Mba Global Network

Ms-6 Question bank

Ms-6 Question bank (13)

Term-End Examination


December, 2015
Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100
(Weightage 70%)
Note : (i) Attempt any three questions from Section-A.
(ii) Section-B is compulsory.
(iii) All questions carry equal marks.

Explain the three additional elements in the marketing mix specifically required for services.

What is market segmentation ? Suggest suitable bases for segmenting the markets
for the following products :
(i) Toothpaste
(ii) Biscuits

2. (a) Discuss the major areas of application of marketing research.
(b) Explain the functions of packaging with
reference to : •
(i) A fast moving consumer good
(ii) An industrial product

3. (a) What is cyber marketing ? How is it different from conventional marketing ? Explain
giving examples.

(b) Explain the need for non-financial motivation for salespersons and mention some of the ways through which this can be achieved.

4. Write short notes on any three of the following :
(a) Relevance of social marketing
(b) Methods of designing the marketing organisation
(c) Cultural factors affecting consumer
(d) Pricing methods
(e) Stages in the buyer dicision process


5. Study the case given below and answer the questions given at the end.

Office Needs
is a marketer of good-quality office furniture, carpets, safes and filling cabinets. Within each category, the company offers a wide variety of products with a great many variations of each, product being offered. For instance, the company currently offers around 42 different designs of chairs and 23 varieties of office desks. The company keeps in touch with advances made in the office furniture field worldwide and introduces those products which are in keeping with the needs of the market in terms of design, workmanship, value for money and technical specifications.

Office Needs trades only in quality furniture which is sturdily constructed. Differences between its products and cheaper, lower quality ones are well known to those who have several years of experience in the business.


An important feature, the company feels, is the availability of a complete list of components of the furniture system. This enables the customer to add bits and pieces of matching designs and
colour in the future. Such components are available for sale separately. Systems are maintained in stock by the company for a number of years, and spare parts for chairs and other furniture are always available.


The trade is currently witnessing a downtrend due to recession and players from local unorganized sector. Office Needs has also experienced the same over the last two years. In addition, it had to trim the profit margins. Last year, it barely broke even and this year it is heading for a small loss for the first time in the company's ten year history

Questions :
(a) Explain the terms Product Item, Product Line and Product Mix in the context of the above situation.
(b) What strategy would you recommend to counter competition from the unorganized sector ?
(c) Suggest a suitable promotion strategy for the company.

Wednesday, 09 December 2015 08:52

MS 6 JUNE 2015

Written by

Term-End Examination
June, 2015
1. (a) Explain the reasons for the growth of theservice sector.
(b) Explain the unique characteristics ofservices that differentiate them from goods,
giving suitable examples.
2. (a) What do you understand by the term'marketing research'? Briefly outline the
marketing research process.
(b) How do social factors like reference groupsand family affect consumer decision ?
Explain with the help of suitable examples.
MS-6 1 P.T.O.
3. (a) Discuss the advantages and disadvantagesof 'branding'. Suggest a suitable brand name
for a new chocolate cream based biscuittargeted at children. Justify your choice.
(b) What is marginal cost pricing ? What areits advantages and disadvantages ?
4. Write short notes on any three of the following :
(a) Perceptual mapping technique.
(b) Considerations involved in designing the market organisation.
(c) Types of purchase decision behaviour.
(d) Product Life cycle.
(e) Promotion Mix.



June, 2013



 1. What is Marketing Mix? Explain the various Marketing Mix elements taking the example of small sized passenger car.

 2. (a) What is consumer behavior ? Elaborate the different types of purchase behaviour in the purchase of a product, giving suitable examples.

(b) Explain the marketing criteria to be used for selection of a brand name. Based on these criteria suggest a suitable brand name for the following Products and Services (any two) :

(i) fruit juice

(ii) Indian fast food chain

(iii) footwear


3. What are the major objectives of pricing ? How do the different stages of PLC affect the pricing decision ? Explain giving suitable example.

 4. Write short notes on any three of the following :

(a) Implications of social marketing

(b) Perceptual mapping techniques

(c) Matrix organisation

(d) Primary data Vs Secondary data

(e) Characteristics of organisational consumer




5. Read the case given below and answer the questions given at the end of the case.

 India is among the hottest growth markets for AC makers, just like other consumer goods companies. Daikin entered India in 2000 an as 80:20 JV with Siddharth Shriram group company Siel. In 2004, it bought out Siels's 20% stake to make the Indian firm a wholly owned subsidiary. All these years, Daikin's sold bulk of its ACs to offices and factories and served only the upper middle class homes. Since entry-level products are driving volumes across categories, the company could not afford to stay away from that segment for long. Daikin launched 14 models for homes last year and the starting model was only 10-15% costlier than similar models offered by the competition. Earlier the price gap used to be 50%. Changing lifestyle, increasing disposable income, falling prices and wider availability have all contributed to the rise in air-conditioners sales. Demand is also rising in smaller cities and towns as well as more households join the buoying middle class segment. With introduction of cheaper products, enhanced distribution network and aggressive promotional activities in the last one year, the company claims to have already increased its market share marginally which is encouraging and it wants to become one of the top three room air-conditioners marketers. The company plans to introduce more mass products, which account for more than 80% of the country's room AC market.

 Questions : Develop suitable promotional strategies for the company for the following segments :

(a) Home segment

(b) Offices and factories segment

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