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Thursday, 03 December 2015 11:33

Industrial relations

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Industrial relations question bank

Q.1. (i)  Explain the determinants of  union  management relations.  Suggest with the help of anexample measures for improving union  management relations in organisations.

(ii)   Describe the influence of International Labour Organisation (ILO) on industrial relations system in India.

Q.2. (i)    Describe the genests and state of the present structure of trade unions in India.

(ii)    Evaluate the status of internal leadership in unions in Indian industries.  Can external leadership influence health of industrial relations. ?

Q.3.(i)  Discuss the reasons for linter group conflicts in organisation Suggest suitable interventions  for resolving ns conflicts.

(ii)   Describe negotiation  process.  Identify the skills which negotiators should possess and give suitable examples.

Q.4.(i)  Explain models in Workers Participation in Management.  What are the prerequisites for success  in Workers Participations in Management ?

(ii)  Evaluate the influence of labour legislations on industrial relations in India.

Q.5(a)   What are the salient features of labour policy, available in the Indian Constitution ? How has labour policy evolved during the five year plans.?

(b)  What are the major issues which influence industrial relations in resent India ?  Describe industrial relations  perspectives for India.

Q.6.(a)  Explain the provisions for registration of trade unions as given in the Trade Unions Act1962.  What are the obligations and rights of a registered trade union ?

(b)  What are the aims and objectives of employers organisation ?  Explain organisation and management of employers organisations in India.

Q.7. (a)  Explain structure of Collective Bargaining.  What are the emerging corners in bargaining ?

(b)   Explain various machinery for investigation and settlement of disputes as prescribed in the Industrial Disputes Act 1947.

Q.8. (a)   Identify and explain the measures required making workers participation more effective.

(b)   Explaining the emerging trend in union  - management relations in India.  What do you suggest for legislative. Intervention for better union  - management relations. ?

Q.9.  What are the broad approaches of  management towards unions and how they influence theUnion  Management  Relations ?

Q.10.  Explain the importance of the Trade Union Act, 1926 in the growth of the trade unions inIndia, State briefly the rights and obligations of trade unions under this Act.

Q.11.  Distinguish between registration and recognition of unions.  
What are the criteria prescribed for the recognition of the trade unions under the code of discipline?

Q.12.  Explain the concept of class interest, How do class interests lead to conflict between labour and management ?

Q.13.  Explain the concept of workers  participation in management.  Briefly discuss the levels and forms of workers participation in management in India.

Q.14. Which are the central trade union organisations recognised by the Central Government for the purposes of national and international tri  partite forums Like ILO and Indian Labour Conference ?  Discuss the philosophy and working of any two of them.

Q.15.  Briefly explain the new developments that are taking place on the Indian Economic and Industrial scene.  In what way are they likely to affect union  management relations ?

Q.16. Distinguish between registration and recognition of unions.  What are the criteria prescribed for the recognition of trade unions under code of discipline.?

Q.17. Explain the concept of call interests.  How do class interests lead to conflict between labour management ?

Q.18.  Critically examine the trends in Collective Bargaining with respect to

(i).            Managerial rights

(ii).            Productivity bargaining,. And

(iii).            Concession bargaining.

Q.19.  Explain the concept of workers Participation in Management Briefly discuss the levels and forms of Workers Participation in India. 

Q.20.  Which are the Central Trade Union Organisations recognised by the Central Government for the purposes of national and international tripartite  forums like ILO and Indian Labour Conference.  Discuss the philosophy and working of any two at them.

Q.21.  Write short notes on any three of the following:

(i)   Strategies for interpersonal conflict resolution

(ii)  Negotiation Process

(iii) Voluntary Arbitration

(iv)  Role of state in IR

(v)   Weak Tripod :  Atrophied Tripartism


Q.22.  Critically evaluate the changing role of trade unions in the liberalised economy.  Substantiate  your point of view with suitable examples.

Q.23.  What has been the impact of multiplicity of unions on the Industrial Relations ?  How can this problem be resolved ?

Q.24.  Critically examine the role of state in the resolution industrial disputes / conflicts in India.

Q.25.   For any scheme of workers participation in management to be effective both the management and workers must develop a favourable attitudes.  Elaborate the statement explain with suitable examples.

Q.26.  Examine the trends in collective bargaining with respect to

(i)   managerial rights.

(ii)  Productivity bargaining and

(iii) concession bargaining.

Q.26.  Write short notes on any three of the following

(i).            Negotiation process

(ii).            Voluntary Arbitration

(iii).            Strategies for interpersonal conflict resolution

(iv).            ILO

(v).            Employers organisations

Q.27.  Distinguish between registration and recognition of unions.  What are the criteria prescribed for the recognition of trade unions under the code of discipline ?

Q.28.  Explain the concept of class interest.  How do class interests lead to conflict between labour and management ?

Q.29.  Which are the central trade union organisations recognised by the Central Govt. for the purposes of national and international tripartite forums like ILO and Indian Labour  Conference ?  Discuss the philosophy and working of any two of them.

Q.30.  Examine the usefulness and scope of Voluntary Arbitration  as a mode of settling industrial disputes.  What procedure is followed in general when a dispute is referred to arbitration ?

Q.31.  Workers participation in management has not made any substantial progress in India . Critically analyse this statement

Q.32.  Write short notes on any three of the following:

(i).            Collective Bargaining

(ii).            Week tripod

(iii).            External Leadership in TUS

(iv).            Cross Cultural Aspects of UMR

(v).            Union Elections in India.

Q.33.  Distinguish between registration and recognition of trade unions.  What are the criteriaprescribed for the recognition of trade unions under the code of discipline?

Q.34. Define the concept of workers  participation in management.  Briefly discuss the levels and forms of workers participation in India.

Q.35.  Explain the concepts of class interests.  How do class interests lead to conflict between labour and management ?

Q.36.  Examine the usefulness and scope of Voluntary Arbitration as a mode of settling industrial disputes.  What procedure is followed when a dispute is referred to arbitration?

Q.37.  What are the broad strategies for resolving interpersonal conflicts ?  Explain with suitableexamples.

Q.38.  Write shorts notes on any three of the following :


(i).            Collective Bargaining

(ii).            Negotiation Process

(iii).            Employers Organisation

(iv).            Weak Tripod :  Atrophied Tripartism

(v).            ILO

Q.39.  Briefly explain the new developments that are taking place on the Indian Economic and Industrial scene.  In what way are they likely to affect union- management relations. ?

Q.40.  Distinguish between registration and recognition of unions What are the criteria prescribed for the recognition of trade unions under the code of discipline ?

Q.41 Explain the concept of class interests.  How do class interests led to conflict between labour and management ?

Q.42.  Critically examine the trends in Collective Bargaining with respect to

(i).            Managerial rights

(ii).            Productivity bargaining, and

(iii).            Concession bargaining.

Q..43.  Explain the concept of Workers Participation Management,.  Briefly discuss the level and forms of Workers participation in India.

Q.44.  Which are the Central Trade Union Organisations recognised by the Central Government for the purposes of national and international tripartite forums like ILO and Indian Labour Conference.  Discuss the philosophy and working of any two of them.

Q.45.  Write short notes on any three of the following :

(i).            Strategies for inter  personal conflict resolution

(ii).            Negotiation Process

(iii).            Voluntary Arbitration

(iv).            Role of state in IR

(v).            Week Tripod :  Atrophied Tripartism.


Q.46. Do you agree with the statement that he role of trade Unions is undergoing significant changes in the present era? Elaborate this statement with reasons.

Q.47.  Discuss the concept of Multiplicity of Unions and their impact on industrial relations.  How can the problem of  multiplicity of unions by resolved ?

Q.48.  Critically examine the role of the state in the resolution of industrial disputes / conflicts inIndia.

Q.49.  For any scheme of workers participation in management to be effective, both management and workers must develop a favourable attitude.  Elaborate the statement and discuss the underlying concepts with suitable examples.

Q.50.  Explain the concept of class interests.  How do class interests lead to conflict between labour and management?

Q.51.Write short notes on any three of the following:

(i).            Negotiation Process.

(ii).            Voluntary arbitration

(iii).            Collective Bargaining

(iv).            Recognition of Unions

(v).            Employers Organisation

Q.52.  What are the approaches to Industrial Relations ? Discuss the changing context of Industrial Relations.

Q.53 Predict the future of Trade Unions by briefly highlighting its genesis and growth and present trends in the Indian context.  .

Q.54.  Discuss the need for recognition of Trade Unions.  What has been the Indian experience in this regard ?  shall it be continued as a voluntary measure ?

.Q.55. Discuss the issues and trend in Collective Bargaining in India.  If is to be made compulsory, what institutional changes shall be brought?

Q.56.  Outline the design and dynamics of Workers Participation  in Management in India.  Cite suitable illustrations.

Q.57. Write short notes on any three of the following

Read 5933 times Last modified on Thursday, 03 December 2015 12:11
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