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Thursday, 03 December 2015 11:04

Retail management Question Bank

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Retail  management Question Bank

1. Briefly discuss the importance of IT in retail industry and discuss the various applications of IT  in retail sector?

2. What do you mean by Global data synchronization? Name three benefits of the system and give few example applications and information sources for organizational retail portal.

3. What is RFID? Explain its importance and application in retail industry and also discuss the privacy concerns to be taken care of while adopting RFID ?


4. Name a few central utilities in a typical  IT system in retail and name a few challenges faced by the IT implementation in Retail.

5. Outline (a) how contactless cards get set to make an impact?

                 (b) the main strengths of DuPont’s e-fulfillment process

6. Define the following

a) New Technologies Challenge Personal Information Privacy(PIP)


 c) Smart Motes

d) Global Positioning Systems

  e) Data aggregation.

7.  Discuss the various traditional formats that you are familiar with? Comment how relevant they are in the current retail business environment.

8. Define -a modem retail format. How does it differs from a traditional retail format?

9.  List out all the modem retail formats in the Indian context and explain each of them briefly.

10. Comment Discount stores operate on a low margin, high turnover philosophy.

11.  What is the need for adopting technology in Retailing?

12. With example give the factors which influence adoption of technology in business.

13.  Describe how technology will play an important role in Merchandising

14. With examples illustrate role of technology in customer relationship management.

15. What are the risks if precautions are not taken while planning to adopt any technology for a retail business?

16. Have you found any clear cut cases of unethical behaviour in your dealing with a retailer? What was the nature?

17. Is the marketing concept of "customer satisfaction "at a profit a sufficient guideline for judging the ethics of business practices? If so Why?

18. Describe any two approaches for judging the morality of a particular business action?

19. Elaborate on the responsibilities of a retailer and the rights of an consumer?

20. Elaborate on the acceptable ethics that must be practiced by a retail executive?

21. Elaborate on the licenses required by a retailer for setting up his operations in India?

22. Explain what you mean by VAT(Value Added Tax) and how it will benefit the retailing industry inIndia? Draw out instances of how VAT has complemented the growth of organised retailing in western Europe and North America?.

23. Elaborate on the legal issues faced by the retailing fraternity in India?

24. Elaborate on the legal framework governing the retail industry in United Kingdom?

25. Elaborate upon the role of different security dimensions in the retailing environment? further elaborate on the list of the IT system requirements a multi-channel retailing venture with cost determinants for capital and variable expenses?

26. Discuss the significance of having control over retail operations?

27. Define merchandise management and how is it performed in organised retailing?

28. Discuss the different kinds of merchandise allocation methods chosen by retailers?

29. Describe the various activity ratios utilized by retailers in measuring performance and also point out the choice from one retail format to another?

30. Discuss the relevance of uniformity across retail outlets? Support with examples while explaining the three mechanisms of maintaining uniformity in retail operations?

31. What do you understand by marketing research? Explain its significance to retailing?

32. How does a research proposal differ from a research plan?

33.Elaborate on the consumer research strategies Used by market researchers? Take an example lifestyle departmental store and determine the of consumer research strategy that will need to be used in this case?

34. Draw comparisions between Nicosia, Howard – Sheth, Engel – Blackwell - Miniard models ofconsumer research behaviour?

35. Explain how you will assess human resource requirements of a retail organisation.

36. Explain the relevance of organisational charts in manpower planning.

37. Explain the significance of orientation programme. Should each employee in a retail organisation undergo the same orientation programme?

Read 4017 times Last modified on Thursday, 03 December 2015 12:14
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