Mba Global Network

Thursday, 03 December 2015 11:42


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Q1.(a). In Human Relations Movement, according to Fred Luthans three major events took place, describe these with suitable examples.

(b).  Define Organizational Behaviour, what are the basic assumptions, which you come across during the study of this subject.

Q2.      (a).  Enumerate the basic Fundamental Concepts of Oranizational Behaviour. Also, give out various 4 models with facets one can read in this subject study.

(b).  Describe the theory of unconscious behaviour as shaped by Sigmund Freud. Give out the characteristics of needs or motives, which are directed to satisfy by Human behaviour

Q3.      (a).  Defense mechanism serve as an important function of keeping the human personality integrated, bring out these dense mechanism including the psychological process with illustrations

(b).  Discuss the major differences between content and process work theories.  Explain Abraham Maslows theory of Need-Hierarchy.

Q4.      (a).  Enumerate Herzbergs two factors theory of motivation including principle of job enrichment.

(b).  Define morale, it is said, the higher the morale the higher is the productivity.  However, it may not be true in all cases, illustrate this through a graph.

Q5.      (a).  Explain the various Ego states through which a person oscillates during has daily activities.

(b).  Often the choice of wrong kind of personality proves disastrous for any organization,elucidate?  Bring out the major determinants of any personality

Q6.      Write short notes: -

(a).  Perception

(b). Attitude, Belief & Ideology

(c).  Stress & State of Exhaustion

(d). Leadership & its styles

(e). Path Goal theory of leadership

(f). Organizational resistance to change

Q.7 What are the various determinates or organisational culture/ How does leadership influence the culture of an organisation?

Q.8 Why do people generally resist change?  Do personal factors play a role in this process? What are the common coping strategies for change?

Q.9 Describe conflict avoidance conflict diffusion and conflict confrontation strategies with the help of suitable examples

Q.10 Distinguish between decision making under risk and decision making under uncertainty

Q.11 What kind of decisions is a manager generally required to make in organizational context?

Explain with examples as to which of these correspond to programmed and non-programmed categories

Q.12 What is the system approach to management ? Explain the salient features of this approach

Q.13 Describe various managerial skills briefly. Discuss the roles these skills could play in building an institution.

Q.14 Describe various managerial skills briefly. Discuss the roles these skills could play in building an institution

Q.15. Explain the approaches to leadership and discuss which could be the best suitable style of leadership. Give reasons

Q.16 Define organisational structure and explain with suitable examples how structure and productivity can be linked to each other.

Q.17 What are the major sources of conflict in an organisation ? Discuss the consequences of inter-group conflict and ways to reduce its negative impact.

Q.18 Compare and context theory X and Y. Discuss their relevance in Indian organizational context

Q.19 What are the salient features of different models of decision making? Making any two of them in details and compare them

Q.20 What are the consequences of intergroup conflict ? What are the ways to reduce the nagative cosequence if inter group conflict

Q.21 Define organizational effectiveness. How do you differentiate effectiveness from efficiency? Comment critically with suitable examples from Indian organizations. ?

Q.22 Identify major barriers of communication and explain why do they arise. Explain way to overcome these barriers with suitable example

Q.23 In What ways can a business enterprise discharge its social responsibility? Explain with examples

Q .24  Describe various leadership styles. What kind of leadership style is best suited for a production oriented organisation? Give reason

Q .25  Describe various leadership styles. What kind of leadership style is best suited for a production oriented organisation? Give reason

Q 26. Distinguish between the mission, objectives and goals of an organization. Explain the process of strategy formulation being followed in your organisation or any organisation you are familiar with. Briefly describe the organisation you are referring to.

Q.27. What is professional management? Discuss, how professional managers manage survival and growth of the organisation you are working in or familiar with. Give  three ideas  which you think can improve organisation efficiency. Briefly describe the organisation you are referring to.

Q 28 Distinguish between culture and climate. Explain the influence of leadership style on organisational climate in your organisation or any organisation you are familiar with. Briefly describe the organisation you are referring to.

Q 29. Explain different types of conflicts. Discuss the sources of conflict and strategy for resolvingconflicts in your organisation or any organisation you are familiar with. Briefly describe the organisation you are referring to.

Q 30. Explain the process of Communication.  Discuss various communication net works being used in your organisation or any organisation you are familiar with. Identify which is the most effective one? Why? Briefly describe the organisation you

are referring to.

Q 31 Explain different types of organisational structures. Describe the structure of your organisation or any organisation you are familiar with. Suggest suitable measures for restructuring and discuss the reasons for it.

Q 32Explain different types of organisational structures. Describe the structure of your organisation or any organisation you are familiar with. Suggest suitable measures for restructuring and discuss the reasons for it.

Q.33  Discuss whether you  need any control when every thing going as planned. Design a control system for controlling the performance of your own subordinates, keeping in view the characteristics of effective controls.  Examine the control methods and strategies used in your organisation or any organisation you are familiar with. Briefly describe the organisation you are referring to.

Q 34. Explain the concept of Management by objectives (MBO). Describe some of the successes and failures associated with MBO.   How does MBO work in your organization or any organization you are familiar with. Discuss its advantages and limitations. Briefly describe the organization you are  referring to.

Q 35. Distinguish between tasks and activities in your organization or any organization you are familiar with. Suggest measures to improve the organization structure, which would enhance its effectiveness. Briefly describe the organization you are referring to.

Q 36. Explain the tasks of a professional manager. Identify the  managers whose prime task is to plan and steer the future of the organization you are working in or familiar with. What are the various survival and growth options which your organization has adopted in the recent past. Briefly describe the organization you are referring to.

Q.37 Give a list of the motivational techniques.  Critically evaluate the motivational techniques of your organization or an organization you are familiar with.  Do you think they are conducive for a productivity oriented work culture?

Q.38 What is professional management?  Does the management of your organization or an organization you are familiar with fit into the criteria of professional management? Discuss how would you promote professionalism in your organization.  Briefly describe the organisation you are referring to.

Q.39 Define communication and comment on the efficacy of the communication system in your organization or an organization you are familiar with.  How can the communication system made more effective?  Discuss.  Briefly describe the organization you are referring to.

Q.40 Discuss the process of planning.  In your opinion the process of planning and controlling are interlinked or not?  Explain with suitable examples.

Q.41  Discuss Various Decision-Making Models.  Which Model According To You Is The Best Model?   Justify Your Answer With Example.

Q.42 Discuss the concept of inter-personal relationships.  Discuss the existing inter-personal relationship scenario of your organization or an organization you are familiar with.  Suggest few improvements strategies to develop the skills required for the inter-personal relationships.  Briefly describe organization you are referring to.

Read 7889 times Last modified on Thursday, 03 December 2015 12:13
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