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Ms-58 question Bank

Ms-58 question Bank (6)

Ms-58 question Bank

December, 2009

Ms-58 : Management of R&D and Innovation

1(a) How does one identify a business strategy that is appropriate to your competencies ? How do you ensure that competitive advantage can be obtained through technological innovation ?

(b) Discuss the linkage between R&D, innovation and economic development. What have the experiences of USA and Japan to do with them ?

2(a) What are the essential requirements of design ? Examine the relationship between design, innovation and market.

(b) What could be the possible barriers to creativity in an organisation ? Discuss and explain how these barriers could be overcome.

3 (a) Elaborate your understanding about integration of R&D with business strategy.

(b) Discuss the various types of approaches used for R&D budgeting.

4(a) Discuss the different types of partnerships for innovations and R&D.

(b) What are performance skills of R&D manager ? How are these skills related to his/her tasks and functions ?

5(a) What do you understand by a team role ? Is it possible to differentiate team members in order of importance ?

(b) What do you understand by an organization structure ? How important is the coupling and coordination system in an R&D organisation ?

6(a) What are the different types of R&D projects ? Explain the concept of project life cycle with an example.

(b) Discuss the various criteria for measuring the output of R&D projects.

7. (a) Discuss the rationale of co-operation between industry, institution and Government. Make comparative assessment of situation in India, Japan and USA.

(b) Define consultant and consultancy services. How technical consultants can facilitate the process of R&D and innovation ? Discuss.

June, 2010

Ms-58 : Management of R&D and Innovation

1(a) Discuss the various measures for determining the benefits of technological innovation.

(b) What is R & D ? Briefly explain the various facets of R & D.

2.(a) Elaborate your understanding about market oriented product development method. Compare it with the traditional method.

(b) What do you understand by technology portfolio analysis ? Explain.

3. (a) What could be different types of approaches used for R & D budgeting ? Which pproach in your opinion would be most desirable ?

(b) How would you define innovation ? What are the distinctive characteristics of innovating persons ?

4(a) How do we measure the worth of R & D project output ? Discuss.

(b) Describe in detail organisations related with R & D under the Central Government.

5. (a) Discuss the salient features of the Technology Policy of India. What have been the achievement and failure of the technology policy ?

(b) How is technology transfer in India done from laboratory to industry ? Describe the various steps.

6. (a) What is intellectual property rights ? What are TRIPS ? Discuss major differences between Indian Laws and TRIPS.

(b) Write a short essay on consultancy services in India.

June, 2011

Ms-58 : Management of R&D and Innovation

1.  (a) What is the interaction between science, technology and business ? How do these interactions affect industrial growth ? Discuss with suitable examples.

(b) Critically examine the role of market research in product development. Discuss the pros and cons of market research based R&D.

2.  (a) Explain the following techniques of enhancing or maintaining the creativity

(i)  Brainstorming

(ii)  Synectics

(b) Discuss the roles of R&D with the help of examples.

3.  (a) "In a highly competitive industry, business should be technology driven". Do you agree ? Give reasons.

(b) Discuss the various types of approaches for R&D budgeting. Which approach in your opinion would be most desirable ?

4.  (a) Who can be partners in innovation Discuss their rote and limitations.

(b) Elaborate your understanding about. LEADERSHIP, What are the four different Leadership Styles as reflected in the Blanchard model ? How are these styles interrelated ?

5.  (a) What are the resources required for R&D activity ? Write a critical note on availability of relevant resources for R&D in India.

(b)  Discuss the various issues related to technology transfer.

6.  (a) What is a patent ? What are the conditions attached for Patentability ?

(b) Suggest few measures for enhancing the role of consultants in R&D and innovation. 

December, 2011

Ms-58 : Management of R&D and Innovation

1. (a)  What are the factors which impinge heavily on the growth and quality of life in India ? What is the Japanese model of technology and technological innovation ?

(b)  Elaborate your understanding about major issues related to the nature of technological change.

2. (a)  Explain the relationship between design, innovation and market. Why is design important in the market context ?

(b)   Discuss the various issues related to technology sourcing.

3. (a)  Discuss the rationale of partnership in innovation and R and D. Why is the need for partnership in innovation felt more strongly today ?

(b)  Define innovation. What are the distinctive characteristics of innovative persons ?

4. (a)  What is the genesis of Team Concept ? How do individuals convert themselves into a team ?

(b)  What is a learning organisation ? Describe the process of learning in an organisation.

5. (a)  Elaborate your views on the causes of failure of R and D projects.

(b)  Discuss the salient features of the technology policy of India. What have been the achievements and failures of the technology policy ?

6. (a)  What do you mean by Patent Trade mark and Copyright ? Suggest various measures for the protection of these rights.

(b)  How do we manage the funds for R and D and technology development ? Also discuss briefly the role of government in R and D funding. 

December, 2012

Ms-58 : Management Of R&D And Innovation

1.  (a)  How does one identify a business strategy that is appropriate to your competancies ? How do you ensure that competitive advantage can be assured through technological innovation ?

(b)  Elaborate your understanding about Dual Role of R&D with the help of an example.

2.  (a)  What are the essential requirement of design ? Examine the relationship between design, innovation and market.

(b)  Identify and explain the main characteristics of creative individuals.

3.  (a)  Elaborate your understanding about Technology Portfolio.

(b)  What are the different types of R&D organisations ? What kind of R&D organisations are found in India ?

4.  (a)  Discuss the various types of partnerships for innovation and R&D.

(b)  Explain the role of teamwork in corporate research and development.

5.  (a)  Discuss the various causes of failure of R&D projects. What can the management do to prevent such failures ?

(b)  Compare the main features of the technology policy of India with that of Japan and South Korea ?

6.  (a)  Discuss the differences in commercialisation approach between developed and developing nations.

(b)  Explain the various issues related to management of Intellectual Property Rights. 

June, 2013

Ms-58 : Management Of R&D and Innovation

1. (a) "Business is a fluid, dynamic living thing, sometimes building to great things, sometimes failing to crumpled lumps". Discuss the above fact keeping in mind technology and corporate growth.

(b) Distinguish between Basic and Applied Research with at least one practical example.


Distinguish between Basic and Experimental Research with at least one practical example.

2. (a) With the help of schematic line diagram, describe the objectives and purpose of Corporate Function of R & D so as to impart to the organization of a competitive advantage.

(b) With the help of a graph, describe the six stages of development i.e. Technology development, Technology application, Technology launch, Technology growth, Technology maturity and Technology decline.

3. (a) Give a brief introduction of Technological Innovation. List some of the distinctive

characteristics of Innovators.

(b) Prepare an illustrative checklist for Project Evaluation in respect of corporate objectives, marketing and financial criteria.

4. (a) Classify India's R & D infrastructure into appropriate categories.

(b) What are the resources for Research and Development (R & D) ? Illustrate the interrelationship of natural, human and institutional resources.

5. (a) Whenever the technology flows from one country to another country subjected to some terms and conditions, the process is termed as Technology Transfer. From your understanding of the technology transfer process, briefly describe some challenges or barriers to the flow of technology. (Hint : One such challenge is lack of top management commitment).

 (b) Describe the procedure followed by the Patent's Office for the award of Patent to

any organization/institution.

6. Write short notes on any four of the following :

(a) Creative Destruction

(b) Zero-based budgeting

(c) Partnership

(d) Team Leader

(e) Sponsored Research

(f) Technology Transfer

(g) IPRs

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