1 Explain the meaning of Abiotic Environment with the help of appropriate examples?
2 Discuss the impact of tourism on environment and suggest measures to reduce adverse impacts ?
3 Write an essay on Responsible Tourism ?
4 What is Tourism Master Plan ? Explain.
5 Analyse critically the relationship between conservation requirements and development ?
6 Describe Chipko Movement and the debate on building large dams in India ?
7 Discuss how tourism is both an opportunity to the locals as well as pressure on locals?
8 Evaluate the impact of tourism on wildlife?
9 Discuss the importance of wetlands. Also examine the impact ol tourism on wetlands ?
10 Write short notes on any two of the following in about 300 words each :
(i) The Aquatic Biomes
(ii) Indian Philosophy and Environment
(iii) VisitorBehaviour
(iv) The Making of Shimla
(v) Adventure Sports
11 What are the different components of the abiotic environment ? How have they changed with time ?
12 Explain main elements of Indian philosophical views on environment?
13 Write an essay on the relationship between environment and development?
14 What is multiplier effect ? How does it affect the economy of an area
15 How does tourism affect environment ? Discuss critically.
16 How did the National Action plan of 1992 affect tourism ? Describe.
17 How would you identify pressures and assess thresholds on environment in the context of tourism ?
18 Write a note on the process through which various mountains were transformed into hill stations ?
19 What are wetlands ? How does excessive tourism affect them ?
20 Write short notes on any two of the following in about 250 words each :
(a) Hotels and Resorts
(b) Wildlife
(c) Politics of Environment
(d) Tourism Master Plan
21 Describe in detail the nature of terrestrial biomes of the world ?
22 How is environment described in the Indian philosophical tradition ? Discuss.
23 Does tourism activity always affect environment adversely ? Examine.
24 Examine the importance of regional assets in tourism development ?
25 Discuss the role of locals in tourism development ?
26 Examine the nature of wild life in any two biogeographic zones of India?
27 Describe how the hill-stations of Darjeeling and Nilgiris were established ?
28 Examine the character of beaches in India. What are the possibilities of tourism promotion there ?
29 Write an essay on the water sports in India ?
30 Write short notes on any two of the following in about 300 words each :
(a) The Ecosystem and its components
(b) Sustainable Development
(c) Importance of Tourism Master Plan
(d) India Tourism Policy-1982
(e) Visitor Behaviour and Environment.
31 What are biomes ? Describe some of the terrestrial biomes of the world.
32 How has the environmental question been understood in the Indian philosophical
tradition ?
33 Write a note on the nature of relationship between environment and development?
34 Define 'Community'. How have local communities been influenced by tourism ?
35 Write a note on tourism as a tool for conservation.
36 Write an essay on the politics of environment?
37 What are the ways in which the local physical environment is affected by visitor behaviour ?
38 Write a note on wild life ? How does it get affected by tourism ?
39 Write an essay on the role of different kind of accommodation in promoting tourism?
40 Write short notes on any two of the following in about 250 words each :
(a) Tourism Master Plan
(b) Wet Lands
(c) Hill Stations
(d) Multiplier Effects