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MS-28   Dec-2008 MS-28 : LABOUR LAWS   1. What are the provisions of Retrenchment in the Industuial Disputes Act, 1947 ? Discuss the recommendations of Second National Commission on labour retrenchment. 2. Briefly describe the concept and processes of Domestic Enquiry in Industry. 3. Discuss the concept of "arising out of and in cour
MS-28   Dec-2009 MS-28 : LABOUR LAWS   1. Describe the concept and philosophy of labour laws. Explain the effects of social—economic conditions on Labour Laws. 2. Discuss the scope and applicability of the contract labour (Regulation and abolition) Act, 1986. Describe the employer's obligation to provide amenities to workers under th
MS-28   Dec-2010 MS-28 : LABOUR LAWS i purchased ms-28 book from mehta solutions quality book solutions
MS-28   Dec-2011 MS-28 : LABOUR LAWS 1. Explain the impact of ILO's conventions and recommendations on labour legislation in India. 2. Discuss the Scope and Coverage of the Mines Act, 1952. Explain in detail the enforcement of the Act. 3. Explain the concept and nature of standing orders  under the Industrial Employment (Standing ord
MS-27   june-2007 MS-27 : WAGE AND SALARY ADMINISTRATION l. Discuss the main features of reward system. How do the behavioural science theories influence reward management ? 2. What is the rationale for job evaluation ? Discuss the various methods of job evaluation 3. What are the requirements of the Payment of Wages Act, 1936 in respect
MS-27   june-2008 MS-27 : WAGE AND SALARY ADMINISTRATION 1. Explain the concept of compensation. What are the management's responsibilities regarding the compensation programme ? 2. Explain the need and purpose of allowances and fringe benefits given to the employees in an organisation. Discuss with suitable examples. 3. Describe differen
MS-27   june-2009 MS-27 : WAGE AND SALARY ADMINISTRATION MS-27 Solved question papers buy from mehta solutions
MS-27   june-2010 MS-27 : WAGE AND SALARY ADMINISTRATION   1. Discuss the process oriented behaviour theory and show relevance for reward management. 2. Discuss any two methods of job evaluation with suitable illustration. 3. What are the salient features of the Employees Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provision Act, 1952 ? 4. Exp
MS-27   june-2011 MS-27 : WAGE AND SALARY ADMINISTRATION 1. Explain the Role of Compensation. Critically evaluate the current trends in compensation with suitable example. 2. Discuss the need, object, scope and coverage of the minimum wages Act, 1948. Describe the procedure for fixation and revision of minimum wages under the Act. 3. Expl
MS-27   Dec-2007 MS-27 : WAGE AND SALARY ADMINISTRATION Mr. C.S. Sharma joined in 1970 in Indian Institute of Technology a premier educational institution in the country, imparting higher level education in technology. His job demands higher level and latest knowledge, higher level teaching skill, and other skills in introducing and pract
MS-27   Dec-2008 MS-27 : WAGE AND SALARY ADMINISTRATION 1. Enumerate wage theories. Explain any two of them with suitable examples. Briefly discuss limitations of economic theories. 2. What are the micro level considerations for evolving a compensation policy ? Explain with suitable example. 3. What are the objectives of Allowances and be
MS-27   Dec-2009 MS-27 : WAGE AND SALARY ADMINISTRATION 1. Discuss the role of compensation. Explain the functions and responsibilities of compensation programme with suitable examples. 2. Discuss the scope and coverage of the minimum wages Act, 1948. Describe the procedure for fixation and revision of minimum wages under the Act. 3. Brie
MS-27   Dec-2010 MS-27 : WAGE AND SALARY ADMINISTRATION Solved book Ms-27 from mehta solutions
MS-27   Dec-2011 MS-27 : WAGE AND SALARY ADMINISTRATION 1.What are the micro level considerations for evolving a compensation policy ? Explain with suitable examples. 2. Explain the purpose and applicability of the payment of Wages Act, 1936. Discuss the deductions authorised under the Act with suitable examples. 3. Explain the concepts o
MS-26   June-2007 MS-26 : ORGANISATIONAL DYNAMICS 1. Define Role Analysis and discuss its needs and uses in an organisation. Briefly describe the process of Comprehensive Role Analysis (CRA) as a tool to define and clarify the boundaries of the focal roles. 2. Why do groups get formed ? What are the stages of group development ? Explain w
MS-26   June-2008 MS-26 : ORGANISATIONAL DYNAMICS 1. Discuss the process and stages for formation of groups in an organisation. Why is cohesiveness important for group effectiveness ? 2. Explain Burnout and identify the factors responsible for Burnout. Discuss individual and organisational interventions to cope with Burnout 3. Review the
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MS-26   June-2010 MS-26 : ORGANISATIONAL DYNAMICS 1. Explain the group process in the organizational context, and differentiate between natural and created groups. 2. Discuss the notion of 'Power' in relation to organizational dynamics. Discuss the classification of power bases. 3. How is diversity management crucial in creating and maint
MS-26   June-2011 MS-26 : ORGANISATIONAL DYNAMICS 1. Briefly describe different stages of Group Development and discuss the effects of Group Processes on Team Performance. 2. What is organisational stress ? Explain how stress could be minimised by organisational strategies. Explain with suitable examples. 3.What is Transformational Leader
MS-26   Dec-2007 MS-26 : ORGANISATIONAL DYNAMICS 1.   Why do individuals join a group ? Describe the stages of group developme*l and the effect of group processes on performance ? 2. Differentiate between Stress and Burnout. describe ihe sources and stages of. Burnout. Discuss the remedial measures.
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