmeticExpression


(ii)   For Loop


 17  . "[n multiprogramming environment, sharing of code and data can greatly reduce the real storage needed by a group of process€s to run efficiently." For each of the following gpes of systems, outline briefly how sharing can be implemented :


(i) Partition


(ii) Paging


(iii) Segmentation


18 .   (a) What is a system call ? Give four different examples  of system calls in UNIX operating system


. (b) Write a shell program to display the alternate digits in a 4 digit decimal number. 5



- 5, 9 are altemite digns


 6, 4 are alternate digits)


 19  .  (a)  What is the basic purpose of program control ? Explain the significance of Gantt chart and PERT charts with an example for each


(b) What is the basic philosophy of X-Windows ? How is it different from rest of the Guls


 20. (a)   Describe with the help of an example, the macro facility and its implementation

within an assembler.


(b) Consider the following processes in the ready queue (at the same time).



C-alculate the average tumaround time and average waiting time for the processes given by:


(i) FCFS


(ii) RR (quantum=2)


 (c) Explain the principle of the following Non-contiguous Allocation schemes :


(i)  Linked allocation


(ii) Indexed allocation


(d) Write a shell program to find the average marks secured by a student in 5 subjects.


(e) Give notes (in brief) on :


(i) vi editor


(ii) Next software


21  .   (a) Give UNIX commands for :


(i)  to kill the last background job ?


(ii) delete all files in the current directory and subdirectory.


(iii) to go to end of line in vi editor.


(b) What is the role of a System Analyst in Software Engineering ?


(  c  )   Describe the role of 4GUs in the applications development.


 22.  (a) Write an algorithm and draw a corresponding flowchart to reverse a given

4diglt number.


(b) With the help of a neat diagram, explain the address translation scheme in a

segmented system.


23  . (a) Explain various mechanisms (atleast two) to protect a file in a multi-user environment.


With the help of a suitable example for eactu explain the features and objective of the




(i)  Gantt chart


(ii) PERT chart


24  .  Give a brief note on file and directory  structure in UNIX.


Write short notes on a?ry tuto of the following:


(i)  Virtual Memory


(ii) Pipes and Filters in UNIX

(iii) X-Windows


25 . (a)

Design an algorithm and draw a corresponding flq,v chart to generate the fibonacci series.



(b) Write a shell program directorie s / files existing us€r. to count the number of in a gir,ren directory by the us€r.


(c) Explain the concept of Demand paging. Also, discuss the implementation of demand paging scheme with

the help of a diagram.


(d) Mention the general principles of systems investigation and also explain all the stages of systems



26.  . (a) Write context free grammar (CFG) for a "Goto statement" and "For loop" in C language.


(b) What is meant by Segmentation ? With the help of a diagram, explain the address translation scheme in

a segmentation system.


27  .  . (a) Explain the use of the following UNIX commands, their syntax and an example for each :



(i) nohup


(ii) cp


(iii) mv


(iv) rmdir


(v) cal



(b) What are Fourth Generation Languages (4GL's) ? How do thny help to solve the problems ? Also, mention their limitations.


28  .(a)   Write a shell program to check whether the given substring' is existing in the string or not



(b) Exlain the following  Disk scheduring argorithms with


(i) FCFS


(ii) Shortest seek time first scheduling


(iii) Scan scheduling



29  .  (a)   Explain the functional overview of the Macintosh toolbox. List any two applications which can be run on this O/S.


(b) With the help of an example application, explain the client /server model.


30  .   (a) Explain the working of a 2-pass assembler in detail .


(b) Write a shell program to copy the contents of fileT to anothe r f ileZ. Also write an algorithm for it.



(c) Explain the client-server model with the help of an example application



(d) Explain the following concepts in UNIX with an example for each :


 (i) filters


(ii) pipes


(iii) file permissions


(e) Explain various stages of systems investigation


 31  .  (a)  Explain the concept of 'Bufferins' with the help of a digram.


(b) How can compaction be a solution for the external fragmentation problem in memory management ?

Illustrate with the help of an example.


33. (a)   Explain with suitable examples r :


(i) inodes


(ii) file structure in UNIX


(b) What do you understand by syntax and sernantic analysis ? Explain in detail.


34. (a) What is 4GL ? What are its limitations ? How can 4GLs help in solving the software problems ?


 (b) Define the following I.JNIX commands

(i) echo


(ii) cat


(iii) ls


(iv) cc


(v) admin


35. (a) List and explain the mechanism to support the file protection in multiuser environment.

(b) Lisl and explain any five important qualities of a software product.


36  . (a) The contents of four 8-bit registers AL, BL, CL and DI- in hexadecimal notation are F2, Fn 89 and EA respectively. What will be the values of these registers after executing the following

micro-operation sequence :


Note  :  If you haue taken any ossum ptions, mention them


(b) * Write a program in assembly language (8086) that calculates the sum of and storeS the sum of the above series in a user defined data item.

(c) What is a multiplexer ? Design and explain the functioning of a 4 x 1 multiplexer by giving its truth table, logic diagram and block diagrarn.

(d) Design a 4 bit arithmetic circuit using 4 full adders and 4 multiplexers for carrying, out the frollowing micro-operations


(i) Add


(ii) A,Cd with carry


(iii) Subtract


(iv) Subtract with borrow


(v) Transfer


(vi) Increment


Note :  Mention the ossum ptions made, if any.


37. (a)  Draw the block diagram of INTEL 8086 microprocessor and explaln the two functional units

(Bus Interface Unit and the Execution Unit).


(b) With the help of a block diagram explain the polling implementation of a system bus.


38.  ( a  )  Define Vector processing and Vector computers. Mention at least 4 applications of vector processing. Explain the vector instruction format with the help of an example.


(b) Write a program in 8086 assembly language to sort a given list of 'n' integers.


 39 . (a) With the helP of an example,explain  RISC  Pipelining.


 (b) with the help of the truth-table and logic diagram, explain the functioning of a D-flip-flop.


 39. Explain the following along with their usage :


 (i) HYPercube interconnection


(ii) Cache coherence


(iii) SPARC architecture


(iv) Wilkes Control Unit


(v) Decoder

Monday, 30 November 2015 08:47


COMPUTER NETWORKS 1) Draw a hybrid topology having a star backbone with four ring networks.

2) Make a diagram (topology) of the network existing in your centre showing the various nodes, and what they actually represent (Computer, Printer, Hub, Router, Switches). Also show how this network is connected with another network (LAN,WAN). What is the Internet bandwidth of the network ? What network OS is used ?

3) Draw a hybrid topology having a star backbone with three bus networks.
(a) Carefully examine the network interface card of your node and write the detailed specification.
(b) Write IP address of your machine.

4)Draw a fully connected Five node networks. How many links are there ?

5) (a) Write all the steps for file sharing mechanism on your machine.

(b) Write the specification of hubs used in networking of the Lab.

6) Draw a .hybrid topology having a ring network backbone with 4 bus networks.

7) (a) Write all the steps to share and access the printer in the network environment.
(b) How can you check the MAC address of your machine ?

8) (a) Draw a fully connected 4 node networks. How many links are there ? (b) Draw a hybrid topology having a ring network with 3 bus networks.

9) (a) Write all the steps for assigning IP address to your machine.

(b) Write the specification of the following devices of your study centre being used in networking.
(i) Hub
(ii) UTP cable

10) (a) Draw a fully connected 6 node networks. How many links are there ? (b) Draw a hybrid topology having a star backbone with 3 ring networks.

11)(a) Write the specification of the following devices of your study centre being used in
(i) Router (ii) Network Printer
(b) Write all the steps for accessing data from another computer in a network.

12 (i) Write all the steps for enabling file sharing mechanism on your machine
(ii) What do you understand by these specifications.
10 base 2 hubs
10 base T hubs

13) Write complete specification of your network interface cards.

14) Write all the specifications of routers, hubs and switches of your study centre.

15) (i) What is IP address of your machine ? Which class it belongs to ?
(ii) What is IP address of "" ? Which class it belongs to ?

16) List the H/W components which have been used for the networking of your program centre and write all its specification.

17) Write at least two initial steps for troubleshooting a network.

18) Write all the steps to connect two computers with network interface cards

19) Explain the followings :
(i)Rj - 4s
(ii) Category 3, 4 or 5 UTP

Monday, 30 November 2015 08:45

Software engineering

Software engineering
1) Suppose we wish to computerize the activities of study centers, which offer various programmers of the university. The activities are as follows :

(i) Forwarding the counselor's biodata to Regional Centre.
(ii) Schedule the classes (both theory and practical)
(iii) Identify Practical Centers.
(iv) Collect TMA's from students and get it evaluated \l the counselors
(v) Student's enquiry
(vi) Dispatch of Award lists of TMA's to University

For the above mentioned system,

(1) Develop SRS.
(2, Draw DFDs upto second level.
(3) Identify the software modules and their functions.
(4) Propose a testing strategy for any two software modules mentioned in above.

(3)Make assumptions, wherever necessary.

(b) List at least five important qualities of software product and process. 

( c ) What is Agility ? List all the principles for those who want to achieve agility. 

(d) With the help of an example, explain the significance of the PERT chart.

2) What is a design method ? What are its five components ?

3) What is 4GL ? Explain at least three areas which are impacted by the advent of 4Gts.

4) "independence is measured using two qualitative criteria Cohesion and Coupling." Explain both of them in detail.

5) Explain how version control combines procedures and tools to manage different versions of configuration objects that are created during the s/w engineering process.

6) The requirements engineering process is accomplished through' the execution of functions like Inception, Elicitation, Elaboration' Negotiation, Specification, validation and Management' Explain the role and significance of each of the functions'

7) Explain the purpose of each o{ the system tests given below 
(i) Recovery testing
(iii) Security testing
(iii) Stress testing
(iv) Performance testing

8) Write short notes on:
(i) The Incremental Model
(iii) Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM)
(iv) Basis Path Testing

9) Income Tax department wants to automate its system. It has the following requirements
(i) Filing of annual IT forms through Internet
(ii) Filing of PAN card form through Internet
(iii) Online discussion form to handle different queries
(iv) Specify the three use-cases.
(v) Identify the classes and prepare the class diagram for it.

10) What is project scheduling ? Explain at least three functions associated with project scheduling.

11) Explain COCOMO model.

12) What is the importance of software documentation standards ? List any three

13) How is re-engineering different from reverse engineering ? Explain the restructuring technique for re-engineering with the help of an example.

14) List various McCall's Quality Factors. What do plain with example.

15) Justify the following statements :
(ii) Software Availability :
IMTTF/(MTTF + MTTR)I x700o/o

16) List any five principles for data specification used in data design at the component level.

17) Consider an Examination System for a school. It performs the following operations.
(a) Seating-plan generation and room allocation for students and invigilators.
(b) Maintaining records of different courses,student attendance and evaluators.
(c) Distributing and collecting answer scripts to/from different evaluators.
(d) Maintaining l Displaying student marks.
Based on the above specification, answer the following 
(a) Prepare SRS document for this system. 
(b) Design and draw DFDs upto two levels. 
( c ) Design a complete ER diagram with various components.

18) Write short notes on the following : 5
(a) Software Quality Assurance
(b) Data Coupling
(c) Cost Benefit Analysis
(d) Decision Tree
(e) Risk Management

19) ABC Multiplex movie theatre wants to automate its system. It has the following requirements to be fulfilled :

n It has 4 auditoriums (theatres).
n Normally new film releases/change of the films will be on Fridays only.
n Each auditorium will screen 4 movies daily.
n To provide the information about all the movies online on its website.
n To provide the online ticketing facility through credit cards or debit cards.
n Allow to book for families or in groups
n To offer some exclusive offers for its members.
n Should automatically send a newsletter every week about the latest information about the movies etc. and through e-mail to its members.

(20) For the above mentioned system :

(i) Prepare SRS document for this system.
(ii) Mention Hardware and Software requirements.
(iii) Design and draw DFD's upto two levels.
(iv) Design a complete ER diagram with various entities, relationships, cardinality etc.

(b) Define CMM. Explain various maturity levels in CMM.
(c) With the help of a diagram, describe the layered technology approach to software engineering.

21) "The prototype can serve as the first system. It is true that both the customers and developers like the model. Users get a feel for the actual system and developers get to build something immediately". In support with the above statement, explain the prototyping model and also suggest for which kind of projects, this paradigm is suitable. Also mention any two reasons where this paradigm can create problems. Make assumptions wherever needed?

(22) Compare and contrast size-oriented metrics with function-oriented metrics?
23) What do you mean by cyclomatic complexity ? How do we compute it ?

24) List the objectives of the Formal Technical Review (FTR). Also, mention the review reporting and record keeping process of FT& briefly.

25) What is the significance of user interface design for any project. Explain briefly, the user interface design guidelines.

26) Explain the following testing techniques :
(i) Unit Testing
:(ii) Integration testing

27) Write short note on the following :
(a) Temporal Cohesion
(b) Software Reliability
(c) Risk Management
(d) Reverse Engineering
(e) CASE Tools

28) A University's reception wants to automate the Visitor's Registration Process. It has the following requirements to be ful filled 
(a) To make note of the visitor's details, purpose of visit, time.
(b)Checking process whether she/he has taken the prior appointment of the visiting official
(c) To schedule the appointments
(d) To cancel the appointments
(e) To divert the visitors to other officials depending upon the purpose
(f) Follow-up activities after the visit.
(g) Report generation.

for the above mentioned system.
(i) Prepare the JRS document for this system
(ii) Mention hardware and software requirements.
(iii) Design and draw DFD's upto two levels.
(iv) Design a complete FR diagram with 4 various entities, relationships, cordinality etc.

29) What is the significance of software 8 configuration management ? Discuss the
role of CASE tools in S/W project management

30) List the cost estimation techniques explain any one of them.

31) Define the term "Risk". How will you 7 identify it ?

32) When can we say that the Software Project is amenable for Modular design ? Justify your answer.

33) (a) Explain equivalence partitioning.
(b) With the help of an example, explain the Flow Graph Notation.

34) Explain the following testing techniques :
(i) Stress testing
(ii) Performance testing

(35) Often, Software development companies outsource the job of testing the software developed by them. Why do they outsource ? Why don't they test software developed by themselves ?

(36) Write a short note on the following :
(a)Graph-based testing methods
(b)McCall's Quality Factors
(c) Cohesion

(37) Design a system for Enrolment Process of a Distance Education University.
(i) Draw DFD up to level
(ii) Prepare SRS document for the same.

(37) Which phase of the SDLC is considered to be the most important phase ? Discuss the reason for its importance.

(38) Describe several specific actions that should be taken during software development to achieve the maintainability of the software that is developed

(39) Explain what is meant by critical path scheduling. Describe the process of creating
Gantt charts. Give an example.

(40) Explain use cases and use case diagrams and how they can be used to model system

(42) A desirable property of requirements is that 8 it should be testable. Explain why testable requirements add in the production of high quality software.

(43) Discuss in detail the various software process models.

44) Explain McCabe's cyclomatic complexity with example.

45) Does programming languages have an impact on S/w project planning, analysis,
design, coding, testing and maintenance ? Discuss ?

46)Explain the following :
(a) Debugger
(b) Product Vs Process
(c) CASE Tools
(d)Cocomo Model
(e) Risk Management

Monday, 30 November 2015 08:43



1 What are the preconditions for applying binary search on any list containing integer values ? Write the algorithm and manually run it on the following list of number 

11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88

2 What is worst case complexity of the above algorithm ?

3 How can a polynomial be represented with the help of a linked list ? Write an algorithm to multiply two polynomials of degree 'm' and degree 'n' ?

4 Write a program to implement a static stack. Also, mention few applications of stack ?

5 Differentiate between the following 
(i) Space and Time complexity
(ii) Indexed file organisation and Indexed sequential file organisation

6 Write an algorithm to balance a Red-Black tree after deleting a node ?

7 How are the deletions performed in Binary Search Tree ? Explain each case of deletion with an example

8 Write algorithm to insert elements in a B-Tree. Make B-Tree using your algorithm for the following list of elements ?

2. 4, 9, 8, 7, 6,3, 1, 5, 10

9 Two Binary trees are similar if they are both empty or if they are both non-empty and left and right subtrees are similar. Write an algorithm to determine if two Binary trees are similar?

10 Explain the factors involved in the selection of a particular file organization for user. What is sequential file ? Why are sequential files stored in disk cylinder by cylinder ?

11 What are the limitations of a Binary Search Tree (BST) ? How does AVL tree help in this regard ?

12 Give an AVL tree for which the deletion of a node requires two double rotations. Draw the tree and explain why two rotations are needed ?

13 Write a function in 'C' to insert a node in a linked list at the following position 
(a) at the beginning
(b) at the end

14 What are the different types of hash functions How can clustering involved in linear probing be avoided ? Explain any two methods.

15 Write an algorithm to sort an array
25, 15, 30, 9, 99, 20, 26
using insertion sort . Also write the steps involved in it ?

16 Write an algorithm to discuss the implementation of breadth first traversal method of a graph?

17 Write algorithms for the following 
(i) To insert a node at a given position in a circular linked list.
(ii) To delete the first node from circular linked list.

18 Write an algorithm to create a Binary Tree. The algorithm should accept elements and display Binary Tree with those elements ?

19 What is a linear queue ? Write an algorithm for adding an element to a linear queue .

20 Write a 'C' program to implement priority queue using arrays, check for overflow and underflow conditions ?

21 Write an algorithm for the implementation of multiple stacks in an array?

22 Write a program in 'C' for the implementation of a Doubly Linked List ?

23 Explain sequential file organisation. What are various operations that can be
performed on it ? Also, list any two disadvantages of it.

24 Write algorithm for Heap sort. Also run your algorithm manually and show how sorting is done by your algorithm for the following sets of data ?

1 6 , 1 4 , 1 0 , 8 , 7 , 9 , 3 , 2 , 4 , 7

25 Compare Arrays with linked list by mentioning the advantages and limitations of both?
26 Why is Red-Black tree considered a better data structure than Binary Search tree and AVL tree ? Write algorithm to insert a node in Red-black tree. Take proper example also.

27 Sort the following numbers using Quick sort algorithm. Show all intermediate steps. 
10, 70, 2, 32, 11, 48, 6, 19

28 Differentiate between singly linked list and Doubly linked list. Write algorithm to insert and delete elements in a singly linked list ?

29 What are the differences between sequential and direct file organisation ? Under what conditions, if any, is it advantageous to have the file organised as a direct file rather than sequential file ?

30 Write short notes on the following with an example 
(a) Red Black Tree
(b) Multiple stacks
(c) Applications of Tree
(d) Kruskal's Algorithm.
(e) Binary search

31 Define the term "Complexity". For what types of applications is Time Complexity Critical and for what types of applications is Space Complexity Critical?

32 Write an algorithm to implement the following functions of a dequeue. Also, give an example to show the working of these functions ?
(i) Insert Element
(ii) Create DEQUEUE
(iii) Delete Element

33 Write an algorithm for multiplication of two sparse matrices?

34 What is cylinder - surface indexing ? Explain it with an example. Also, write its merits and demerits.

35 Define Abstract Data Type, and give two examples of it ?

36 Explain the following using an example
(i) Breadth First Search
(ii) AVL Tree

37 Write a program to store the roll numbers and names of students in a binary search
tree. Write a function to accept a number and display the name of the student, whose
roll number matches with this number. Give suitable messages if the roll number does not
exist in the binary search tree ?
38 Write a program to simulate a circular queue using pointers with functions for insertion, deletion. (Use singly linked list)?

39 Write an algorithm for pushing an element into a stack?

40 Write a program to find the frequency of words in a given text. The list of words and
their corresponding frequency should be in the alphabetical order of words ?

41 Explain the properties and operations of AA trees ?

42 What are the essential features of a binary tree ? Explain, how a general tree can be converted into a binary tree ?

43 Write an algorithm to balance a Red-Black tree after deleting a node ?

Monday, 30 November 2015 08:36



1) Define marketing and explain its implications. Explain how marketing is different ,
from selling.

2) What are the marketing concepts? Explain the process of evolution of these concepts.

3) What is the consumer's place in modern marketing?

4) What is marketing mix? Explain the components of marketing mix.

5) What do you understand by the strategic concept of marketing ? How it is different
from marketing concept? Explain the basic principles of strategic marketing.

6) Why do firms go international? Explain with the help of examples from Indian

7) Imagine that you are serving is a marketing manager in a domestic firm which is not
very keen to go international despite good business opportunites overseas. Write a note to the president of the firm explaining the importance of international marketing and the involvement and commitment the company would be received to maks for entering international markets.

8) What is the relationship between market segmenthtion, market targeting and product positioning?

9) Discuss the importance of market,segmentation in marketing decisions and explain the bases of market segmentation.

10) What are the elements that influence in deciding the principles of segmentation and what will be the suitable base for marketing of Television in various countries? Also suggest the marketing strategies to be followed.

11) what are the different market targeting strategies? Explain them with appropriate examples.

12) "Global positioning is most effective for product categories that approach either end of "high-touch/ high-tech continuum ". Elaborate.

13) State the various modes of entry to foreign markets. Briefly explain each of them.

14) Differentiate between joint venture and strategic alliance. Explain their relative advantages and disadvantages as strategies for foreign market entry.

15) Differentiate between licensing and franchising and explain their relative advantages and disadvantages as international market entry strategies.

16) International business firm wants to produce the product in the foreign country and market it there. But the firm is not interested in investing in establishing manufacturing facilities in the foreign country. Identify the entry modes suitable in regard and explain them.

17) Which is the mode of entry where the international business firm can start international marketing without any investments abroad? Explain it alongwith its merits and limitations.

18) A company wants to enter into idternational markets. The company decided to involve another company in the foreign country. State the modes of entery where the scope for the involvement of a foreign company is possible. Explain those modes and critically evaluate and state in which situations each of them is suitable.

19) Examine the different strategies adopted by the Indian jute sector to survive and prosper in the domestic sector as well as in overseas markets, when the traditional use of jute as a packaging material has been threatened by synthetics such as polypropylene

20) Evaluate the factors of standardisation and adaptation of the product.

21) Describe the phase.s of the international product life cycle. How does it help to the planning of the product.

22) What are the risks involved in the new product development? Explain the process of the new product development.

23) What are the main characteristics of product development? Discuss the importance of product development in the present highly competitive environment.

24) What do you mean by branding? Explain the importance of branding.

25) Do you think that branding is an important marketing tool. Discuss and explain the basic decisions in branding.

26) How would you formulate the branding strategies for textile products? Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of various branding strategies.

27) Describe the,functions and importance of packaging. what are the special considerations in packaging and labelling in international marketing?

28) Differentiate between warranty and guarantee. What are their role in marketing,

29) Distinguish between direct and indirect selling channel. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both the channels.

30) Distinguish between domestic agents and domestic merchants. Explain various types
of domestic agents.

31) Describe various types of domestic merchants with suitable examples.

32) What are the factors affecting the channel choice ? Discuss the criteria for selection
of channels.

33) Do you think that the overseas agents are advantageous. Discuss and explain how can you identify a foreign agent,

34) Draft a hypothetical export agency agreement.

35) Write short notes on the following:
(a) Overseas agent
(b) Piggybackings
(c) Export agency agreements.

Monday, 30 November 2015 08:31

International Marketing Logistics

International Marketing Logistics

1) Define Marketing Logistics and explain its objectives.

2) What are the main activities involved in marketing logistics? Explain them briefly.

3) Why do you regard logistics as an important activity of marketing? Explain it with special reference to international trade.

4) "Difference between domestic and international logistics can be said to arise on account of three major factors." Elaborate on this statement and enumerate the recent developments in international logistics that have made it an important plank of corporate strategy.

5) In the context? of trade liberalisation policies in India, examine the importance of
a) domestic logistics
b) international logistics

6) You are free to purchase tea, process and back it, and export it to a buyer in U.K. Plan logistics set up right upto the consumer.

7) Comment on the following statements.
a) Traditionally, physical distribution is considered as the other half of marketing.
b) Distribution, marketing and manufacturing can not be viewed as separate activities within the business, particularly at the strategic level.
c)Logistics system helps in improving the customer service.

8) State the four levels at which logistics information is needed and explain the main features of an integrated information system.

9) "Meeting distribution demands of customers is the key requirement for the successful operation of a distribution system." Elaborate on this statement and discuss the various customer service considerations.

10) What are the major aspects of strategic logistics planning? Explain these aspects and enumerate the factors that influence logistics planning

11) What are the three important concepts relevant to logistics management by an organization? Explain them briefly and-state which one you regard as the best approach
and why?

12) Discuss the various environmental aspects which an organization engaged in foreign trade has to reckon with and clarify their impact on logistics system.

13) "Objectives and policies for functioning of the supply chain are usually in conflict both within and across operational units." Amplify this statement and explain how can they be balanced in order to build up an integrative logistic system.

14) Describe the role of air transport in movement of cargo in overseas trade of India.

15) Outline the structure of civil aviation in India and discuss the role of AAI and DGCA
in the functioning of air services in India.

16) Describe the working of Air India and Indian Airlines and state the impact of allowing private operators on their functioning.

17) What are the problems faced by air transport in India and how far the policy framework and programmers envisaged for the Ninth Plan could help in improving the air services.

18) Analysis the role of major airports in India in handling overseas cargo, and state the constraints faced by them.

19) Write explanatory notes on any three of the following:

a) Significance of air transport

b) Pawan Hans Helicopters Limited

c) Air cargo tariff



20) Enumerate the salient. features of commercial shipping and explain its importance for the development of international trade.

21) Describe the nature and uses of various types of ships, If you are required to transport 30,000 MT of crude oil from UK to USA and within the same month 80,000 MT of whea in bulk from New Orleans to Rotterdam, decide upon your selection bf a ship and justify the same,

22) What are the advantages of registration of a ship, An Indian company has purchased new ship, Briefly describe the procedure for its registration.

23)Distinguish between registration and classification, and describe the advantages of classification.

24) Indicate the difference between classification survey, registration survey and underwriters' survey; and enumerate the important checks the classification society does ownership

Monday, 30 November 2015 08:29

International Marketing Logistics papers

International Marketing Logistics
25) (a) What do you understand by liner shipping? How does it differ from tramp shipping,

(b) Outline the factors a shipper has to keep in view while selecting a liner vessel,

30) Enumerate the limitations of conventional ships and discuss how containerisation has helped in overcoming these constraints,

31) Describe the advantages of containerisation to the shippers and the ship-owners. Also state its disadvantages, if any,

32) (a) What are the various types of marina containers? Describe the salient features of any two of them,

(b) You have 40 MT wheat in bags and 20 MT wheat in bulk. Indicate the type and . number of containers you would require.

33) Distinguish between:

. (a) Inter-modalism and Multi-modalism

(b) Inland container Depots and Container Freight Stations.

(c) Flat Pack Containers and Open Top Containers

34) "During the last three decades Multi-modal Transportation has made rapid progress". While commenting on the statement explain how has the multi-modal transportation benefited the movement of merchandise through Hinterland.

35) Explain the concept of land bridging and state its advantages in the Indian context.

36) Your factory is located at Hapur. You have received an order of full container load from your buyer in Los Angeles and the order is to be executed through the port of Mumbai. Detail off the routing and prepare a formal communication to your buyer , justifying the selection of routes made by you.

37) Describe the importance of national shipping as provider of logistics support to the foreign trade of a country.

38) Explain the objective's set out in the five year plans for the development of Indian shipping.
39)"The development of Indian shipping fleet from 1919 till date can be put into six phases." Discuss these phases in relation to the physical targets set in-each Five Year Plan and the policy pronouncements made by Government from time to time.

40)"Despite increasing volume of India's overseas trade over the period, the performance of Indian shipping has been rather disappointing." Comment on this , statement and discuss the constraints faced by Indian shipping industry.

41)"Indian shipping policy measures are aimed at the development of shipping fleet so as to attain self-reliance." Do you agree? Discuss how far has India been able to achieve the objectives set out in the shipping policy?

42) (a) Describe the role of Indian shipping as a net earner of foreign exchange.

43) Discuss the major concerns of the shippers and the ship owners in case of liner shipping,

44) What do you understand by the conference system in liner shipping operations. Explain its utility and the concept of pooling arrangements,

45) Discuss the basis principles and factors that govern the liner freight rates, Also specify the different elements added to basic freight rates to work out the final charges to be paid in case of break-bulk cargo.

46) Distinguish between

a) General Cargo Rates and Specific Cargo Rates

b) Open Rates and Advalorem Rates

c) Weight Ton and Measurement Ton

47) Discuss the various types of surcharges that are usually levied on the basic freight

48)What are the various ways in which a tramp may be chartered? Explain fully.

49) Describe the responsibilities of ship owners and the charterers under different forms of chartering arrangements.

50) Discuss the main clauses of voyage charter party and time charter party,

51) What are the various ways in which a tramp may be chartered? Explain fully.

52)Write short notes on :
(a) Productivity of Indian ports
(b) Privatisation of ports
(c) Need for corporatisation of ports and progress thereof
(d) Dredging Corporation' of India
(e) Joint Ventures

53) Keeping in view the traffic projections for ports sector, what are the provision made in the Ninth Five Year Plan for development of ports.

54) What is Maritime Fraud? State the various factors that lead to commitment of maritime frauds.

55)Enumerate the common areas where frauds and disputes normally take place in international marine transactions and commercial shipping, and state the common precautions to be taken by international buyers and sellers to prevent the possibilities of maritime frauds.

56) "The best way for vessel owners and charterers to avoid their involvement in incidents of fraud is to make the necessary enquiries as to the standing of the parties
they are dealing with, before entering into any binding commitment," Discuss.

57) Outline the role of International Chamber of Commerce in preventing and restricting the maritime frauds.

58) Discuss the various activities and services provided by international Maritime Bureau.

59) Enumerate the matters of common interest for consultation and describe the role or Liner Code in encouraging meaningful consultations with shippers.

60) What do you understand by the institutional arrangements for resolving shippers' problems. Discuss the measures that have been adopted in USA lo safeguard the interest of shippers.

61) Explain the salient features of Australian legislation for curbing unfair trade practices of carriers/conference,

62) Describe the consultation arrangements in India for resolving shippers' problems.

63) Shippers-Shipowners consultation arrangements in India leave much scope for improvement." Comment and suggest suitable measures for strengthening the same.

64) Write notes on the following :
a) US Shipping Act of 1916 and US Shipping Act of 1984
b) Australian Legislation on consultations in shipping
c) UN Liner Code.

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