Mba Global Network

1. Choose one academic administrator and another public administrator and
conduct interview and then ask them how their job differs from that of business
managers. How do they know how well their department, institution or
organization is performing, Since profit is probably not one of the criteria for
assessing effectiveness and efficiency?
2. Design a interview schedule and conduct the interview a manager in your
locality and ask him how many subordinates he has. Are different numbers of
subordinates supervised at the top, the middle, and the bottom of the
organizational hierarchy? What really determines the span of management in
the organization.
3. “There are two notions about relationship between job satisfaction and
productivity: a happy worker is a productivity one; a happy worker is not
necessarily a productive one. Critically evaluate this statement and bring out the
situations under which each statement is true”.
4. “Planning is the basis, delegation is the key, information is the guide, and action
is the essence of control of.” Trace the relationship between control and other
functions with real life examples.
1. Make out a trial balance with imaginary figures. Draw the profit and Loss
Account and Balance sheets from in trial balance which you have constituted.
2. Price differences in different geographic segments make international accounting
a challenging Endeavour. How experts overcome this challenge?
3. Analyze the recent trends in harmonizing financial reporting efforts taken by
super national organizations.
4. Internationalization of accounting profession is the need for the hour –
Substantiate your answer with examples.
1. ‘Negative balance of trade creates so many problems in developing countries'.
Examine these statements on India’s point of view with suitable examples.
2. Export from India is helpful to correct the disequilibrium in the balance of
payments position in India, give your views and justify with examples.
3. “The changes in both supply and demand conditions influence a country’s
international terms of trade and volume of trade”. Justify it with suitable
4. Illustrate how the tariffs, quotas and subsidies affect domestic markets, and also
identify the winners, losers and net country welfare effects of protection.
1. Define international business environment how does the home country
environment influence foreign business operation of a firm? Explain?
2. There is a view that the future of world trade is going to be one of trade among
trade blocks rather than trade among nations. Give reasons for your answer.
3. Imagine that you are an engineer who has been offered a job as the CEO of a
large American MNC based in Dubai. What are the important cross cultural
issues you are likely to face and how would you resolve them?
4. Why are Japanese businesses worried about the EU-South Korea free trade
agreement? Why are Japanese Policy markers trying to sign a similar deal with
the EU? Discuss in the detail.
1. “Major global powers influenced the foreign policy of India-Now India is
gradually gaining momentum to influence the foreign polices of major powers”.
2. Explain the association between India and UNO. How can India play a vital role
in the policy formulation mechanism of the UNO?
3. Assume that you are Fidel Castro, What kind of trade relationship with the
United States would be in your interest? What type would be willing to accept?
4. What are some of the major factors that have influenced the yen/ dollar
exchange rate in the past decade? Have different factors become more important
at different times? If so, which ones?
1. Ethical dimensions of IT are often neglected, which lead to complications in
businesses. Explain in brief, the ethical and social dimensions of IT.
2. Assume that you are the design engineer of a retail company. The company
wants to automate the payment system. What are the factors that you would
consider while designing the electronic payment system?
3. Innovation in Information Technology has changed the way people think. List
out the major features of this innovation and how these features can be used to
develop a marketing strategy for the target market.
4. Whilst e-commerce related activities have grown substantially over the last few
years, some consumers are still unwilling to accept the on-line self service ecommerce business model. Explain why such a reluctance to accept it.
1. Assuming you are a Chief Personnel Manager of a leading MNC, draft a letter
calling a candidate for an interview in reply to his application for the position of
Chief Financial Executive.
2. Assume yourself as a Customer Relationship manager of a bank. You have
received a letter from your customers who have complained to you about the
rude behaviour of a computer clerk. Since the customer is an important person,
write a letter to convince the customer.
3. Define Agenda. Prepare an agenda for a newly started public organization and
explain the basic components of an agenda.
4. “You have recently joined a branch of a company as its manager. Write a report
to the head office on the defects in the routine work of the branch in detail”?
1. Suggest any suitable motivational theory for IT industry and substantiate your
2. “Attitude determines your Altitude”-Substantiate your views on this quote with
relevant corporate examples.
3. “A happy Worker is a productive worker”- Discuss in a behavioral perspective.
4. “Organisational development involves the development of organization in the
light of its future expansion plan”. Elaborate your views.

Monday, 30 January 2017 04:09

Annamalai university mba assignments 2017

Annamali university mba assignments 2017

1. Give the skeleton of the design of a virtual library system for the UGC.
2. “E-commerce is a boom to the corporate world” – Comment.
3. Compare the communication system in traditional business and on-line business.
4. Discuss the role of data mining techniques and data visualization in E-Commerce.
1. Elucidate the management challenges and issues in online Banking.
2. Outline the various needs of security in E-Commerce Industry.
3. Narrate the characteristics of supply chain management in E-Commerce and its
application in software.
4. Elaborate the various forces influencing the growth of E-Commerce.
1. Write a java program for college admission system with AWT packages and
handle its events using their modules.
2. Discuss the java database connectivity. Write an AWT program to explain JDBC
connectivity for employee payroll calculation.
3. Explain in detail the Applet life cycle. Write a program to show the working of
every function in Applet. Discuss how Applets are virus free.
4. What are exceptions? Discuss various types of exceptions in JAVA programming.
How can you handle them? Write JAVA code to handle your own exception.
1. Design and develop a website using ASP .NET MVC 4, EF, Knockoutis and
Bootstrap for an online trading company.
2. Design a website on your own and discuss the following for developing your
(a) Identify which type of website you will design – personal, organizational or
commercial. Write a brief paragraph describing the website’s overall purpose
and its targeted audience. Create a name for your website.
(b) List at least three general goals for your website. List elements in addition to
text – photos, music, animation, and so forth – that you could include on
your general goals.
(c) Identify the design tools you expect to use to develop your website.
(d) Identify an available domain name and URL for your website. Research to
make sure it is available.
3. Design and develop a website for a MNC and describe the following:
(a) Identify the element(s) that you could include on your website that would
convey to its audience that the website’s content is current.
(b) Identify the connectivity tools you will use to encourage users to publish or
promote your content and explain how you will use them.
(c) Identify ways you can promote interactivity at your website.
(d) Create an appropriate tag line for your website and describe how you
will use it in the website’s design.
(e) Describe how you plan to use basic design principles to enhance your
website’s usability.
4. Use any one of the search engine to search for websites for network marketing
companies and describe the following process: (a) Open each website in a
different tab; (b) Review the privacy and data security issues and tools discussed
at each website; and (c) Explain how you would use this information to ensure
the privacy of visitors’ information and the security of visitors’ data at your
1. Rank the various ERP packages in the order of their market share. Give suitable
suggestions for your ranking.
2. Carry out a study of EPC as adopted by SAP and show how it complements the
Generic Modeling Technique.
3. Is IRP implementation same as ERP packages implementation? Give reasons for
your answer with suitable example.
4. Discuss about the organization with ERP and organization without ERP. Which
type of organization is better? Substantiate your views.
1. Trace the path taken from organizational resources and organizational behavior
to the development of strategic advantage.
2. In what way can timing and competitor reaction be crucial for a strategic choice?
3. Congruence and co-ordination among strategies should take place through
vertical and horizontal fit. Explain.
4. Companies should evaluate performance on the basis of a combination of
quantitative and qualitative criteria. Why? Discuss.
1. Discuss the euro dollar market with international liquidity and role of SDRS.
2. Explain the different positioning strategies consider any four home appliance
items and discuss the positioning strategies adopted by the global marketers.
3. An international company is planning to introduce an ultra modern luxury car.
How will you develop this new product? Explain.
4. Discuss the cultures and ethical issues that affect the global trade with suitable
1. How can CASE tools be used to support requirements determination? Which
types of CASE tools are appropriate for use during requirements determination?
2. With examples, explain how interfaces and dialogues are designed.
3. Elaborate the essential phases of system development life cycle. For each phase,
describe its purpose, inputs and outputs.
4. What are the various ways of process modeling done to software system design?
Explain with illustration.

M.B.A. – 2ND YEAR – Assign

Monday, 30 January 2017 03:26

Annamalai university all assignments

1. Choose one academic administrator and another public administrator and conduct
interview and then ask them how their job differs from that of business managers.
How do they know how well their department, institution or organization is
performing, since profit is probably not one of the criteria for assessing effectiveness
and efficiency?
2. Design a interview schedule and conduct the interview a manager in your locality and
ask him how many subordinates he has. Are different numbers of subordinates
supervised at the top, the middle, and the bottom of the organizational hierarchy?
What really determines the span of management in the organization?
3. “There are two notions about relationship between job satisfaction and productivity: a
happy worker is a productivity one; a happy worker is not necessarily a productive
one. Critically evaluate this statement and bring out the situations under which each
statement is true”.
4. “Planning is the basis, delegation is the key, information is the guide, and action is
the essence of control of.” Trace the relationship between control and other functions
with real life examples.
1. Examine the suitable demographic segmentation variables other than age and
sex for the following industry
• Two wheeler
• Brewery
• Insurance
2. You have been selected by the ABC pharmaceutical company to be a sales force
for the period of three years. Identify and describe how you would progress
through the steps in effective selling.
3. Select an example of a new product failure in the recent context. Explore and
prepare a report highlighting the causes for its failure. Do you think a better
understanding of consumer behaviour could have contributed to its success in
the market place? Do you accept or not? Justify your stand.
4. Design a questionnaire to determine repeat purchase behaviour and brand
loyalty with respect to
• Fairness cream
• Mobile
• Sports shoe
• Ready-to-wear garments
1. Design an appropriate capital structure which yields more profitability of a
service industry of your choice. Illustrate your answer with the help of a EBITEPS analysis.
2. The finance manager should take an account of the time value of money in order
to take a correct financial decision. Elucidate the statement with the help of
suitable illustration.
3. The goal of capital management is the maximisation of long run earning to
present share holders. – Comment
4. You are a finance manager in a manufacturing organization. You came to know
the sales are very low when compared to the last year. So you have decided to do
credit sales. Draft a proposal highlighting the decision areas to be concentrated
to avoid non-payment.
1. Create an ER diagram for the loan management system of a finance company.
Loans are given on the purchase of various items with different interest rates.
The company keeps track of defaulters and taken appropriate steps against
them. Make and state suitable assumption (if any).
2. Draw a net sketch to indicate the architecture of a distributed data base system for
college administration process with an example. Explain the various forms of data
fragmentation used in DDB.
3. Develop a conceptual data model for a hospital information system and write a
PL/SQL program using oracle to perform the following tasks.
a) Print the patient – details according to room wise.
b) Print the patient – details according to disease wise.
c) Print the patient – details according to the doctors attending them.
(Assume your own tables and fields)
4. Consider the following relational schema
Account (A/C No., branch name, balance)
Loan (Loan No., A/C No.)
Depositor (Customer Name, A/C No.)
Borrower (Customer Name, Loan No.)
Write queries in SQL for the following.
a) Find all loan number for loan made at Thanjavur branch.
b) Find all customers who have both a loan and an account in the bank at each
c) Find the number of depositors in each branch
1. “One reason for implementing global training programmes is the need to avoid
business losses due to cultural insensitivity”. What sort of training programme
would you recommend to avoid such cultural insensitivity?
2. Bring out some real life examples of how to use interest inventories to improve
employee selection. In doing so, suggest some examples of occupational
interests that you believe might predict success in various occupations including
Professor, Accountant and System Analyst.
3. Design a graphic rating scale for the below mentioned professions:
i. Secretary
ii. Engineer
iii. Web Designer
4. Develop an incentive plan for the following positions:
i. Chemical Engineer
ii. Plant Manager
iii. Used car sales force
iv. First-line supervisor.
Examine the factors that you have to consider in reaching your conclusions.
1. Discuss MIS strategies that companies in the electricity utilities industry could
employ to achieve a competitive advantage.
2. “The best way to reduce systems development costs is to use application
software packages or fourth-generation tools”. Do you agree or disagree?
Substantiate your answer.
3. Adopting an enterprise application is a key business decision as well as a
technology decision. Do you agree or disagree? Justify your views.
4. Discuss in detail the activities involved in the development of e-commerce based
Information System in a retail sector.
1. a) How an user can be involved in defining a project? Explain.
b) Identify the milestones in a project schedules plan. Discuss the difficulties in
preparing the plan.
2. a) Compare the initial and final schedule of a project with an example.
b) How weak quality in a project can be anticipated? Justify your answer.
3. a) Discuss the relationships that exist among activities. Give examples.
b) How to create the activity responsibility matrix? Give its importance.
4. a) Discuss the vendor management tools in project.
b) Explain the various attributes of successful leader.
1. How a financial statement helps the investors and creditors for a service based
company and manufacturing company. Give your views by taking any of the one
company of your choice on both the sector.
2. Identify the financial ratio on which type of Managerial of retail stores adopted.
Further analyse the various importance of those ratio and give your views. How
it will help the retail store.
3. Discuss various applications of the Break Even Chart. Enumerate the various
criticism usually levelled against Break Even Charts. Differentiate how this
Break Even chart helps the service sector and manufacturing sector.
4. From the following particulars, prepare the Balance Sheet of Sri Mohan Ram.
Current Ratio -- 2
Working Capital -- Rs. 4,00,000
Capital block to Current Assets -- 3:2
Fixed Asset to turnover -- 1:3
Sales Cash / Credit -- 1:2
Stock Velocity -- 2 months
Creditor’s velocity -- 2 months
Debtor’s velocity -- 3 months
Capital block Net Profit -- 10% of turnover
Debentures / Share Capital -- 1:2
Gras Profit Ratio -- 25% (to Sales)
Reserves -- 2.5% of turnover

1. Give the skeleton of the design of a virtual library system for the UGC.
2. “E-commerce is a boom to the corporate world” – Comment.
3. Compare the communication system in traditional business and on-line business.
4. Discuss the role of data mining techniques and data visualization in E-Commerce.
1. Elucidate the management challenges and issues in online Banking.
2. Outline the various needs of security in E-Commerce Industry.
3. Narrate the characteristics of supply chain management in E-Commerce and its
application in software.
4. Elaborate the various forces influencing the growth of E-Commerce.
1. Write a java program for college admission system with AWT packages and
handle its events using their modules.
2. Discuss the java database connectivity. Write an AWT program to explain JDBC
connectivity for employee payroll calculation.
3. Explain in detail the Applet life cycle. Write a program to show the working of
every function in Applet. Discuss how Applets are virus free.
4. What are exceptions? Discuss various types of exceptions in JAVA programming.
How can you handle them? Write JAVA code to handle your own exception.
1. Design and develop a website using ASP .NET MVC 4, EF, Knockoutis and
Bootstrap for an online trading company.
2. Design a website on your own and discuss the following for developing your
(a) Identify which type of website you will design – personal, organizational or
commercial. Write a brief paragraph describing the website’s overall purpose
and its targeted audience. Create a name for your website.
(b) List at least three general goals for your website. List elements in addition to
text – photos, music, animation, and so forth – that you could include on
your general goals.
(c) Identify the design tools you expect to use to develop your website.
(d) Identify an available domain name and URL for your website. Research to
make sure it is available.
3. Design and develop a website for a MNC and describe the following:
(a) Identify the element(s) that you could include on your website that would
convey to its audience that the website’s content is current.
(b) Identify the connectivity tools you will use to encourage users to publish or
promote your content and explain how you will use them.
(c) Identify ways you can promote interactivity at your website.
(d) Create an appropriate tag line for your website and describe how you
will use it in the website’s design.
(e) Describe how you plan to use basic design principles to enhance your
website’s usability.
4. Use any one of the search engine to search for websites for network marketing
companies and describe the following process: (a) Open each website in a
different tab; (b) Review the privacy and data security issues and tools discussed
at each website; and (c) Explain how you would use this information to ensure
the privacy of visitors’ information and the security of visitors’ data at your
1. Rank the various ERP packages in the order of their market share. Give suitable
suggestions for your ranking.
2. Carry out a study of EPC as adopted by SAP and show how it complements the
Generic Modeling Technique.
3. Is IRP implementation same as ERP packages implementation? Give reasons for
your answer with suitable example.
4. Discuss about the organization with ERP and organization without ERP. Which
type of organization is better? Substantiate your views.
1. Trace the path taken from organizational resources and organizational behavior
to the development of strategic advantage.
2. In what way can timing and competitor reaction be crucial for a strategic choice?
3. Congruence and co-ordination among strategies should take place through
vertical and horizontal fit. Explain.
4. Companies should evaluate performance on the basis of a combination of
quantitative and qualitative criteria. Why? Discuss.
1. Discuss the euro dollar market with international liquidity and role of SDRS.
2. Explain the different positioning strategies consider any four home appliance
items and discuss the positioning strategies adopted by the global marketers.
3. An international company is planning to introduce an ultra modern luxury car.
How will you develop this new product? Explain.
4. Discuss the cultures and ethical issues that affect the global trade with suitable
1. How can CASE tools be used to support requirements determination? Which
types of CASE tools are appropriate for use during requirements determination?
2. With examples, explain how interfaces and dialogues are designed.
3. Elaborate the essential phases of system development life cycle. For each phase,
describe its purpose, inputs and outputs.
4. What are the various ways of process modeling done to software system design?
Explain with illustration.

M.B.A. – 2ND YEAR – Assign

Thursday, 10 November 2016 13:10

Icfai university mcqs


IFHE Hyderabad

The ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education is a deemed University established under section 3 of UGC Act, 1956.    »»»

The ICFAI University, Dehradun

The ICFAI University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand was established under the ICFAI University Act 2003.    »»»

The ICFAI University, Tripura

The ICFAI University, Tripura was established in 2004 through an Act of State Legislature (Tripura Act 8 of 2004).    »»»

The ICFAI University, Sikkim

The ICFAI University, Sikkim has been established under Section 4 (2) of the Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India University, Sikkim Act 2004    »»»

The ICFAI University, Meghalaya

The Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India University, Meghalaya was established under the provisions of the Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India University Act, 2005    »»»

The ICFAI University, Jharkhand

The Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India University, Jharkhand was established under the provisions of the Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India University Act, 2006    »»»

The ICFAI University, Nagaland

The ICFAI University, Nagaland has been established under the Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India University, Nagaland Act 2006.    »»»

The ICFAI University, Mizoram

The ICFAI University, Mizoram was established under the provisions of the Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India University, Mizoram Act 2006, (Act No. 4 of 2006).    »»»

The ICFAI University, Raipur

The ICFAI University, Raipur has been established under Section 9(2) of the Chhattisgarh Private Universities Act 2005 and notified on March 25, 2011    »»»

The ICFAI University, Jaipur

The ICFAI University, Jaipur has been notified by the Government of Rajasthan (Act No. 20 of 2011).    »»»

The ICFAI University, Himachal Pradesh

The ICFAI University, Himachal Pradesh has been notified by the Government of Himachal Pradesh in July, 2011.    »»»



Friday, 14 October 2016 11:52

MS-22 December, 2015

Term-End Examination
December, 2015

Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100
(Weightage 70%)
Note : There are two Sections A and B. Attempt any three questions from Section A. Each question carries 20 marks. Section B is compulsory and carries 40

1. "With global economy and the world becoming a global village, the business enterprises have became extremely cautious of the need for hiring competent human resources and developing core competencies for every organisation." Elaborate this statement and discuss the underlying concept and process, with example.

2. What is Action Research ? How does it differ from OD ? Discuss the important factors to be considered in development of internal self-renewal facilitators, with suitable examples.

3. How does HRD Audit help development process of an organisation ? Explain the concept and discuss how HRD Audit is conducted in an organisation.

4. How does HRD help managing technological changes ? Discuss the role of HRD in developing the changed mindset. Justify with suitable example.

5. Write short notes on any three of the following :
(a) 360 0 Appraisal
(b) Mentoring
(c) Role of Trade Unions in HRD
(d) Career Transition and Choices
(e) Horizontal re-skilling


6. Read the case given below and answer the questions given at the end.

The National Transport Corporation (hereinafter referred to as NTC), a leading transport organization with a fleet strength of 200 vehicles, is engaged in Parcel Services in South India. The NTC has its headquarters at Madras, and has branches in important locations in Tamil Nadu and other southern states.

Madhavan, a loadman of NTC at Salem, was transferred from Salem to Madura, for long absence from work in the beginning of 1985, though the corporation could have discharged him from service for long absence without permission, for a period of two months. The Branch Manager of Salem, NTC requested the Head of the Human Resources Division to transfer the employee to another location, to enable the employee to correct himself in future. Madhavan was in NTC from the beginning of 1982.

Madhavan reported for duty at Madura, and again after six months of service, started absenting from work as before. The Branch Manager of Madura counselled him several times, but Madhavan did not show any real change in his attitude. A written warning was given to him in October 1985. He again absented himself from duty on 17th December, 1985 for ten days, and after joining duty on 15th January, he was again absent for 10 days. Disciplinary action followed.

At the departmental enquiry held in February 1986, Mr. Madhavan pleaded that he was suffering from jaundice and that he rushed to his village near Salem for taking Ayurvedic treatment and rest. No medical certificate was produced. He admitted his mistake in not applying for leave, to the enquiry officer and requested for mercy.


Based on the admission of the misconduct, the enquiry officer gave the findings that he was guilty. The Branch Manager, Madura was informed about the findings. He recommended dismissal (for provisions refer to Anrtexure-A)

The Chief Executive of NTC, the punishing authority, took the decision that the delinquent was not willing to work regularly. He, however, again directed a transfer to Madras, rather than passing an order of dismissal. This was done, once again, to enable the employee to correct himself.

Before issue of orders, Mr. Madhavan approached the Chief Executive of NTC and requested for mercy. He was not in favour of changing the order of transfer. He, however, referred the matter to the Manager of the Human Resources Division for proper disposal.

The Manager HRD, asked Madhavan, the reasons for absence. He asked Mr. Madhavan how a company would tolerate such absenteeism. He was asked why he failed to produce medical certificates, if he was really sick ? Was he not given an opportunity twice to correct himself, once by the Branch Manager, Salem and later by the Branch Manager, Madura ? Madhavan had no answer to these questions. He, however, requested the Manager to give him one last chance. He had no complaints against the Branch Managers. The management assured support to him if his version was convincing. Madhavan then narrated his family background.


Madhavan's Family Background


He was born to Gundappan and Palaniammal. He had two eldei sisters, four elder brothers and another brother younger to him. His sisters and two brothers were living separately after marriage. He got the job as a loadman in NTC in 1982 at Salem, through his brother-in-law, another senior loadman at NTC. Another unmarried brother of his, aged 33 was employed in a hotel and was living separately. He was living with his parents, a disabled brother aged 35 and his younger brother at Kamandapatti (Please refer Annexure-B) till the end of 1984 in the family house. He was the bread winner of the family.


Madhavan was now living at Omalur, with his wife Madhavi aged 22. Madhavi's tale was a tragic one. A native of Taramangalam, 10 kms, from Omalur, her father was in the military, and was now no more.

She was married in 1983 to her father's sister's son Gopal. However, she was ill-treated by both her in-laws and her husband and deprived of her ornaments. Disillusioned, she applied for a divorce and got an alimony of !. 2,000. This helped her to establish a small grocery shop at Omalur and settling down with
her sister's family.

Here Madhavan developed intimacy with Madhavi much to the dislike of her sister, and another Gunapalan, a person known to Madhavan. Gunapalan wanted to marry Madhavi. But Madhavi had no interest in him. Gunapalan in this background posed serious problems to Madhavi especially after Madhavan's transfer to Madura. Gunapalan was determined to win her hand. He told her twice that she will have to forget Madhavan, or else she will have to blame herself for the consequences. Threats

Madhavan got a letter from Madhavi. She wanted real protection. She had antagonized Gunapalan and could not completely rely on her married sister. They should marry - she wrote to him. Madhavan reached Omalur to see that Madhavi's shop was burgled by unknown persons. There was a rumour in the air that GUnapalan was behind everything

Madhavan decided to marry Madhavi. He married her from the Madura Temple and later went on a pilgrimage for a fortnight. He, however, did not inform the NTC officials and employees about his marriage. He never applied for leave as well during the marriage on 6th January, 1986. What followed was the disciplinary action against Madhavan and his entreaty against transfer.


Madhavan gave a definite undertaking to the Manager that he would be diligent in the work in future and that the management could terminate his services, upon any complaint in future.

The Manager (HRD) contacted the Branch Managers of Madura and Salem and took them into confidence. The family background was fully explained to both the Branch Managers. It transpired that Madhavan had never explained his problems to either of them. Both Managers agreed to abide by the decision of the Manager (HRD) to help the employee concerned. Both promised to counsel Madhavan as well, if he was posted either at Madura or Salem


The Manager (HRD) taking into account his family background passed an order transferring the employee to Salem.

Questions :
(a) What should be your stand on this issue as the Head of HRD Division of the organisation, viewing the problem in the area of Human Resources Development to correct the employee ?

(b) Do you think that the employee cannot be corrected as he has absented continuously for long periods while at Salem and Madura and that sympathy shown to him will amount to a premium on indiscipline, adversely affecting the corporate image of the organisation and the employee ?

(c) Are you of the view that it is possible to correct him by the theory of constructive discipline and if so, how ?

(d) Are you of the view that if you transfer him to his home town, Salem, Madhavan would prove himself to be a good performer as he will be in a position to discharge his duties as an employee and as a sincere family member ?


Annexure – A Provisions in Standing Orders
Habitual absence without leave or absence without leave for more than 10 days. Habitual late attendance.


Punishment - An employee who is found guilty of a misconduct may be punished as provided herein, depending upon the gravity of the misconduct committed by the employee.
(a) Fine, up to 2% of monthly salary
(b) Warning
(c) Demotion
(d) Stoppage of increment
(e) Suspension for 30 days
(f) Discharge or dismissal


The management has the right to transfer employees from head office to branches and vice versa for exigencies of service.



Friday, 14 October 2016 11:43

MS-21 December,

December, 2015
Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100 (Weightage 70%)
Note : (i) There are two Sections A and B. (ii) Attempt any three questions from Section - A. All
questions carry 20 marks each.
(iii) Section - B is compulsory and carries 40 marks.

1. What are the strategies available to a manager in an organisational set to enhance employee motivation ?

2. Briefly describe the components of Emotional intelligence and its importance in organisations. Can emotional intelligence be learnt ? Discuss in brief.

3. Briefly discuss different group decision makingtechniques and their strengths and weakness.

4. Describe Johari Window Model and Transactional analysis. Discuss how these models help in strengthening interpersonal relations ?

5. Write short notes on any three of the following :
(a) Qualities of an effective Counselor.
(b) Preventing Inter-group conflict.
(c) Referrent Power.
(d) Characteristics of Learning organization
(e) Cultural Shock.

6. Read the following case carefully and answer the questions given at the end :

Dharam Singh, general manager at 'Prithviraj Chemicals' was worried about his future, even though he had been told that after 'Prithviraj Chemicals' is merged with Orchid Pharmaceuticals he would be promoted and also be required to shoulder the additional responsibility of identifying those who should be retained as employees even after the merger. Dharam was concerned because he had heard that the organisational culture at 'Orchid' was computer driven, while at 'Prithviraj Chemicals', the focus was on "relationship"

A month later after the official merger of the two companies, the new management took the decision to shift the headquarters to Bangalore from Mysore. This decision was communicated to its employees, (many of 'Prithviraj Chemicals'). They approached Dharam Singh to ask 'Why was the new management shifting its Headquarters to a new place (Bangalore)', Was it because the two managements did not trust each other ?' This question was posed especially because most of Prithviraj's employees had become used to the'quiet, risk averse and friendly work environment' and were worried whether in Bangalore, with its 'cosmopolitan outlook, it would lead to cultural clashes.

As anticipated there were certain instances which had Dharam Singh wondering how to solve such cultural differences. The 'Prithviraj employees' consensus, relationship-result oriented approach always believed in an open communication system with all employees keeping each other informed about any decision and bringing about a consensus in all the decisions taken. On the other hand, the 'Orchid' employees were individually only concerned with their 'individual' work i.e., they were more focused on ambitious cost-cutting goals and each employee was individually responsible for quantifiable results.

• Whenever any work related problem arose,the 'Prithviraj' employees adopted an attitude 'Tell us about the problem from all angles and we will discuss and tell you how best to handle it.' In contrast, the 'Orchid' employees attitude was 'just tell me how this problem will/may affect my work, I am not interested in the whole problem.

. Many of 'Orchid' employees had worked in other cities of North India and few of them had also travelled abroad for official work and thus were more confident, more computer savvy, tough and didn't mince words. Because of this, the 'Prithviraj' employees felt threatened and preferred to describe 'Orchid' employees as 'loners','tough' and 'hard working.'

• At 'Prithviraj', employees were required to make weekly financial and staffing updates to their 'bosses'. However, at 'Orchid' this formality was considered to be a waste of time and they didn't adopt or accept this practice.
Dharam Singh had been with 'Prithviraj since the last 12 years and knew that 'Sudhir' (the M.D. at 'Prithviraj') had a lot of confidence in him when he had said "Dharam, I am very sure that we can count on you to see that there is no dissent among the employees after the merger. The new company is looking upon you to solve the societal-level cultural difference which is prevailing among the employees, so that we can have our own unique culture which would be a blend of both 'Prithviraj' and 'Orchid's way of doing business."

Questions :
(a) Critically analyse the core issues of the case.

(b) Understanding the type of culture followed by 'Prithviraj' and 'Orchid', what type of culture should the newly merged company follow ?

(c) Can you suggest ways to help Dharam Singh to cope with the existing cultural differences ?

Friday, 14 October 2016 11:39

MS-11 December, 2015

Term-End Examination
December, 2015

Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100
(Weightage 70%)
Note : (i) There are two Sections : Section-A and
(ii) Answer any three questions from Section-A.
All questions in Section-A carry 20 marks each.
(iii) Section-B is compulsory and carries 40 marks.

(a)Differentiate strategy with policies and tactics giving examples.
(b)Differentiate strategy with programmes, procedure and rules giving examples.

2. (a) What are different types of differentiation ? Explain each of them with the help of examples.
    (b) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of differentiation.

3. Describe Porter's five forces framework as the most widely used tool to analyze the competitive
4. What do you understand by 'International Expansion' ? Discuss the different ways through
     which expansion into foriegn markets can be achieved.

5. Write short notes on any two of the following :
(a) Forms of organisation structure.
(b) Strategic alliance.
(c) Dimensions of leadership styles.
(d) Value chain.



6. Read the following case and answer the questions given at the end.


Apple Inc sued Samsung Electronics claiming the South Korean firm's Galaxy line of mobile phones and tablets "slavishly" copies the iPhone and iPad, according to court papers, a move analysts say is aimed at keeping its close rivals at bay


Apple is one participant in a web of litigation among phone makers and software firms over who owns the patents used in smart phones, as rivals aggressively rush into the smart phone and tablet market which the US firm jumpstarted with iPhone and Wad.

Nokia has also sued Apple, which in turn has sued Taiwanese handset maker HTC Corp.

Samsung is one of the fastest growing smart phone makers and has emerged as Apple's strongest competitor in the booming tablet market with models in three sizes but it remains a distant
second in the space.


Its Galaxy products use Google Inc's Android operating system, which directly competes with Apple's mobile software. However, Apple's claims against Samsung focus on Galaxy's design features, such as the look of its screen icons, the lawsuit said.

John Jackson, an analyst with CCS Insight, said Samsung is essentially Apple's only real tablet competitor at this stage. "It's clear that they do not intend to let Apple run away with the category", Jackson said


Samsung faces the challenge of moving beyond being a hardware company, clever at copying ideas, to becoming more creative, better adept at software, at a time when consumer gadgets are getting smarter all the time.

It has yet to come up with the kind of original, iconic, market-leading products that powered brands such as Apple's i-series or Sony Corp's Walkman. Nor has it taken the kind of initiatives in software that Google and Apple did to thwart Microsoft.


The lawsuit, field on Friday, alleges Samsung violated Apple's patents and trademarks.

"This kind of blatant copying is wrong", Apple spokeswoman Kristin Huguet said in a statement.

Samsung said it would respond to the legal action "through appropriate legal measures to protect our intellectual property."


"Samsung's development of core technologies and strengthening our intellectual property portfolio are keys to our continued success," it said in a statement.

Hit by a lawsuit from Apple last week, Samsung returned the favor yesterday, countersuing the iPhone and iPad maker over claims of patent infringement.

In its suit filed in Seoul Central District Court, Samsung claims that Apple is violating five different patents. Samsung has also field a suit in Tokyo, citing two patent infringements, and another in Manheim, Germany, citing three instances of infringement.


A statement on the Samsung Web site says that the company is "responding actively to the legal action taken against us in order to protect our intellectual property and to ensure our continued innovation and growth in the mobile communications business."


Symbiotic Relationship
Apple has reportedly become Samsung's biggest customer in a move that can boggle the mind. How can Apple, a rival of Samsung's electronics unit, also be the largest customer ? And how long can this scenario go on ?


According to the Korea Economic Daily, Apple is poised to buy $7.8 billion in components from Samsung. These components range from liquid crystal displays, application processors and flash memory used in the iPhone and Pad.

If you bring this up in conversation, the Apple - Samsung relationship can become a headscratcher. Apple's iPhone battles Samsung's Galaxy phones. The Galaxy Tab takes on the iPad. Meanwhile, Samsung's tablets can't match the iPad on price - even though the Korean electronics provider has many parts lying around the company

How is this Apple - Samsung thing even possible ? Apple certainly wouldn't sell components to Samsung if the roles were reversed. If you carry this line of thinking out to an extreme Apple could squash Samsung with its own parts. It's strange.


Questions :
(a) Describe the strategies adopted by Apple to become the leader in the smart phone market.
(b) How can Samsung Electronics Counteract Apple to capture the market ? Explain with relevant R and D strategy that it can persue.

Friday, 14 October 2016 08:04

MS-10 December, 2015

Term-End Examination
December, 2015

Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100 (Weightage 70%)
Note : (i) There are two Sections A and B.
(ii) Attempt any three questions from Section-A. All questions carry 20 marks each.
(iii) Section-B is compulsory and carries 40 marks.

1. What is Organizational Development (OD) ? Describe various stages of OD and their relevance.
2. Differentiating organization and institution, describe what characterizes an institution and factors influencing institution building.
3. Describe any two diagnostic tools and their advantages and disadvantages.
4. Distinguish between job, occupation, and career and discuss any two approaches of job design and their merits and demerits.
5. Write short notes on any three of the following :
(a) Hybrid Structure
(b) Time and Motion Study
(c) Process Consultation
(d) Process of Change
(e) Organisations as Political Systems


6. Read the following case carefully and answer the questions given at the end :

Since 1994, Boeing began the process of remaking the company for the next round of aircraft purchases. Every part of the company is involved, from engineering to manufacturing. The focus of the change is that Boeing is a manufacturing company rather than an engineering and technology company. Due to changes in the air travel business, the major commercial airlines are demanding lower airplane prices and significantly lower operating costs. Airbus continues to be a fierce competitor, so Boeing must meet the competition early and on every front. (Boeing bought Mc Donnell Douglas in 1997.)

It is not as if the company is in financial trouble. Its new model 777 is generating lots of orders. Plans are in the works for a new supersonic and another jumbo jet for commercial sales, and several new project possibilities exist for the defence division. The new 777 was designed completely on the computer so that designs went straight from the designer'scomputers to the machine tools for manufacturing. It can carry as many as four hundred passengers, fifty more than the  comparable Airbus 33 t. It is 15 per cent more fuel efficient, and can fly over eight thousand miles non-stop. Orders are coming in faster than
for any other new plane, although its price is pretty steep : $12 - $15 million, depending on
interior layout.


Boeing's new CEO, Philip Condit, must continue the reductions in cycle time and cost cutting, started by his predecessor, Frank Shrontz, because airlines are making their purchase decisions differently than in the past, even choosing in some cases to refurbish older planes rather than buy expensive new ones. The changes started with Condit and his team of presidents of the divisions of commercial planes, defence and space, and computer services. This group differs notably from its predecessors in that they have met together for several years to discuss the good and bad things about each other's divisions and
the future of the company. They all embrace the new togetherness theme as the primary means
through which the company will be able to reduce cycle times, improve delivery times, cut product
development time, and reduce total costs.


In the former structure the design and manufacturing groups were separate. Design and engineering groups would design the planes and then give the plans to manufacturing to build. When problems existed in the design, they would be sent through the hierarchy back to engineering for correction. Under the new structure, comprehensive design-and-build teams include members of all groups involved. Therefore, planes are originally designed to meet customer's needs,  are easier to build, and corrections are made faster. For example, previously, when tool builder Tony Russell had a problem with an engineering design or specification, he would have to go to his supervisor and the problem would be shuffled through to engineering. Now he goes directly to the engineering and design group, gets the problem solved, and gets back to work with the correct design. This type of revision in the process
has helped reduce the product delivery time from eighteen to ten months. The team approach and working-together ideas were used extensively on the 777. Some teams included tool makers, designers, manufacturing workers, suppliers, and even customer representatives. Contrary to past procedures, workers on the line were allowed to change how planes were built, which has significantly decreased costs. Condit has instituted 360 degree performance reviews in which managers are evaluated by their subordinates, their peers, and their own supervisors to improve understanding of how they are doing from all perspectives. Employee empowerment is increasing at all levels. Condit and his team are having quite an impact throughout the company.


Questions :
(a) The new way of organizing at Boeing most resembles which of the classical types of organizing ? Justify.
(b) How have responsibility and authority been altered under Condit's new approach ?
(c) Describe the new ways of organizing at Boeing in terms of the configurational and operational aspects of structure


Friday, 14 October 2016 07:59

MS-9 December, 2015

Term-End Examination

December, 2015
Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100
Note : (i) There are two Sections : Section-A and Section-B.
(ii) Attempt three questions from Section-A carrying 20 marks each.
(iii) Section-B is compulsory and carries 40 marks.


1. Explain the equi-marginal principle. Elucidate with the help of examples.
2. Discuss any five variables, which can be included in the demand function and can have a major impact on the demand.
3. Explain the production function with two variable inputs i.e. production isoquants giving examples.
4. What is Oligopoly ? Explain the important characteristics of Oligopoly.
5. Write short notes on the following :
(a) Bundling
(b) Cartels.

6. Assume a firm has the following total revenue and total cost functions :
TR =320Q — 2Q2
TC =1800 +50Q + 3Q2
Determine :
(a) The level of output at which the firm will be maximizing profits ;
 (b) The level of output at which total revenue will be maximum.
7. (a) Explain why a firm facing a downward sloping demand curve would never produce the inelastic (ep < 1) portion of the demand curve.
    (b) When would the firm operate at the point where demand curve is unitary elastic ?

Friday, 14 October 2016 07:51

MS-8 December, 2015

Term-End Examination
MS-8 December, 2015
Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100
(Weightage 70%)
Note : (i) Section A has six questions, each carrying 15 marks. Attempt any four questions from this
(ii) Section B is compulsory and carries 40 marks. Attempt both questions.
(iii) Statistical tables may be supplied on request.
(iv) Use of calculator is permissible.

- A
1. A person pays a total of Z 975 through monthly installments each less than the former by Z 5. The
first installment is ! 100. In how many installments will the amount be paid ?

2. Calculate the harmonic mean from the following frequency distribution :






3. The incidence of a certain disease is such that on an average 20% of workers suffer from it. If 10 workers are selected at random, find the probability that :

(a) Exactly two workers suffer from the disease.
(b) Not more than 2 workers suffer from the disease.

4. Explain the meaning of sampling distribution of a sample statistic. Obtain the sampling distribution of mean in case of sampling from infinite populations.

5. A company wants to study the relation between R and D expenditure (X) and sales (Y) for the ten-year period. Determine the correlation coefficient between these variables.





6. Write short notes on any three of the following :
(a) Identity matrix
(b) Quantiles
(c) Axioms of probability
(d) The power curve of a test
(e) Mixed Auto-regressive - moving average models



7. The mean life of a sample of 10 electric bulbs was found to be 1456 hours with a standard deviation of 423 hours. A second sample of 17 bulbs chosen from a different batch showed a mean life of 1280
hours with a standard deviation of 398 hours. Is there a significant difference between the meansof the two batches ? 

8. What is skewness ? Distinguish between Karl Pearson's and Bowley's coefficient of skewness. Which one of these would you prefer and why ?

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