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Research Methodology Question Bank

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Research Methodology Question Bank


Q1 .What is "Primary Data" collection ? What are different major areas of measurement ?

Q. 2  What is observation in Primary Data Collection ?


What are the main merits and demerits of observation methods of collecting information.

Q. 3. What is a questionnaire? What are different types of questionnaire?


What are the factors would you take into account while designing a questionnaire?

Q. 4 What is Mail Questionnaire ? What are its advantages and limitations ?

Q. 5. What are different methods of collecting Primary Data ? Discuss each method with respective merits and demerits.

Q.6. What would you cover in introduction of Research Report.


What are the major differences between oral and written report


What considerations are relevant in oral presentation?


What are the different bases of classifying reports? Are these mutually exclusive ?

Q. 7 Critically examine the procedure used in Park Gluco-Tamil  Nadu campaign.


Was the advertising campaign effective ? Give reasons to support  your answer.

Q. 8. What is sampling? What are probability sampling and non probability sampling method? Explain with examples.  How does quata sampling differ from stratified sampling.

Q. 9. What is probability sampling and non-probability sampling? Give two examples from each one mention their application.

Q.10.   How would you use likert scale to ascertain the image of colgate too the paste among some consumers.

Q.11. Why is tabulation considered essential in a research study? Write briefly about the different forms of data presentations devices.

Q.12    What is the meaning of measurement of research? What difference does it make if we measure in terms of a nominal original interial or ratio scale? Explain giving examples.

Q.13. Explain and distinguish with examples “prima data” and “secondary data”.  What are the precautions one should take while administering “Data Collection”.

Q.14. What is the importance and applicability of regression analysis in research methodology? What are the major objectives of business researchers in using regression analysis?

Q. 15.  In the context of sampling and sampling design explain the following terms with their appropriate examples.  Sampling unit, population represeatativeness in example sampling frame, sampling design, statistics and parameters.

Q. 16. What do you mean by sampling frame and sampling design? What points should be taken into consider action while developing the sampling design for studying the problems of domestic airline passengers?

Q.17. Explain the difference between primary and secodary data

(i)  what are the advantages off secondary data over the primary data.  Explain three different methods for primary data collection.

(ii) What would be the best source for the following data?

(a)      weekly earnings of full time salaried workers for the range 1995 – 2000 in an           established software firm.

(b)  Annual sales of the top ten fast food companies

Q.18. Under what circumstances would you recommend:- Convenient Sampling

(i) Multistage Sampling

(ii) Quata Sampling

Q.19.  Differentiate between stratified Samping and cluster Sampling, give  examples of each.

Q. 20.            Analyse and interpret the following statistics concerning output of wheat per field obtained as a result of experiment conducted to test four varieties of wheat viz., A, B, C and D under a Latin-square design.

Q. 21.            Weight of 10 students is as follows:

Q. 22.            A sample of 10 is drawn randomly from a certain population.  The sum of the squared deviations from the mean of the given sample is 50.   Test the hypothesis that the variance of the population is 5 at 5 per cent level of significance.

Q.24. Genetic theory states that children having one parent of blood type A and the other of blood type B will always be of one of three types, A, AB, B and that the proportion of three types will on an average be as 1:2:1.  A report states that out of 300 children having one A parent and B parent, 30 per cent were found to be types A, 45 per cent per cent type AB and remainder type B. Test the hypothesis by c2 test.

Q. 25.A Local hews paper wants to ascertain the extent to which the inclusion of a daily stoch market page might increase its circulation which type of data collection would you like to propose for this? Explain the unit of analysis and the population size for the data collection.  Prepare at least eight questions in a questionnaire to collect the pertinent information.

Q.26. What is meant by “representativeness” in a sample? Explain in what sense a Simple random sample is representative of the population. Also distinguish between simple random sampling and Convenience sampling.

Q. 27.            What is the role of models in managerial decision making?  Briefly review the different features.  How is model validation Done?

Q.28. Distinguish between explanatory and conclusive research.  Give suitable example to support your answer.

Q.29. How do multivariate statistical methods differ from univariate method? Give examples of one situation each for which techniques live discriminate analysis regression analysis, and factor analysis are suitable.

Q.30. Research process starts from problem definition to the stage of interpretation of results.  Briefly name and discuss the steps of research process.

Q. 31.List out advantage of sampling over complete enumeration. When is sampling more appropriate then taking a census?

Q.32    Describe in brief the importance of editing, Coding classification, Tabulation and presentation of data in the context of a research study.

Q.33. Write a format of a hood report indicating different parts and their positioning in the report.

Q.34. What is the purpose of a statistical hypothesis? Discuss null and alternative hypotheses with appropriate examples

Q.35. In the research process, why is the problem definition stage probably the most important stage? What are the key issues that need to be addressed at that’s stage/

Q.36. What is “unit of analysis “ in a research process?  How is it different from “Characteristics of interest”?

Q.37. Railway commuters in Delhi have been facing various problems during travel. You have been assign the task of finding their problems.  Design a suitable questionnaire to be used in this study.  Use like it scale for designing ten questions.

Q.38. What are the most commonly used scales for measurement of attitudes in a research?  Your answer should be supported by example for each scale

Q.39. If a semantic differential has seven scale items, should all the seven items have to be phrased as either positive or negative statements. Or can both positive and negative statements be used? Your answer should be supported by example.

Q.40. Why is tabulation considered essential in a research; study? Give the features of a hood table.

Q.41. Computer graphics will have on impact on the research report writing format.  Elaborate this in the light of computer application of report writing.



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