Mba Global Network

Sunday, 06 December 2015 07:52


                  CABIN CREW QUESTIONS

1. Explain about the development of aviation industry in India.

2. Discuss the 24 hour clock and the implications of time differences.

3. What are the advantages of working as cabin crew ?

4. List out recruitment criteria for cabin crew.

5. Elucidate the importance of customer service in airline business.

6. How will you handle passenger complaints ? Explain with examples.

7. What is etiquette ? Discuss the importance of etiquette and how it should be followed while serving meals.

8. Briefly explain the phonetic alphabet ? Mention the various phonetic alphabets.

9. Enumerate the pre-flight checks to be carried out by the cabin crew.

10. How is crew documentation carried out ? Discuss it in detail.

11. What are the general duties and responsibilities of a cabin crew ?

12. Write a note on the pre-flight checks to be carried out by the cabin crew.

13. Give the procedure of recruitment for cabin crew in detail.

14. Aviation Industry in world. - Discuss.

15. Explain how will you handle passenger complaints with examples.

16. Discuss the need and importance of world geography.

17. List out all the phonetic alphabets.

18. How will you link customer service with the aviation industry ?

19. What do you understand by the term Crew Documentation ? Give its features

20.Aviation Industry in India  Discuss.

21.What is the 24 hour clock? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of time differences.

22.List out the merits of working as cabin crew.

23.Explain about the recruitment criteria for cabin crew.

24.Customer service in airline business  Discuss.

25.What is crew documentation? Discuss it in detail.

Last Updated on Monday, 27 June 2011 13:51

Sunday, 06 December 2015 07:50



1. Describe the functional layout of airport.

2. Write brief notes on ground handling agencies.

3. Security arrangements in the airport. - Explain.

4. What are the procedures for mishandled luggage ?

5. Write short notes on :

(i) Ticketing.

(ii) Fares.

6. State the problems in cargo handling.

7. Describe the role and functions of IATA.

8. Explain about write notes on :

(i) DGCA.

(ii) COD.

(iii) Air traffic control.

9. Write notes on :

(i) Air way bill.

(ii) Diplomatic bag.

(iii) Cottage.

10. Briefly explain the cargo module.

11 Explain the phases of a flight.

12 Explain 16 Airline terms and explain them.

13.What are the various main types of baggages?

14.Write a short note on mishandled baggage and highlight the procedure to handle it.

15.Write down the steps in issuing a one-way ticket using cards.

16.What are the different factors that lead to fare differences?

17.Explain the role of IATA in International Air Travel.

18.Enumerate the functions of ICAO.

19.Write short notes on:

a) Cottage;           b) Air way bill

c) COD                 d) Diplomatic bag

20.What are the different types of Air Cargo? Explain

21.Enumerate the phases of a flight.

Sunday, 06 December 2015 07:47


Monday, 27 June 2011 14:25


1. Explain the organisation pattern followed in a hotel.

2. Write about the amazing growth and development of the hotel industry.

3.What are the different types of crockery and hallow ware ?

4. Elucidate the travel terminologies for ticketing and fare calculation.

5. Write a brief descriptions :

(i) SITI.

(ii) SOTO.

(iii) SITO.

6. Describe the ten commands of excellent customer service.

7. Discuss the steps in solving problems encountered by bad customer.

8. What is the job of the tour operator and travel agent ? - Explain.

9. Discuss the types of tour.

10. Explain in detail about the various types of rooms and rate plans Bell desk.

11. Describe in detail about the different types of hotel based on the size, star category, and ownership.

12.Explain in about the different types of the menus in detail.

13. Discuss the procedure to be followed in airline ticketing and reservations.

14. Briefly explain the types of trips, fares and rules followed in traveling terminology.

15. Why customer service in tourism is important ? -Explain.

16. What do mean by effective communication in tourism ? Explain briefly.

17. Write short notes on :

(i) Guides.

(ii) Cruises.

(iii) Group tour.

(iv) Package tour.

18. Describe in detail about the procedures to be followed in reservation and documentation by tour operation business.

19. Describe about the organization pattern in a Hotel

Sunday, 06 December 2015 07:45

Financial Markets

Monday, 13 June 2011 12:19


1.Explain the evolution of global and Indian Financial Markets. Compare and bring out the similarities in the Evolution of these two.

2.Comment the mechanism and steps leading to Book Building Method. Discuss the process of pricing an issue in the Book Building Method.

3.Visit a Sharekhan Stock Broker of your choice and observe how trading is done in the secondary markets. Write a detailed note on your visit.

4. Explain the different equity valuation techniques.

5. Discuss the steps in Portfolio Management. Explain the role of a Portfolio Manager. Analyse and comment on the SEBI (Portfolio Manager) Regulations, 1993.

6. Discuss the scrip selection criterion used for derivatives segment and explain how Quarter Sigma is calculated?

7. Discuss the Stock and Index Futures and Options. Explain how they can be used for Hedging Speculation and Arbitrarage?

8. Explain how Put and call options are priced?

9. Explain the four basic indicators which impact the derivative prices and briefly discuss the various Option Greeks?

10. Discuss the settlement mechanism of future and option contracts.

11. What are spot and forward rates? Discuss the Covered Interest Rate Parity and explain how forward premium/discount points are calculated?

12. What are the factors impacting exchange rates? Explain the concept of Nominal and Effective Exchange Rates and the Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER).

13. What are Forward Contracts? Discuss Non Deliverable Forward Contracts? Discuss Non Deliverable Forwards (NDF) markets.

14. What are the distinguishing features of Fixed Income Instruments? Briefly discuss about the various Government and Corporate Debt Instruments.

15. List and discuss few benchmark interest rates. Explain interest rate Caps, Floors and Collars in detail.

16. What is the importance of an investment philosophy ? Discuss different investment styles that are adopted by the investors while investing

in stock market.

17. Discuss the role of a Broker for trading in the market? Explain the Deal process in a Brokerage House. Critically examine the regulatory Framework for Brokerage Houses.

18. Select a prospectus of any recent Public Issue and critically analyse it. Prepare a detailed note on your analysis. (You can see the copy of prospectus on internet.)

19. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of investing in a Mutual Fund. Explain the factors which determine the behaviour of investors in a mutual fund.

20. What is Money Laundering? Discuss its process. Critically analyse the important provisions of prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002.

21. Discuss the different types of reports prepared by Research and Analysis Firms. Collect a research report of a company of your choice and analyse it.

22. Discuss the role of Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) in regulating the Financial markets in India. Also briefly explain the major achievements of SEBI since its inception.

23. What is meant by dematerialisation of securities ? Explain the process of dematerialisation of securities and the benefits of the 'Depository System

24. Describe the types of derivatives. Discuss the features of OTC derivatives markets. What are the uses of these derivatives ?

Sunday, 06 December 2015 07:42

Journalism and Mass Communication

Mass Communication

Journalism and Mass Communication

1. Outline role and place of the Editor in a daily newspaper.

2. Critically evaluate the social impact of mass media.

3. Outline the role of traditional folk media in present time

4. Define "Ethics of journalism" giving suitable example

5. Discuss the key recommendation of the second Press Commission

6. What do you understand by educational 20 television ? Discuss the growth of educational TV in the country

7. What are the characteristics of mass media ? Compare the impact of print and television.

8. Explain Gerbner's Model of Communication with a diagram. Critically evaluate its relevance.

9. Do you think that television news channels are functioning irresponsibly ?

10.Discuss the various methods of inireasing the efficacy of communication strategy.

11.Explain the communication process with reference to message and feedback

12.Write short notes on :

(a) Press Council of India

(b) Indian Federation of Working Journalists

(c) Editors Guild of India

(d) Press Trust of India (PTI)

13. Develop a questionnaire for assessing the popularity of a TV proagramme.

14. what do you mean by market based audience feedback system

15. Discuss the role of Press Commission.

16. What is a news agency ? What role does a news agency play in the overall media set-up of the country

17. Discuss the code of ethics of journalist

Sunday, 06 December 2015 07:40



1.How 1egal reporting is different from general news reporting?

2.What are the basics of a good news script in Radio ?

3. To be a successful reporter one must possess some essential qualities. Enumerate and explain

4. What are the essential elements of court reporting ? How is it different from other catagories of reporting ? Explain.

5. What is the difference between hard and soft

news ? Explain news values with examples.

6. What is a News feature ? Explain the techniques of good writing.

7. How do the multi-edition newspapers affect small newspapers in India ? Explain with examples.

8. Do you think that television news channels are functioning irresponsibly ?

9. What is editing ? Explain the duties of a chief sub editor

10. Discuss the differences in designing a magazine and a broadsheet daily

11. Explain Changing patterns of lay out and design in newsPapers.

12. Discuss the essential qualities and responsibilities of a reporter.

13. Explain the essentials Of a goOd lead and enumerate THE different types of leads ?

14. What is the importance of sources in news gathering process ?

15. Discuss the Inverted Pyramid style and explain its relevance in news writing.

16. explain Importance of layout and design in a newspaper

Sunday, 06 December 2015 07:38



1. Explain the impact of new technologies on broadcasting in India. What are the benefits of Internet Broadcasting ?

2. How will you as a listener ? evaluate, the effectiveness of a Radio Programme ? Illustrate your answer with examples.

3. Describe the functions of mass communication with special reference to radio broadcasting.

4. Elaborate the advantages of new broadcasting technologies citing suitable example

5. Describe the various marketing shategies for FM radio citing suitable exampies

6. Examine the drfferent stages of radio programme planning.

7. Describe the structure and functioning of a TV news room

8. What is rundown ? Prepare a rundown for 60 minutes news bulletin.

9. Discuss ihe various methods of TV audience measurements

10.Justify the need for interactive programmes and explain the process involved in their production

Sunday, 06 December 2015 07:30


If you want any type of 3d , autocad or any help just sent email to 
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
1. What is Image Stabilization ? Explain any one.
2.What is Back Story, how do you build a back
story ?
3. What is Dolly, explain how is it done ?
4.Describe Grayscale and Bitmap Mode
5.Explain what is Motion Tracking ?
6. Describe 
Chroma and cite a example for a Bollywood Film Explain Bitrate in Multimedia
7.What is Editing
8.Describe Hertz
9.. What are Mapping 
Coordinates ?
10. What is a Schematic View ?
11. Define Transform References.
12. Create a 
3D Head with complete Texturing and 3Point Lighting.
13. Create a 3D Room with complete Texturing and Mood Lighting
14. What is a Bones System ?
15. Explain Inverse Kinematics
16. Explain the concept of Motion Flow in Character Studio.17. Create a complete Biped Rig (With bones and IK) and create a 100 frame walk cycle.18 Define NURBS.19. What is the advantage of using Mudbox over regular 3D Modeling ?20. What are Subdivision Surfaces ?21. Create a Detailed 3D Head in grey (non-textured). Mudbox can be used for detailing.22. Define Extreme Long Shot.23. What makes a good Story ?24. What is Lens in a camera25. The process of Batch Rendering in After Effects.26. The concept of Matte Painting.27. Grayscale and Bitmap Mode.28. Explain Non Linear Editing.29. What is Audio Compression ?30. Describe Hertz.

Sunday, 06 December 2015 07:26



1) Define marketing and explain its implications. Explain how marketing is different ,

from selling.

2) What are the marketing concepts? Explain the process of evolution of these concepts.

3) What is the consumer's place in modern marketing?

4) What is marketing mix? Explain the components of marketing mix.

5) What do you understand by the strategic concept of marketing ? How it is different

from marketing concept? Explain the basic principles of strategic marketing.

6) Why do firms go international? Explain with the help of examples from Indian


7) Imagine that you are serving is a marketing manager in a domestic firm which is not

very keen to go international despite good business opportunites overseas. Write a note to the president of the firm explaining the importance of international marketing and the involvement and commitment the company would be received to maks for entering international markets.

8) What is the relationship between market segmenthtion, market targeting and product positioning?

9) Discuss the importance of market,segmentation in marketing decisions and explain the bases of market segmentation.

10) What are the elements that influence in deciding the principles of segmentation and what will be the suitable base for marketing of Television in various countries? Also suggest the marketing strategies to be followed.

11) what are the different market targeting strategies? Explain them with appropriate examples.

12) "Global positioning is most effective for product categories that approach either end of "high-touch/ high-tech continuum ". Elaborate.

13) State the various modes of entry to foreign markets. Briefly explain each of them.

14) Differentiate between joint venture and strategic alliance. Explain their relative advantages and disadvantages as strategies for foreign market entry.

15) Differentiate between licensing and franchising and explain their relative advantages and disadvantages as international market entry strategies.

16) International business firm wants to produce the product in the foreign country and market it there. But the firm is not interested in investing in establishing manufacturing facilities in the foreign country. Identify the entry modes suitable in regard and explain them.

17) Which is the mode of entry where the international business firm can start international marketing without any investments abroad? Explain it alongwith its merits and limitations.

18) A company wants to enter into idternational markets. The company decided to involve another company in the foreign country. State the modes of entery where the scope for the involvement of a foreign company is possible. Explain those modes and critically evaluate and state in which situations each of them is suitable.

19) Examine the different strategies adopted by the Indian jute sector to survive and prosper in the domestic sector as well as in overseas markets, when the traditional use of jute as a packaging material has been threatened by synthetics such as polypropylene

20) Evaluate the factors of standardisation and adaptation of the product.

21) Describe the phase.s of the international product life cycle. How does it help to the planning of the product.

22) What are the risks involved in the new product development? Explain the process of the new product development.

23) What are the main characteristics of product development? Discuss the importance of product development in the present highly competitive environment.

24) What do you mean by branding? Explain the importance of branding.

25) Do you think that branding is an important marketing tool. Discuss and explain the basic decisions in branding.

26) How would you formulate the branding strategies for textile products? Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of various branding strategies.

27) Describe the,functions and importance of packaging. what are the special considerations in packaging and labelling in international marketing?

28) Differentiate between warranty and guarantee. What are their role in marketing,

29) Distinguish between direct and indirect selling channel. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both the channels.

30) Distinguish between domestic agents and domestic merchants. Explain various types

of domestic agents.

31) Describe various types of domestic merchants with suitable examples.

32) What are the factors affecting the channel choice ? Discuss the criteria for selection

of channels.

33) Do you think that the overseas agents are advantageous. Discuss and explain how can you identify a foreign agent,

34) Draft a hypothetical export agency agreement.

35) Write short notes on the following:

(a) Overseas agent

(b) Piggybackings

(c) Export agency agreements.

Sunday, 06 December 2015 07:24

International marketing management part 2

International marketing management part 2

.35) As Today's organisations are facing international competition, advertisement plays

more important role. Do you agree ? Explain the rationale behind international advertising.

36) Discuss the role of advertising in the international marketing process.

37) Compare the different approaches to budgeting for advertising.

38) What are the relative advantages and disadvantages of going in for a standardized vs.

an adaptive advertising process across countries?

39) Explain briefly the necessity for advertising regulations. Compare the advertising regulations in United States and Saudi Arabia.

40) Discuss the merits and demerits of direct mail as a promotional tool. How does it different Erom other form of advertising ?

41) What do you understand by perso~lal selling? Disc~lss the various steps involved in personal selling, with appropriate examples.

42) Between personal selling and sales promotion, which conlmunication tool will be most effective in promoting sales of the following products? Give reasons for your answer.

a) A rare painting

b) A new brand of toothpaste

43) A non-government organizatioil (NGO) devoted to the cause of environlllental

protection desires to obtain favourable publicity for its activities. Prepare a detailed

plan for the NGO to manage its publicity campaign.

44) You company is in the process of introducing a new brand of toilet soap in a highly competitive market. What sales promotion tools would you recommend to enthuse consumers, distributors and the company's own salesforce to buy and promote the product? Discuss.

45) Explain in detail the main consumer promotion tools.

46) Differentiate between domestic and international marketing planning.

47) Now do entry objectives in a given foreign market affect the marketing planning for that market? Explain with examples.

48) What barriers make controlling international operations more complex than controlling domestic marketing activities? Explain with the help of specific examples.

49) Explain how are contractual arrangements utilised for effecting control of international operations?

50) Comment upon the communication systems that can be established for effective control systems.

51) Discuss briefly the sequence of control process used to control overseas marketing operations.

52) Discuss the emerging global competitive environment. Examine whether small enterprises have scope in the emerging global business environment.

53) Explain how mergers and acquisitions affect global competition.

54) Examine how advances in information technology impact business.

55) Discuss some of the important social, ethical, and environmental issues in international business.

56) Write short notes on the following: (a) Telemarketing; (b) e-business.

57) Explain the significance of international marketing research in today's globalised market.

58) In what manner do political system and economic factors influence international marketing? Answer with suitable examples.

59) Suggest an appropriate structure of international marketing information system for 3

firm which is in the export of leather products with a turnover of Rs.5 crore per


60) 'International marketing resemch is full of complexities'. Comment.

61) Why is analysis of data important in the market research process? Elaborate the steps involved in the data analysis process.

62) What do you understand by classification and tabulation.

63) What is the rationale of having a separate section on summary of findings and conclusions in the report when the main body of the report will also contain findings and conclusions? Explain.

64) "A marketing research report should merely present the findings. It must not comment on the possible course of action(s) to be taken on the basis of the study results". Comment.

65 ) "Poor presentation will undo the entire mkket research exercise". Comment.

66) Define service and explain how they are different from products.

67)  Compared withproducts , marketing of services posses distinctive challenges to marketers . Explain why it is so , and enumrate the marketers challengers .

68) Explain the importance of services world trade . Critically Evaluate the opportunities for India in international of marketing services.

69) What are the alternative strategies of international marketing of services ? Explain them with appropriate illustrations . Critically evaluate these strategies and suggest which services each of them suitable .

70) Discuss various barries to international marketing of services . Examine how the barries can be overcomed with the implementation of GATS.

71) Explain the main features of GATS .

72)  GATS ellminates various legal barries to international marketing in services Discuss.

73) Identify the services that offer potential for international marketing and examine Indias strengths and weakness is exploting the potential .

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