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Ms-93 June, 2010 Management of New and Small Enterprises

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June, 2010

Ms-93 : Management of New and Small Enterprises


1. (a) What are the salient features of small scale units ? Examine the role of SSI sector in the economic development of India.

(b) Define "opportunity" from the stand point of an Entrepreneur. Describe the probable sources, where from the entrepreneurial opportunities emerge. Give examples of  few current opportunities.

2 (a) Explain the factors that a small entrepreneur bear in mind while selecting appropriate technology for his/her enterprise ?

(b) Why is it critical for the entrepreneur to have the marketing orientation before setting up the venture ? Explain.

3(a) Discuss the steps involved in preparing a bankable business plan.

(b) "Selection of site offers a sustained competitive advantage to the small entrepreneur". Examine the statement and bring out the considerations involved in site selection.

4(a) Discuss the sources of short term and long term finance for small entrepreneur.

(b) Explain the use of Control Chart in Quality Management of an Enterprise.

5(a) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of company form of organisation.

(b) Discuss the various growth strategies that an entrepreneur can follow to develop his Business.


6. Distinguish between any four of the following :

(i) Opportunity identification and opportunity selection.

(ii) Small and medium enterprises.

(iii) Memorandum of Association and Article of Association.

(iv) Strategy and structure.

(v) Cost over-run and Time over-run.

7. (a) Compare the management practices of a professional company with that of a family business.

(b) What are Entrepreneurial Competencies ? How can these competencies be developed in a prospective entrepreneur ?

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