Mba Global Network

Sunday, 06 December 2015 05:21


(1) Distinguish between a 
ductile and a brittle material. Give examples of ductile and brittle materials.

(2) Describe the procedure for finding Rockwell hardness.

(3) Describe the process of steel making with direct arc 
electric furnace.

(4)What are the distinguish features of eutectoid, hypo-eutectoid and hyper eutectoid steels ?

(5) What is stainless steel ? Mention those properties which distinguish stainless steel from 
plaincarbon steel

(6) Define thermal conductivity. Give units of thermal conductivity. Explain mechanism of thermal
conduction through materials.

(7) Define refractoriness. List at least five refractory materials. Describe the properties of refractory materials.

(8) What is a glass ? What are different types of glasses ? What are tailor made glass properties ?

(9) Define the term lubricant and describe the functions of lubricants.

(10) Define the term coating. What are the purposes of coatings ? Explain.

Sunday, 06 December 2015 05:18



Define a steam turbine and state its fields of application

(2) State the methods of increasing the thermal efficiency of a Rankine cycle.

(3) State the First Law of 
Thermodynamics and prove that for a non-flow process, it leads to the energy equation Q = AU + W

(4) Define a steam condenser and state its fields of application.

(5) Explain briefly the zeroth law of Thermodynamics.

(6) Describe in brief the "bleeding of steam turbine".

(7) Derive an expression for heat loss in kJ/ m2-hr through a 
composite wall of layers without considering convective heat transfer co-efficients.

(8) Discuss the need for cooling towers and cooling ponds. How are cooling towers classified ?

(9) Enumerate the comparison between 'Fire-tube and Water-tube' boilers.

(10) Describe in brief the three modes of heat transfer. Which is the slowest of all?

(11) Briefly explain 
the ash handling disposal circuit of a Thermal Power Plant.

(12) What do you understand by the 'Clausius Statement of second law of Thermodynamics' ?

(13) Describe in brief the various non-conventional energy sources.

Sunday, 06 December 2015 05:13



(1) Write and explain various surface and ground water sources.

(2) List various factors which are 
considered before taking a decision on design period of watersupply schemes.

(3)List and explain in brief various bacteriological tests conducted for the estimation of micro-biological quality of water.

(4)List and explain in brief the water treatment 
processes covered under pre- treatment.

(5)Differentiate between coagulation and flocculation

(6)With the help of sketches, illustrate various types of layout used in water distribution system.

(7)List various appurtenances used in house water supply.

(8)What are the basic components of sanitary sewer system ?

(9) Distinguish between sanitary sewer and storm 
drainage system.

(10)What are different units of sludge treatment ? Draw a flow diagram of it.Also discuss sludge thickening, sludge stabilization and sludge dewatering.

(11)Name various ways of final disposal of effluent of sewage treatment plant.

(12)Classify wells according to water flow conditions. Explain any one.

(13) Classify wells according to method of 
Constructions. Explain tube well with neat sketch.

(14) With the help of a neat sketch, describe 
the working of a slow sand filter. Also discuss its relative advantages and disadvantages over rapid sand filters.
(15)List various types of pipes and pipe joints which are used for water supply system. Describe with the help of neat sketch, two types of joints.

(16)What do you understand by corrosion in pipes ? What are the reasons of corrosion? What are the remedial methods ?

(17)Discuss the working principle of 
activated sludge process. Draw a flow diagram in schematic form of waste water treatment plant that includes activated sludge process.

(18)With the help of a flow diagram describe the working of Aerobic Sludge Digester. Also discuss the relative advantages and disadvantages of aerobic and anaerobic sludge digestion process.

(19) Define average per capita demand of water and discuss the factors affecting it

(20) How you will select source of water for water supply schemes ? Discuss

(21) What do you understand by the term, "Water Borne Disease" ? Name one water borne disease under each category of bacterial viral and protozoa origin.

How should water sample be collected for laboratory examinations ? Explain in brief

(23)What is water softening ? Explain any three methods of water softening

(24)What are the basic components of sanitary sewer system ?

(25)Distinguish between sanitary sewer and storm drainage system.

(26) What do you understand by terms Sludge Bulking and F/M ratio ? Dlscuss the importance with reference to wastewater treatment.

Sunday, 06 December 2015 05:11





 (1)  Differentiate between end bearing pile and friction pile.


 (2)  Explain pile driving.


(3)   Describe the various tests to be carried out to ascertain the quality of bricks.


(4)   Enlist types of stone masonry and explain any two.


(5)  Describe pre-construction anti-termite treatment.


(6)  Enlist different methods of damp proofing. Describe any two.


(7)  Enlist types of lintels and explain any two.


(8) What is meant by scaffolding ? Enlist types of scaffolding and explain any  two.


(9)  Enlist the factors that need to be considered in selection of flooring for ground floor.


(10)  Discuss jack arch floors.


(11)  Draw the labelled sketches of rolling and collapsible doors.


(12) Discuss the points to be considered while making provisions for windows in a  room.


(13)  Describe the various causes for settlement of foundations.


(14)  What do you mean by pile foundations ? Briefly discuss its various types.


(15)  Describe briefly the different systems of building structures.


(16)  What is a bond stone and what is its purpose ? At what intervals would you provide bond stones in random rubble masonrv ?


(17) Discuss the various precautions required to be taken to prevent dampness in   buildings.


(18) Explain how post construction anti-termite treatment is carried out in buildings.


(19) Explain the details of an RCC lintel having chajja projection by means of a neat   sketch.


(20)  Explain the various functions served by an Arch.


(21)  Discuss the various factors affecting the selection of upper floors.



(22) Describe the construction details of cement concrete flooring.


(23) Discuss the commonly used sizes of doors in various types of buildings.


(24) Describe the various types of glass used in the construction of doors and windows.


(25) Explain the design of a wall footing.


(26)  Discuss the importance of site investigations.


(27) Describe the different functions served by cavity wall in a building.


(28) Discuss the impotance of good workmanship and quality control in masonry construcrion.


(29) Discuss the relative merits of lintels over the arches.


(30) What do you understand by scaffolding mention its various components.

Sunday, 06 December 2015 05:04



Classify I. C. engines and sketch two types based on cylinder arrangement

2.Name any eight engine 
components describe head.

3.A single cylinder 4 stroke engine has 14 stroke = cylinder diameter = 80 mm. The 
engine runningat 500 rpm produces a torque of 60 Nm at the crankshaft. The indicated mean effective pressure is 2.1 N/mm2. What is the mechanical efficiency of the engine ? Also find friction power.

4.Sketch an 
electronic ignition system for an I. C. engine and bring out differences with battery ignition system.

5.Explain why cooling is needed in an engine and what happens if engine is over cooled.

6.Name modes of heat transfer and correlate them with engine parts.

7.What is constrained motion. Sketch system with constrained motion and incompletely constrained motion. 

kinematic pairs according to relative motion and type of contact:

9.What are different types of power transmission systems and what are their
characteristics ?

10. Draw the diagram of a four-stroke SI engine showing various components

11. A single cylinder four-stroke diesel engine 7 has a bore of L50 mm and a stroke of
200 mm. when engine runs at 400 rpm., it develops 10 kW. The area of the indicator diagram is 7.25 cm and its maximum length is 6.125 cm. The spring constant is 8 bar /cm. Determine :
a) The mean effective pressure
b) The indicated power, and
c) The mechanical efficiency of the engine

12. Explain the working principle of a simple carburator with a neat diagram.

13. What are the functional requirements of an injection system used in compression
ignition engines ? Explain

14. State the 
objectives of super charging an engine. Explain the effect of super charging on engine performance.

15. Compare the relative merits and demerits of battery and magneto ignition system

16. State the main functions of a 
spark plug. Draw a neat sketch of a spark plug, and
label its components

17. With a neat diagram, explain briefly the dry sump lubrication system.

Sunday, 06 December 2015 04:59



1 Answer any two of the following :
(a) List some 
applications of air conditioning .
(b) With a simple sketch explain 
the working of a vapour compression refrigeration system.
(c) Explain briefly some applications for reciprocating and centrifugal compressors.

2 Answer any two of the following :
(a) What is the significance of the Carnot 
refrigerator ?
What are the practical difficulties in devising a Carnot refrigerator ?
(b) What is a Cascade Refrigeration System ? Compare this system with multistorage compression and 

3 What is the working substance in air conditioning? Would you call it a pure substance ? How do you 
calculate its molecular mass ?

4 Answer any two of the following:
(a) Define
(i) Dew point temperature
(ii) Dry bulb temperature
(iii) Wet bulb temperature
(b) What do you understund by marine relrigeration and how is it different from truck refrigeration ?
(c) It is proposed to use a reversed Carnot engine as a refrigerator. The unit consumes
10 kW power. If the COP is 3.5, determine the refrigeration capacity of the unit.

5 Answer any two of the following::
(a) What are the important Factors Which govern the choice of a r?frigerant?
(b) How do tho following two.factors inflicnco 
the performance of a vapour-compressioni refngeration system?
(1) Suction vapour- superheat
(2) Liquid subcooling

6 What are the difierent types of compressors ued in industry ? write in short working system of any one type of compressor?

7 Define refrigerant. State desirable chemical propeeties of a good refrigetant?

8 What are the differences between:
(i) Refrigertion and Heat pump system
(ii) Natural convection condenser and Forced air circulation condenser
(iii) Primary and secondary refrigerants

9 Write in brief on 
Comfort Air-conditioning?

10 What do you understand by martine refrigeration and how is it different from truck refrigeration?

11 What are the parameters required to be controlled for air conditioning ?

12 How is summer air conditioning different from winter air conditioning ?

13 What is the function of condenser in refrigeration system ? Write short notes on 
air cooledcondenser.

14 Define primary refrigerant. State thermodynamic properties of a good refrigerant?

15 What are the factors contributing to food spoilage ?

16 What are the different types of refrigeration systems used for refrigeration trucks and trailers ?

17 How do the parts of an ammonia absorption system compare with those of a vapourcompression system ?

18 What is ton of refrigeration ? List some applications of air conditioning.

19 What do you understand by transport refrigeration ? What types of refrigeration systems are used for transport refrigeration ? Explain with examples.

20 What are the various factors which are contributing to food spoilage ? List the
causes of food spoilage.

21 What is refrigerating effect ? How refrigeration helps in the preservation of
food products ?

22 What are the 
temperature and humidity conditions required for the comfort air
conditioning ? Explain.

23 What is condenser ? What are the various types of condensers ? Explain working principle of water cooled condenser.

24 What is a refrigerant ? List some common refrigerants. Also describe the various desirable properties of Refrigerants.

25 What is a ceased refrigeration system ? Compare this system with multistage compression andevaporation systems.

26 What are the conditions for Highest COP. Explain the effects on P-h diagram?
27 What are different types of condensers used in refrigeration ? Explain the working of Evaporative condenser.

28 What are the different types of Evaporators ? Explain in short any one type of Evaporator.

29 Discuss the desirable thermodynamic, chemical and 
physical properties of

30 What are different steps in food preservation ?

31 Describe various types of Freezers.?

Saturday, 05 December 2015 11:33

Financial market


1. Discuss the role of Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) in regulating the Financial markets in India. Also briefly explain the major achievements of SEBI since its inception.

2. What is a 'financial market' ? Discuss the components of Indian Financial Markets and

explain how are they interlinked with each other ?

3. What is meant by Book Building process of Public Issues ? What are the different steps involved in the issuance of equity shares through this process ? Discuss its advantages also.

4.Explain the process of order execution in a stock exchange. Discuss the different types of order execution followed in Stock Exchanges in India.

5.What is meant by dematerialisation of securities ? Explain the process of dematerialisation of securities and the benefits of the 'Depository System'.

6.What are 'Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) ? Identify the major internationally accepted principles for accounting norms. Briefly, discuss the institutions and organisations which are associated with the development of the Indian GAAP.

7.What do you mean by 'Fundamental Equity Valuation' ? Explain briefly the Discounted Cash Flow techniques used in such valuation.

8. What is the importance of an investment philosophy ? Discuss different investment styles that are adopted by the investors while investing in stock market.

9.Describe the types of derivatives. Discuss the features of OTC derivatives markets. What are the uses of these derivatives ?

10. What are swaps ? Differentiate between different types of swaps with the help of suitable examples.

11. What are call and put options ? Illustrate with an example. Discuss the different factors which determine the movement of option prices.

12. What is the need and purpose of hedging ? Explain the different types of option strategies for hedging.

13. What is a Commodity Derivatives Exchange ? Describe briefly the different commodityderivatives Exchanges in Asia.

14.Discuss briefly various types of orders placed by exchange members based on price related conditions and time related conditions in a commodity exchange.

15. What are the basic characteristics that have to be met by an article or a product in order to qualify as a commodity for future trading ? Discuss the various benefits of trading in commodityderivatives.

16. Briefly discuss the different base metals in the world. What are the factors that impact the prices of base metals ?

17.Explain the structure of sugar industry in India and discuss the importance of sugar as a major agricultural commodity.

18.. Explain the following with suitable examples :

Contango and Backwardation

Basis and Basis risk

19. What do you mean by 'Arbitrage' ? Explain the concepts of cash and carry Arbitrage and Reverse cash and carry Arbitrage with the help of examples.

20. Why are 'Warehouse Receipts' dematerialised ? Briefly explain the process of dematerialisation of warehouse receipts of commodities and mention the entities that are involved in this process ?

21. Explain the different types of demat accounts opened by the depositors of commodities ?

22. What are the features of foreign exchange markets and how do they compare with otherfinancial markets ?

23. Explain spot and forward rates and the factors determining forward margins.

24.What is a currency option ? What are its types ? What are the factors that impact the pricing of an option ? Discuss.

25. Discuss the various techniques of currency exposure management.

26. What do you mean by Repo ? What are its uses ? How is it priced ? What are the different types of Repos ?

Saturday, 05 December 2015 11:31

Investment management

What is Investment management

Investment management involves first making an 
investment decision and next protecting and promoting the Capital value of such investments. In this process, there is need for makinginvestment analysis at two levels namely at macro level- market analysis.

Market analysis involves the analysis of the market 
trends of some indicators like prices, volume of trade etc. Company analysis comprises of the study of companys fundamentals in terms of its operational and financial results. Then the analysis should extend to comparison of the companys performance with that of the industry to which it belongs and the market as a whole.

Components of Investment Management

Chart I shows what is investment and its components namely:

(a) Investment analysis,
(b) Investment decision making
( c ) review and monitoring of investment based on research.

The study of fundamentals will reveal the industry and the 
companies to invest in while the study of technicals will tell us the timing of purchase and sale decisions.

There are four types of decisions which an investors can make , which are explained below briefly:

(a) Buy Decision :
When investment analysis shows that a 
company share price is undervalued in terms of the fundamentals and expectations of the company relative to other companies in the same industry, its share recommended to be bought.
(b) Sell Decision: When investment research reveals that a company share is overvalued in the market, relative to its fundamentals, and expectations based on some norms like P/E 
multiple, book value or present value of discounted cash flows etc. then that share is recommended to be sold.

( c ) Hold decision : when research shows that a companys future performance is uncertain and fundamentals and the market do not reveal any reliable trend, then a hold decision has to be taken.
(d) Average Up/Down : when the market trend is against your position, say you want to sell, when the market price is falling then small doses of purchase have to be effected to average down your price per share. On the reverse side, if you want to buy, but the market price is countinuing to rise, instead of falling as expected by you, then slow doses of sales have to be made to average up your price per share.

Saturday, 05 December 2015 11:28

Options trading


What is Options

It is a 
derivative security used for the purpose of risk management in the investment market, based on some security. Futures, forwards, swaps, options etc., are all examples of hedge against risk. Investors are risk averse and want to reduce the risk. Individuals and corporations have a strong urge to reduce or manage risk and this is secured by trading in derivative markets.

The volatility in share prices require to be hedge. Thus, the larger the volatility the larger is the hedging demand. This is secured through the options and futures. Thus the volume of futures or options can cause higher or lower volatility in underlying share/securities. These are all tools for risk management and no correlation is empirically found for options to increase or reduce volatility of shares prices

Characteristics of Options

Derivatives have many distinctive characteristics.

1. Their origin is from some other security, commodity or reference point, (such as indexes.)
2. They are instruments of hedge against risk of undue volatility.
3.They are leveraged instruments for risk management based on original security or instrument.

Calls and puts

The two major type of stock options are calls and puts. A call gives the investors the right to purchase 
100 shares of a particular stock at a fixed price until a specific date. An investor who purchases a call option locks in a price on 100 shares of stock for a predetermined time. A put option gives an investor the right to sell 100 shares of a particular stock at a fixed price until a specific date. A put in a price at which to sell stock rather than a price at which to buy stock. Both puts and c alls provide the investor with the right, but not the obligation, to use the option. Stock options are created, or �written�, by other investors who wish to earn income from selling the options. The writers then become obligated to sell (if a call has been sold) or purchase (if a put has been sold) the stock if and when the owner of the option decides to exercise the put or call.

Puts and calls derive their values from the values of the stock that they can be used to sell or purchase. Stock options pay no dividends or interest and expire without any value if not used by the expiration date. The value of call option is directly related to the value of the underlying stock(i.e. the option value increase when the stock value increase) and the value of a put is inversely related to the value of the underlying stock (i.e., the option value increase when the stock value decrease ). Option values are also affected by the time remaining until expiration, the price volatility of the underlying common stock and the market rate of interest.

Types of Derivatives

The security or 
asset classes on which the derivatives depend are :

(1) Debt or Bonds, (2) Equities ,(3) Indexes, (4) Commodities, (5) Currencies.

Options vs. Badla 

The age old method of badla financing facilities the carry forward transactions in the stock market and serves almost the same purpose of helping speculation and imparting greater volume and better liquidity , as in the case of options. In both methods, no delivery of securities is envisaged and both depend on some underlying securities traded on cash/delivery basis. Then why do SEBI and other influential sources advocate the substitution of badla by options in India? Their perception is that badla adds to spec ulation and it is better to separate the speculative market from real investment market, so that genuine investors are protected from the effect of excessive speculation. Options would have the same effects and objectives as badla trading. Both increase liquidity, cater to the instinct of speculation and provide a hedge against risk. Both are tools of risk management and based on some rules and regulations, margins and other terms.

The differences between them and the advantages of options over Badla may be set out as follows:

The risk can be limited and kept with in a range both in upward and downward direction in the case of options. Transparency in operations is possible due to well organized trading in contrasts in options. No manoeurvrability of terms, margins, expiration dates and no flexibility in operations are possible. Cash outlay is limited to the premiums paid and risk taken can be kept in limits. But once the contract period is over the right to nexercise option ceases and no advantage can be taken of any favourable change in price. But in the case of badla, money lending is used as a tool. There is flexibility of margin fixation, and in fixation of carry forward prices. Badla terms can be bargained and the trader has the chance to adjust his purchase and sale position depending on the price movements after settlement, which is not possible for the option purchaser once the contract period is over.

Thus, options and badla have both 
advantages and disadvantages. The edge of options over badla will come in due to electronic trading possible through the use of computer network and this will also ensure greater transparency to trading in options. Otherwisw the time tested method of badla is by itself not inferior as a method of facilitating speculative trading and to increase the volume of trade and liquidity in the securities markets.

Saturday, 05 December 2015 11:12



1. (a) Convert the following decimal numbers to binary equivalent :

(i)  39.37

(ii)  206.66

Add the numbers given in (i) and (ii) and convert the result into hexadecimal.

(b) Simplify the following Boolean function using four variable Karnaugh's map in

product of sum form :

F(A, B, C, D)=1;(0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 15).

Also, draw the logic circuit for the simplified expression.

(a)Assume rotational speed of a disk is 3600 rpm, the disk has 125 sectors/track

and 512 bytes/sector. What is the data transfer rate and average latency time of the disk system.

(b)What makes the cache memory fast ? Explain different types of mapping techniques used incache memory organisation.

(e) Write the contents of the conditional flags  of the flag register of the 8086 microprocessor after subtraction of A and B is performed. Assume value of two 8 bit

numbers A and B are 11001100 and 00111001 respectively.

2. (a) Draw the logic diagram of 3 bit synchronous counter. Also, explain its working.

(b) Define the following terms :

(i)  Instruction Register

(ii)  Interrupts

(iii)  Interface

(iv)  Fetch cycle

(v) Multiplexer

(c) Which of the categories of Flynn's 3 classification suits parallel processing. Explain.

3. (a) What are Bit - Slice ALUs ? What is a main advantage of such ALUs.

(b) Explain the following Mnemonics of 8086 Instruction set, with an example of each.

(i)  XLAT

(ii)  DA A

(iii)  CMPS

(iv)  ROL and RCL

4. (a) Explain any four addressing modes with the help of an example each.

(b)  Explain the functioning of R-S flip-flop. How does J-K flip-flop overcome the

problem of RS flip-flop ?

(  c  )  Design and Explain an arithmetic pipelining 6 for floating point addition or subtraction. Show with a flow chart.

5. (a) Give at least three differences between each of the following :

(i)  Static dataflow and dynamic dataflow computers.

(ii)  Multiprocessors with crossbar switch and Multiprocessors with multipost


(iii)  Horizontal micro instructions and Vertical micro instructions.

(b)  Explain the problem of cache coherence in  multiprocessor system.

(  c  )  How does synchronisation take place in the  multiprocessor system ?

5 .What is the purpose of error detection  and correction code ? Explain the process of error correction through Hamming code.

 Explain function of following commands :

(i) XLAT

(ii) LEA

(iii) xcHG

(iv) POP

6   . (a) What is meant by assembler directives ? Explain the function of the following directives:

      (i) EQU

      (ii) ASSUME

       (iii) END

      (iv) DUP

8. (a) Make diagram and explain pipeline processor.

(b) What is the purpose of addressing modes ? Explain modes in detail.

 9. Write a short note on each of the following :

(i) Microprogramming

(ii) Microprogramcounter

(ii| Microinstruction sequencer

(iv) Bit-slice CPU

(v) Hardwired control unit

9  .  (a) Write an assembly program to reverse a 6 string stored in data segment. The reversed string should be stored at the same location where the original string was stored.

 (b)  Convert the BCD number 732.58 to the 4 following :

 (i)  Binary number

 (ii)  Octal number

 (iii)  Decimal number

 (iv)  Hexadecimal number

(  c  )Design a combinational circuit that accepts a 4-bit binary number and generates an output '1' only when the input number has odd number of Ts otherwise the output is '0'.

(d) Explain the use of 'IDIV' and 'AAS' 5 instructions with the help of an example of each for 8086microprocessor.

(e) What is the role of a stack in handling the 5 interrupts ? What is the difference between the stack and normal read/write memory.

(f) Explain the Flynn's classification of 4 computers.

10  .  (a) Show that NAND gate is a functionally 5 complete set of gates.

(b)  Explain the difference between memory 4 mapped I/O and I/O mapped I/O.

(c  )  Give an example of the addition of two 6]  floating point operands using an arithmetic pipelineshow all the steps involved.

11.  (a) What is the need of many addressing modes 5 in a machine ? Give four addressing modes that must be present in a machine. Justify your selection.

(b) What is the need of a control unit ? Explain 6 the basic structure of this with the help of a diagram. Also, give one disadvantage of a hard wired control unit.

(c  ) Draw the logic diagram of a master-slave 4 flip flop using R-S flip flop and explain its working.

12.  (a) Explain the basic functioning of multiplexer 8 and demultiplexer. Design a circuit of 3 x8 demultiplexer using two 2 x 4 demultiplexer.

(b) Explain any four characteristics of a RISC 7 processor. What are the advantages of using largeregister file ? Explain this with the help of a diagram.

13 .  (a) What is a vector instruction ? Explain briefly the need of an array processor in the execution of a vector instruction.

(b) What is cache coherence ? Why is it important for shared memory

multip'rocessor systems ?

( c  )  List the differences between :

(i)  Constant Angular Velocity and Constant Linear velocity disk.

 14.. (a) Perform following subtraction using 2's compfement t

 (i) 1101100 - 1011001

(ii) 1100011 - 1100r0

(b) Differentiate between direct and indirect address instruction. How many memory references are required for each type of instruction to bring an , operand into a processor register ? E:<plain.

(c) Write an 8086 assembly language program to contJert a twodtgit BCD number passed in

Aecumulator (AX) to its binary equivalent. I

(d) Simplify the following expression using K-maps in sum of product form :

F (w, x, y, z) = n (5, 10, 12, 13, 14) Also, draw the logic circuit for the simplified


(e) Convert (3333)n to her<adecimal number.

(fl Draw the logic diagram oI Gbit a.len pari$ checker. Explain its operation with the help of truth table.

15  . (a) How is a RISC processor better than a CISC processor ? Justify 5our answer.

(b) What is the difference between control flour and data flow computers ?

(c) What is the purpose of making data flow graph ? Mahe data flow graph for U = ( A * ( A + B ) - ( A + B ) , z B

(d) Give two differences between decoder and demultiplexer.

16. (a) An 8-bit register Rl contains 10101010. What should the value of the register R2 be such that the most signiticant 4-bits of Rl are

(i) selectivelycleared

(ii) selectively set

(iii) masked

(iv) selec6vely complemented ?

Show the resulting operations.

(b) List {our zubctcles of an instruction cycle. Also list the 'arious micro-operations of these subcycles.

(c) Compare Static RAM with Dynamic RAM.

16. (a) Find the length of SEC code and SEC DED code for the follorvtng 15 bit data sequence :

1010 0101 1010 0101

h) Draw the diagram and explain the working of a JK master slave flipflop. How does its working differ from simple JK flipflop ?

(c) How is an index register related to the auto-increment mode of addressing

17. (a) Why does DMA have priorig over ihe CPU when both requesi a memory transfer ?

(b) Make the logic diagram of a 4-bit serial shift register  using JK flipflops. Show the steps to shift the binary number 1101, through this register'

(c) Give an example of the addition of two floating point operands using an arithmetic pipeline'Show all the stens involved.

18  . (c) Write an assembly language (8086) . 7 program to find the total number of

occurrences of the characters 'rsrr and rrrnrl in an array of characters stored in the


(d) An 8-bit data 1100 1010 is transmitted to a distant location. It is received as 1.110 1010. Explain how SEC code would detect this error.

(e) 'Perform following subtraction using L's complement :

(i) 11001010 10101101

(ii) 10011011 11000111

(f) What are the problems which prevent RISC pipetining to achieve maximum speed?

19. Explain the working of Ripple Counter. Also, draw a 3 bit ripple counter using a

suitable flip flops.

(b) Consider the following code  : 

a - b - d

b - d * e

c : b + f

Draw the data flow graph for the above equations.

(c) Explain the following addressing modes with an example of each.

(i) Base addressing scheme

(ii)   Index addressing

(iit) Stack addressing

(iv) Register addressing

20  (a)   Explain the use of 'AAA'&'DAA' instructions with the help of an example

eackr, for 8086 microprocessor.

(b) Draw any two DMA configurations and explain the advantages and disadvantages of these configurations.


(c) Design a floating point number format as

per following specifications :

Base : Binary

Mantissa : 20 bit long

Exponent : Cah hold 1gt2a

Find the maximum and minimum value for the proposed presentation. How will zero

be represented in the format propose d by you ? Make suitable assumptions, if any.

21  (a)  .Compare any four features of a RISC processor to a CISC processor ?

(b) List four subcycles of an instruction cycle. Also, list the various micro-operations of

any two of these sub cycles.

( c  )  Why ROM is considered as a combinational circuit although it is a permanent memory ? How is a ROM will different from that of RAM ?

22.(a) Write a program in 8086 assembly language to multiply two 16 -bit integers.

(b) What is bus arbitration ? Explain the Daisy Chaining and Polling Bus Arbitration

methods with the help of diagrams for each.

(c) What is the need of an interrupt in a computer system ?

23.  (a) Simplify the following expression using Karnaugh's map in product of sum form :

F (W, X, Y , Z',)= I (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 , g, g,11, 15) Also, draw the logic circuit for the simplified


(b)  Subtract 1010100 - 1000011 using 2's complernent.

(c) Convert 2222in hexadecimal number.

(d) Write an 8086 assembly language program to convert a 4-digit octal number to its decimal


(e) List the registers that are used by the ALU to ,perform various tasksAlso, explain how these registers are used.

(f) What is a cache memory ? Explain about multiple levels of cache.

(g) Differentiate between RISC and CISC architectures.

24. (a)   Explain the DMA controller with block diagram. What is meant by a block transfer ?

(b)  What are the various phases of an instruction cycle ? Give the micro operation of :fetch and decode phases

Compare Static RAM with Dynamic RAM.

25 .(a)  Using NAND gate generate the AND and NOR functions.

(b) What is meant by "addressing mode" ? Explain why the different addressing modes are required. Explain any two addressing modes that need no address field at all. Givg suitable example for each.

(  c )  Explain the principles of vector processing. Also, explain various types of vector instructions and their execution.

26.  (a) Explain the direct and associative cache mapping.

(b)   Write a program in 8086 assembly language to find the user specified number in a list of 15 numbers which is stored in a specific location.

(  c  )  Write down the method of converting a binary number into its Gray Code equivalent. Also, give an example.

27.  (a) Design a 4-bit shift register, which is capable of shifting its binary information in both the directions aloqs with the facility of parallel loading.

(b) Diifferentiate between a hardwired control unit and a micro programmed control unit.

(c) What is the difference between a memory mapped I/O and a peripheral mapped l/O ?

(d) Draw the circuit diagram of RS flip flop and explain its working.

(e) Di fferentiate between MISD and SISD classification of computers as suggested by Flynn.

28.  (a)  Draw the logic circuit only after simplifying ? the following expression using K-Map:

 (b) Convert (1224)s to octal number .

 (c) Write an assembly language (8086) . program to find the total number of

occurrences of the characters 'rsrr and rrrnrlin an array of characters stored in the


(d) An 8-bit data 1100 1010 is transmitted to a 7 distant location. It is received as 1.110 1010. Explain how SEC code would detect this error.

(e) 'Perform following subtraction using L's complement :

(i) 11001010 10101101

(ii) 10011011 11000111

(f)  What are the problems which prevent RISC pipetining to achieve maximum speed?

29  .  (a) Explain the working of Ripple Counter. Also, draw a 3 bit ripple counter using a

suitable flip flops.

(b) Consider the

a - b - d

b - d * e

c : b + f

Draw the data flow graph for the above equations.

(c) Explain the following addressing modes

with an example of each.

(i) Base addressing scheme

(ii)   Index addressing

(iii)   Stack addressing

(iv)   Register addressing

30  .  (a)  Explain the use of 'AAA'&'DAA' instructions with the help of an example

eackr, for 8086 microprocessor.

 (b) Draw any two DMA configurations and explain the advantages and disadvantages

of these configurations.

 (c) Design a floating point number format as per following specifications :

Base : Binary

Mantissa : 20 bit long

Exponent : Cah hold 1gt2a

 Find the maximum and minimum value for the proposed presentation. How will zero

be represented in the format propose d by you ? Make suitable assumptions, if any.

31.  (a)    Compare any four features of a RISC  processor to a CISC processor ?

 (b) List four subcycles of an instruction cycle. Also, list the various micro-operations of

any two of these sub cycles.

( c ) Why ROM is considered as a combinational circuit although it is a permanent

memory ? How is a ROM will different from that of RAM ?

 32.  (a)  Write a program in 8086 assembly language to multiply two 16 -bit integers.

 (b) What is bus arbitration ? Explain the Daisy Chaining and Polling Bus Arbitration

methods with the help of diagrams for each.

(c) What is the need of an interrupt in a computer system ?

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