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Ms-25 Question bank

Ms-25 Question bank (12)

Ms-25 Question bank

Wednesday, 09 December 2015 09:37

MS 25 JUNE 2015

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Term-End Examination
0 0 9 9 1
June, 2015

 1. What are the factors which contribute to change in organisations ? Briefly discuss how organisations can prepare to adapt

 2. Describe the steps to be followed in Turnaround Management. Identify the situations    forcing Turn around.

 3. Discuss any two types of interventions and their impact on organisational functioning with suitable examples. MS-25 1 P.T.O.
4. Discuss the importance of role of leader in transition period and explain different stages in Transition with examples.

 5. Write short notes on any three of the following :

 (a) Leveraging systems

 (b) Weisbord's six box model

 (c) Role analysis technique

 (d) Cultural change

 (e) Managing Resistance


June 2013




1. Bring out the differences between Transactional and Transformational Leadership and explain how a leader plays an important role to bring change in an organisation


2. Briefly discuss the need for indigenous Management and the complexity of anagement of change through indegenization.


3. Describe any two models of diagnosis of organisational change.

4. Describe Total Quality Management (TQM). How it could be used as an approach to bring change in an organisation.

5. Write short notes on any three of the following :

(a) Down Sizing

(b) Managing Resistance

(c) Action Research

(d) Type of change

(e) Cluster organisation



6. Read the following case carefully and answer the questions given at the end :


The story of the restructuring of the Mahut Group (name disguised) in India is illustrative of the need for supporting any structure change with the relevant culture change. The Mahut Group, a family-owned business located in western India, is a US$350 million multinational, multi-activity enterprise group operating in four continents, with a diversified portfolio and employee strength of 15000.

The group has two cement plants-the US$51 million Heera Cement and the US$39 million Moti Cement (names disguised) - each with a production capacity of 1.2 million tonnes of cement per annum. The plants use 'dry process precalcination technology, which conforms to international standards. Both plants had been operating at more than 100 percent capacity and were among the most cost-effective cement plants in India, but had been making losses since the deregulation of the cement industry in India in the late 1980s. Prior to deregulation, the cement companies operated under governmental capacity, production, distribution and price controls to ensure fair prices and availability to priority sectors and small users. Because capacity was controlled, there were severe shortages and obviously no competition, and all cement companies were making good money despite price control.


Deregulation led to huge increases in the capacity of the cement industry in India, which also included foreign players. Heera and Moti now found themselves in competition not only with other companies but with each other. The competition between the sister companies was particularly damaging because their executives had private knowledge of each other's strategies. Mahut Group's management realised the problem and wanted to develop synergies rather than competition between the two companies. In order to facilitate this change, Mahut appointed an American consultant in 1998 to study the problem and submit a report.

The consultant found that the solution lay in structurally integrating the marketing functions of the two plants, and recommended: merging their sales and marketing; creating a new division called 'brands' to promote, position and build the brands together; creating two new positions, director-technical services, irector-market research; changing the structure to support the new arrangements, especially by creating new roles and redefining old ones; and redeploying redundant people rather than retrenching them.

Mahut Group decided to implement the ecommendations. Although the implementation process was fraught with intense politicking, especially for the top positions in the restructured company, the company culture was such that this

phenomenon was not perceived an unusual. It was natural for the owners to give the coveted positions and perquisites to those who were close to them. In the restructured company the managing director was appointed from Moti; senior joint president-sales (in change of sales in the state where the company was located) was appointed from Moti, superseding a more senior executive from Heera; senior joint president-marketing (in charge of sales outside the state, where volumes were extremely low) was appointed from Heera; general manager (brands) was appointed from Heera.

Commenting on the cultural practices and processes that came in the way of performance, employees pointed out several issues. Decisions in the organisation were highly centralised. Almost all decisions were made by the managing director, because of which they were a lot of delays. Salaries and perks were arbitary and based on a person's closeness to the power centres. For example, one of the senior joint presidents was given two semi-luxury cars, the other was given a single old-fashioned car. There were wide



(a) How would you describe the organisational culture of the Mahut Group ? Explain your answer citing decisions that illustrate the nature of the culture.

(b) Would it be possible that the decision to restructure the organisation was largely influenced by the culture of the organisation ?

(c) Comment on the way the restructuring proposals were implemented. Explain the

influence of the organisational culture, if any, on the implementation process.

(d) How do you explain the decline in employee morale and performance after the

restructuring ? Why were the expected synergies not realised ?



MS-25   June-2007


1.Describe key roles involved in bringing change in an organisation. Discuss leveraging systems strategy in changing organisations, with few examples.

2. Describe different models of change, which focus on the individuals and teams, with few examples.

3, Explain evaluation research and action research for evaluation of organisational change. What role does data analysis and feedback play in evaluation ? Discuss.

4. Describe the key competencies required for a change agent. Discuss the process involved in leading a change, with an example.

5. Write short notes on any three of the following :

(i) Work redesign of planned organisational change

(ii) Aspects to be consid ered for closing cultural gaps

(iii) Mergers and acquisitions

(iv) Structural interventions"

(v) Group approaches to change

6. Read the following case carefully and answer the questions given at the end :

Three Star Polyplastics Manufacturing Co. Ltd., was founded in 1978 by Mr. Bishan Singh after retirement from his military service. In 1995, it was still family

owned, had no union and was conservatively and paternalistically managed. The company adapted to changes slowly, but it remained a profitable enterprise.

In 1982, the company sent five of its first line supervisors to a human relations training program, but the liberal ideas with which the supervisors were indoctrinated made a negative impression on the company's top management. As a result, all supervisory training was conducted in-house after that. In lg, labour problems and conflicts between the supervisors and the human resource department led the management to enroll the company's 15 supervisors in a S-day executive development program organised by a management consultancy firm. This change of policy was initiated by the new H.R.D. Manager, Mr. S.P. Jain. To avoid having too many supervisors away from the factory at once, three were sent to each monthly program.

       Mr. Deepak, a young supervisor who had a production engineering background, returned from the executive development program excited about what he had learnt, especially about delegation of authority, giving employees the opportunity to assume the maximum possible responsibility and establishing channels of open communication with employees. After the Friday afternoon session, Mr. Deepak discussed some of these ideas with his immediate superior, Mr. Naresh Kumar. Both seemed genuinely pleased to learn that Mr. Deepak felt he had benefitted from the management developrnent program.

       When Mr. Deepak returned to work on Monday morning, he discovered that several quality control problems had to be dealt with, a report was due, and several employees needed to talk with him about work schedule problems. It was Friday afternoon before he realised that he had not yet been able to take any of the ideas about which he had become so enthusiastic. By this time, the frustrations of the week had taken the edge off his enthusiasm, and he became preoccupied with the

pleasant thought of a relaxed weekend with his family. He felt that Monday morning would be a good time to begin the new ideas.


(a) What is the probability that the "outstanding" training program will change the behaviour of the concerned supervisors ?

(b) What factors in this organisation function as a deterrent to change ?

(c) What, if any, OD interventions do you recommend in this situation ?

(d) What steps do you recommend to stimulate lasting changes in supervisory behaviour ?

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