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Ms-24 Question bank (12)

Ms-24 Question bank

Wednesday, 09 December 2015 09:35

MS 24 JUNE 2015

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 1. Define industrial relations. Discuss Dunlop's approach to industrial relations.
2. Briefly explain the evolution of Managerial Unionsin
India. Describe the factors influencing          the   formation of Managerial Unions in India.
3. Define Collective Bargaining. Examine the uniquefeatures of Collective Bargaining in Indian    

contextwith illustrations.
4. Discuss the need for Workers Participation in Management (WPM). State the issues involved     in participative forums in
MS-24 1 P.T.O.
5. Write short notes on any three of the following.
(a) Voluntary arbitration
(b) Acts of misconduct
(c) The "Red - Hot Stove" Rule
(d) Managing Trade Unions
(e) Discipline in Industry



June 2013




1. Briefly explain the Gandhian approach to industrial relations.

 2. Briefly explain the reasons for the formation of managerial unions and its activities. Explain with suitable examples.

 3. What are the special features of collective bargaining, in India ?

 4. Briefly discuss the factors responsible for the failure of participative management schemes in India.

 5. Explain the bases of classification of act of misconduct relating to discipline. Give examples



6. Read the case given below and answer the questions given at the end :

 The Standard Textile Printing Works conduct business in high quality printing of superior ' textiles. It has a good reputation in the market. The Company employs about 500 workers and works in three shifts a day. There is no union in the plant. The chief executive of the works is the General Manager who is assisted by three Shift Managers, six Supervisors and twelve Assistant Supervisors.


For the past few months, the General Manager had been receiving frequent complaints from Shift Managers that a large number of pieces of customer's cloth were missing from the plant and they could not account for the losses. The General Manager took a serious view of the losses because it meant not only payment of damages to the customers but also the company's reputation in the market. He therefore, ordered a close search of workers at the time of their leaving the work-place for home. As a result of these searches, a couple of workers were caught with pieces of cloth hidden inside their dresses. They were chargesheeted for theft subsequently dismissed after the domestic enquiry.

Some day's back, during lunch interval, Vinayak, a worker in the folding department saw an Assistant Supervisor taking a piece of cloth and putting it in his brief case. Vinayak immediately reported the matter to the Shift Manager who came to the department and found the said piece of cloth in the briefcase of the Assistant Supervisor. Without any discussion, he asked the Assistant Supervisor to see him in his office. A week passed, and the concerned Assistant Supervisor continued to attend to his work.

During this period, the Assistant Supervisor threatened Vinayak that the latter's days here were numbered. This upset Vinayak. He approached the Shift Manager and enquired of him as to what action was taken against the Assistant Supervisor. The Shift Manager politely replied, "I am thankful to you for whatever you did; it is none of your business to know what action we are taking against him. Remember that, after all, he is your officer." Vinayak felt irritated, but left the Shift Manager's office without a word.

On the same day, when the watchman was about to search Vinayak while he was leaving the plant, Vinayak shouted at the watchman saying. " I will not allow myself to be searched unless the officers are also searched. They are the thieves." The watchman detained Vinayak at the gate and reported the matter to the General Manager, who called vinayak to his office. On being questioned by the General Manager, Vinayak told him all about the piece of cloth in the Assistant Supervisor's briefcase and subsequent events and repeated what he had said to the watchman. The General Manager thereupon asked him angrily, "Do you mean to say that we are thieves ?" Vinayak replied, "You can take it that way, if you like." The General Manager recorded the incident along with Vinayak's reply to his question and took Vinayak's signature on it.

 Next day Vinayak was served with a suspension order for his "Act of insubordination and indecent behaviour." Thereafter, the General Manager referred the case to the Personnel Manager.

 Questions :

(a) How far is the action of General Manager Justified ?

(b) As the Personnel Manager how would you deal with this case ?

(c) Give reasons for the way you would handle this case.

MS-24   june 2007



1. Briefly discuss  the  levels  and  forms  of  WPM  in  India. Discuss  the  implementation  of  WPM  in  industry. 

2.  Describe registration and  recognition of  Trade  Unions. Briefly  discuss the  methods  of  verification  of  union membership  and  state  the advantages  and  disadvantages  of  these  methods. 

3.  Discuss  the  various  approaches  to  industrial  relations  and their.relevance. 

4.  Describe  the  concept  and process  of  collective  bargaining. Describe  the  emerging  trends  of  collective  bargaining,  with few examples.

5.  Write short notes  on  any threeof  the  following  : 

(a)  Conflict vs. Cooperation

(b)  Misconduct

(c)  Lay-off

(d)  Red Hot  Stove Rule

(e)  Structure  of  employers'  organisations  in  India


6.  Read  the  following  case  carefully  and  answer  the  questions given  at  the  end. 

                                     ADJUSTMENT  PROBLEM

Twenty  female employees  of  a  large  company were grouped  together  daily  in  an area  measuring  forty  feet  by forty  feet  to  perform semi-skilled  assembly  work. Though the layout  was  far from  ideal,  it  was  accepted  as "livable" at  least  as  temporary quarters  until  construction  of  the new  manufacturing facility  was  compl  eted,  and  these women  enjoyed  their  work.  Their  pleasure  came rnostly from  the fact  that they could  talk fleely about  any subject that came  to  mind and still  be able  to  do their  jobs.  They worked  elbow  to  elbow  and rarely  failed  to  assemble  their daily quota. When the  new  manufacturing  facility finally opened, the  women  were  assigned  to  an  'area  several times  larger  than  their  former  quarters.  The  new  plant was  equipped with  superior  lighting,  water  fountains, windows  and piped-in  music.  On  the  surface,  these  work conditions  appeared  ideal,  no  employee  sat less  than  six feet  away  from  any  other.  Management,  however, became  perplexed  over the  performance  of  this group of women after  a few  weeks  in the new facility.  Absenteeism increased,  production lagged,  complaints  and  grievances were  numerous,  and two  of  the  women quit their jobs.

     In  a  closed  door  confer  ence  with  the  Production Supervisor,  the  Plant  Engineer  and  the  Manufacturing Manager, the  Personnel  Director voiced his opinion  about the  unforeseen problems  in  the  assembly  department.  In his  opinion  the  women  missed  the  personal contact  with each other,  missed  the  continuous  conversation  and  other

accustomed forms  of  social interaction  and  basically  were resisting  the  change to  the  new  location.  The  Personnel Director  recommended that  the  Plant Engineer should do

something  about  redesigning  the  layout  to  bring  the women  closer  together  even if  it  meant  spending  several thousand rupees to  do  it.

Questions  :

(a)  Analyse the  problem  in  this  case.

(b)  If  you  were  the  Personnel Director  how  would  you have dealt with  the  grievance of  the  workers  ?

(c)  If  the  employees  were men, would the  same situation have arisen ? Why  or  why  not  ?

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