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Course Code:MS-01

Course Title:Management Functions and Behavior

Assignment Code:MS-01/TMA/SEM-II/2018

Coverage:All Blocks

Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31st October, 2018 to

the coordinator of your study centre.

1. Enumerating various roles/tasks of a manager in an organization, briefly describe and

discuss any two roles/tasks which according to your experience are most important and

crucial for the organisation. Substantiate your answer with suitable examples drawing

from your own experience or the ones you are aware of.

Briefly describe the organization/s and the situation/s you are referring to.

2. Define and describe tenets and features of 'decision making under certainty', 'decision

making under-risk', and 'decision making under uncertainty' with suitable organizational

examples drawing from your own organizational experience or the ones you are aware of.

Briefly describe the organisation you are referring to.

3. What are the characteristics, dimensions, and determinants of Organisational Culture and

Climate? How do they affect the life, values, and ethos in any organizational set up.

Explain with examples from your own experience or the ones you are aware of. Briefly

describe the situation , and the organization you are referring to.

4. What factors adversely affect the communication in an orgnisational set up? How to

overcome such adverse effect for enhancing effectiveness and efficiency of the


Explain with examples from your own experience or the ones you are aware of.

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Course Code:MS - 2

Course Title:Management of Human Resources

Assignement Code:MS-2 /TMA/SEM II/2018

Coverage:All Blocks

Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31st October,

2018 to the coordinator of your study center. All the answers should comprise of

relevant examples.

Q1. Explain how Human resource development evolved from traditional personnel

functions. Why Human Resources Department has an important part to play in

providing the backbone for talent management.

Q2.How Critical Incident technique is different from functional job analysis? How

Subcultures Relevance for Gender and Minority Issues influences organisational


Q3. Discuss problems a manager may encounter while doing performance appraisal.

Explain how Assessment centers and development centers help in evaluating

individual's managerial potential.

Q4. Explain in your own words how effective coaching and performance management can

develop conducive organisational culture.

Q5. Explain Benefits under Social Security Legislation in India of various industrial Acts.

Why Mediation is preferred over Litigation in the recent dispute resolution


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Course Code:MS-03

Course Title:Economic and Social Environment

Assignment Code:MS-03/TMA/SEM-II/2018

Coverage:All Blocks

Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31st October, 2018 to

the coordinator of your study centre.

1. Examine the interaction between economic environment and business management,

giving examples.

2. Discuss the growth, problems and prospects of Small Scale Industry in the post reform


3. Explain India's economic growth experience and discuss how economic growth has

brought about a structural change in the economy.

4. Analyze the implications and short comings of India's foreign trade growth.

5. What are the basic objectives of fiscal policy? Highlight the major problems of fiscal


6. Write short notes

a) The Environmental Movement

b) Industrial Sickness

c) Globalization

d) Economic Reforms and Employment

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Course Code:MS-04

Course Title:Accounting and Finance for Managers

Assignment Code:MS-04/TMA/SEM-II/2018

Coverage:All Blocks

Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31st October, 2018 to

the coordinator of your study centre.

1.As a Finance Manager what are the kind of decisions that you have to make about your

company and its activities ? How do these decisions differ form those which investors,

regulatory agencies and others make about your company? Is the same kind of

information needed by You and the outsiders of the company? If so what is that

information ? If not, what are the essential differences?

2. You are required to prepare the Statement of Sources and Application of Funds from the

given Financial Statements of ABC Limited for the years 2016 & 2017. Also prepare the

Statement showing in details the item-wise increase or decrease in the Net Working





Cash at Bank45,0001,30,000

Sundry Debtors1,40,00090,700


Fixed Assets less Depreciation6,00,0003,60,000


Prepaid Expenses21,00014,000



Sundry Creditors2,98,0002,51,450

Provision for Taxation1,72,00065,000

Secured Loan from Bank-87,000

Reserves and Surplus3,12,0001,48,000

Share Capital:

Ordinary Shares of Rs. 100 each2,30,0001,97,000


Further it is informed that:

The position in respect of Reserves and Surplus is :


Balance as on 1st January, 20171,48,000

Net profit for the year1,98,500


Less: Dividend34,500


(i)On 31st December 2017 the accumulated depreciation on fixed assets was Rs.

1,80,000 and on 31st December 2016 Rs 1,60,000. Machinery costing Rs. 20,000

which was one-half depreciated was discarded and written off in 2017. Depreciation

for the year 2017 amounted to Rs. 30,000

(ii)Investments costing Rs. 5,000 were sold during the year 2017 for Rs. 4,800 and

Government Securities of the face value of Rs. 4,000 were purchased during the

year for Rs. 3,750

3.The data related to Company X, Company Y and Company Z is as given below.

Company XCompany YCompany Z

Budgeted sales in units10,00010,00010,000

Budgeted selling price per unitRs. 2.00Rs. 2.00Rs. 2.00

Budgeted variable costs per unitRs. 1.50Rs. 1.25Rs. 1.00

Budgeted fixed expenses

TotalRs. 3,000Rs. 5,500Rs. 8,000

Budgeted capacity80%80%80%

From the information given above you are required to calculate for each company :

(a)The budgeted profit.

(b)The budgeted break-even point in unit sales.

(c)The budgeted margin between break-even point and budgeted sales expressed

as a percentage of total capacity.

(d)The impact on profits of a ± 10% deviation in budgeted sales.

Comment briefly on the effect of this in relation to the distribution between the

companies' fixed and variable expenses.

4. (a) Describe the characteristics of a flexible budget ?

(b) "For private sector" budgets are important in profit planning, but budget are costly

for not-for-profit organization" Respond.

5. Discuss your Role as a Finance Manager of your company. What will be the alternatives

and factors that you would consider before finalizing your views on dividend policy?

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Course Code:MS-05

Course Title:Management of Machines and Materials

Assignment Code:MS- 05/TMA/SEM-II/2018

Coverage:All Blocks

Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31st October, 2018 to

the coordinator of your study centre.

1. In the present age of modern management and improved technology, what are the major

strategic and operational decisions of production and operations management?

2. How can the relationships of different departments be considered in preparing a layout?

Prepare a REL chart for the different departments of a typical hospital.

3. What is work design? What are its constituents? Explain using a schematic diagram.

What is job design? What are the behavioral aspects in job design?

4.Service organizations usually have to be provided with a higher capacity than the

estimated annual or monthly requirement. Why? Elaborate the statement.

5. Write Short notes on the following:

a. Exchange Curve and aggregate inventory planning

b. I-O-W (Input

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Course Code:MS - 06

Course Title:Marketing for Managers

Assignment Code:MS-06/TMA/SEM - II/2018

Coverage:All Blocks

Note : Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31st October, 2018 to

the coordinator of your study centre.

1.(a) What do you understand by the term marketing? Taking two examples of your choice

highlight the importance of "Transaction" in the whole process of marketing.

(b)Critically evaluate the significance of marketing function in the Indian economy post

economic reforms of 1990's. Prepare an essay highlighting the level of economic and

social development, (you may access secondary data from various sources).

2. (a)What are the constituents of marketing mix? Discuss each of them in strategy

formulation. Pickup an example one each from an FMCG and consumer durable of

your choice and explain their role in strategy formulation.

(b)Why and when marketers, evaluate, and monitor consumer behavior? Elaborate by

taking a suitable example where consumer behavior has largely played a key role in

the success of the product/brand.

3. (a)Discuss segmenting targeting and positioning strategies. What are the advantages that

a firm accrue from effective segmentation? Discuss the bases of segmentation for the

following products.

i) Food processors.

ii) Perfume for women.

(b)Distinguish a product from a service offering. What are the distinguish characteristics

of services that make them different from product /goods. Illustrate with an example.

4. (a)Discuss the concept of Product Life Cycle(PLC). Develop suitable marketing

strategies for the following products that may be used at the introduction and maturity

stage of the PLC.

i) Audio Music System

ii) Packaged fruit juices.

(b)Discuss the major pricing methods that are available for the marketers to effectively

price their product.

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Course Code:MS - 07

Course Title:Information Systems for Managers

Assignment Code:MS-07/TMA/SEM - II/2018

Coverage:All Blocks

Note : Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31st October, 2018 to

the coordinator of your study centre.

1. How do technological advances affect the spread and use of the Internet? What industries

should pay close attention to efforts to regulate the Internet?

2. Describe the role of functional information systems. Also, discuss the managerial and

strategic applications in the Accounting and Finance area or Human Resources

Management areas that are supported by IT.

3. Is information technology as vital to modern global business as money? Why or why not?

Describe the capabilities expected of information systems in modern organizations.

4. Define data mining and list some of its typical characteristics. Discuss some ethical issues

related to data mining.

5. What are the major benefits of neural networks? Discuss some recent popular

applications of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs).

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No. of








Course Code:MS - 8

Course Title:Quantitative Analysis for Managerial Applications

Assignment Code:MS-8/SEM - II /2018

Coverage:All Blocks

Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31st October, 2018 to

the coordinator of your study centre.

1. A manufacturer produces three products A, B and C which he sells in the market. Annual

sale estimates (in units) are indicated as follows:

(i) If unit sale prices of A, B and C are Rs 2.25, Rs 1.50 and Rs. 1.75 respectively, find

the total revenue in each market with the help of matrices,

(ii) If the unit costs of the above three products are Rs 1.60, Rs. 1.20 and Re 0.90

respectively, find the gross profit with the help of matrices.

2.Calculate the mean deviation from mean for the following table:

3. The incidence of a certain disease is such that on the average 20% of workers suffer from

it. If 10 workers are selected at random, find the probability that (i) exactly two workers

suffer from the disease (ii) not more than two workers suffer from the disease.

4. A normal curve has μ = 20 and = 10. Find the area between x1 = 15 and x2 = 40.

5. Explain the following concepts

a) Null & alternative hypothesis

b) One & two – tailed test

c) Type 1 & type II error

d) Level of significance.

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Course Code:MS-9

Course Title:Managerial Economics

Assignment Code:MS-9/TMA/SEM-II/2018

Coverage:All Blocks

Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31st October, 2018 to

the coordinator of your study centre.

1. What is the scope of Managerial Economics?How does the study of Managerial

Economics involves the analysis of certain major subjects? Explain citing examples.

2. What is the Law of Demand? Explain increase and decrease of demand with the help of any

example of your choice.

3. What is Short- Run Cost Functions? Explain how Total Cost (TC), Total Fixed Cost (TFC)

and Total Variable Cost (TVC) are calculated? Discuss with the help of a table and graph.

4. Differentiate between First Degree and Second Degree Price Discrimination. Why is Second

Degree Price Discrimination described as multipart pricing?

5. Examine the kink demand curve for oligopolists? Explain the reasons for price rigidity.

6. Write short notes on any two of the following:-

(a) Regression Equation

(b) Exponential Smoothing

(c) Functional Forms of Cost Functions

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Course Code: MS - 10

Course Title: Organisational Design, Development and Change

Assignment Code: MS-10/TMA/SEM-II/2018

Coverage: All Blocks

Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31st October,

2018 to the coordinator of your study center. All the answers should comprise of

relevant examples.

Q1. How organisation can be seen be seen as a political system, explain with the help of

three different frames to understand political system. Explain to what extent

technology can have impact on organisational design.

Q2. Why recent organisational structure is inclined more towards organic structure where

there is no formalisation and unwritten norms which my lead to chaos in an

organisation? Discuss your answer stating why organic structure is better than

Mechanic organisation.

Q3. Why there is need of Human engineering? Explain the importance of work

improvement and work measurement in organising and analysing work.

Q4. Discuss under what conditions Questionnaire is not a valid diagnostic tool. How

interview overcomes the limitations of questionnaire?

Q5. Why T-Group training is beneficial for organisation as well as individual? Discuss in


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Course Code:MS - 11

Course Title:Strategic Management

Assignment Code:MS-11/TMA/SEM - II/2018

Coverage:All Blocks

Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31st October, 2018 to

the coordinator of your study centre.

1. What is a 'mission statement'? Explain why is it necessary to formulate a mission

statement initially in the process of formulating a strategy?

2. Write a brief case study showing the strategic development and its current strategic

position of the company of your choice. Use the published information about the


3. How is Cost Leadership helpful in determining the success of a business organization?

Explain with the help of an example.

4. Choose two companies from a specific sector which are following diversification

strategies. Compare and contrast the diversification strategies followed by these


5. Identify a company which is on the verge of closing. Analyze the reasons for the decline

of the company.

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Ignou mba assignments ms-21 to ms-97 all we have


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