Mba Global Network

Thursday, 03 December 2015 11:52


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Q1. Why should an organisation introduce a grievance procedure ? Explain the pre-requisites      of a grievance procedure briefly outline the features of a grievance procedure and the steps in grievance handling.


Briefly outline the features of a grievance procedure and the steps involved in grievance handling.

Q2. Why should organisations have formal grievance procedure

Q3.  Explain the meaning of grievence. Explain the causes of grievances

Q4. Explain machinery for  redressal of grievances

Q5. What is the role of workers participation in management ?discuss. Briefly discuss the level and forms of workers participation in management. Comment upon the. Effectiveness of any one of the forms discussed


Q6. Describe the objectives and significance of workers participation

Q 7.  Distinguish between career and succession planning suggest the measures for effectivecareer planning and development.

Q 8 . Define performance appraisal. What are its objectives discuss different methods of appraisal and their merits and demerits

Q 9. Explain the purpose of induction and how it should be conducted. How can it be made more effevtive ? Discuss.

Q 10 . Discuss the significant processes of collective bargaining. What are the objectives and functions of collective bargaining ? Explain the different forms  of collective bargaining. Is the scope of collective bargaining widening in the present scenario ? Discuss.


what is the importance of collective bargaining ? Explain the process of collective bargaining and factors essential for successful functioning of collective bargaining

Q 11 . Define and discuss the relationship between job analysis, job descriptions and jobspecifications. Explain the objectives of job evaluation and the procedure for evaluating jobs suitable examples.


Q12. Identify the similarities and differences between maslows theory of motivation and herzbergs theory. Discuss critically.


what is motivation ? Discuss how mallows theory of motivation differs from herzberg's theory and describe the relevance of these heories

Q 13.what is the process involved in selection ?  How does it differ form placement ? Explain the steps involved in an effective selection programme.

Q 14 define recruitment. What are the methods and techniques of recruitment ? Explain the advantages and limitations of recruiting from internal sources and external sources.

Q 15. Define the term discipline. Discuss different approaches to discipline. Explain the context in which disciplinary procedure is conducted.

Q 16. What is the use of job analysis in managing human resources ? Explain  the methods that can be used to analyse jobs and dicuss the advantages and limitations of them.

Q 17. Explain the essential pre-requisites for a good training programme and evaluate various types of training programmes prevalent in the organisational set-up.


what principles to be kept in mind while designing a sound employee training programme

Q 18. Distinguish between motivation and morale. Discuss the signifiance of morale and its relation to productivity

Q 19. Describe the various kinds of punishments, which are inflicted on a worker for misconduct and explain the procedure of domestic enquiry and the importance of it.

Q. 20. Explain the objectives and significance of labour welfare measures ands social security benefits.

Q 21. Explain briefly important interview techniques used for selecting managerial staff.

Q 22. Discuss the concept and evolution of social security.  Briefly examine the legislative measures adopted in india to ensure social security benefits to industrial workers.

Q 23. Explain the concept and forms of industrial democracy.  Discuss how industrial democracy is practiced in your organisation or an organisation you are familiar with.  Briefly describe the organisation you are referring to.

Q 24. Explain the objectives and  importance of workers participation in management

Q 25. Explain the relationship between motivation and rewards.  Bring out the different reward systems in an organisational setting.  Describe the role of financial and non-financial reward system in improving organisational performance with reference to your organisation or an organisation you are familiar with.  Briefly describe the organisation you are referring to.

Q. 26. Explain the meaning, need, importance and methods of training.  Discuss the existing training system of your organisation or an organisation you are familiar with.  Describe how an organisation identifies the needs of training and comes up with the appropriate training programmes. Describe the organisation you are referring to. 

Q 27. Explain competency approach to job analysis (june 2005)

Q 28 . Describe the process of human resource planning with reference to your organisation or an organisation you are familiar with.  Suggest some measures for improvement of the existing hrp system.  Describe the organisation you are referring to

Q 29.   Define hrm.  Discuss the importance and scope of hrm citing suitable examples.  List the functions of hrm in your organisation or an organisation you are familiar with.  Briefly describe the organisation you are referring to.

Q 30. Define industrial relations in your organization also explains its objectives and significance. Briefly explain various approaches to industrial relations

Q 31 . Discuss the concept of human resource audit, its benefit and scope.  Collect few hr audit reports of your organisation or an organisation where hr audit is carried out and write down your comments regarding their relevance.  Briefly describe the organisation you are referring to.

Q 32. Explain the concept of human resource accounting, its objectives and its role in human      resource management. Describe the human resource accounting (hra) system being       practiced in your organisation or any organisation you are familiar with. Briefly describe     the        organisation you are referring to.

Q 33. What is performance appraisal? Discuss its advantages and limitations

Q 34. What are the aims and objectives of the employers organizations in india? Describe the structure and functions of employers organization

Q 35. What do you understand by the term empowerment?  Make an assessment of your organisation or an organisation you are familiar with and prepare a report as to whether any of the empowerment activities have been undertaken or not.  Briefly describe the organisation you are referring to.

Q 36.explain different types of incentive systems. Discuss, the incentive scheme being followed in your organization or an organization you are familiar  with.  Bring out the advantages and limitations of this scheme. Briefly describe the organization you are referring to.

Q 37. Write short notes

  1. manpower planning
  2. retrechment vs dismissal
  3. motivation and morale
  4. collective bargaining
  5. career planning and succession planning
  6. training and developments
  7. fringe benefits
  8. industrial tribunal
  9. tripartite wage board

10.  theory x and y of motivation

11.  gripe box

12.  dearness allowance

13.  wage boards

Read 4497 times Last modified on Thursday, 03 December 2015 12:03
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