Mba Global Network

MS-21 December,

MANAGEMENT PROGRAMMEDecember, 2015MS-21 : SOCIAL PROCESSES AND BEHAVIOURAL ISSUESTime : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100 (Weightage 70%)Note : (i) There are two Sections A and B. (ii) Attempt any three questions from Section - A. Allquestions carry 20 marks each.(iii) Section - B is compulsory and carries 40 marks.

SECTION - A1. What are the strategies available to a manager in an organisational set to enhance employee motivation ?

2. Briefly describe the components of Emotional intelligence and its importance in organisations. Can emotional intelligence be learnt ? Discuss in brief.

3. Briefly discuss different group decision makingtechniques and their strengths and weakness.

4. Describe Johari Window Model and Transactional analysis. Discuss how these models help in strengthening interpersonal relations ?

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  1338 Hits

MS-9 December, 2015

MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME Term-End Examination December, 2015 MS-9 : MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100 Note : (i) There are two Sections : Section-A and Section-B. (ii) Attempt three questions from Section-A carrying 20 marks each. (iii) Section-B is compulsory and carries 40 marks.

SECTION - A 1. Explain the equi-marginal principle. Elucidate with the help of examples. 2. Discuss any five variables, which can be included in the demand function and can have a major impact on the demand. 3. Explain the production function with two variable inputs i.e. production isoquants giving examples. 4. What is Oligopoly ? Explain the important characteristics of Oligopoly. 5. Write short notes on the following : (a) Bundling (b) Cartels.

SECTION - B 6. Assume a firm has the following total revenue and total cost functions : TR =320Q — 2Q2 TC =1800 +50Q + 3Q2 Determine : (a) The level of output at which the firm will be maximizing profits ; (b) The level of output at which total revenue will be maximum. 7. (a) Explain why a firm facing a downward sloping demand curve would never produce the inelastic (ep < 1) portion of the demand curve.    (b) When would the firm operate at the point where demand curve is unitary elastic ?

  1165 Hits

MS-8 December, 2015

MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME Term-End Examination MS-8 December, 2015 MS-8 : QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS FOR MANAGERIAL APPLICATIONS Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100 (Weightage 70%) Note : (i) Section A has six questions, each carrying 15 marks. Attempt any four questions from this Section. (ii) Section B is compulsory and carries 40 marks. Attempt both questions. (iii) Statistical tables may be supplied on request. (iv) Use of calculator is permissible.

SECTION - A 1. A person pays a total of Z 975 through monthly installments each less than the former by Z 5. The first installment is ! 100. In how many installments will the amount be paid ?

2. Calculate the harmonic mean from the following frequency distribution :



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  1176 Hits

MS-5 December, 2015

MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME Term-End Examination December, 2015 MS-5 : MANAGEMENT OF MACHINESAND MATERIALS Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100 (Weightage 70%) Note : (i) Answer any four questions. (ii) All questions carry equal marks.

1. (a) Explain the importantce of Management of materials in production system in modern manufacturing industry. (b) Distinguish between Strategic Decisions and Operational Decisions. Discuss.

2. (a) Describe the major quantitative models used for facility location.    (b) Briefly explain the 'continuous flow process'. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of a continuous flow process.

3. (a) Describe the work measurement procedure. Discuss the major techniques of work measurement.    (b) "Environmental factor is necessary in modern industry." Do you agree ? Explain with examples. 4. (a) Describe 'Kilbridge - Wester' method and 'Helgeson - Birnie' method.    (b) How maintenance system can be profitable in a large -scale industry ? Discuss the various types of maintenance systems.

5. (a) What is value engineering ? Discuss its importance.    (b) Distinguish between 'quality control', 'quality assurance' and 'total quality management.'

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  1261 Hits

MS-4 December, 2015

MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME Term-End Examination December, 2015 MS-4 : ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE FOR MANAGERS Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100 Note : (i) Attempt any five questions. (ii) All questions carry equal marks. (iii) Use of calculators is allowed.

1. (a) Explain the 'Accrual Concept' and the 'Consistency Concept' in accounting and signify their importance to an accountant.

(b) Distinguish between 'Operating Profit' and 'Net Profit'. Which is a measure of operational efficiency of a company ? Distinguish between Capital expenditure and Revenue expenditure. Which is taken into account for determining the Operating Profit ?

2. What do you understand by Fund Flow Statement ? How does it differ from a Cash Flow Statement ? Explain the main items which are shown in the fund flow statement and the purpose of preparing this statement. 3. What do you understand by Discounted Cash Flow Techniques of Capital Budgeting ? Briefly explain the Net Present Value Method and Internal Rate of Return Method of appraisal of projects. Which of the two would you rank better and why ?

4. Distinguish between : (a) Profitability Index and Profitability Ratios. (b) Earnings Yield and Dividend Yield. (c) Fixed Budget and Flexible Budget. (d) Direct Labour Rate Variance and Direct Labour Efficiency Variance.

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  1372 Hits

MS-3 December, 2015

MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME- Term-End ExaminationDecember, 2015MS-3 : ECONOMIC AND SOCIALENVIRONMENTTime : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100(Weightage 70%)Note : There are two sections A and B. Attempt any three questions from section A, which carry 20 marks each. Section B is compulsory and carries 40 marks.SECTION - A1. What do you understand by Economic Environment in which a business firm operates ?Discuss.2. Briefly analyse the growth and structure of Private Sector in India. Explain how does it contribute to economic development ?3. Critically analyse the impact of regulatory framework on industrial structure and performance.4. Differentiate between Current Account and Capital Account convertibility with reference to its role in rupee convertibility.5. Write short notes on any four of the following :(a) Economic Development(b) Administered prices(c) India's Foreign Trade(d) Privatisation(e) Development Banks.SECTION - B6. (a) What are the factors of widespread sickness among the Small Scale Industry (SSI)units ?    (b) How can sickness be identified ? Suggest measures to enhance economic viability of SSI.7. How has the public sector in India been able to achieve the objectives of economic equity with growth ? Discuss with examples.

  2121 Hits

MS-2 December, 2015

MANAGEMENT PROGRAMMETerm-End ExaminationDecember, 2015 MS-2 : MANAGEMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCESTime : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100(Weightage 70%)Note : (i) There are two Sections A and B.(ii) Attempt any three questions from Section-A. Each question carries 20 marks.(iii) Section-B is compulsory and carries 40 marks.

SECTION - A1. Define and describe the concept of HRM in the context of today's business organisations. Brieflydiscuss various objectives and supporting functions of HRM. Explain with the help ofrelevant examples.

2. What are the objectives, purpose and limitations of Selection Tests ? Briefly discuss various typesof Selection Tests and their applicability in the organisations. Cite relevant examples.

3. What are the goals and objectives of Performance Appraisal ? Briefly describe salient features, andconditions for effective Performance Counselling. Explain with examples.

4. Define and discuss the objectives and functions of Trade Unions. Briefly describe the Theories ofTrade Unions.

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  2006 Hits

MS-1 December, 2015

December, 2015 MS-1 : MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS AND BEHAVIOUR Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100(Weightage 70%) Note : (i) There are two Sections : A and B. (ii) Attempt any three questions from Section A, each question carrying 20 marks. (iii) Section B is compulsory and carries 40 marks. SECTION - A 1. What skills a manager would require as he moves from middle to top management level ? Explain with rationale and relevant examples. 2. Why do organisations feel the need for identifying and evaluating possible alternative courses of action for accomplishing organizational objectives ? Describe various means for generating alternative courses of action. Explain with relevant examples. 3. What is Delegation ? What are the basic elements of delegation of authority and problems faced in doing so in an organisation ? Explain with examples. 4. What is the relevance of inter-personal competencies in the management of an organisation ? Briefly discuss the determinants of inter-personal behaviour with the help of relevant examples. 5. Write short notes on any three of the following : (a) Managerial Values and Ethos. (b) Individual Vs Group Decision making. (c) MIS. (d) Successful Vs Effective leader. (e) Resistance to change.

SECTION - B 6. Read the case given below and answer the questions given at the end.

 Ms. Renu had graduated with a degree in foreign languages. As the child of a military family, she had visited many parts of the world and had travelled extensively in Europe. Despite these broadening experiences, she had never given much thought to a career until her recent divorce.

Needing to provide her own income, Ms. Renu began to look for work. After a fairly intense but unsuccessful search for a job related to her foreign language degree, she began to evaluate her other skills. She had become a proficient typist in college and decided to look into secretarial work. Although she still wanted a career utilizing her foreign language skills, she felt that the immediate financial pressures would be eased in a temporary secretarial position.

Within a short period of time, she was hired as a clerk/typist in a typing pool at Life Insurance Company. Six months later, she became the top  typist in the pool and was assigned as secretary to Mrs. Khan, Manager of marketing research. She was pleased to get out of the pool and to get a job that had more variety in the tasks to perform. Besides, she also got a nice raise in pay.

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  2252 Hits


FOUNDATION COURSE IN TOURISM1 Mention the role played by seasonality in tourism Answer with examples?2 Discuss the various types of accommodation used by toruists ?3 Write an essay on subsidiary services in tourism?4 Mention the threats and obstacles to tourism in India. Give examples also?5 What role can the local bodies and officials play in tourism development at a destination ?6 How is history used and misused in tourism?7 Write about 300 words each on any two of the following :(i) Relevance of maps in tourism(ii) Role of media in tourism promotion(iii) Social impacts of tourism8 What do you understand by tourism system ? Mention the various forms of tourism?9 How does a tour operator package a tour ? Prepare a two day itinerary of a package tour of your choice?10 Mention with examples the skills required to be a tourist guide?11 What do you mean by tourism ? Discuss the various types of tourism.12 Write short notes on any two in about 200 words each(a) Special Interest Tourism(b) Alternative Tourism(c) Silk route (d) Sustainable Tourism13 What is tourism system ? Discuss its various components?14 "In the recent past transport has become the back bone of Tourism". Discuss the statement with special reference to India?15 What are the different subsidiary services involved in tourism ?.16 Define Guides and Escorts. For successful guiding what qualities are required ?17 "India is a land of different Seasons". Discuss the potential of tourism with reference to Landscape, Environment and Ecology of India?18 "Tourism Marketing is the base of tourism". Do you agree ? If yes, justify your answer.19 Write a note on living culture and performing arts of India?20 Discuss the Socio-Economic impacts of tourism?21 Write an essayon historical evolution of tourism?22 What are the various constituents of Tourism industry ? Describe their linkages.23 Discuss the functions of a tour operator?24 Write about 300 words each on any two of the following :(a) Escorts(b) Political impacts of Tourism(c) Role of Performing Arts in Tourism25 Define the following in about 100 words each :(a) Promotional events(b) Market research(c) Product life cycle(d) Travel Agency26 Write an essay on informal services in Tourism?27 Discuss the sources of information needed for tourism business?28 Write an essay on India's Biodiversity ?29 \tVhat is the role of Monuments and Museums in tourism ?30 Mention the infrastructure required for tourism development?31 Explain the term "Tourism" and describe the various purposes which motivates people to indulge in Tourism activities ?32 Why is it necessary for a tourism professional to obtain knowledge about regulations related to Tourism ? Describe any four important regulations related to the travel trade.33 Discuss the need and importance for Tourism statistics. Explain briefly the various statistical means for assessing and comparing tourism sector data ?34 Describe the major characteristics of a service product. What are the steps involved in developing a service product ?35 Write short notes in about 150 words each (any four of the following) : (a) Types of tourist Accommodation units in India.(b) Seasonality in Tourism(c) Guides and Escorts(d) Role of media in Tourism Promotion (e) Travel writing36 Discuss the various operating functions of a Travel Agency. Also establish linkages between Travel Agencies and Tour Operation companies?37 Elaborate the various steps in the Tourism Planning Process and discuss the role of Local Bodies in the development of Tourism at destinations.38 Answer any two in about 300 words each : (a) Why do personnels in the Tourism Industry need to have a pleasing personality and(b) good communication skills ? Identify and discuss the role of subsidiary services in Tourism.(c) Mention the relationship and interdependence of infrastructure development and tourism.

  1578 Hits


MANAGEMENT IN TOURISM1 Mention the skills required to be an entrepreneur ?2 Define management. Discuss the various management iszues in tourism?3 Define the {ollowing in about 100 words each :(i) Business Traveller(ii) Balance Sheet(iii) Projgct Appraisal(iv) Controlling4 Discuss the steps you would take to plan a convention?5 Discuss the relevance of public relations in tourism business?6 What do you understand by Human Resource Management ? Discuss its importance for tourism organisations?7 Write an essay on food service management ?8 How has information technology changed the management functions in tourism? Answer with examples.9 Discuss the significance of management concept and the roles and responsibilities of a manager in present day competitive and multinationalbusiness environment.?10 What kind of qualities are required to become a successful Entrepreneurship in Tourism ?11 Discuss the various views related to organisation structures?12 What is Transactional Analysis ? Discuss its importance in relation of Tourism Business?13 Write a note on Human Resource Management in Tourism ?14 Discuss the role of I.T. on the various sectors tourism. Give relevant examples ?15 Discuss the essential components of a tour package?16 Discuss the role of Public Relation in tourism.?17 Do you think Low Cost Carriers in India can survive for long ? Give your opinion with relevant examples.18 "Convention is an integral part of modern tourism business." Comment ?19 Discuss the role of small and Medium Enterprises in economic growth of a country?20 Discuss the important management issues involved in tourism trade.21 What are the various steps involved in planning ? Discuss with reference to a tourismorganisation.22 Discuss the importance of interpersonal behaviour in tourism business?23 Write short notes (any two) :(a) Ego States(b) Life Position(c) Recruitment(d) Selection Process24 What are the different components of Marketing Mix in tourism ? Which one would you recommend for Indian Tourism ?25 . Write short notes (any two) :(a) Profit and Loss statement(b) Balance Sheet(c) Profitability Analysis(d) Break Even Point26 Differentiate between tour operator and travel agent. What are the various linkages in travel trade ?27 Discuss the importance of Public Relation in Tourism ?28 How do you foresee the future of Convention Industry in India ?29 Define Management. Mention the roles and responsibilities of a Manager in a tourismorganisation?30 Why is decision making important in tourism trade ? Discuss the steps involved in decision making.31 Explain Conflict. Discuss how conflict influence inter-group relations and group performance ?32 Discuss the importance of human resource management in tourism ?33 Write an essay on sources of finance?34 As a manager, what type of briefings would you give to your subordinates for the smooth conduct of a tour ?35 Analyse various issues related to tourism transport management?36 What are the managerial tasks involved in organising conventions ?37 Explain the responsibilities of a tour manager in conducting a tour?38 Write about 300 words each on any two of the following :(a) Management issues in hotels(b)Public relations in Tourism(c) Profitability analysis

  1495 Hits


HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT1 What makes career planning a success ?2 Write a note on counselling?3 Discuss the reasons for employees' grievances.?4 Why is employees' motivation required in a travel agency ? As a manager, how will you motivate the employees ?5 Discuss on-the-job training methods?6 Discuss the functions and operations of Personnel Management?7 What is job analysis and job description ? Discuss their importance in an organisation?8 Describe the phases in the design and implementation of a Human Resource Accounting System?9 What are the approaches for effective Human Resource Information System ?10 Discuss the concept and objectives of Human Resource Planning ?11 What are the objectives of Human Resource Planning (HRP) ? Describe the micro and macro level Scenario of HRP in Hospitality Industry. Explain staff training and development. How are they different from each other ?12 What do you understand by job Evaluation ? Describe its advantages.13 Differentiate between Maslow's Need Hierarchy Theory and Herzberg's Two factor Theory? 14 What is career planning and how it differs from manpower planning ?15 What do you understand by counselling functions ? Answer with suitable examples.16 Describe performance appraisal. What are the different methods of performance appraisal ?17 What is grievance ? What different methods can be adopted by an organisation to redress the grievances of it's employees ?18 Define the term "Discipline". Explain its meaning and purposes?19 Write about 300 words each on any two of the following :(a) Transfer and promotion(b) Selection Test(x) Human Resource Audit(d) Job enrichment20 What is Human Resource Planning? Discuss its need in hospitality industry?21 What are the diff erent manpower supply forecasting techniques?22 Discuss the functions and operations of personnel management ?23 What are the objectives of training and how it is useful for an otganrzation ?24 Describe "Maslow's Need Hierarchy theory of Motivation" in detail?25 Write an essay on the importance of Human Resource Planning?26 What do you understand by Human Resource Audit ? Mention the steps required in it.27 Discuss the various job evaluation methods ?28 Discuss the functions of a Personnel Office ?29 Write short notes on any of the following :(a) Induction Placement.(b) Job Analysis.(c) Task Analysis.30 How are motivation and career planning related to employee's efficiency and productivity ? Give examples while answering31 Define the following : (a) Counselling.(b)Job description.(c) Human Resource Information System.(d) Manpower Forecasts.32 Why is on-the-job training essential in any service organisation ? Discuss its merits and demerits?33 Devise a career plan for a management trainee in a leading travel or hospitality organisation?34 Discuss the manpower supply forecasting techniques?

  1227 Hits

Marketing research Question Bank

Marketing research question bank(1) A well established consumer oriented company is engaged in the manufacture of detergent cakes and powder. The Company wants to do in depth study on the consumer profile of detergent cake to readjust its brand positioning. How would you go about doing this?(2) Suppose you are the marketing manager of a newly established electronic industry interested in manufacturing Televisions (TVs). How would you go about assessing the present demand for TVs in the country and the forecast for the next five years? (3) Suggest your own methods for overcoming the resistance to using market research if you are employed as marketing head of a large manufacturing organisation?(4) What is cluster analysis? What are its possible applications? (5) State how the following techniques differ from each other (a) Cluster Analysis (b)Discriminant Analysis.(6) An airlines marketing manager wants to segment his customer. How can cluster analysis be used for this purpose?(7) Give few examples of marketing situations where cluster analysis can be used?(8) Discuss with the help of examples the areas where Multi-dimentional Scaling can be applied for?(9) Define conjoint analysis and state its potientail applications? (10) Describe some marketing research problems that you feel may be amenable to conjoint analysis and explain how you would use conjoint analysis in these situation?(11) What are the steps involved in conjoint analysis? Explain with the help of examples.(12) What are the ways in which percentages may be computed in a cross-tabulation table? which way is the best? (13) In a contingency table, what type of hypothesis is tested using chi-square test? What precautions may be taken while applying the test? (14) What are the various measures used to 'measure the strength of association between two nominal variables? Describe them and clearly mention their limitations, if any.(15) Discuss the problem of using the contingency coefficient in intepreting the results of correlation analysis? (16) Explain the difference between correlation & regression?(17) What is the basic use of a chi-square goodness of fit test'? How is the valueof the test statistic calculated? How are the expected frequenciesdetermined? (18) What is the appropriate test statistic for making inferences about a population mean when the variance is known? When the population variance is unknown? Suppose the population variance is unknown, but the sample size is large, what is the appropriate procedure then?(19)Describe, in brief, the importance of editing, coding, classification, tabulation and presentation of data in the context of research study?(20) Discuss the different aspects of classification of data.What are the likely problems encountered in the classification and how they can be handled?(21) Why tabulation is considered essential in a research study? Give the characteristics of a good table?(22) Write briefly about the different forms of data presentation devices?(23) Discuss the fundamental rules of code construction?(24) Discuss with the help of suitable examples various steps involved in data processing? (25) Highlight the main, differences between qualitative and quantitative research?(26) With the help of examples, discuss the areas where qualitative research can be used in marketing?(27) What are the various methods of conducting qualitative research? Discuss advantages and limitations of each of these methods?(28) What are the four different levels of measurement? Discuss the mathematical operations which may or may not be used under each level of measurement? (29) Explain the three criterion of measuring the usefulness of an attitude scale?(30) Distinguish between graphic and itemised rating scale What are the advantages of itemised scale over graphic rating scales? Name the level of measurement which corresponds to the data collected by graphic rating scale?(31) Distinguish between the following:(a) Forced & Non-forced response formats(b) Comparitive & Non-comparitve formats(c) Balanced & Un-balanced formats(31) Show with the help of an example how you can convert ordinal scale measurement to nominal scale measurement?(33) The method of analysis of data depends upon the level of its measurement". Discuss?(34) Indicate giving reasons the scale of measurements for the following variables:(i) Geographical area(ii) Costs(iii) Index numbers(iv) Preferences(v) Cast in a society(35) Distinguish between the validity and reliability of a measure. How may the reliability of a measure be evaluated?(36) What is meant by a questionnaire? (37) What sort of marketing information can he collected with the help of a questionnaire?(38) What are the merits and demerits of a structured questionnaire? (39) In what sort of marketing studies will you use an unstructured questionnaire? (40) Explain the' meaning of open-ended and closed-ended question?(41) Compare and contrast quota sampling with stratified sampling? (42) Point out the basic difference between stratified sampling and cluster sampling?(43) Explain in detail the various sampling designs under non-probability sampling method. Also bring out their relevance in marketing research studies?(44) One of the important reasons for the use of surveys is that they can obtain sound information on what people actions in the future will be. Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer?(45) Discuss the main sources of primary and secondary data?(46) What is the type of data available from official publications?(47) What are the limitations associated with the use of secondary data?(48) What are the tools of collecting data from respondents?(49) Discuss the important sources of error in both secondary and primary data?(50) Explain the various extraneous variables which if not controlled in an experiment contaminate the effect of the independent variable? (51) What are the marketing research situations suitable for(a) Focus group study(b) Panel research design(c) Cross-sectional design (d) Quasi-experimental design(52) Distinguish between exploratory and descriptive research design?(53)What are the major reasons for growing importance of Marketing Research in India'? (54) What are the different ways of conducting marketing research'? Describe the scope for outsourcing of marketing research services in India?(55) Suggest some possible areas where marketing research would find increasing application in India'?(56) Briefly comment on the problems faced by researchers in conducting marketing research in India?(57) What is marketing research? (58) Briefly comment on the definition of marketing research?(59) Indicate whether marketing research is relevant to each of the following organization and if so, how each might benefit from it.(a) Your company (b) Central Minis in the Government of India (c) A retail shop(d) A bank (e) A service business(60) What are the major weaknesses of marketing rese-1rch? (61) Suggest some of the precautions to be adopted in the problem definition stage?(62) Suggest some possible areas of application of marketing research?

  1926 Hits

ignou mba assignments 2015

ASSIGNMENT Course Code : MS-01 Course Title : Management Functions and Behavior Assignment Code : MS-01/TMA/SEM-II/2015 Coverage : All Blocks Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31 st October, 2015 to the coordinator of your study centre.

1. How does MIS affect the efficiency and effectiveness of an organisation? Explain and discuss with the help of the organisational example you have come across or, known to you. Briefly describe the essential details of the organisation, you are referring to, along with basic components of the MIS and reporting relationships currently existing in the organisation.

2. Compare and evaluate the relevance and suitability of various decision making models in different organisational set ups and situations. Explain the decision making model decision making which is / was predominately suitable in an organisation, you are aware of or familiar with and why? Briefly describe basic details of the organisation, you are referring to, for better understanding of the context and hierarchical structure.

3. What are the essential pre-requisites and significant key considerations in effecting effective delegation of authority in an organisational set up and why? Critically evaluate with examples, known to you by way of working in an organisation or having acquaintance with. Briefly explain the situation/s and the organisation being referred by you.

4. Present a comparative brief of various leadership styles. Explain in detail the leadership style you are currently faced with in the organisation you are working for or you are aware of. Which leadership style/s, in your opinion, boosts efficiency of the organisation and commitment of the employees towards the organisational goals, in general, and why? Substantiate your answer with suitable organisational examples along with describing its essential features.

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  1413 Hits

ibo-06 solved paper

POST GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS OPERATIONS / MASTER OF COMMERCE Term-End Examination December, 2014 IB0-06 : INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS FINANCE Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100 Weightage : 70% Note : Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1. Explain the concepts of 'Balance of Trade' and 'Balance of Payments', with the help of specific illustrations.

2. "A change in the exchange rate can result in three different exposures for a company : translation exposure, transaction exposure and economic exposure". Explain the mechanism with suitable illustrations.

3. Explain the international money transfer mechanism.

4. Discuss the broad features of international monetary system, highlighting the role of international monetary system. 5. Explain the concept of Foreign Direct Investment. While explaining briefly the policy framework adopted in India, suggest change(s) in the policy in view of the prevailing crisis in country's balance of payments.

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  1189 Hits

ibo-05 solved paper

POST GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS OPERATIONS/ MASTER OF COMMERCE Term-End Examination December, 2014 IBO-05 : INTERNATIONAL MARKETING LOGISTICS Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100 Weightage : 70% Note : Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1. Explain the concept and elements of 'Marketing Logistics', and state the objectives to be achieved through a proper logistics system in the international marketing context.

 2. (a) Outline the role of road transport in movement of import and export cargo, and state the limitations of Indian road transport system in this context.

 (b) "Warehousing is an important link in the chain of marketing". Comment.

 3. "Despite increasing volume of India's overseas trade, the performance of Indian shipping has been rather disappointing". Elaborate on this statement and discuss the constraints faced by Indian shipping industry. 4. Distinguish between :

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  1200 Hits


MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME Term-End Examination December, 2014 MS-1 : MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS AND BEHAVIOUR Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100 (Weightage 70%) Note : (i) There are two Sections, A and B. (ii) Attempt any three questions from Section A, each question carrying 20 marks. (iii) Section B is compulsory and carries 40 marks.


1. What managerial skills are required at different levels of management and why ? Briefly describe the roles of top level executives in an organisation. Explain with suitable examples.

2. Explain the concept of MBO. Describe its key features. Critically analyse the extent of feasibility and usefulness of MBO in present day business scenario.

3. How do conflicts get generated in an organisational situation ? How does it impact the group behaviour and functioning of the organisation ? Explain with relevant examples.

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  2413 Hits


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