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Thursday, 03 December 2015 11:45

Organizational Development question bank

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Q. 1  Distinguish between formal and Informal Organization

Q.2. Distinguish between line organisation vs. Line & Staff organisation.

Q.3. What do you understand by (i) line organisation (ii) Functional organisation and (iii) Staff organisation?

Discuss their advantages and disadvantages. What are the likely sources of conflict between line and Staff in an organisation?

Q.4 Write short notes on Quality of working like

Q.5 Write short note on classical vs. Neo-classical organisation Theory

Q.6 Write short note on role of change agent

Q.7 Write short notes on Management objectives.

Q 8. Distinguish between mechanistic structure and organic

Q.9 Explain the salient characteristics of organizational development. Cite examples to illustrateyour answer

Q.10 Explain the benefits of organisation Development.

Q.11 Describe different approaches to organisation and their relevance.  Explain 7Ss Model and its significance in organisations.  Discuss with suitable examples.

Q 12. Explain the concept of quality of working Life  (QWL) in broader societal perspective. Discuss how does socio-cultural conditions affect the QWL in your organisation or an organisation you are familiar with and suggest some methods to improve the QWL in the organisation.  Briefly describethe organisation you are referring to.

Q 13. Discuss the concept of organisational analysis and organisational diagnosis.  Describe the different perspectives of organisational analysis by citing examples.  Describe how organisationalanalysis is conducted in your organisation or an organisation you are familiar with.  How far it was successful?  Describe the organisation you are referring to.

Q 14. Discuss the meaning, purpose and approaches of job design with suitable examples. Describe how job design is carried out in your organisation or an organisation you are referring to.

Q 15. The dysfunctional aspects of bureaucracy tend to overshadow the functional aspects over a period of time.  In the light of above statement, examine the merits and demerits of bureaucracy for the organisation you are working for or familiar with.  Briefly describe the organisation you are referring to.

Q 16. What is the impact of work redesign on different aspects of the organisation.  Evaluate this taking into consideration your organisation or an organisation you are familiar with

Q 17. How do you construct a questionnaire for the purpose of organisational diagnosis?  Discuss this with reference to your organisation or an organisation you are familiar with.  Describe the organisation you are referring to. uestionnaire Design

Q.18.  Discuss the impact of work structuring on different organisational roles citing suitableexamples.[June 2003, Faculty notes]

Q.19 Describe different phases of a planned change.  Discuss how resistance to change can be reduced with suitable examples.  Describe the organisation you are referring to.

Q.20 . What do you understand by change?  Explain the factors which trigger for change by citingsuitable examples, with reference to your organisation or an organisation you are familiar withDescribe the organisation you are referring to.

Q.21.  Discuss some of the cross-cultural experiences of organisational culture and change in the Present scenario.  Illustrate with reference to an organisation where culture change has taken place.  What steps could be taken to close cultural gaps?  Discuss.

Q.22.  Explain the concepts of delegation of authority and Decentralisation.  What are the individual and organisational factors that influence the decentralization process?

Q.23. Who is a transformational leader?  Discuss the importance of being transformational leader and factor required to be transformational leader.

Q.24. Describe the salient features of Role Analysis Technique (RAT).  If you are asked to undertake the RAT exercise then explain how would you carry it out in your organisation or an organisation you are familiar with.

Q.25.  What are the factors you shall keep in mind while designing an organisation ?  Re these factors taken care of by the organization you are familiar with ?  How do you evaluate the organisation in this regard ?  Briefly describe the organization you are referring to.

Q.26.  Explain technology and organisation structure.

Q.27 What are the characteristics of bureaucracy ?  Under what conditions is bureaucracy encouraged in organisations? Discuss

Q.28.Explain the organisational environment and its significances in studying the organisationaldevelopment.

Q.29.  Differentiate between mechanistic and organic structures.  Under what circumstances would each type of structure be more beneficial in achieving  organisational goals.?

Q 30. Distinguish between tasks and activities in your organization or any organization you are familiar with. Suggest measures to improve the organization structure, which would enhance its effectiveness. Briefly describe the organization you are referring to.

Q 31. What are the general sources of conflict in an organization also explain the ways how conflictcan be managed.   Which way of managing conflict you feel better and why  particularly in the organizational situation where you are working or familiar with. Briefly describe the organization you are referring to.

Q 32. Define role descriptions and discuss its uses.  List out the factors contributing to role changes in the context of your organisation or an organisation you are familiar with.  Briefly describe the organisation you are referring to.

Q 33. What is the purpose and meaning of an OD intervention?  Describe any two interventions and their merits and demerits with reference to an organisation.  Briefly describe the organisation you are referring to.

Q 34. List out the skills required for the role of a change agent.  Describe yourself as a change agent and the tasks you perform as a change agent in your organisation or an organisation you are familiar with.  Briefly describe the organisation you are referring to.

Read 5794 times Last modified on Thursday, 03 December 2015 12:03
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