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Ms-56 question Bank

Ms-56 question Bank (7)

Ms-56 question Bank

Wednesday, 09 December 2015 10:20

MS 56 JUNE 2015

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O Term-End Examination
June, 2015
 1. (a) Define materials management. Discuss the functions of material management.

(b) Discuss the role of TQM in materials management. Also draw the materials management pyramid.

 2. (a) Briefly discuss the factors that consist a typical make - or - buy checklist.

 (b) Explain the difference between purchase by competitive bidding and purchase by negotiation.

3. (a) Compare the push and pull methods of coordinating work centres. (b) When is the demand for a given inventory item termed as independent or dependent ? Explain with suitable examples.

December, 2009

Ms-56 : Materials Management

1(a) Briefly discuss the functions of materials management.

(b) Discuss the business implications of the environmental issues in materials management.

2(a) Improper supplier selection leads to receipt of inferior goods and services. Explain what stages would you follow to make a proper selection.

(b) Discuss any two documents used in international purchase.

3. (a) Explain the Materials Requirement Planning (MRP) algorithm with the help of a flow chart.

(b) Define "Kanban System" and discuss its benefits in managing materials.

4(a) Describe an Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) model with shortages.

(b) Discuss uses of operations research techniques in materials management.

5(a) Describe the Mnemonic and Decimal System of codification.

(b) What are the various considerations to be made for controlling losses due to shrinkages/pilferages ?

6. (a) What is third-party logistics (3PL) ? Explain its benefits in context of materials management.

(b) Explain the SCOR framework for performance appraisal.

7. Write short notes on any four of the following :

(a) TQM in materials management

(b) Make or Buy decisions

(c) Process inventory

(d) Life cycle of spare parts

(e) Super organization

(f) ABC Analysis.

June, 2010

Ms-56 : Materials Management

1 (a) Discuss the value added activities included in Materials Logistics Management (MLM) program. Also discuss briefly the various interfaces that MLM covers.

(b) What are the objectives of Materials Management ? Discuss its advantages.

2. (a) Discuss the role of information in materials management.

(b) Elaborate your understanding regarding analysis of sources of supply and its evaluation.

3. (a) How are foreign suppliers selected ? Briefly discuss about the various documents for international purchasing.

(b) Why has management of supplier network become a contemporary and critical issue ?

What are the basic objectives of such a network ?

4.(a) Discuss the important policies that a company is required to use to foster good buyer - seller relationships.

(b) Explain with the help of schematic flow diagram the required activities of manufacturing planning and control system.

5.(a) Elaborate your understanding about Materials Requirement Planning (MRP).

(b) Define Work-in-process (WIP) inventory. Discuss various methods for controlling WIP inventory.

6. Answer any two from the following :

(a) Discuss the various losses in warehouses. Suggest the methods for its prevention.

(b) Explain briefly various approaches for performance appraisal in Materials management.

(c) Discuss various techniques of vendor rating.

June, 2011

Ms-56 : Materials Management

1.  (a) Material Flow and Information Flows are equally important in the materials flow process. Why ?

(b) How can an organization achieve competitive advantage using information as a key driver in the organization ?

2.  (a) Why is "approved list of vendors" approach is not a suitable purchase policy in certain cases ? Explain.

(b) How is the performance of purchasing function dependent on supplier development ? Illustrate.

3.  (a) Dependent demand inventory items do not need to be forecast. Why ? Explain.

(b) How does Just-In Time (JIT) approach differ from Manufacturing Resources Planning (MRP II) ?

4.  (a) What are the cost elements in ordering costs, carrying costs and shortage costs ?

(b) CONWIP is considered applicable to production environment characterized by longer set - ups and fluctuating demand. Why ?

5.  (a) What do you understand by the term codification ? What type of information should be built into a code ?

(b) Discuss the incoming material receiving procedures and systems.

6.  (a) What does it mean when we say a firm has organized according to the materials management concept ?

(b) Explain the SCOR framework for performance appraisal and discuss how is it useful in material management ? 

December, 2011

Ms-56 : Materials Management

1.  (a) What are the objectives of materials management ? Discuss its importance and strategic role in any manufacturing organisation.

(b) How does TQM support in creating customer value in materials management ?

2(a) Briefly discuss the problems that a buyer may encounter while entering the international market for the first time.

(b)Mention the basic principles and techniques to be followed in purchase by negotiation.

3. (a) Explain the material requirement planning (MRP) algorithm with the help of a flow chart.

(b)  Some people say just - in - ti me  (JIT) is simply one more inventory control system. Do you agree with them?  Why and why not ?

4. (a)  Discuss the role of PERT/CPM  in controlling the WIP inventories.

(b) Explain the LIFO method of inventory flow. When this method is used ?

5. (a) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of centralized warehouse and decentralized warehouse.

(b)  Describe various measures that can be adopted to prevent shrinkage in warehouse.

6. (a) What is a Manufacturing Execution System ( MES) ? What benefits can be achieved by implementation of MES ?

(b)  Explain the Balanced Scorecard approach for performance appraisal and discuss how is it useful in materials management. 

December, 2012

Ms-56 : Materials Management

1.  (a)  Describe the three interfaces that Materials Logistics Management (MLM) program covers.

(b)  Explain the role of materials management in conserving the environment.

2.  (a)  What is 'sub contracting'? Discuss its advantages and its effect on the output.

(b)  Explain the differences between purchase by competitive bidding and purchase by negotiation.

3.  (a)  Explain with the help of a flow diagram the required activities of a Manufacturing Planning & Control (MPC) system.

(b)  Explain the push-system with the help of Manufacturing Resources Planning (MRP-II)  and the pull-system by Just-in-time production system (JIT).

4.  (a)  State the role of backlog list in a CONWIP system. What is the trigger of releasing jobs into production in a CONWIP based production line ?

(b)  Describe the most appropriate situation for the application of the specific cost inventory flow method.

5.  (a)  Discuss the stages of receiving procedure of incoming materials.

(b)  Describe the various measures that can be adopted to prevent shrinkage in are houses.

6.  (a)  Highlight the features of Manufacturing Execution System (MES) in achieving Total Quality Management (TQM).

(b)  What are the matrices of performance appraisal in materials management ? 

June, 2013

Ms-56 : Materials Management

1. (a) What do you understand by the term 'materials management' ? Briefly describe its functions.

(b) Mention the four groups into which the Inventory carrying costs can be categorized. Briefly discuss them.

2. (a) Discuss the stages of source selection process. Which is the most critical stage as per your opinion ?

(b) What typical questions are included in a make - or - buy checklist ? Give category wise details.

3. (a) Discuss the activity of materials planning and budgeting for production and manufacturing of end products.

(b) Distinguish between :

(i) MRP

(ii) MRP II

4. (a) Discuss Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) model with no shortages. What are the assumptions made in this model ? Explain.

(b) Identify some factors influencing the WIP inventories.

5. (a) Is it always not possible to implement a good warehouse layout ? Comment on the management strategy keeping cost and time factors in mind.

(b) Mention the losses due to warehousing systems. Give reasons for generation and accumulation of these losses.

6. (a) What does it mean when it is said that a firm has organized according to the materials management concept ?

(b) Explicate the Balanced Score Card approach for control and performance appraisal of materials management.