Mba Global Network

Monday, 30 November 2015 08:51


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 1. (a) Design an algorithm and draw a 6 corresponding flow chart to convert binary

number to hexadecimal number.


(b)Write a shell program to find Greatest 6 Common Divisor (GCD) for the two given



(  c  ) Compare and contrast the disk space management methods, the linked list with

Bitmap method.


(d) Construct context-free grammar for conditional expression in "C" language.

(Example : x = (y < z) ? y : z;)


(e) Explain the differences between internal and external fragmentation.

 2. (a) Explain the differences between the following :


(i) Third generation and fourth  generation languages.


(ii)  Function and subroutine.


(iii) Compiler and Interpreter.

(iv)  Discuss the functionality and 4 implementation of two pass assemble:.


3. (a) Discuss the similarities and differences  between paging and segmentation.


(b) What is the basic philosophy of X-Windows ? How is it different from the

rest of GUIs ?

 4. (a) Define UNIX command for the following :


(i)  To count the number of users who are currently logged in.


(ii)  To change the password.


(iii) To shut down the system at a particular time.

 (iv) To print the file names and their file

sizes in the current directory.


(v) To terminate the particular process.


 (b) List the major activities performed in the development of a software product. Also

mention the limitations of the development cycle.


 5. (a) Explain the important features of CASE tools.


(b) What are conditions that characterize deadlock ? Explain the occurrence and

avoidance of deadlock graphically among 3 processes and 3 resources.


 6 . (a)  Write a shell program to find the greatest prime number less than L00.


 (b) Consider the following processes in the ready queue; assuming that all processes

entered the queue at the same time


Calculate the average turnaround time and average waiting time by using :


(i)  Round Robin (quantum:2) algorithm


(ii) SIF scheduling algorithm.


( c  ) What is Compiler ?   Explain the Compiler design phases in brief.


(d) Explain the qualities of software product and process in brief.


(e)Write a brief note on demand paging and segmentation.





(b) Write qualities and key attributes that are essential for a system analyst. What is a

CASE tool and how it is relevant in software engineering ? Give examples.


 8.  (a) What is loader? Explain different loading schemes in brief.

 (b)  Give features of UNIX environment.


9.  (a) Explain the following UNIX commands :

(i)  tee

(ii) cat

(iit) comm

(i") pwd


(b) Explain the file and directory structure in UNIX. Draw diagrams in support of your



 10.  (a)  Write a short note on 4GL. What are its limitations ?


 (b) Write short notes on nny two of the following :


(i) Access lists for file protection


(ii) System maintenance


(iii) Integration testing


( c  )  Suggest (with examples) any 2 requirement gathering techniques.

10 . (a) Explain Prototyping model in detail. What 8 is the difference between unit testing and integration testing ? Explain with the help of suitable examples.



(b) Write a shell program to calculate the  average marks and percentage of a student in five subjects.


(  c  ) Explain different types of operating systems  and give one example for each.


(d) Explain the steps and tasks performed by a  two - pass assembler. Write one advantage of single - pass assembler over two – pass assembler and vice - versa.


 11 .(a)  What is the criteria to select a CASE tool ? Explain any two CASE tools.


 (b) What do you mean by feasibility analysis ?  Explain different categories of feasibility analysis in brief.


 12 . Write down UNIX commands for the following operations :


(i) To save the output of a command in a file.


(ii)  To change the password of a user.


(iii) To kill a running process.


(iv) To list down the files and directions.


(b) What is dynamic memory allocation ? What  is the advantage of dynamic memory allocation over static memory allocation and vice - versa ?


(  c   )  Explain UNIX file system in brief.


13. (a) Draw the architecture and explain any four key features of X - WINDOWS.


(b) How is a directory in WINDOWS  categorised in terms of its file structure ? Give diagrams.


14. . (a) Write an algorithm and draw a flowchart to find the greatest prime number less than 512.


(b) What is a deadlock ? Explain essential  requirements or conditions for deadlock to occur.


15  .   (a) Design an algorithm and draw a corresponding flow . chart to check whether a given year is a leap year or not. 7



(b) Ust the conditions that characterize a deadlock. Explain the occurence and avoidance of deadlock


   graphically among 3 processes and 3 resources


(d) What is a debugging system ? Describe the functions and capabilities of an interactive debugging sysiem.


16  . (a) Define the main differences between Network operating system and Distributed operating system.


 (b) Construct a Context Free Grammar for the following


'C' statements : 6


(i) fuithmeticExpression


(ii)   For Loop


 17  . "[n multiprogramming environment, sharing of code and data can greatly reduce the real storage needed by a group of process€s to run efficiently." For each of the following gpes of systems, outline briefly how sharing can be implemented :


(i) Partition


(ii) Paging


(iii) Segmentation


18 .   (a) What is a system call ? Give four different examples  of system calls in UNIX operating system


. (b) Write a shell program to display the alternate digits in a 4 digit decimal number. 5



- 5, 9 are altemite digns


 6, 4 are alternate digits)


 19  .  (a)  What is the basic purpose of program control ? Explain the significance of Gantt chart and PERT charts with an example for each


(b) What is the basic philosophy of X-Windows ? How is it different from rest of the Guls


 20. (a)   Describe with the help of an example, the macro facility and its implementation

within an assembler.


(b) Consider the following processes in the ready queue (at the same time).



C-alculate the average tumaround time and average waiting time for the processes given by:


(i) FCFS


(ii) RR (quantum=2)


 (c) Explain the principle of the following Non-contiguous Allocation schemes :


(i)  Linked allocation


(ii) Indexed allocation


(d) Write a shell program to find the average marks secured by a student in 5 subjects.


(e) Give notes (in brief) on :


(i) vi editor


(ii) Next software


21  .   (a) Give UNIX commands for :


(i)  to kill the last background job ?


(ii) delete all files in the current directory and subdirectory.


(iii) to go to end of line in vi editor.


(b) What is the role of a System Analyst in Software Engineering ?


(  c  )   Describe the role of 4GUs in the applications development.


 22.  (a) Write an algorithm and draw a corresponding flowchart to reverse a given

4diglt number.


(b) With the help of a neat diagram, explain the address translation scheme in a

segmented system.


23  . (a) Explain various mechanisms (atleast two) to protect a file in a multi-user environment.


With the help of a suitable example for eactu explain the features and objective of the




(i)  Gantt chart


(ii) PERT chart


24  .  Give a brief note on file and directory  structure in UNIX.


Write short notes on a?ry tuto of the following:


(i)  Virtual Memory


(ii) Pipes and Filters in UNIX

(iii) X-Windows


25 . (a)

Design an algorithm and draw a corresponding flq,v chart to generate the fibonacci series.



(b) Write a shell program directorie s / files existing us€r. to count the number of in a gir,ren directory by the us€r.


(c) Explain the concept of Demand paging. Also, discuss the implementation of demand paging scheme with

the help of a diagram.


(d) Mention the general principles of systems investigation and also explain all the stages of systems



26.  . (a) Write context free grammar (CFG) for a "Goto statement" and "For loop" in C language.


(b) What is meant by Segmentation ? With the help of a diagram, explain the address translation scheme in

a segmentation system.


27  .  . (a) Explain the use of the following UNIX commands, their syntax and an example for each :



(i) nohup


(ii) cp


(iii) mv


(iv) rmdir


(v) cal



(b) What are Fourth Generation Languages (4GL's) ? How do thny help to solve the problems ? Also, mention their limitations.


28  .(a)   Write a shell program to check whether the given substring' is existing in the string or not



(b) Exlain the following  Disk scheduring argorithms with


(i) FCFS


(ii) Shortest seek time first scheduling


(iii) Scan scheduling



29  .  (a)   Explain the functional overview of the Macintosh toolbox. List any two applications which can be run on this O/S.


(b) With the help of an example application, explain the client /server model.


30  .   (a) Explain the working of a 2-pass assembler in detail .


(b) Write a shell program to copy the contents of fileT to anothe r f ileZ. Also write an algorithm for it.



(c) Explain the client-server model with the help of an example application



(d) Explain the following concepts in UNIX with an example for each :


 (i) filters


(ii) pipes


(iii) file permissions


(e) Explain various stages of systems investigation


 31  .  (a)  Explain the concept of 'Bufferins' with the help of a digram.


(b) How can compaction be a solution for the external fragmentation problem in memory management ?

Illustrate with the help of an example.


33. (a)   Explain with suitable examples r :


(i) inodes


(ii) file structure in UNIX


(b) What do you understand by syntax and sernantic analysis ? Explain in detail.


34. (a) What is 4GL ? What are its limitations ? How can 4GLs help in solving the software problems ?


 (b) Define the following I.JNIX commands

(i) echo


(ii) cat


(iii) ls


(iv) cc


(v) admin


35. (a) List and explain the mechanism to support the file protection in multiuser environment.

(b) Lisl and explain any five important qualities of a software product.


36  . (a) The contents of four 8-bit registers AL, BL, CL and DI- in hexadecimal notation are F2, Fn 89 and EA respectively. What will be the values of these registers after executing the following

micro-operation sequence :


Note  :  If you haue taken any ossum ptions, mention them


(b) * Write a program in assembly language (8086) that calculates the sum of and storeS the sum of the above series in a user defined data item.

(c) What is a multiplexer ? Design and explain the functioning of a 4 x 1 multiplexer by giving its truth table, logic diagram and block diagrarn.

(d) Design a 4 bit arithmetic circuit using 4 full adders and 4 multiplexers for carrying, out the frollowing micro-operations


(i) Add


(ii) A,Cd with carry


(iii) Subtract


(iv) Subtract with borrow


(v) Transfer


(vi) Increment


Note :  Mention the ossum ptions made, if any.


37. (a)  Draw the block diagram of INTEL 8086 microprocessor and explaln the two functional units

(Bus Interface Unit and the Execution Unit).


(b) With the help of a block diagram explain the polling implementation of a system bus.


38.  ( a  )  Define Vector processing and Vector computers. Mention at least 4 applications of vector processing. Explain the vector instruction format with the help of an example.


(b) Write a program in 8086 assembly language to sort a given list of 'n' integers.


 39 . (a) With the helP of an example,explain  RISC  Pipelining.


 (b) with the help of the truth-table and logic diagram, explain the functioning of a D-flip-flop.


 39. Explain the following along with their usage :


 (i) HYPercube interconnection


(ii) Cache coherence


(iii) SPARC architecture


(iv) Wilkes Control Unit


(v) Decoder

Read 1606 times Last modified on Monday, 30 November 2015 10:38
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