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 Ms-22 Question bank

Ms-22 Question bank (13)

Ms-22 Question bank

Term-End Examination
December, 2015

Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100
(Weightage 70%)
Note : There are two Sections A and B. Attempt any three questions from Section A. Each question carries 20 marks. Section B is compulsory and carries 40

1. "With global economy and the world becoming a global village, the business enterprises have became extremely cautious of the need for hiring competent human resources and developing core competencies for every organisation." Elaborate this statement and discuss the underlying concept and process, with example.

2. What is Action Research ? How does it differ from OD ? Discuss the important factors to be considered in development of internal self-renewal facilitators, with suitable examples.

3. How does HRD Audit help development process of an organisation ? Explain the concept and discuss how HRD Audit is conducted in an organisation.

4. How does HRD help managing technological changes ? Discuss the role of HRD in developing the changed mindset. Justify with suitable example.

5. Write short notes on any three of the following :
(a) 360 0 Appraisal
(b) Mentoring
(c) Role of Trade Unions in HRD
(d) Career Transition and Choices
(e) Horizontal re-skilling


6. Read the case given below and answer the questions given at the end.

The National Transport Corporation (hereinafter referred to as NTC), a leading transport organization with a fleet strength of 200 vehicles, is engaged in Parcel Services in South India. The NTC has its headquarters at Madras, and has branches in important locations in Tamil Nadu and other southern states.

Madhavan, a loadman of NTC at Salem, was transferred from Salem to Madura, for long absence from work in the beginning of 1985, though the corporation could have discharged him from service for long absence without permission, for a period of two months. The Branch Manager of Salem, NTC requested the Head of the Human Resources Division to transfer the employee to another location, to enable the employee to correct himself in future. Madhavan was in NTC from the beginning of 1982.

Madhavan reported for duty at Madura, and again after six months of service, started absenting from work as before. The Branch Manager of Madura counselled him several times, but Madhavan did not show any real change in his attitude. A written warning was given to him in October 1985. He again absented himself from duty on 17th December, 1985 for ten days, and after joining duty on 15th January, he was again absent for 10 days. Disciplinary action followed.

At the departmental enquiry held in February 1986, Mr. Madhavan pleaded that he was suffering from jaundice and that he rushed to his village near Salem for taking Ayurvedic treatment and rest. No medical certificate was produced. He admitted his mistake in not applying for leave, to the enquiry officer and requested for mercy.


Based on the admission of the misconduct, the enquiry officer gave the findings that he was guilty. The Branch Manager, Madura was informed about the findings. He recommended dismissal (for provisions refer to Anrtexure-A)

The Chief Executive of NTC, the punishing authority, took the decision that the delinquent was not willing to work regularly. He, however, again directed a transfer to Madras, rather than passing an order of dismissal. This was done, once again, to enable the employee to correct himself.

Before issue of orders, Mr. Madhavan approached the Chief Executive of NTC and requested for mercy. He was not in favour of changing the order of transfer. He, however, referred the matter to the Manager of the Human Resources Division for proper disposal.

The Manager HRD, asked Madhavan, the reasons for absence. He asked Mr. Madhavan how a company would tolerate such absenteeism. He was asked why he failed to produce medical certificates, if he was really sick ? Was he not given an opportunity twice to correct himself, once by the Branch Manager, Salem and later by the Branch Manager, Madura ? Madhavan had no answer to these questions. He, however, requested the Manager to give him one last chance. He had no complaints against the Branch Managers. The management assured support to him if his version was convincing. Madhavan then narrated his family background.


Madhavan's Family Background


He was born to Gundappan and Palaniammal. He had two eldei sisters, four elder brothers and another brother younger to him. His sisters and two brothers were living separately after marriage. He got the job as a loadman in NTC in 1982 at Salem, through his brother-in-law, another senior loadman at NTC. Another unmarried brother of his, aged 33 was employed in a hotel and was living separately. He was living with his parents, a disabled brother aged 35 and his younger brother at Kamandapatti (Please refer Annexure-B) till the end of 1984 in the family house. He was the bread winner of the family.


Madhavan was now living at Omalur, with his wife Madhavi aged 22. Madhavi's tale was a tragic one. A native of Taramangalam, 10 kms, from Omalur, her father was in the military, and was now no more.

She was married in 1983 to her father's sister's son Gopal. However, she was ill-treated by both her in-laws and her husband and deprived of her ornaments. Disillusioned, she applied for a divorce and got an alimony of !. 2,000. This helped her to establish a small grocery shop at Omalur and settling down with
her sister's family.

Here Madhavan developed intimacy with Madhavi much to the dislike of her sister, and another Gunapalan, a person known to Madhavan. Gunapalan wanted to marry Madhavi. But Madhavi had no interest in him. Gunapalan in this background posed serious problems to Madhavi especially after Madhavan's transfer to Madura. Gunapalan was determined to win her hand. He told her twice that she will have to forget Madhavan, or else she will have to blame herself for the consequences. Threats

Madhavan got a letter from Madhavi. She wanted real protection. She had antagonized Gunapalan and could not completely rely on her married sister. They should marry - she wrote to him. Madhavan reached Omalur to see that Madhavi's shop was burgled by unknown persons. There was a rumour in the air that GUnapalan was behind everything

Madhavan decided to marry Madhavi. He married her from the Madura Temple and later went on a pilgrimage for a fortnight. He, however, did not inform the NTC officials and employees about his marriage. He never applied for leave as well during the marriage on 6th January, 1986. What followed was the disciplinary action against Madhavan and his entreaty against transfer.


Madhavan gave a definite undertaking to the Manager that he would be diligent in the work in future and that the management could terminate his services, upon any complaint in future.

The Manager (HRD) contacted the Branch Managers of Madura and Salem and took them into confidence. The family background was fully explained to both the Branch Managers. It transpired that Madhavan had never explained his problems to either of them. Both Managers agreed to abide by the decision of the Manager (HRD) to help the employee concerned. Both promised to counsel Madhavan as well, if he was posted either at Madura or Salem


The Manager (HRD) taking into account his family background passed an order transferring the employee to Salem.

Questions :
(a) What should be your stand on this issue as the Head of HRD Division of the organisation, viewing the problem in the area of Human Resources Development to correct the employee ?

(b) Do you think that the employee cannot be corrected as he has absented continuously for long periods while at Salem and Madura and that sympathy shown to him will amount to a premium on indiscipline, adversely affecting the corporate image of the organisation and the employee ?

(c) Are you of the view that it is possible to correct him by the theory of constructive discipline and if so, how ?

(d) Are you of the view that if you transfer him to his home town, Salem, Madhavan would prove himself to be a good performer as he will be in a position to discharge his duties as an employee and as a sincere family member ?


Annexure – A Provisions in Standing Orders
Habitual absence without leave or absence without leave for more than 10 days. Habitual late attendance.


Punishment - An employee who is found guilty of a misconduct may be punished as provided herein, depending upon the gravity of the misconduct committed by the employee.
(a) Fine, up to 2% of monthly salary
(b) Warning
(c) Demotion
(d) Stoppage of increment
(e) Suspension for 30 days
(f) Discharge or dismissal


The management has the right to transfer employees from head office to branches and vice versa for exigencies of service.



Wednesday, 09 December 2015 09:32

MS 22 JUNE 2015

Written by

Term-End Examination
June, 2015
3 -1 3 0
1. Define and discuss the concept and objectives of Coaching and Mentoring. Briefly discuss their applications in organisational context, with suitable examples.

2. What is Organisational Development ? Discuss various dimensions and operational goals of OD, with suitable examples.

 3. Define and describe objectives and advantages of Multisource Feedback and Assessment Feedback Systems (MAFS). Discuss what are the indicators of an organisation's readiness to participate in MAFS.

 4. Define and describe Diversity and Power. Briefly discuss the cultural, structural, and behavioural influences on Diversity and Power, with examples. MS-22 1 P.T.O.
5. Write short notes on any three of the following

 (a) Technology and Work

 (b) Developing Business Ethics

 (c) Operationalising HRD for workers

 (d) Systems Theory of Human Performance

 (e) Career Development Perspective



June 2013



1. Define HRD and discuss value-anchored processes of HRD. Explain how do these processes help an organisation in achieving excellence ? Explain with relevant examples.

 2. Describe how are reward systems designed in an organisation, and explain the ways in which employees are rewarded in an organisational set up.

 3. Define and describe the objectives and advantages of Multisource Feedback and Assessment Feedback System (MAFS). Discuss what are the indicators of an organisation's readiness to participate in MAFS.

 4. Explain the concept of knowledge Management. Briefly discuss various approaches to knowledge Management, with relevant examples.

 5. Write short on any three of the following :

(a) Systems Theory and Human Performance

(b) Vertical Re-skilling

(c) Career Transition and Choices

(d) HRD Audit

(e) Managing Technological changes in work organisation



6. Please read the case and answer the questions given at the end.

Hara Food Products Company, which was founded in 1955 to manufacture grocery and other food products, had in the course of years grown into a vast enterprise having offices and branches in almost all the important cities of the country. Its annual sales amounted to about Rs. 50 to 60 lakhs a year.

 The Company's Head Office and factory were situated at Calcutta. Its products were distributed through five zonal sales offices which directed 25 district sales offices throughout the country.

The administrative responsibility of each zonal office was brone by a manager whose duty was to promote sales in his zone. He was advised and instructed by the Head Office from time to time.

Under the control of each Zonal Manager, there were four functional heads, viz., Personnel Manager, Accounts Manager, Sales Manager and Office Manager. These executives advised and assisted the Zonal Manager on various functions relating to the zonal administration. Each functional head enjoyed sufficient freedom and independence in respect of his work.


On matters relating to sales, the Zonal Manager received advice from Sales Manager. The latter often formulated policies, plans and schedules for sales operations and submitted his views on all the matters concerning sales to the Zonal Manager. Many a times, he also issued orders and instructions to the District Sales Managers but all these were routed through the Zonal Manager. Ordinarily all his views and advice were accepted and approved by the Zonal Manager.

The Sales Manager was assisted in his work by three product managers, who were considered to be experts in their respective fields. Their duty was to travel with the sales supervisors of various districts and study the market for the company's products; survey the competitive position of the company's products; study dealer and consumer reactions, trend in sales, etc., and advise the district sales supervisors from time to time regarding the steps to be taken for promoting sales in the districts. Every month each one of them

submitted a report on the sales activities of the company to the Sales Manager. The relationship between the Product Manager and the Sales Manager is the same as that between the Zonal Manager and the Sales Manager.

 Directly responsible to the Zonal Manager were five District Sales Manager besides the four functional heads. Each District Sales Manager was responsible for sales in his territory. In promoting the sales of the company, each District Manager was assisted by five sales supervisors besides several salesmen. The duties and functions of the District Sales Manager were to :


(1) Select, train and supervise his sales supervisors and salesmen in consulation with the Zonal Manager ;

(2) Make a study of the nature of consumer demand, changing markets existing stocks

and formulate sales campaigns and promotional methods ;

(3) Fix up targets of sales to be attained in his territory from time to time ;

(4) Formulate credit policies to be followed in consulation with the Zonal Manager ;

(5) Develop better team work among the sales supervisors and salesmen ;

(6) See that the customers are satisfied with the company's services ; and

(7) Do such other functions and duties as might be assigned to him from time to time by the Zonal Manager.


Every month each District Sales Manager submitted a detailed report on the sales activities of the company in his district, to the Zonal Manager. Ordinarily these reports were passed on to the Sales Manager for necessary action to be taken with respect to each district.

On the morning of June 6, 1981, the following conversation took place over phone between Mr. Raju the Sales Manager at the South Zonal Office and Mr. Hari one of the District Managers in the Zone.

Hari : "I wish to bring to your notice an important matter that needs your urgent

consideration The Product Managers are interfering too much with the sales activities of

my district. I receive frequent complaints from the supervisors that they are not able to carry out my instructions due to unnecessary interference from these people. If this state of affairs continues it would be very difficult to maintain our sales. The morale of the supervisors would be seriously affected. I will not be responsible if sales go down this year in our area on this account. You must take some steps to see that the relationship between the line and staff is maintained on good terms."

Raju : "Mr. Hari, you need not worry I shall call the Product Managers and see that they maintain proper relationship with you " Next day Mr. Raju called all the Product

Managers and after discussing routine matters, he said, "I was told by Mr. Hari that his sales supervisors are complaining that you are interfering with their activities. Definitely you are all expected to advise them on the steps to be taken for increasing sales. But at the same time please remember that you have to play only an advisory role. While advising these people you must also see that the line authority is respected ...."

 The product Managers did not say anything.

In the subsequent months Mr. Raju did not receive any complaint from the District Office. But in the first week of October, while scrutinising the sales progress reports of the various districts for the previous quarter, the Zonal Manager found an unusual decline in sales in the District which was under the supervision of Mr. Hari.

The Zonal Manager called Mr. Hari and asked him why there was so much decline in sales in his territory while all the other districts showed very good progress.

 Hari replied " during the past three months the Product Managers did not seem to have advised our men properly. In fact, they never cared to advise the supervisors on the recent changes and the latest trends in the market. They seem to be unwilling to co-operate with our men to maintain sales.

When asked about this by the Zonal Manager, one of the Product Managers said, "We used to give advice to this district office also as we usually do with other district offices. On a complaint, seems from Mr. Hari, we had been told by Mr. Raju that we were exceeding our authority and unnecessarily interfering with the activities in the district. We had been asked to restrain ourselves. The District Manager takes advice directly from the Zonal Sales Manager, We have got nothing to do in this matter ...."

 Questions :

(a) What is the core issue in the case ?

(b) Analyse the causes which led to the problem.

(c) As a member of the management team, what would you do to solve the problem immediately ?

(d) Suggest a suitable organisation structure and HRD system for this company so that

such problems do not occur in future.


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