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IBO-02 Question Banks

IBO-02 Question Banks (3)

IBO-02 Question Banks International Marketing Management 


December, 2014
Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100
Weightage : 70%
Note : Attempt both Part-A and Part-B.
1. Write short notes on any two of the following :
(a) Product positioning in International Market
(b) Counter trade
(c) Franchising as a tool for overseas market entry
(d) Merger and Acquisition
2. Distinguish between any two of the following :
(a) International marketing and Multinational marketing
(b) Advertising and Personal selling
(c) Foreign distributor and Foreign retailer
(d) Observation method and Survey method of data collection
Attempt any four of the following questions :
3. (a) What are the specific advantages that a firm can derive by going international ?
(b) Why the task of the international marketer is more difficult than that of the domestic
marketer ?

4. "Product planning is one of the important fundamental decisions for successful international marketing".
(a) Discuss the various factors to be considered while designing a product for international markets.
(b) Explain the importance of new product development in international markets.
5. (a) What are the factors which determine pricing decisions in international markets ?
(b) Discuss the various pricing methods used in international marketing.
6. Discuss the various techniques of sales promotion in overseas markets
7. a) What are the factors that need to be considered before taking a decision on
whether to go for direct or indirect exports ?

b) What are the considerations to be kept in view for selecting an agent in the overseas markets ?

8. "One of the major challenges relates to the type of orientation that a firm should give to its overseas operations". In the light of the above statement discuss EPRG
orientation of a firm.
9. Discuss the emerging global competitive environment. Examine whether small enterprises have scope in this dynamic emerging global business environment.
in overseas markets.

December, 2012

IB0-02 : International Marketing Management


1.  Write short notes on  any two of the following :

(a)  Essentials of effective segmentation of international markets.

(b)  International Product life cycle.

(c)  Transfer pricing.

(d)  Piggy backings in international distribution.

2.  Distinguish between any two of the following :

(a)  International marketing mix and promotion mix.

(b)  Ethnocentric and geocentric orientations of international marketing.

(c)  Direct exporting and Indirect exporting modes of international market entry.

(d)  Product and service.


Attempt any four of the following questions :

3.  Do you think that Indian companies have  adequately responded to changes in domestic and external environments, and have carried out the necessasry modifications in their international marketing strategies ? Explain in detail with suitable examples.

4.  An Indian company decided to enter international  markets by associating another company established in the foreign market. What are the various modes of market entry available to the Indian company ?

5.  What are the risks involved in the new product development ? Briefly explain the process of the new product developement.

6.  Compare different approaches to budgeting for  international advertising.

7.  (a) "Advances in information technology has facilitated international marketing". Comment.

(b) Briefly explain the sequence of control process used to control international marketing operations.

8.  "International marketing research is full of  complexities". Comment.

9.  (a) State the steps involved in the international marketing management process.          

(b) "Publicity always generates positive impact on the sales of a product". Critically evaluate the statement. 

June, 2013

IBO-02 : International Marketing Management


1. Write short notes on any two of the following :

(a) International Marketing Orientation - EPRG approach.

(b) International Product life cycle.

(c) Importance of research in International Marketing.

(d) International Marketing Control.

2. Distinguish between any two of the following : 

(a) Joint venture and Strategic alliance.

(b) Licensing and Franchising

(c) Compensation trade (buy-back) and switch trade.

(d) Manufacturers' brand and distributors' brand


Attempt any four of the following questions :

3. (a) Explain the different methods of pricing used in international marketing.

(b) What are the factors that should be taken into consideration while pricing for overseas

markets ?

4. "The global environment must be analysed before a company intends to expand its markets overseas." In the light of this statement explain how various political, social and cultural conditions influence the foreign market selection.

5. (a) What are the points that you would keep in mind while selecting an agent in a foreign country ? 

(b) Explain the concept of indirect exporting and its advantages.

6. What do you understand by overseas market research ? Describe the various steps involved in an overseas market research process.

7. "International trade in services is growing much faster than in products". In the light of the above statement, answer the following questions :

(a) Explain the importance of services in world trade.

(b) Identify the services in which India has an advantage.

(c) State the barriers to international marketing of services.

8. "International Marketing Planning is more difficult than domestic marketing planning." Comment on the statement and explain the five decision areas for international marketing planning.

9. (a) Explain briefly the emerging trends and issues in international marketing.

(b) Narrate the role of MNCs in the changed international trading scenario.

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