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Thursday, 03 December 2015 10:31

Management of public enterprises

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Management of public enterprises
(1) How do management challenges differ over the stages of growth in a small enterprise? Explain with the help of an example?

(2) Discuss the opportunities and threats that free the entrepreneur in the stabilisation free?

(3) Describe the various stabilisation strategies that can be used entrepreneur operating a fast food restaurant in a busy metropolitan market?

(4) If you were a ready-made garment manufacturers about to enter the competitive field of exports of apparel, what growth strategies would you adopt to ensure a comfortable pace of growth?

(5) Describe the organisational requirements for growth orientation in a small scale enterprise?

(6) Comment upon the need for performance evaluation and control for a-small scale entrepreneur?

(7) What are the measures of overall performance that can be used to assess the working of an 
S.S.I unit? Explain with an example?

(8) How does the production schedule operate as a control tool? Explain? 

(9) What measures of performance assessment and marketing control would you apply for the following S.S.I enterprises? 
(a) A beauty saloon 
(b) A boutique specialising in exclusive apparel. 
(c) A bakery specialising in supplies to the mid-day meal schemes of some public schools.

(10) What are the important considerations in a product design selection? Explain with the help of an example?
(11) Discuss the process of prototype development?

(12) How do availability of, transportation facilities and labour affect the location decision? What in your opinion are the three most important variables affecting the, location decision?

(13) What do you understand by method study and work measurement? How relevant do you think these are for a small scale enterprise?

(14) What are the tools of production planning and control that a small entrepreneur can use? Comment with the help of an example?

(15) Explain the various quality control tools that can be used by small entrepreneur?


(16) What are the different ownership forms available to you as alternatives? Discuss each form in-brief ?

(17) Compare a sole proprietorship with a partnership in terms of
(a) Tax advantage
(b) Secrecy
(c) Capital raising ability

(18) What are the important characteristics of the partnership form? Is it necessary to register a partnership? Describe the effects of non registration?

(19) What are the major advantages that the company form of organisation has over others? What are the important distinctions between a private and a public limited company?

(20) Discuss the taxation provisions related to the different organisational forms?

(21) After going througn this unit, can you develop a framework to help you to decide upon the selection of the organisational form? What criteria would you take into consideration in deciding upon the ownership form of your organisation?

(22) What is the need and significance of the preparation of a project report for a small scale entrepreneur? Discuss with the help of examples?

(23) Give an overview of the project preparation process?

(24) What are the important infrastructure consideration that you should keep in mind before deciding upon the site of your plant?

(25) How would you plan for the technology input needed in your small enterprise?

(26) What are the, main project cost components for which of these courses would a commercial bank offer financial assistance?

(27) Explain the utility of break-even analysis for judging the profitability of small enterprises, with the help of an example?

(28) Describe the common errors in project report formulation?

(29) What are thee main sources of short and long term finance for a small entreperneur?

(30) Comment upon the position of commercial batiks vis--vis the financing of small enterprises?

(31) Discuss the various types of financing requirements that a small entrepreneur may have?

(32) Discuss in detail the role of SIDBI as an institution in the context of financing of SSEs?

(33) What are the basic steps in system of bringing a product/service from an idea to a finished product/service? 

(34) How does production design relate to technology determination and equipment selection?

(35) The swastik company is considering to start a manufacturing plan t in either Madras, Coimbatore, or Madurai. The company has collected the economic and non economic data shown below?

(36) What are the implications of `marketing orientation' on the process of product selection?

(37) Think of the `benefits' that an entrepreneur trying to establish a typing school can offer to its customers.

(38) Analyse the competitive situation with respect to the scooter market in India. Does it face any competition from the moped and the motorcycle markets?

(39) What kinds of intermediaries are involved in selling 
(a)pressure cookers,
(b) cigarettes, and 
(c)life insurance?


(40) What do you understand by OSI? What is the role of OSI in successful enterprise management?

(41) What are the main techniques utilised for opportunity scanning and identification? Discuss with examples?

(42) Using the framework 2 given in the unit, carry out an opportunity analysis for the following:
(a)beauty saloon
(b)fast food restuarant

(43) How would you use SWOT analysis to identify opportunities for SSI/Self-employment. Discuss with examples?

(44) What do you understand by the term entrepreneurial competency? How is the term relevant to entrepreneurship development?

(45) Which 5 competencies according to the feedback you got from activity 3, rate highest asdeterminants of entrepreneurial success? Can you explain the significance of each for entrepreneurial success?

(46) Describe the process of development of entrepreneurial competencies?

(47) Which characteristics of small enterprises enable them to contribute to the economic development process in a developing country like India? Discuss. 
(49) Taking specific case examples discuss the employment generation potential of Entrieprenurship and-Small small scale enterprises vis-a-vis the large enterprises:

(50) In the Indian context, explain the specific role that entrepreneurship has fulfilled in the development of small scale sector?

(51) With reference to the support needs of SSE's outlined in the unit, do you think the Indian infrastructure and environment is conducive to the development. of small scale enterprises. Discuss, giving reasons for you answer?

Read 4093 times Last modified on Thursday, 03 December 2015 12:18
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