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BLS-02 June, 2013 Library Management

June, 2013

BLS-02 : Library Management

1.1 State the important managerial functions and discuss their significance in effective management of libraries.


1.2 "Every library needs space for all types of documents, users and staffs." Discuss the

statement relating to common service areas in a public library.

2.1 Discuss briefly the significance of planning and organisation of technical section of a university library.


2.2 Explain the meaning of the term 'non-book materials'. Describe the tools for their selection in a scientific research laboratory's library.

3.1 What do you understand by stock verification? Explain the methods of stock verification in libraries with their merits and demerits.


3.2 Explain the various aspects that concern Human Resource Development (HRD) mechanism. How does a university implement HRD in its library ?

4.1 Discuss the various methods of financial estimation for libraries.


4.2 Explain the need for a budgetary control system in libraries. State the reasons for maintaining financial records in a library.

5.0 Write notes on any three  of the following (in about 300  words each) :

(a)  Organisational chart of a public library

(b)  Kinds of library binding

(c)  Library equipment

(d)  Problems in selection of periodicals

(e)  Elements of personnel planning

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