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Monday, 30 November 2015 06:18


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1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Define the term `Educational technology'. Describe its scope and noteworthy applications in the field of education in India, giving concrete examples from your experiences.

2. "The National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) is an apt example of an ET project at the macro level." Justify this statement highlighting the origin, need, objectives, programme inputs, instructional materials and delivery mechanisms of NIOS. Also suggest how we can expand and sharpen the open schooling system in India.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Explain Context Input Process and Product (CIPP) model of evaluation. Discuss the components of this model in the context of decision-making with regard to the effectiveness of an ET project.

4. Analyse the nature of 'experience' as opposed to `observation', and explain the concept of `experiential learning'. Discuss the teaching strategies that facilitate experiential learning.

5. Answer the following in about 150 words each ;
(i) Why should we lay emphasis on teaching `thinking skills' to our students in schools ? Explain such skilis with suitable examples.
(ii) Explain the meaning of the term 'Management'. Describe the five major functions of management in the context of goals of educational technology.
(iii) List the strengths and weaknesses of Education Radio programmes. How would you strengthen the listening of such programmes among students of your class ?
(iv) Discuss the main features of a Learning Resource Centre. How is an LRC different from a library ?
(v) What is E-Mail ? Describe its uses in distance education.
(vi) Describe the reasons for using teaching-learning aids to make instruction more effective.
(vii) Explain the meaning of the term media. Differentiate between multiple media and multimedia.

6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Suppose you have to carry out a Teleconferencing Session of 15 minutes' duration. Select a suitable topic and develop an academic brief/note. Mention all the necessary steps involved in its development,
1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Beginning with the Audio-visual phase, describe with examples the four phases of world-wide evolution of educational technology. Also discuss briefly some futuristic trends you visualize in the current phase of .ET.

2. Describe briefly the main features, delivery mechanisms and instructional strategies of open schooling in India. What suggestions would you offer to sharpen and expand the Open Schooling System ?

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
How does evaluation of ET help a teacher ? Discuss with examples the approaches and types of evaluation for educational technology programmes.

5. Answer the following in about 150 words each :
(i) Define the term `learning'. Describe the major stages involved in the process of learning.
(ii) Explain the meaning of the term 'software'. Why is it important to have a thorough knowledge of learners' needs, characteristics and conditions for designing any kind of educational software ?
(iii) List three merits and demerits each of educational TV/video programmes. How would you go about using such programmes effectively in your class ?
(iv) Describe Computer Assisted Learning (CAL). Describe the advantages and limitations of CAL.
(v) Describe `tele-conferencing'. Describe its scope in distance learning.
(vi) Discuss the special features of the printed study materials developed by N I O S and I G N O U for their learners. How are these materials different from the traditional textbooks ?
(vii) Define "Learning Experiences" and explain the principles of organising learning experiences in the class.

6 Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Select a topic of your choice. Develop a script for ETV programme of 5 - 10 minutes' duration. Mention all the steps required for the development of ETV scripts.

1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Define the term `Educational Technology'. Describe the phases through which educational technologies have evolved during the past three decades.

2. Explain the meaning and significance of teleconferencing in distance education system. Discuss the types of teleconferencing system being used in India for educational purposes.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
What is the role of media in the instructional process ? Discuss briefly the factors to be considered while selecting appropriate media for classroom instruction. Substantiate your answer with suitable example.

4. Explain the need of managing educational technology. Discuss the steps you would like to take for the effective management of educational technology.

5. Answer the following in about 150 words each :
(i) What would be the nature of future classroom ?
(ii) Discuss briefly the need and significance of open schooling in India.
(iii) Discuss briefly principles of organising learning experiences.
(iv) What is Computer Assisted Learning (CAL) ? Discuss advantages and disadvantages of using CAL in instructional process.
(v) Mention the guidelines to be followed for increasing effectiveness in chalkboard writing.
(vi) Discuss briefly how you can develop thinking skills among your students.
(vii) What is meant by visual non-projected three-dimensional media ? Discuss briefly any two of them.

6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Identify a suitable theme from your subject area of teaching for developing a video programme. Develop programme brief and academic note for this video programme.

1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
What is the meaning of `educational software' ? Discuss the principles of designing educational software for, developing knowledge, attitude and psychomotor skills at the secondary stage.

2. What is Computer Assisted Learning (CAL) ? Discuss various functions of CAL and the problems associated with its use in the instructional process.
3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
Define the term `Educational Technology', Discuss various applications of educational technology in conventional and distance mode of learning.

4. Explain the meaning and significance of participatory learning. Discuss its broad features by giving an example.

5. Answer the following in about 150 words each :
(i) `Educational technology is an area of interdisciplinary study.' Explain.
(ii) What is OHP ? How can you design and prepare transparencies for OHP
(iii) What is `E-mail' ? How can it be effectively used in instructional process ?
(iv) Discuss the important guidelines to be followed while developing audio scripts.
(v) Explain integration of media with methods by giving an example.
(vi) Discuss the skills required by the learners at various stages in the process of learning.
(vii) Discuss the stages of experiential learning as given by Kolb with an example.

1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
"Defining Educational Technology as `Technology in Education' is a narrow view of ET." Expand this statement to bring out a suitable definition of ET. Also describe the scope and applications of ET in the field of education, with examples.

2. What is `open schooling' ? Describe with examples the multi-channel instructional strategies the NIOS uses to service its learners' needs.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
What is 'media selection' ? Describe its need in the context of day-to-day classroom teaching. Discuss with examples the steps you will follow while selecting and integrating media for instructional purposes.

4. "Experience holds the key to learning." Justify this statement with suitable examples from your experience as a teacher. Also explain the factors that determine the nature of experiential learning.

5. Answer the following questions. Answer each question in about 150 words :
(i) Describe the need, importance and role of Personal Contact Programmes (PCPs) in open and distance learning systems, giving examples from your own experiences as a distance learner.
(ii) What is Internet ? Describe some of its uses and applications in the ODL system.
(iii) What is a Learning Resource Centre ? Describe the kinds of resources you will recommend for setting up an ideal LRC.
(iv) What is meant by non-projected two-dimensional communication aids ? Describe the kinds and uses of such communication aids in the teaching-learning process.
(v) List the major strengths and weaknesses of audio-radio programmes. Describe how you as a teacher, will ensure effective utilization of audio-radio programmes in your class.
(vi) What is 'participatory learning' ? Explain its key characteristics as reflected in Mirambika School.
(vii) Describe with examples the five major functions of management in the context of ET.

6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
List important guidelines for developing an educational audio/radio programme script. Based on these guidelines, prepare a programme brief and develop a 10-minute educational audio/radio script on any teaching topic or theme for secondary school students.

1. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
What, according to you, is `Educational Technology' ? Describe the main stages of its evolution beginning from `teaching aids' to the use of multimedia and ICT driven technologies.

2. Discuss the main factors that led to the emergence of open and distance learning systems in India citing examples of National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS). Also describe in detail the distinguishing features of the NIOS.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
"Evaluation is an integral part of educational technology. " Examine this statement critically and state the rationale and purposes of evaluating an ET project. Also describe with examples the four components of C I P P model of evaluation.

4. Why do we use printed `Self-Learning Materials' (SLMs) as the principal mode of instruction for open and distance learners ? Describe the structure and main characteristics of SLMs giving illustrations from your own (B.Ed.) course materials.

5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each :
(i) Describe the need, importance and role of audio-video programmes and computer-driven inputs in open and distance learning systems, giving examples from your own experience as a distance learner.
(ii) What is teleconferencing ? Discuss the merits and demerits of audio and video conferencing.
(iii) Why will an individual, in the near future, be required to continue to learn throughout his/her life ? Explain it and clarify the concept of a `Learning Society'.
(iv) What is a chart good for ? Describe various types of charts used in day-to-day classroom teaching.
(v) List the major strengths and weaknesses of TV/Video programmes. Describe how you, as a teacher, will ensure effective utilization of TV/Video programmes in your class.
(vi) State the key principles of learning as envisaged by Sri Aurobindo. How does Mirambika School attempt to realise these principles through its programmes and activities ?
(vii) What is experiential learning ? Describe the stages in the process of experiential learning.

6. Answer the following question in about 600 words.
List important guidelines for developing an educational TV/Video programme script. Based on these guidelines, prepare a programme brief and develop a 10-minute TV/Video script on any teaching topic or theme for Secondary school students.

Read 4277 times Last modified on Monday, 30 November 2015 10:32
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