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Ms-26 Question bank

Ms-26 Question bank (12)

Ms-26 Question bank

Wednesday, 09 December 2015 09:43

MS 26 JUNE 2015

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O Term-End Examination
June, 2015
 1. Distinguish between 'natural' and 'created' groups. How do they manifest in organizations and what are their importance ? Explain with suitable examples.
2. Explain organisation as a system of roles and illustrate with example as to how role systems can be mapped ?
3. Define delegation. Briefly describe the concept, process forces influencing delegation citing examples.
4. Discuss the concept and process of organizational learning.
MS-26 1 P.T.O.
5. Explain the relevance of ethics in modern organizations. Briefly discuss the issues involved in business ethics.

June, 2013



1. Discuss the process and stages for formation of groups in an organisation. Why is cohesiveness important for group effectiveness ? Explain with reason.

2. Analyse decentralisation as a structured mechanism of empowerment. Discuss the need

of integrating mechanisms with decentralisation. Explain with suitable examples.

3. Define 'Burnout' and discuss the main reasons of Burnout. Identifying various stages of Burnout, describe how does an individual reach the 'Hitting the wall' stage. Cite examples.

4. Define and discuss the nature and forms of strategic Alliances. Briefly describe the tenets of strategic Alliances, with relevant examples.

5. Write short notes on any three of the following :

(a) Compliance

(b) Dimensions of Diversity

(c) Transformational leadership

(d) Role systems

(e) Social Responsibility of Organisations.



6. Please read the case given below and answer the questions given at the end.


On 15 March 1949, Merry Joseph came in to see Mr. John, the plant personnel director, to talk over a problem that was troubling her. Merry was a hand assembly production worker in a modern 600-employee branch plant located in a large eastern city. After Merry told Mr. John her story, he asked her to write out a description of the situation. Her statement is reproduced here. Reconsider this case not unusual nor typical, but as having happened to me and to a few others. As I am not equipped to do the work, it offers little or no solution to the problem at hand. I would not be writing this report if I had not remembered the advice given by Mr. John of Personnel. He told a group that should we have a problem, to please consult him before walking out. However, I will mention here that I have seen a few very conscientious workers walk out without "fighting the case". When I was first hired, Mr. Nair, the foreman, introduced me to the young lady who taught me the process of soldering lead wires. I asked her how much production I would be expected to turn in daily, and she secured this information for me from the other girls. This seemed at the moment like a fantastic sum, but she assured me that after a few days I would become quite efficient, which I soon did. I am not one to "bite the hand that feeds me", so I began working and finally developed the system into a sort of game. A few weeks later, one of the girls asked me how I was doing, and I told her that I was doing fine. She looked at my production sheet and swore. She was astonished to see how much I was producing each hour. She bitterly reminded me that girls that had been here for several months or even years were not producing what I had accomplished in a few weeks ! I laughed that off as somewhat of a compliment. That was my big mistake as far as co-operating with the company or satisfying my gregarious tendencies was concerned. I was immediately and severely ostracized. During the weeks that ensued, I noticed I was not completely alone; there were a few others who were also "friendless". However, it was soon apparent that ostracism was not satisfying the desires of their fiendish little plan. Threats were to follow and they did follow. Having worked in the "violent ward" of a psychopathic hospital, I was not the least bit nervous because of these threats but others were. I noticed a few things about the character, temperament and education of those who were apparently "bossing". They were usually the old-timers and loafers __ girls with great deal of confidence and little reason for it. Sometimes, their reasons for fighting the enormous business organisation which represents their security, were quite convincing: "Your work is never appreciated," "They'll always want more and more", "You haven't got a chance to get a merit wage increase unless you go out with the boss..." After this general talking to, the poor girls began to wonder; some of them stayed a few days and then didn't turn up for work. The clique had scored again. I sat and wondered as I worked. What to do ? I was assured I had the bosses on my side, but the... The long dead silence and the vulgar, stupid remarks of the other girls soon began to get under my skin. I worked quite a while at the psychopathic hospital, and "they" never bothered me, but these stupid little people and their moronic remarks soon began to annoy me terribly. Because my production was high, I was asked to work Saturdays. This brought a violent counter thrust from the rebels. Soon their campaign began to affect me exactly as they had planned. (Or am I giving them too much credit ?) My production was dropping. The assistant foreman, Bert, asked me if I was ill. When I told him my troubles, he advised me to see Mr. Nair, which I did. Mr. Nair listened attentively and asked the names of the rebels, which I readily gave, not feeling at all like an informer. He then assured me, though stammering, that justice would prevail. I noticed little change. The little minds had other desires than to keep their jobs secure; they wanted to jeopardize the position of their immediate superiors. Philip, who had advised me to talk to Mr. Nair, commonly held the reputation of being a communist, nailed on him by "my rebels". I have always maintained in my philosophy that if one cannot become great by one's own methods of accomplishment, then one will probably pull everyone else down below him, until by comparison he is above the mob, hence great. This is commonly known as "scapegoatism". These girls carried this farther than I ever dreamed would be done. Scapegoating is a common activity of the uneducated. Education of the population while

not the solution, will greatly aid in the eventual solution of this problem. However, back to the practical aspects of the problem at hand. I had convinced myself that most of the girls were not the kind I would care to associate with, anyway, so my scope of activity was not ruptured too severely, As they ignored me, I ignored them. However, something

happened that I had not counted on. I became physically ill from the entire situation. Having had a few lectures on psychosomatic diseases, I knew I had not incorrectly diagnosed the case. My relief came in the form of a temporary transfer to another department. I know it would take some time before the girls would become acquainted with my case, and the rest was welcome. I was shocked to find that no one was interested in my "reputation". I was further shocked when I began to notice that harmony, tranquility, and cooperation prevailed in this department. It is my opinion that part of the cause for such cooperation in this department may be attributed to the fact of one boss and a capable, understanding man, at that. Then, I was told to return to my former department, where I was greeted by my boss with: "Enjoy your vacation". This does not strike me as being very complimentary to one who has been conscientious from the beginning. I had been taught to report all inferior-grade materials, and this particular morning I found the wire defective. After reeling yards of red tape from a few of my bosses, I finally was sent to Mr. Nair. Again, Mr. Nair was glad to see me, "I want you to get back to your machine, sit down, and mind your own business. Your production is falling. Why ?" This I was told before I had a chance to speak. Here, I explained about the strain I was under and about the inferior materials. He then told me to work as best I could with the inferior materials, as he didn't want to send any of the girls home. I then told him I had thought of leaving. He sarcastically mentioned that perhaps it was for the best. This shock drove me to Mr. John of Personnel, and to standing here in my living room dictating this to my husband, the typist of the family.


Questions :

(a) What is the case issue in the case ? Explain.

(b) Critically evaluate the work culture and climate of the organisation.

(c) How do you see the act and record of Merry vis-a-vis her colleagues in this case ? Explain with reasons.

(d) What would be your recommendations to the management ? Justify.



MS-26   June-2007


1. Define Role Analysis and discuss its needs and uses in an organisation. Briefly describe the process of Comprehensive Role Analysis (CRA) as a tool to define and clarify the boundaries of the focal roles.

2. Why do groups get formed ? What are the stages of group development ? Explain with suitable examples.

3-., What is Empowerment ? Describe the concept and role of Empowerment Audit in the day-to-duy functioning of an organisation, with suitable examples .

4- What is the concept and process of Organisational Learning ? Briefly discuss various mechanisms of Organisational Learning, with examples.


5. Write short notes on any three of the following

(i) The Psychological Approach to Alienation

(ii) Bases of Power

(iii) Cfoss cultural dynamics

(iv) social responsibility of an organisation

(v) Tenets of Strategic Alliances

6. Please read the case and answer the questions given at the end.

Donnelly Mirrors, a small company employing about 7'50 workers, manufactures practically all of the rear-view mirrors for all of the automobiles produced in America. Even though it is privately held corporation, it has developed a participative management style where the workers are actively and genuinely involved in the governance of the company. This may be one of the reasons why the company has been enjoying continuous success over the years.

The participative system started in 1952 and initially, the employees simply participated in cost saving efforts and they Shared those savings among themselves and with the company. The cost savings resulted from efficient use of labour, materials and machines. Emplo yees were assured that they would not lose jobs because of introduction of technologically advanced machinery or change in production methods. This resulted in reduced resistance for change on the part of employees.



The employees became so involved in cost reduction efforts and activities that they started to volunteer various ways of improving operational efficiency including selection of equipment and machines. Various problem solving grcups were formed for various operational areas and in order to achieve efficient coordination among all the groups and activities, a linking-pin organizational structure was adopted, whereby, members of various groups make decisions relative to their own tasks and these decisions are presented to the next higher level of managernent for consideration.

There are no time clocks and even though workers get paid on a salary basis, their working times are not closely watchecl or scrutinized. There is sufficient group cohesion so 'that the workers do not take undue advantage of these relaxed rules. If a member is late or absent for a good reason, other workers in the group will cover his work. If someone misses work frequently, he becomes answerable to other group members. The group selects its own leader and together the members set their own production goals within the general framework of the objectives of the organization and are responsible for meeting such goals.

   The company has formed a committee comprised of representatives both from ernployees as well as management and the committee handles all personnel matters such as pay policies, fringe benefits and employee grievances. Since the wcrkers are represented in this committee, all decisions made by this committee are easily accepted by all, Pay scales are also recommended to the managemeht by this committee and these are consistent with the industry practices. As per pay policies, the company is guaranteed a return of 5.2%   on its investment and the balance of the profits is shared with the employees. If a 5.2% return is not achieved in a given year, the. deficit is compensated from the earning of the following year before any additional bonuses are given to the employees.

Because of its reputation for employee treatment, it attracts a large number of applicants for jobs, but because the turnover rate is very low, the company can select the best from this pool of applicants. The company is like a close-knit family and enjoys a reputation for productivity, quality and employee loyalty and dedication.


(a) Does the success of the company reflect a general statement that profit sharing and employee involvement in company affairs is highly motivating for employees ?

(b) How do you think that the group dynamics is at work in this organization ? How are the group goals integrated with the organizational goals ?

(c) Do you think there is enough group cohesiveness in this company so that the individuals would not violate group rules and norms ?

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