Mba Global Network

Monday, 30 November 2015 06:45


1. Answer the following in about 600 words.
Explain the relationship between school and community. Specify the roles of parents and community in-the effective functioning of the school, with suitable examples.

2. What do you mean by `Management Processes' ? Explain the different management processes in the school.

3. What do you mean by `physical infrastructure' ? How far is the physical infrastructure important for the successful conduct of the programmes and activities in a school ? Discuss.

4. Mention various organisations created by the Central Government to assist school education and discuss the functions of any three of them.
5. . Answer the following questions in about 120 words each
(i) "Communication plays a vital role in all aspects of school life." Discuss.
(ii) Explain briefly the functions of different types of hierarchies of school system.
(iii) What is the concept of `profession' ? What are the different characteristics of a teaching profession ?
(iv) Explain briefly the role of a teacher in decision making in schabi.
(v) What is Action Research ? How does it help a teacher in the classroom ?
(vi) Explain the functions and importance of school time-table.
(vii) Discuss briefly the importance of school libraries.
(viii) What co-curricular activities would you like to introduce in your school and why ?

6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
What is the meaning and purpose of a school budget ? Prepare a school budget following the steps used in the preparation of a school budget.

1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
What do you understand by the term `communication' ? What are the main steps of communicative process ? Discuss how do the communication barriers disrupt the effective communication i process.

2. What are group decision-making techniques ? Discuss the appropriate group decision-making techniques to deal with the problems of regular latecomers in the school.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Explain the Ieadership roles of teachers, principals and students can enhance the school management environment.

4. Explain the importance and objectives of Parent-Teacher Association. Discuss the activities which need to be organised in a Parent-Teacher Association.

5. Answer the following questions in about 120 words each :
(i) Explain the functions of N.C.E.R.T. and N.C.T.E.
(ii) Explain how education is a socialization process.
(iii) Up to what stage in India is general education provided to students and why ?
(iv) Explain the role of a teacher as a manager of instruction.
(v) Discuss how realities in the community can be transformed as learning experiences by the school.
(vi) Explain the advantages and disadvantages of students' evaluation of teachers.
(vii) Explain with examples the different types of school climate.
(viii) Explain the four types of school budget.

6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
As a teacher, you are supposed to organise various co-curricular activities in and out of the class. Identify a few such activities which you have been organizing in your school/class. Explain the various skills you used in organizing them and classify the activities in various categories of co-curricular activities.

1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
"Not all the administrators `administer', not all workers `work', not all teachers `teach', not all students 'study' - at least in the same way." Discuss this statement in the light of school as a social system.

2. What is the meaning of decision making ? What are the steps involved in the decision making process ? Mention a few decisions taken by students of your school.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
How do you justify that the principal is a leader in the school management ? What types of positions does he hold in the school ? List the various activities under these positions.

4. Discuss the different types of time-tables. Which principles will you keep in mind while preparing a time-table ? Using some of these principles, prepare a time-table for Class IX of your school.

5. Answer the following questions in about 120 words each :
(i) What are the functions of CABE and CBSE ?
(ii) "School is a formal system for socializing the young generation of society." Explain it.
(iii) "Teaching is a complex process." Discuss.
(iv) Explain the role of teacher as a facilitator of learning.
(v) Explain the statement "Society is a system and education is a sub-system of the social system".
(vi) Briefly mention the anxieties which teachers might harbour about students' evaluation of teachers.
(vii) Differentiate between open climate and autonomous climate.
(viii) What are the steps for preparing a school budget ?

6. As a teacher in your school you must have observed certain school management related problems. How did you identify these problems, and what steps did you take or suggest to tackle these problems ? Prepare a report in about 600 words.

1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Explain the meaning of professional development of teachers. Discuss the importance and modes of providing inservice training for continuous professional development of teachers

2. "A teacher is both an instructional input and a manager of teaching - learning process." Explain.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
What are the management processes in a school ? Discuss the role of a teacher in each of these processes.

4. Explain the meaning and need of performance appraisal of teachers. Discuss the various means of carrying out appraisal of teacher performance.

5. Answer the following questions in about 120 words each
(i) Discuss different modes of education with examples.
(ii) Explain the role of Board of Secondary Education in school education.
(iii) What are different types of hierarchies of school education ? Which one do you prefer and why ?
(iv) What is inter-personal interaction ? How is it helpful. for the progress of school system ?
(v) Differentiate between administrative and instructional leadership of the principal of a school.
(vi) What is organizational climate ? Discuss the dimensions of organizational climate.
(vii) Explain the meaning and importance of school time-table.
(viii) Discuss the importance of co-curricular activities in the school curriculum.

6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
As a teacher, you are supposed to maintain cumulative record card for all students of your class. Prepare a detailed cumulative record card for a student of Class IX of your school.

1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Explain how school is a formal social organisation. Discuss the roles and responsibilities of various members of the school organization

2. Justify teaching as a profession. Examine the professional competencies required of a teacher 'to be, effective.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Explain the meaning and dimensions of school effectiveness. How does school effectiveness affect school climate ?

4. Explain the role of a teacher as an instructional input. How is it different from her/his role as a facilitator of learning and as a counsellor ?

5. Answer the following questions in about 120 words each :
(i) What is a learning resource centre ? How is it beneficial to teachers and students ?
(ii) Explain with examples the role of a teacher as a manager of innovation and as a manager of conflict.
(iii) What is the peer evaluation of teachers ? Discuss its advantages and disadvantages.
(iv) What is National Open School, presently known as National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) ? What are its major objectives ?
(v) What is a school complex ? Briefly describe its benefits for a school.
(vi) How is a school budget prepared and managed ?
(vii) Explain with examples the meaning of action research. How is it helpful for a teacher in performing instructional function ?
(viii) What is school leadership ? Discuss the types of school leadership with their advantages and disadvantages.

6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Suppose you have been given the responsibility of conducting the annual examination of your school. Prepare a detailed scheme for the smooth conduct of examination.

1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Discuss the specific competencies required of a teacher for performing the roles of a manager, a participant, a facilitator, a counsellor and a community participant.

2. What are manpower resources in school organization ? Discuss their roles for effective functioning of school organization.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
What is the meaning of management processes ? Discuss the different management processes and their importance in a school setting.-

4. What are the different types of co-curricular activities ? Explain their need and importance in the development of a child's personality.

5. Answer the following questions in about 120 words each :
(i) Explain how education is a socialization process.
(ii) Parents form a viable link between .school and community.' Discuss the statement with examples.
(iii) Discuss the constitutional provisions for education of minorities, scheduled castes and scheduled tribes.
(iv) Discuss the important qualities and competencies which a principal of a school should possess.
{v) Discuss the benefits that a teacher derives from the induction phase of teacher-training programme.
(vi) Explain the four characteristics of the dimensions of organizational climate.
(vii) What is performance appraisal ? Why is it considered important in school system ?
(viii) What are the instructional leadership roles of a teacher ?

6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Discuss the problems you face while teaching in the classroom and the steps you would take to solve them. Suggest the different modalities you would take for the attainment of your personal and professional growth.

1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
What do you understand by `hierarchies in school system' ? Discuss the models of hierarchies of structure generally found in school system with their merits and demerits.

2. Discuss personal qualities and professional competencies that need to be acquired to become an effective teacher.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Why is knowledge of various management processes of school essential for a teacher ? Discuss different managerial functions a teacher performs in a school.

4. What are the decision-making techniques used in the management process ? Which decision-making technique would you use to address the problem of regular late-corners in the school ? State the reasons for selecting that technique.

5. Answer the following questions in about 120 words each :
(i) How can realities in the community be transformed as learning experiences in the school ? Discuss with suitable examples.
(ii) Discuss the key elements in organizational behaviour.
(iii) Explain the need of inservice training for school teachers.
(iv) Discuss the criteria that you would keep in mind while evaluating yours peers.
(v) Describe the leadership roles of students in the school.
(vi) Define action research. Discuss its role in improving school system.
(vii) Discuss the functions that school time-table performs.
(viii) "Cumulative Record Card is the reflection of what a student is." Discuss the statement.

6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Explain the need and importance of co-curricular activities. Discuss the skills that a teacher uses to organise co-curricular activities in school.

Monday, 30 November 2015 06:40


1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Illustrate instructional objectives for Science teaching under cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains, with examples.

2. What is meant by `Project' ? Explain the use, advantages and disadvantages of `Project method' for teaching of Science.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Identify the main teaching points, formulate corresponding objectives and explain the teaching-learning process that you will follow while teaching one of the following topics at Secondary level :

(i) Man and his relationship with Environment
(ii) Periodic Classification
4. Write brief notes on the following in about 120 words each :
(i) Science Education in India
(ii) Diagnostic Tests in Science
(iii) Scientific Method
(iv) Laboratory Method
(v) Problem Solving Approach
(vi) Teaching of Food Processing and Preservation
(vii) Teaching of Deficiency Diseases
(viii) Teaching of `Allotropy' in Carbon compounds

5. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Techniques of assessment in Science Practicals are different from those in Science Theory. Briefly discuss techniques of assessment of Science Practicals which you have utilised in your school and also construct a test-paper of Science Practicals at Secondary level in the _light of assessment technique of Science Practicals mentioned by you.

1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
What is science ? What should be done in your opinion to improve the teaching - learning process of science in secondary schools of our country ?

2. Write down the names of five effective methods of teaching science at secondary stage. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of using any one of them for teaching in a class. Give appropriate examples to explain your answer.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Identify the main teaching points, formulate corresponding objectives in behavioural terms and explain teaching - learning process that you will follow while teaching any one of the following topics at secondary level
(i) Chemical Equilibrium
(ii) Conservation of Momentum

4. Write brief notes on the following in about 120 words each :
(i) Importance of teaching science in secondary schools
(ii) Demonstration method in teaching of science
(iii) Need for planning a lesson
(iv) Merits and demerits of objective type tests
(v) Improvised teaching aids
(vi) Important points in teaching "refraction of light"
(vii) Different teaching methods used in teaching `chemical bonding'
(viii) Teacher = pupil activities used while teaching "Food Preservation"

5. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Discuss the importance of laboratory work in science teaching. How will you plan and organise your laboratory so that students can learn `scientific method' and develop `scientific attitude' ?

1. Answer the following queslion in about 600 words.
Justify the place of science in secondary school curriculum. Give suggestions for the modification of methods of teaching as well as evaluation being used currently for teaching science at secondary level.

2. Distinguish between assessment and evaluation. What are the irnportant stepsiof test construction ? Describe the main points to be considered when setting a science theory paper.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Identify the main teaching points, formulate corresponding objectives in behavioural terms and explain teaching-learning process that you will follow while teaching any one of the following topics at secondary level :
(i) Hydrocarbon
(ii) Origin of the Universe

4. Write notes on the following in about 720 words each :
(i) Project method of teaching science
(ii) A good lesson plan
(iii) Essay type tests
(iv) Maintenance of laboratory equipment
(v) Diagnostic tests and remedial measures
(vi) Teaching of laws of motion
(vii) Teaching of modern periodic table
(viii) Teaching of nutrition and health
5. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Why is a science laboratory essential for teaching science in secondary schools ? How will you plan, organise and maintain an ellective science laboratory in your school ? What safety measures are needed in the laboratory ?

1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Justify the place of Science in Secondary school curriculum in view of aims and objectives of- teaching Science at Secondary level.

2. What is inquiry approach ? Discuss ifs advantages, disadvantages and use of this approach for teaching of Science at Secondary level.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Identify the main teaching points, formulate corresponding objectives in ' behavioural terms and explain the teaching-learning process that you will follow while teaching any one of the following topics at Secondary level :
(i) Magnetic effect of current
(ii) Chemical bonding

4. Write notes on the following in about 120 words each :
(i) Nature of Science as a process
(ii) Laboratory method
(iii) Monitoring of learner's progress in Science
(iv) Science education in India
(v) Teaching of Allotropy
(vi) Teaching of Meiosis
(vii) Teaching of Second Law of Motion
(viii) Planning of Science Laboratory

5. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
While teaching Science at Secondary. level, you must have taught some topics through project method. Mention that topic and explain the various steps involved in carrying out the project. Write the project report.

1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Justify the nature of Science as a process and product, with suitable illustrations.

2. Discuss nature, steps involved, advantages and disadvantages of problem solving approach of teaching Science at Secondary level.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Identify the main teaching points, formulate corresponding objectives and explain the teaching-learning process that you will follow while teaching one of the following topics at Secondary level :
(i) Cell Structure
(ii) Chemical Formulae

4. Write brief notes on the following in about 120 words each :
(i) Goals for Science Teaching
(ii) Principles of Science Curriculum Construction
(iii) Demonstration Method of teaching Science
(iv) Planning of Science Laboratory
(v) Diagnosis and Remedial measures in Science
(vi) Teaching of Conservation of Momentum
(vii) Teaching of Refraction of Light
(viii) Teaching of Food Processing and Preservation

5. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Select a topic from Science at Secondary level. Prepare a blueprint for the test to be prepared to assess the learner's progress. Construct the test, taking into consideration all the criteria of a good test. The test must have at least 2 to 3 test items of cognitive, psychomotor and affective domains.

Monday, 30 November 2015 06:38


1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Discuss the need and importance of Mathematics in school curriculum.

2. Discuss the principles of formulating the Mathematics curriculum.

3. Answer the following question in about.600 words.
Formulate objectives, select learning experiences to teach any one of the following topics to Secondary school teachers :
(i) Quadratic Equations
(ii) Perimeter and Area of plane figures
(iii) Percent

4. Write short notes on the following in about 120 words each :
(a) Heuristic or Discovery method
(b) Meaning of evaluation
(c) Congruence of Triangles
(d) Simple Interest
(e) Polynomials in one variable
(f) Histogram and Frequency Polygon
(g) Different types of quadrilaterals and their inter-relation (h) Definitions of trigonometric ratios

1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Discuss in detail the need and significance of teaching mathematics at secondary school stage. Give suitable examples in support of your answer.

2. What is meant by `evaluation' ?. Discuss the role of evaluation in improving the teaching - learning process in mathematics. Illustrate with examples wherever needed.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Formulate objectives and identify learning experiences to teach any one of the following topics to the secondary students :
(i) Exponents and Logarithms
(ii) LCM and HCF
(iii) Circle, its circumference and area

4. Write short notes on the following in about 120 words each :
(i) Relevance of Assignment and Home-work
(ii) Role of Teaching Aids
(iii) Use of Intuition and Logic in mathematics
(iv) Teaching of Rational.Numbers
(v) Teaching of Trigonometrical Ratios
(vi) Teaching of Stocks and Shares
(vii) Teaching "Division" of Polynomials

5. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Discuss in detail the desirable characteristics of a good instructional strategy in mathematics. Explain the various steps taken in developing and implementing such a strategy.

1.Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Explain the meanings of `Induction' and `Deduction' in mathematics. Differentiate between Inductive and Deductive methods of teaching mathematics. Illustrate with examples how these methods work.

2. Discuss the nature and development of mathematics as a subject. Describe in detail the contribution of Indian mathematicians to the development of mathematics.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Formulate objectives and identify learning experiences to teach any one of the following topics to the secondary students :
(i) Elementary number theory
(ii) Linear equations and Inequations
(iii) Similarity of triangles and its applications

4. Write short notes on the following in about 120 words each :
(i) Place of mathematics in school curriculum
(ii) Role of practice in teaching mathematics
(iii) Teaching of graphs
(iv) Laboratory method of teaching mathematics
(v) Trigonometry, heights and distances
(vi) Teaching computing and flow-charting
(vii) Evaluation in mathematics
(viii) Lesson planning in mathematics teaching

5. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Discuss, with example(s), how you will introduce the concept of statistics in the class. Explain your detailed strategy including teaching points, teaching methods and teaching aids while teaching statistics at secondary school stage.

1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Discuss the role of human needs as a basis of growth in Mathematics. Illustrate what contribution Mathematics can make to develop a habit of rational thinking . among learners.

2. Discuss the desirable characteristics of a good instructional programme in Mathematics.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Formulate objectives and select learning experiences to teach any one of the following topics to Secondary school students :
(i) Properties of Integers
(ii) Compound Interest

4. Write short notes on the following in about 120 words each :
(a) Graphs of linear equations involving absolute value
(b) Relation and Function
(c) Point, Line and Plane
(d) Language of Mathematics
(e) Profit and Loss
(f) Basic identities in Trigonometry
(g) Volume of Cylinder
(h) Measures of Central Tendency
(i) Stocks and Shares

5. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
What are the two observational methods of evaluation ? Specify the areas/attributes which can be evaluated by using these methods.

1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Discuss the principles of child development and learning which affect methods of teaching Mathematics at Secondary level.

2. What is unit planning ? Discuss features and steps in unit planning of instruction.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Formulate objectives, select learning experiences to teach any one of the following topics to' Secondary school students :
(i) Rational and Irrational numbers
(ii) Trigonometric ratios

4. . Write short notes on the following in about 120 words each :
(i) Pure and Applied Mathematics
(ii) Drill and Practice
(iii) Different types of quadrilaterals
(iv) Quadratic equations
(v) Polynomials in one variable
(vi) Parallel lines and related axioms
(vii) Derive values of trigonometric ratios for -standard values of angle
(viii) Pictorial representation of data

5. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Discuss the meaning and role of evaluation in making instruction in Mathematics more effective.

Monday, 30 November 2015 06:34


1. Answer the following in about 600 words :
What is project work ? How will you organise project work in teaching Social Studies at Secondary school level ? Discuss with example.

2. Differentiate between evaluation of cognitive and non-cognitive outcomes in Social Studies. Discuss briefly the major tools used for evaluating these outcomes.

3. Answer the following in about 600 words :
Discuss various causes of Environmental Degradation. Develop an instructional strategy on Environmental Degradation, specifying main teaching points, instructional objectives, and instructional activities.

4. Discuss various sectors of Indian economy and their relationship. Develop an instructional strategy on this topic specifying teaching points, instructional objectives and instructional activities.
5. Write short answers of the following in about 150 words each :

(i) Differentiate between integrated and inter-disciplinary approaches to teaching Social Studies with examples.
(ii) Which one of the group-directed instructional techniques will you use to teach `Impact of Globalisation on Indian economy', and why ?
(iii) What media will you use to teach `Comparative CIimate of New Delhi and Chennai during Winter season' ? Illustrate your answer.
(iv) Discuss briefly development in Science and Technology during the Ancient and Medieval period. What method/s would you follow to teach this content at Secondary level ?
(v) Discuss the purposes of student evaluation in Social Studies.
(vi) Discuss instructional planning you will carry out for introducing 'Indus Valley Civilization'.
Discuss briefly assessment procedures to be followed for the content `Freedom and Equality'.

6. During teaching Social Studies in class-room you must have developed a unit plan. Select any unit from that and illustrate the unit plan consisting of
(a) Sub-units in the unit
(b) Corresponding teaching points to sub-units
(c) Specific instructional objectives
(d) Methods/approaches to be adopted
(e) Appropriate media selected

1. Answer the following question in about 600 words :
Explain the significance of Social Studies in Secondary School curriculum. Discuss the factors which influence decision-making in Social Studies curriculum.

2.Discuss with example how lecture method is used in teaching of Social Studies. Point out the difficulties faced by a teacher during various steps while teaching through lecture method.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words
Suppose you have to teach growth of Indus Valley Civilization, develop instructional objectives in behavioural terms, instructional procedure for major teaching concepts/contents and test items to test teaching outcomes of the test.

4. Explain the concept of `totality of environment'. Develop an instructional strategy on it including teaching points, specific instructional objectives, instructional activities and evaluation questions.

5. Write short answers of the following questions in about 150 words each
(i) Discuss the Questioning Skill, Explain how would you use it in the teaching of Social Studies by giving suitable examples.
(ii) Discuss various process skills that a Social Studies teacher needs to develop in his students.
(iii) What are non-cognitive outcomes in Social Studies ? How can a teacher assess these outcomes ?
(iv) Briefly describe the measures to conserve our natural resources. Which instructional methods and media would you use to teach this content ?
(v) Mention various sectors of the Indian economy. What kind of instructional inputs would you provide for teaching this ?
(vi) Discuss the meaning and causes of environmental degradation. Suggest the appropriate group-directed instructional method to teach the content.
(vii) Discuss briefly the impact of British rule on educational development in India. What kind of Information and Communication Technology (1CT) will you use to teach this content and why ?

6. Answer the following question in about 600 words :
You are asked by your Principal to develop a question paper of Class VIII in Social Studies for the annual examination. Prepare a detailed plan mentioning different activities you will carry out while developing the question paper.

1. Answer the following question in about 600 words :
Explain individualised instruction. Discuss with examples individualised instructional methods used in teaching of Social Studies.

2. Define `Social Studies' as a field of knowledge. Discuss learning outcomes expected of the teaching-learning activities in Social Studies.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words :
Discuss the meaning of geographical discoveries. Select a suitable topic and ' develop an instructional strategy mentioning content points, instructional objectives in behavioural terms, teaching-learning activities and evaluation items.
4. Discuss the ideals of the Indian Nation enshrined in its Constitution. Develop an instructional strategy to teach this mentioning content points, specific instructional objectives, teaching-learning activities and evaluation items.

5. Write short answers of the following questions in about 150 words each :

(i) Describe professional and personal qualities a Social Studies teacher ought to possess.
(ii) How can you utilise the expertise of a guest speaker effectively in Social Studies class ? Explain.
(iii) Differentiate between numerical marking system and grading system. Which one would you prefer in assessing student performance in Social Studies ? Justify your answer.
(iv) Differentiate between the terms - `latitudes' and `longitudes'. What communication media would you use to bring out their differences ?
(v) What are different forms of occupations ? Develop four multiple choice type items on this content.
(vi) What methods and media would you adopt to explain the main features of Indian economy ?
(vii) What is a diagnostic test ? Explain its use in the teaching of Social Studies by giving suitable examples.

6. Answer the following question in about 600 words :
During teaching in schools, you might have come across certain difficult topics to be learnt by students. How did you teach them ? Illustrate the lesson plan for them in detail.

1. Answer the following question in about 690 words :
Discuss with examples how demonstration method can be used in teaching of Social Studies. Point out the difficulties faced by a teacher during various steps while teaching through demonstration method.

2. Discuss the role of instructional media in teaching Social Studies. Justify your answer by giving suitable examples.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words :
What do you understand by Geographical Discoveries ? Mention the events which helped in geographical discoveries and discuss their effects

4. Describe the purpose and various aspects of evaluation in Social Studies.

5. Write short answers of the following questions in about 150 words each :
(i) What do you understand by Brain-Storming technique ? How can a teacher use it in leaching of Social Studies ?
(ii) Briefly discuss the influence of political factors on cultural development.
(iii) Explain the basic features of Indian Economy.
(iv) Discuss in brief the effects of Industrial Revolution on the environment.
(v) Describe in brief the reasons for the decline of Harappan culture.
(vi) Explain the impact of liberal ideas of the West in British India"
(vii) What are the advantages of commerclalizing animal rearing ?

6. Answer the following question in about 600 words :
Suppose you had visited the nearby community alongwith your students to know the opinion of people about the impact of population, poverty and employment on the Indian Economy. What conclusions did you infer ?

1. Answer the following question in about 600 words :
Explain the. significance of media in teaching of Social Studies. Discuss the media used frequently in teaching of Social Studies, with examples.

2. Differentiate between cognitive and non-cognitive learning outcomes. Discuss various forms of test items for cognitive and non-cognitive learning outcomes with examples from Social Studies.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words :
Discuss social life and economic conditions prevailing during Indus Valley Civilization. Develop an instructional strategy to teach this topic mentioning content points, specific instructional objectives, teaching-learning activities and evaluation items. 
4. Discuss major types of climate of India. Develop an instructional strategy to teach this topic mentioning content points, specific instructional objectives, teaching-learning activities and evaluation items.

5. Write short answers of the following questions in about 150 words each :

(i) Discuss the factors taken into consideration while organising Social Studies curriculum.
(ii) Explain with examples how questioning skill can be used in teaching Social Studies.
(iii) Differentiate between a unit plan and a lesson plan.
(iv) How can continuous and comprehensive evaluation be implemented in Social Studies ? Explain.
(v) Discuss methods and media to introduce the concept of cultural heritage of India.
(vi) What is the need of maintaining environmental balance ? How can you explain it to your students ?
(vii) What are the different types of soils found in India ? Construct four multiple-choice items to test students' understanding of Indian soils.
(viii) What are the various indicators of economic development ? How can you teach this topic to your students ?

6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
- Suppose you had organised project work in teaching of Social Studies. Discuss the stages of organising project .work namely
(i) Planning of the project work
(ii) Implementation of the project work
(iii) Evaluation of the project work

1. Answer the following question in about 600 words :
Differentiate between `Social Studies' and `Social Sciences'. Discuss various competencies required of an effective Social Studies teacher.

2. What is a lecture ? Discuss with examples the steps of organising lecture in the teaching of Social Studies.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words :
Discuss briefly the major supporting structures which constitute the economic structure of Indian Economy. Develop an instructional strategy to teach this topic mentioning main content points, specific instructional objectives, teaching-learning activities and evaluation items.

4. Explain environmental degradation and its various causes. Develop an instructional strategy to teach this topic mentioning main content points, specific instructional objectives, teaching-learning activities and evaluation items.

5. Write short answers of the following questions in about 150 words each :
(i) Briefly elaborate the significance of discussion as a method of teaching Social Studies and also mention the various skills required to participate in discussion.
(ii) Discuss various areas which are taken into account while planning instruction in Social Studies.
(iii) Discuss various types of charts and mention their use in teaching Social Studies, with examples.
(iv) Explain the significance and steps of demonstration in teaching of Social Studies, with examples.
(v) What methods and media would you use to teach art and architecture of ancient India "?
(vi) What are the main teaching points of the topic `Growth of Education and its impact' during the British rule in India ? Formulate instructional objectives for the same teaching points.
(vii) What are major physical divisions of India ? Discuss the instructional media you will use to teach the contents.
(viii) Discuss the teaching-learning activities you will plan to teach conservation of natural resources.

6. Answer the following question in about 600 words :
Suppose you had developed a Question paper in Social Studies for Class IX. Discuss the various steps you followed in the development of the Question paper.

Monday, 30 November 2015 06:25


1. What is the status of English language in the context of our Indian education system ? Discuss the role of the English teacher in this context giving suitable examples.

2. Out of the four skills of language, which one do you think is most important ? Give a reasoned answer bringing out the objectives of teaching English in India.

3. What is the meaning of Efficient Reading ? Discuss. Explain the characteristics of reading and their implications for the teacher of English language.

4. Distinguish between intensive reading and extensive reading. Discuss the learning objectives of intensive reading in detail.

5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each :
(i) Mention at least four different kinds of listening activities which can be used in the classroom for teaching listening skills. Describe any one of them in detail.
(ii) Mention at least four different kinds of Speaking Activities that can be used in the classroom for teaching speaking skills. Describe any one of them in detail.
(iii) Distinguish between study skills and linguistic skills. What is the role of study skills in the English curriculum ?
(iv) Distinguish between formal and functional grammar. Which one is more useful in language teaching and why ?
(v) Discuss the pedagogic principles of 'Structural oral situational method' in language teaching.
(vi) Write a note on different kinds of vocabularies and their implications for the teaching of vocabulary.

6. What are the essential components of a lesson plan ? Discuss the weak and strong points of any one lesson-plan which you must have prepared during teaching at Secondary level.

1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
What are the unique individual characteristics of the learner that influence learning ? Discuss these in the context of teaching English as a second language.

2. What is a cognitive style ? Discuss the cognitive styles important for developing communicative skills in second language learning.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
What do you understand by `method' of teaching language ? Discuss the relationship between approach, method and techniques of language teaching using a suitable example.

4. What are the important components of a lesson plan ? Discuss your answer by illustrating instructional objectives for a poetry lesson for any class you teach.

5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each :
(i) What are the three kinds of listening materials that can be used by a teacher ? List one advantage and one disadvantage; of each material.
(ii) Write at least four characteristics of an effective oral skills lesson.
(iii) What is alexia and how does it affect one's reading ability ?
(iv) What are `signpost' questions ?
(v) Frame two test items for testing reading comprehension.
(vi) What is the significance of vocabulary games ?

6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Discuss the methods of marking composition with suitable examples.

1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
What is the relationship between the need for learning a language and its teaching objectives ? Explain with an example from teaching of English as a second language.

2. `Learners have different cognitive styles.' How is this observation useful for classroom teachers ? Give examples from teaching of English as a second language.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
What are the major differences between learning Ll and L2 .? Discuss the different contexts in which children formally learn certain language skills.

4. In the context of learning language, discuss the role of integrative and instrumental motivation. Give suitable examples to illustrate your answer.

5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each :
(i) List down three features of a good listening task.
(ii) In order to teach conversation skills, why is it important to understand the differences between speech and writing ?
(iii) How can a teacher use dictation for story-telling and developing learners' speech skills ?
(iv) List down the major skills needed to write a good summary.
(v) What aspects of writing should be given importance to at the secondary level ?
(vi) Frame a multiple choice item to test your learners' knowledge of grammar.
6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Discuss the differences between discrete and integrated items given to test the grammatical competence of learners. Give an example from each to illustrate your answer.

1. Mention three major approaches to English Language teaching. Which one do you think is the best and why ?

2. What is the place of English in Indian society ? Discuss, bringing out the implications for teachers of English in this context.

3. Name the four skills of language. Which one do you think is the most important in the context of teaching-learning English in India ? Give a reasoned answer arriving at the objectives of teaching English in India.

4. Discuss the characteristics of Reading and its implications for the Reading teacher.

5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each :
(i) What are the three phases of a listening class_ ? Discuss any one of them.
(ii) Discuss the characteristics of an effective oral skills lesson.
(iii) List the nine areas in which a writer needs. some competence according to Anita Pincas. Explain any one of them in detail, giving examples.
(iv) What is the place of grammar in language learning ? Discuss, bringing out the changing approach to grammar in recent times.
(v) How will you develop, study skills among your students, as an English teacher ? Give examples.
(vi) Mention at least four reading problems and write a detailed note on any one of them.

6. What is a lesson plan ? Describe, giving examples, the role of a lesson plan for an effective English class.

1. The communicative approach to language teaching is the best one to be followed by the teachers of English. Do you agree ? Give a reasoned answer bringing out the differences in the different approaches.

2. English is seen differently as a first language, a second language and an international language. What are the implications of these three positions for a teacher of English ? Discuss bringing out the need and importance of English in the Indian society and classroom.

3. It is through books that one acquires knowledge, for which one needs to be proficient in reading. Do you think reading is the most important language skill ? Give a reasoned answer bringing out the implications for a teacher of English.

4. Describe in detail the objectives of a reading programme. Are you able to implement all the objectives in the classroom ? Discuss.

5. Answer the following in about 150 words each :
(i) Mention at least four kinds of listening activities and describe any one of them in detail.
(ii) Mention at least four kinds of speaking activities and describe any one of them in detail.
(iii) Mention at least four kinds of writing activities and describe any one of them in detail.
(iv) Mention three types of study skills and describe any one of them in detail.
(v) What are the advantages of grammar games in teaching grammar ? Describe one game.
(vi) Write a note on Integrated Grammar Tasks.

6. Choose any topic in any area from your English class and develop a lesson plan. Mention the class and topic you have chosen clearly.

Monday, 30 November 2015 06:18


1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Define the term `Educational technology'. Describe its scope and noteworthy applications in the field of education in India, giving concrete examples from your experiences.

2. "The National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) is an apt example of an ET project at the macro level." Justify this statement highlighting the origin, need, objectives, programme inputs, instructional materials and delivery mechanisms of NIOS. Also suggest how we can expand and sharpen the open schooling system in India.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Explain Context Input Process and Product (CIPP) model of evaluation. Discuss the components of this model in the context of decision-making with regard to the effectiveness of an ET project.

4. Analyse the nature of 'experience' as opposed to `observation', and explain the concept of `experiential learning'. Discuss the teaching strategies that facilitate experiential learning.

5. Answer the following in about 150 words each ;
(i) Why should we lay emphasis on teaching `thinking skills' to our students in schools ? Explain such skilis with suitable examples.
(ii) Explain the meaning of the term 'Management'. Describe the five major functions of management in the context of goals of educational technology.
(iii) List the strengths and weaknesses of Education Radio programmes. How would you strengthen the listening of such programmes among students of your class ?
(iv) Discuss the main features of a Learning Resource Centre. How is an LRC different from a library ?
(v) What is E-Mail ? Describe its uses in distance education.
(vi) Describe the reasons for using teaching-learning aids to make instruction more effective.
(vii) Explain the meaning of the term media. Differentiate between multiple media and multimedia.

6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Suppose you have to carry out a Teleconferencing Session of 15 minutes' duration. Select a suitable topic and develop an academic brief/note. Mention all the necessary steps involved in its development,
1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Beginning with the Audio-visual phase, describe with examples the four phases of world-wide evolution of educational technology. Also discuss briefly some futuristic trends you visualize in the current phase of .ET.

2. Describe briefly the main features, delivery mechanisms and instructional strategies of open schooling in India. What suggestions would you offer to sharpen and expand the Open Schooling System ?

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
How does evaluation of ET help a teacher ? Discuss with examples the approaches and types of evaluation for educational technology programmes.

5. Answer the following in about 150 words each :
(i) Define the term `learning'. Describe the major stages involved in the process of learning.
(ii) Explain the meaning of the term 'software'. Why is it important to have a thorough knowledge of learners' needs, characteristics and conditions for designing any kind of educational software ?
(iii) List three merits and demerits each of educational TV/video programmes. How would you go about using such programmes effectively in your class ?
(iv) Describe Computer Assisted Learning (CAL). Describe the advantages and limitations of CAL.
(v) Describe `tele-conferencing'. Describe its scope in distance learning.
(vi) Discuss the special features of the printed study materials developed by N I O S and I G N O U for their learners. How are these materials different from the traditional textbooks ?
(vii) Define "Learning Experiences" and explain the principles of organising learning experiences in the class.

6 Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Select a topic of your choice. Develop a script for ETV programme of 5 - 10 minutes' duration. Mention all the steps required for the development of ETV scripts.

1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Define the term `Educational Technology'. Describe the phases through which educational technologies have evolved during the past three decades.

2. Explain the meaning and significance of teleconferencing in distance education system. Discuss the types of teleconferencing system being used in India for educational purposes.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
What is the role of media in the instructional process ? Discuss briefly the factors to be considered while selecting appropriate media for classroom instruction. Substantiate your answer with suitable example.

4. Explain the need of managing educational technology. Discuss the steps you would like to take for the effective management of educational technology.

5. Answer the following in about 150 words each :
(i) What would be the nature of future classroom ?
(ii) Discuss briefly the need and significance of open schooling in India.
(iii) Discuss briefly principles of organising learning experiences.
(iv) What is Computer Assisted Learning (CAL) ? Discuss advantages and disadvantages of using CAL in instructional process.
(v) Mention the guidelines to be followed for increasing effectiveness in chalkboard writing.
(vi) Discuss briefly how you can develop thinking skills among your students.
(vii) What is meant by visual non-projected three-dimensional media ? Discuss briefly any two of them.

6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Identify a suitable theme from your subject area of teaching for developing a video programme. Develop programme brief and academic note for this video programme.

1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
What is the meaning of `educational software' ? Discuss the principles of designing educational software for, developing knowledge, attitude and psychomotor skills at the secondary stage.

2. What is Computer Assisted Learning (CAL) ? Discuss various functions of CAL and the problems associated with its use in the instructional process.
3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Define the term `Educational Technology', Discuss various applications of educational technology in conventional and distance mode of learning.

4. Explain the meaning and significance of participatory learning. Discuss its broad features by giving an example.

5. Answer the following in about 150 words each :
(i) `Educational technology is an area of interdisciplinary study.' Explain.
(ii) What is OHP ? How can you design and prepare transparencies for OHP
(iii) What is `E-mail' ? How can it be effectively used in instructional process ?
(iv) Discuss the important guidelines to be followed while developing audio scripts.
(v) Explain integration of media with methods by giving an example.
(vi) Discuss the skills required by the learners at various stages in the process of learning.
(vii) Discuss the stages of experiential learning as given by Kolb with an example.

1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
"Defining Educational Technology as `Technology in Education' is a narrow view of ET." Expand this statement to bring out a suitable definition of ET. Also describe the scope and applications of ET in the field of education, with examples.

2. What is `open schooling' ? Describe with examples the multi-channel instructional strategies the NIOS uses to service its learners' needs.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
What is 'media selection' ? Describe its need in the context of day-to-day classroom teaching. Discuss with examples the steps you will follow while selecting and integrating media for instructional purposes.

4. "Experience holds the key to learning." Justify this statement with suitable examples from your experience as a teacher. Also explain the factors that determine the nature of experiential learning.

5. Answer the following questions. Answer each question in about 150 words :
(i) Describe the need, importance and role of Personal Contact Programmes (PCPs) in open and distance learning systems, giving examples from your own experiences as a distance learner.
(ii) What is Internet ? Describe some of its uses and applications in the ODL system.
(iii) What is a Learning Resource Centre ? Describe the kinds of resources you will recommend for setting up an ideal LRC.
(iv) What is meant by non-projected two-dimensional communication aids ? Describe the kinds and uses of such communication aids in the teaching-learning process.
(v) List the major strengths and weaknesses of audio-radio programmes. Describe how you as a teacher, will ensure effective utilization of audio-radio programmes in your class.
(vi) What is 'participatory learning' ? Explain its key characteristics as reflected in Mirambika School.
(vii) Describe with examples the five major functions of management in the context of ET.

6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
List important guidelines for developing an educational audio/radio programme script. Based on these guidelines, prepare a programme brief and develop a 10-minute educational audio/radio script on any teaching topic or theme for secondary school students.

1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
What, according to you, is `Educational Technology' ? Describe the main stages of its evolution beginning from `teaching aids' to the use of multimedia and ICT driven technologies.

2. Discuss the main factors that led to the emergence of open and distance learning systems in India citing examples of National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS). Also describe in detail the distinguishing features of the NIOS.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
"Evaluation is an integral part of educational technology. " Examine this statement critically and state the rationale and purposes of evaluating an ET project. Also describe with examples the four components of C I P P model of evaluation.

4. Why do we use printed `Self-Learning Materials' (SLMs) as the principal mode of instruction for open and distance learners ? Describe the structure and main characteristics of SLMs giving illustrations from your own (B.Ed.) course materials.

5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each :
(i) Describe the need, importance and role of audio-video programmes and computer-driven inputs in open and distance learning systems, giving examples from your own experience as a distance learner.
(ii) What is teleconferencing ? Discuss the merits and demerits of audio and video conferencing.
(iii) Why will an individual, in the near future, be required to continue to learn throughout his/her life ? Explain it and clarify the concept of a `Learning Society'.
(iv) What is a chart good for ? Describe various types of charts used in day-to-day classroom teaching.
(v) List the major strengths and weaknesses of TV/Video programmes. Describe how you, as a teacher, will ensure effective utilization of TV/Video programmes in your class.
(vi) State the key principles of learning as envisaged by Sri Aurobindo. How does Mirambika School attempt to realise these principles through its programmes and activities ?
(vii) What is experiential learning ? Describe the stages in the process of experiential learning.

6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
List important guidelines for developing an educational TV/Video programme script. Based on these guidelines, prepare a programme brief and develop a 10-minute TV/Video script on any teaching topic or theme for Secondary school students.

Monday, 30 November 2015 06:14


1.Answer the following in about 600 words :
Discuss the advantages of use of computers in Educational Administration.

2. Discuss the benefits of computers in open learning system in the context of teaching with technology.

3. Answer the following in about 600 words :
What is multimedia ? Discuss the hardware/software requirements of a multimedia.

4. Explain software tools for teaching. Discuss any four applications of software used in educational environment with examples.

5. Answer the following in about 150 words each :
(i) Describe the principles of programmed learning.
(ii) Why is documentation of software necessary for the software ?
(iii) Explain the different categories for editing a document.
(iv) Write a note on PERT charts.
(v) Explain student performance record interface.
(vi) Write the various project control strategies and discuss one of them.

6. Answer the following in about 600 words
As a teacher you must have felt the need of student data. How did you prepare student data using computer based administration system ? Explain.

1. Answer the following in about 600 words :
What is multimedia ? Discuss other input/output devices attached to a multimedia computer and also give the name of the software used.
2. Explain the history of educational use of computers. Discuss the current uses of computers in education.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words : Discuss the role of MIS in educational planning. 

4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of computer banking ? Discuss any four advantages and four disadvantages of computer banking by using computers.

5. Answer the following in about 150 words each :
(i) What are the characteristics of Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) ?
(ii) Write a note on Information Processing Task Analysis (IPTA).
(iii) Describe test items in design and development of Computer Based Instructions (CBI) courseware.
(iv) Describe the drawbacks of a human teacher in comparison with teaching through computers.
(v) Discuss the physical components needed for Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI).
(vi) Write the major categories of personnel involved in a typical ITS. Describe any two of them.

6. Answer the following in about 600 words :
While preparing the lesson plan for computer based teaching what all documents have you created ? Explain any four documents which you created for the lesson plan.

1. Answer the following question in about 600 words :
What are . the different hardware requirements of a multimedia ? Discuss them with suitable examples.

2. Explain the historical background of educational use of computers. Discuss the various issues involved in the use of computers in education. Illustrate your answer with suitable examples.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words :
What is the significance of project control ? Discuss various project control strategies used in the management of CBI development project.

4. What are the different categories of student - computer interface ? Discuss them with suitable examples.

5. Answer the following in about 150 words each
(i) What are the typical functions of computerised inventory system ?
(ii) Describe the common factors associated with successful implementation of Management Information System (MIS) in educational planning.
(iii) Explain the use of computers in open learning system.
(iv) Differentiate with examples between LAN and WAN in the context of computer application.
(v) Describe the advantages of using computers in school administration.
(vi) Discuss briefly the various components of MIS structure.

6. Answer the following question in about 600 words :
You are required to implement software packages in the. development of a CBI courseware in your subject area in the school. What are the different implementation strategies that you would like to use for this purpose ? Discuss them with suitable examples. 
1. Answer the following question in about 600 words :
What is a question bank ? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of question bank in the context of computerised question banks. What are various issues that are to be considered in planning a computerised question bank in your subject of specialisation ?

2. Explain Management Information System (MIS) and its significance in educational planning. Discuss the advantages of the use of computers in MIS.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words :
Discuss the process of development schedule along with various steps required in creating documentation. Illustrate your answer with suitable example.

4. Describe programmed learning, its principles and types in the context of development of courseware, with examples.

5. Answer the following in about 150 words each :
(i) Discuss the precautions and promises one has to consider in implementation of Computer Based Instruction (CBI) practices.
(ii) Discuss the role of Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) in teaching.
(iii) Explain the role of media in the selection, design and development of CBI courseware.
(iv) Describe four components useful in the courseware evaluation.
(v) Discuss briefly the need and requirements in writing specific objectives in designing CBI courseware.
(vi) Discuss briefly student performance record interface.

6. Answer the following question in about 600 words :
You have to select computer softwares for classroom teaching in any one of your teaching subjects. Discuss the criteria for software selection considering the various steps you would like to consider for this purpose. Illustrate your answer with suitable examples.
1. Answer the following question in about 600 words :
Define Intelligent Tutoring Systems. Which computer technology are they based upon ? List out its various components also.

2. What is the purpose of specific objectives in design and development of CBI courseware ? Identify briefly the requirements in writing specific objectives. Illustrate your answer with suitable examples.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words :
What is student interface design ? How is student computer interface classified ? Describe also the various features of a good interface as desired by users.

4. A software development project goes through various phases. Explain them with suitable examples.

5. Answer the following in about 150 words each :
(i) How does a CPM differ from a PERT chart ?
(ii) Why are high level languages generally used ?
(iii) How can the issue of computer software piracy be resolved ?
(iv) Why is it necessary to infuse teachers into computer education programs ?
(v) List down the characteristics of computer conferencing.
(vi) What is a browse-mode ? Why is it good for teachers ?

6. Answer the following question in about 600 words :
Describe the various factors that increase the chances of a successful implementation of management information system. Discuss them with suitable examples.

1. Answer the following question in about 600 words :
What are the different steps in testing of the computer-based courseware ? Discuss them with suitable examples.

2. Differentiate between Computer Based Instruction (CBI) and Conventional teaching. Discuss the hardware and software requirements for design and implementation of CBI.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words :
What are the different primitive structures used in structured task analysis ? Discuss them briefly.

4. When will you use linear project control strategy ? Illustrate your answer with suitable examples.

5. Answer the following in about 150 words each :
(i) Describe the various principles of programmed learning.
(ii) How would you differentiate between ICR and OMR ?
(iii) What are the problems of disabled students in having an access to computers ?
(iv) What is the advantage of MIDI over digitized sound ?
(v) What are the hardware requirements for video in multimedia ?
(vi) Differentiate between single user operating system and multiuser operating system. Also, give an example for each.

6. Answer the following question in about 600 words :
How does computerisation of personnel record maintenance in your school help in managing Human Resources more efficiently ? Illustrate your answer with suitable examples.

Monday, 30 November 2015 06:04


1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
What is the need of evaluating guidance programme ? Discuss different methods of evaluation of a guidance programme.

2. Explain the various stages and tentative periods according to Ginzberg's theory in career development.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Why do we need to integrate Guidance and Curriculum ? Discuss.

4. Define Counselling. Discuss its principles and process.

5. Answer the following in about 150 words each
(i) Explain how work influences attitudes and values of an individual.
(ii) Explain the meaning of stigmatization and withdrawal. Suggest ways to deal with individuals suffering from these.
(iii) What do you understand by concept of inclusive schooling ? What are the various approaches of inclusive schooling ?
(iv) Mention the factors that lead to socio-emotional problems of the individuals with handicap. Give suitable examples.
(v) Discuss advantages and limitations of interest inventories.
(vi) Explain the concepts : Conflicting rules, Displacement and Firmness.

1. Answer the following question in about 600 words. Describe the various steps involved in Directive Counselling.

2. What practical measures are to be taken for increasing enrolment and retention of girls in schools ? Describe with suitable examples.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words. Describe techniques for behavioural management. OR

4. What is meant by standardized tests in guidance ? Describe at least four of them.

5. Answer the following in about 150 words each :
(i) What are the determinants of career patterns ?
(ii) Differentiate between class talk and career talk.
(iii) Mention the various sources and objectives to obtain occupational information. Describe briefly.
(iv) What are various types of guidance ? Illustrate with examples.
(v) Discuss teacher's role in career planning.
(vi) What are the various uses of rating scales in guidance and counselling ? Describe one of them in brief.

6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Select a handicapped student of 12 to 16 years of age. Observe his/her activities and behaviour. Discuss with them on various issues in order to know his/her attitude towards the inadequacy she/he is facing. How will you help him/her to cope with that ? Prepare a report.

1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Explain briefly the nature and concept of guidance and counselling. Discuss the principles of guidance and counselling.

2. Explain the concept of group counselling. Discuss the process of group counselling along with its advantages and limitations.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Explain the different techniques which are generally employed by guidance workers. Discuss interest inventory as a technique of guidance giving its advantages and limitations.

4. Explain the concept of career development. Discuss how gender affects career development with special reference to women in India.

5. Answer the following in about 150 words each :
(i) Explain the skills Of an effective counsellor in a school.
(ii) Discuss principles of group guidance.
(iii) Discuss role of a teacher in promoting career development of girls.
(iv) Explain briefly various types of behaviour problems in school students.
(v) Discuss the specific problems of Scheduled Tribe students.
(vi) Discuss the concept and approach of indusive schooling.
(vii) Explain the meaning and importance of cumulative record of a school child.

6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
As a teacher in a school, you would have identified a student suffering from `disrespect-defiance' as a behaviour problem. To conduct the case study of this student, mention the information needed for its planning and also explain the necessary guidance you would like to provide on the basis of the case study.

1. Explain the nature and concept of guidance. Discuss the purpose of guidance at the school level and its contribution to teachers and students.

2. Explain the meaning of counselling. Discuss major approaches to counselling.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Explain the purpose of school guidance programme. Describe various types of guidance services and its activities for secondary school students, with suitable illustrations.

4. Explain the concept and importance of career development. Discuss various stages of career development, illustrating each stage with suitable examples.

5. Answer the following in about 150 words each :
(i) Briefly explain the concept and significance of group guidance.
(ii) Explain the different guidance techniques for handling discipline problems in a school.
(iii) Discuss rating scale as a technique of guidance. Mention its limitations.
(iv) Discuss briefly the salient features of career development of girls in India.
(v) Discuss nature of behaviour problems of students in secondary schools.
(vi) Explain the concept and approach of inclusive schooling.
(vii) Explain the meaning of career conference and the guidelines to be followed while planning a conference.

6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
You are to provide occupational orientation to science students of Class X in your school. What type of information about occupational fields should you give ? Also list the methods you would use to disseminate the information.

1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
What is counselling ? Enumerate and highlight its principles and goals and mention the major approaches to counselling.

2. How would genetic inheritance, early childhood experiences and subsequent experiences lead to vocational behaviour ? Discuss this question in the context of Roe's theory of career choice.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Should the orientation programme be same for elementary, secondary and senior secondary students ? Develop an outline for orientation of students at secondary and senior secondary level for your school.

4. Enumerate the special problems of tribal education. Discuss any two schemes available to overcome the problems of tribal education. Suggest steps to be undertaken to increase enrolment, retention and achievement among tribal children.

5. Answer the following in about 150 words each :
(i) Describe types of guidance, with examples.
(ii) Why do we need to integrate guidance and counselling ?
(iii) Describe the four techniques of testing personality.
(iv) Explain the term `group guidance'. Discuss any two group guidance activities which are carried out in schools.
(v) Mention the various stages of career development given by Super.
(vi) Discuss which mode of child rearing is most effective and why.
(vii) Mention three factors that lead to the socio-emotional problems of the individuals with handicaps.
(viii) What is I.E.D.C. ? How is it different from P.I.E.D. ? 

6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
In your school, as a teacher, you have a student requiring help through counselling. Select and discuss an appropriate counselling approach that you will use to help the student.

1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
What is the role for guidance personnel in the guidance programme ? Highlight separately the specific roles of counsellors and teachers in the process of guidance programme.

2. What is 'group guidance' ? Describe any two group guidance activities.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Explain the term behaviour problem. Why should the teacher have knowledge of types of behavioural problems ? Discuss any five behavioural modification techniques a teacher can use for students.

4. What is the general perception of normal person towards person with handicap ? Mention three factors that lead to the socio-emotional problems of the individual with handicap. Discuss two main goals of intervention for individuals with physical handicap.

5. Write short notes or/Answer of the following. in about 150 words each :
(i)Purpose and scope of guidance.
(ii) Resistance and counter will in the context of counselling.
(iii) List various types of rating-scales. Describe one of them in brief.
(iv) Explain any two methods of classification of occupational information with relevant examples taken from a school.
(v) What is the role of teachers in the career planning of their students ?
{vi) Which three things can a teacher do to promote career development of girls ?
(vii) How can parents help their children cope with their behaviour problems ?
(viii) Mention any two curriculum modifications that may lead to greater girl enrolment and retention in schools.

6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Suppose you are a counsellor and plan to make an evaluation of the guidance services in your school. Discuss the same specifying the objectives and procedures.

1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Explain the nature of guidance. Discuss the purpose and scope of guidance giving suitable examples.

2. Differentiate between guidance and counselling. Discuss the stages of counselling process.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Explain the meaning and importance of career development. Describe the stages of the process of career development as given by Super (1957).

4. Explain the nature of behaviour problems of children. Discuss the causes of behavioural problems giving suitable examples.

5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each :
(i) Discuss advantages and limitations of group counselling.
(ii) Explain the integration of guidance with school curriculum.
(iii) Describe the role of teachers as guidance personnel.
(iv) Discuss the methods of dissemination of occupational information in schools.
(v) Describe the types of career patterns of women with suitable examples.
(vi) Explain the concept and approaches of Inclusive Education.
(vii) Explain the concept of aptitude and meaning of aptitude test.
(viii) Discuss any three psychological factors which facilitate classroom learning.

6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
The Principal of your school wants you to introduce guidance programme in the school. Which services will you organise for the students of IX and X grades ? Discuss various activities under any one guidance service considered for the guidance programme.

Monday, 30 November 2015 06:02


1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
What is the definition of "Distance Education" according to Desmond Keegan ? Discuss specific features of Distance Education based on his definition,

2. What are the different models of Distance Education institutions ? Compare the similarities and differences between single mode and dual mode Distance Education institutions.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words. Explain the SQ3R technique of reading. 

4. What are the skills and qualities of a good counsellor ? Explain with illustrations.

5. Answer the following in about 150 words each
(1) Describe the functions of an academic counsellor.
(ii) Describe the access devices in self-learning materials.
(iii) Discuss the conditions to enhance learning from television.
(iv) Describe at least three characteristics of adult distance learners.
(v) Explain how `economies of scale' can be achieved in Distance Education.
(vi) Describe the use of questionnaire in programme evaluation.

6. Answer the following question in about 600 words
Suppose you are asked to prepare guidelines for assignment response evaluation in a Distance Education institution. Describe the different types of tutor comments that you will recommend evaluators to use and avoid.

1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
What are the various uses of three major types of non-print media in Distance Education ? Explain with suitable examples.

2. Describe the different ways of media use in Distance Education with illustrations.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Discuss the various factors affecting cost of Distance Education.

4. "Evaluation is the collection, analysis and interpretation of information about any aspects of a programme." Explain the statement in the context of Distance Education.

5. Answer the following In about 150 words each :
(i) What do you mean by correspondence education ?
(ii) Describe the present status of teacher education programmes through Distance Education in India.
(iii) Explain the importance of staff development in Distance Education.
(iv) What are the pre-requisites for course writers in Distance Education ?
(v) Explain Laurillard's approach to media taxonomy.
(vi) Discuss the significance of Personal Contact Programmes (PCP) in Distance Education.

6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
You might have done the format editing of a self-learning unit from your subject area. What special features did you look for ? How did you undertake the unit editing ? Explain.

1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Differentiate between correspondence and open education. Justify that distance and open education is the need of the society at this juncture.

2. What do you understand by media integration in. teaching - learning process at a distance ? How does it help in student learning ?

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Self-Learning Materials (SLM) ensure quality in teaching - learning at a distance. Justify your answer with your experiences as a distance learner.

4. Explain the features of format, content and language editing in Self-Learning Materials.

5. Answer the following in about 150 words each :
(i) Write a short note on `Distance Education Council' (DEC).
(ii) What are multiple media in distance education ? Point out briefly their significance.
(iii) Define and explain computer aided learning.
(iv) Explain in brief about the generations of distance education.
(v) Write merits and demerits of print media in the teaching - learning process.
(vi) What do you understand by concept mapping ? Explain its features.
(vii) What are the factors that influence self-learning of a distance learner ? Explain with suitable examples.

6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Differentiate among the models of distance education institutions - single mode, dual mode and consortium.

7. Explain in detail the types of counselling at various stages of learning at a distance.

1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Learner/student support services are considered as an important component in open and distance education - discuss.

2. Explain merits and demerits of continuous assessment in the distance learning system.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Explain the important features of programme evaluation of a distance education programme.

4. Education is an investment or consumption - critically state your ideas in the context of distance learning in the era of globalisation.

5. Answer the following in about 150 words each :
(i) Write a short note on data collection techniques.
(ii) Explain the steps involved in monitoring of assignments.
(iii) What is expected of the distance educator through "positive comments" on assignment response ?
(iv) What do you understand by quality control and service management ?
(v) Explain the importance of formative evaluation in the distance learning process.
(vi) Differentiate between centralised and decentralised evaluation.
(vii) What are the major functions of assignments in distance teaching-learning ?

6. Answer the following questions in about 600 words.
Assignments facilitate two-way communication in distance learning - explain the issues involved in it.

7. What are the academic and operational problems faced by distance learners ? Explain the issues with redressal mechanisms or suggestions to improve the system.

1, Answer the following question in about 600 words.
What is meant by 'lifelong education' ? Explain some of its major characteristics. How can lifelong education be achieved through distance education ?

2. Describe the characteristic features of distance education.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Discuss the criteria for media selection for effective teaching-learning process in the classroom.

4. What are `access devices' in self-instructional materials ? Discuss how self-instructional materials promote active learning.

5. Answer the following questions. Answer each question in about 150 words :
(i) Discuss with examples the problems distance learners face during teaching-learning process through distance education.
(ii) Explain the SQ3R technique of reading.
(iii) What are the different stages of counselling ? Explain each .with examples.
(iv) What is `grading'. ? Describe the advantages of grading.
(v) Explain the importance of course team in distance education.
(vi) Differentiate between fixed and variable costs in distance education.

6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Suppose you have been asked to evaluate the B.Ed. programme of IGNOU. ,Describe how you will proceed in this task. Identify the instruments you will use. Also describe how you will collect, analyse and report the programme evaluation data.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Do media influence learning ? Describe how learning from television can be enhanced.

4. Describe the key features of self-instructional materials.

5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each :
(i) Differentiate between correspondence education and open education.
(ii) What do you mean by `self-learning' ?
(iii) Describe the four qualities of a good counsellor.
(iv) Discuss Bate's proposition on media and technology In distance education.
(v) Explain the importance of format editing in distance education.
(vi) What are teaching type comments in assignment evaluation ? Give examples.

6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Suppose you are an academic counsellor of a distance education programme and asked to evaluate the assignments of learners. Discuss the essential aspects of evaluation alongwith comments while evaluating the assignments.

Monday, 30 November 2015 05:58

Education and society papers

1. Prepare lists of educational aims for different levels of school education. Compare your aims with aims of education in a democratic set-up. Also, find out in what ways these aims can take care of individual and social interests.
2. The spiritual, developmental and the social mould of education are actually
complementary to each other. Comment.
3. Find out how school education today helps individual development and social progress.
4. Do you feel that education in India today has been able to strike the right balance
between coercion, persuasion and modelling? How?

1. Visit a nearby home and discuss with parents how they are contributing to the education
of their children. Evaluate the behaviour of parents in the light of their understanding
of their children.
2. Visit a school in your vicinity and discuss with teachers and students the various
activities being organised which facilitate children's growth and development.
3. List the different kinds of, media available in the cornrnunity/school and evaluate whether
these are properly and adequately being, utilized for children's education.

1. What is Plato's conception of curriculum? How can its elements be brought into
modern curriculum construction?
2. Do you think philosophical basis is inherent in modern Indian education? Discuss with
the help of your experiences as a teacher.
3. How important is the study of philosophy of education for a teacher? How does it help
to solve the day-to-day problems that the teacher faces in the classroom?
4. Collect material on the life of eminent philosophers, and analyse how their ideas and
thoughts have been affected by their circumstances.
5. How much is experience important for the educand and the educator? Is experience the
basis of all knowledge and learning?
6. As a teacher, what do you feel would be the optimum philosophical combination in a
modern teacher-learning situation?

1. Keeping in view the present status of democracy in India, suggest some ways and
means of qualitative democratization of education.
2. What are your suggestions for introducing the true spirit of democracy in our educational institutions?
3. What should be the role of teachers and students in the "Education for All" Project?
How Fan every member of the educated community assist in making this programme
a success?
4. How can students' participation in the management of school and colleges be made
maximally useful?
5. How can our schools train students in citizenship?
6. Collect materials pertaining to Total Literacy Campaigns in the country. Suggest ways
of making these programmes more effective.

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