Mba Global Network

Tuesday, 01 December 2015 11:51


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1) Briefly discuss the foundations of international business. 
2) Explain the theory of mercantilism. Is it being applied in the present day world?
3) Examine the implications of Adam Smith's theory of absolute cost advantage.
4) Critically examine Ricardo's comparative cost theory of international trade. What   is common between Smith's and Ricardo's trade theories?
5) Discuss the Heckscher-Ohlin Trade Model. In what ways does it differ from the earlier trade doctrines?
6) Explain the Product Life Cycle Theory of the FDI. Give suitable examples of    countries which have gone through the various stages of product life cycle model. 
7) Discuss the Market Imperfections Approach. How did the company specific advantages help the formulation of this theory?

8) What is the Transaction Cost Approach? Examine the relevance of the natural type market imperfections in its development, and discuss the various ways the transaction cost theory op           erates in the foreign countries.

9 What is eclectic paradigm? Discuss the applicability of this model.

 1) India's democratic system and its emphasis on small business development make it a promising market for franchising opportunities. But it is not an automatic assumption. What works in one country will. work in another. Whether a concept will succeed in a given country is a function of taste, political environment, the economy and price range. Without careful analysis of the products and the market place, it may not work. Comment on the above statement, What are your own views?
 2) What are the different stages through which a firm graduates to become multi-national enterprise? At what stage would you like to place most of the Indian firms which are doing foreign business?
 3) What is the Corporate Life Cycle Theory? Explain its various stages with Indian examples.
 4) What are the different modes of entry into international business? Explain briefly, by bringing out their merits and demerits.
5) The preferred mode of internlitionalisation of Indian corporate sector has been the joint venture. Can you explain the reasons behind this behaviour?
6) Reading some relevant recent literature, prepare a brief note on the Government of India's policy on FDI. Do you think this policy will be perceived to be friendly by foreign investors?
7) Discuss some models for making entry mode choice. Explain the models with hypothetical data.
8) What are the determinants of international investment decision? What, different-strategies could a firm follow?
9) What factors would influence the choice of location for FDI? Which location factors do you think are more important for the foreign investors in the Indian context?
10) What could be the different bases for transfer prices in the context of International business?
11) What factors provide motivation to multinational firms to manipulate transfer prices?
12) What mechanisms are available to the Government'to stop/check, manipulative transfer pricing practices? Discuss.

 1) What types of organisation structure may usually be evolved during different stages of internationalisation?
 2) Differentiate between the evolutionary pattern of MNEs originating from different countries like U.S., Japan and Europe.
 3) Does the organization design of ABB reflect the emerging pattern of MNEs?
 4) Elaborate on the appropriate design at a particular stage of development of an MNEs?


1) What are the evolutionary changes in the MNE strategy and structure? 2)
2) What is planning evolution? Illustrate with a case,
3) How does nationality of an MNE affect its planning?
4) What are the development paths for a subsidiary vis--vis the parent company?
5) What are the major pitfalls of planning?
6) How does one identify the environmental volatility for a given company?
7) Describe the variables for the environmental scanning and the corresponding modes of scanning.


 1) What is ownership strategy? Why is a particular strategy chosen?
 2) What are the four types of strategic alliances?
 3) How do MNEs integrate their subsidiaries?
 4) What are different types of subsidiary roles? Discuss by citing examples that you know of.
 5) What is a multi-focal strategy? What are the major barriers in managing a multi-focal strategy?
 6) What traditional mechanisms in different countries have been adopted by MNEs for achieving flexible coordination?
 7) How do MNEs try to develop and maintain commitment of the individual managers?

1) Why the need for control is, particularly, felt in multinational enterprises? What key questions in relation to control arise in international business?
2) From control point of view, what differences exist between domestic and international business?

3) What are the objectives of control in international business operations? In what way corporate culture may be helpful in the control process
4) Critically examine the various approaches to control. If you were the CEO of a   multinational corporation which approach you would prefer and why? 
5) In what way national cultural traits influence the control system? Explain with examples. 
6) What factors would determine the degree of control exercised by parent multinational on  the subsidiary operations. 
7) Explain the various types of interdependence that may exist between the units of a multinational enterprise. What effects they will have on the control system? 
8) In what way is the question of ownership related to control? What devices have been used  by multinational firms to overcome the impediments placed by foreign countries on the extent of ownership? 
9) "Control is intimately linked with organisation structure." Elucidate, 
10) Briefly describe the control process in relation to international business.
11) What objectives the reports on performance fulfill? What is the role of an      information system in the success of international business? 
12)"The success of multinational firms, to a large extent, depends on the effectiveness of  communication system." Explain what methods of communication can be effectively employed by such firms? 
13) Explain the accounting problems in relation to multinational control system.
14) Examine the pros and cons of converting vital accounting data in "corporate" versus "local currency". Give your own views regarding this controversy. 
15) Write a note on "control of joint ventures".



Read 6300 times Last modified on Thursday, 03 December 2015 12:20
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