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Ms-22 Question bank

Saturday, 17 November 2012 10:43

Ms-22 dec 2008

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MS-22    Dec, 2008



1. What  are 3 Ss  of  Organisational Development ? Discuss  the  Competency  Based  Organisational Development  System,  with  suitable  examples.


2. What  are  the  important  guidelines  fot implementing  Organisational  Development  ? Discuss  the  process  of  Internal  Self-Renewal Facilitator  in  the  Organisation.

3. Which  factors  are  importantin  designing  a  Reward System  ?  Discuss  the  dimensions  of  "What  to Reward" and "How  to  Rewatd", with  examples.

4. Define  globalisation, and  global  corporations. Discuss  various Organisation Structures  in  the context  of global  operations  of  organisations,  with examples.

5. Write short  notes  on any three  of the  following  :

(a)  Cognitive Age

(b)  HRD in Voluntary  Organisation

(c)  Chief  Knowledge  and  Chief  Learning Managers

(d)  Diversity  and Membership

(e)  Coaching  Process


6. Please  read  the  case  and  answer  the  questions  glven at  the  end.

"AMBER  PHARMACEUTICALS' In  a pharma  company manufacturing and marketing  drugs  and  medicines,  the  research  staff has developed  a number  of  new  products and formulations  which are  effective. But  at  the  same time  it  has to  meet severe  competition  from stalwarts  with foreign  collaboration.  Mr. Shah,  the Vice President  Marketing,  has a very  successful Pharma  Marketing background. He  has  been  with the  company  for  the  past  4 years.  Mr.  Shah  had made ambitious plans for  capturing a sizeable share  of  the  market  in  Gujarat.  The  company  being medium  sized,  Mr.  Shah  had kept his marketing department  and  the  marketing  team  lean  and  trim. The  field  sales  staff  was given aggressive  targets and  were  virtually  pushed  to  reach  the  respective targets.  The  field staff  worked to  their  best  abilities to  complete  their  respective  targets.  Mr. Shah  had himself been  working  almost 11-12  hours a day. There  was  no  formal  appraisal  and  reward  system in the  company. During  last  5  years  more  than  60 Medical  Representatives  and  Area  Supervisors  had left  the  company  due  to  unsatisfactory  increments and  promotions.  Those  who left  the  company  were  star workers.  But  lvfr. Shah did  not  care  for  this high  turnover.  He  was  over  confident  that  he would  be able to  hire  freshers  and  also select candidates who  were  not  happy  with  their remuneration  in  their  respective  companies.  Mr. Shah had  never  communicated  to  the  field  sales staff  about  their  performance  or  reasons  for  not recognising  their outstanding performance  in a  few cases.  There  was  on  the  whole great  dissatisfaction and good perforrners were leaving  the  company.


(t)  What  do you  perceive is  the  basic problem in 'AMBER'?

(b)  What  are the  steps  you  will  take  serially  to correct the  situation  ?

c)  In  the  event  of  your  suggesting  a Performance  Appraisal  System  :

(i)  How will you  decide a suitable system, of appraisal ?

(ii)  Will  your  system  include  merit, rewards  and promotions  ?

Saturday, 17 November 2012 10:42

Ms-22 dec 2009

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MS-22    Dec, 2009



1. "With global economy and the world becoming a global village, the business enterprises have became extremely cautious of the need for hiring competent human resources and developing core competencies required for the organisation." Discuss the underlying concepts and processes in the light of the above remark with examples.

2. Why should organisations reward their employees ? Discuss how are the reward systems designed in an organisation and explain the ways in which employees are rewarded in an organisational set up.

3. Define HRD Audit. How can HRD Audit be used as an OD intervention in an organisation ? Briefly describe the significance of HRD score-card of a firm.


4. Explain the concept of Knowledge Management. Briefly discuss various approaches to knowledge management, with suitable examples.


5. Write short notes on any three  of the following :

a) Re-organisation of work

b) Systems Theory and Human Performance

c) Vertical re-skilling

d) Career transition and choices

(e) Mentoning


6. Please read the case and answer the questions given at the end.

Kalyani Electronics Corporation Ltd. recently diversified its activities and started

producing computers. It employed personnel at lower level and middle level. It has received several applications for the post of Commercial Manager-Computer Division. It could not decide upon the suitability of the candidate to the position, but did find that Mr. Prakash is more qualified for the position than other candidates.

Now the Corporation has created a new post below the cadre of General Manager i.e. Joint General Manager and asked Mr. Prakash to join the Corporation as Joint General Manager. Mr. Prakash agreed to it viewing that he will be considered for the General Manager's position based on his performance. Mr. Anand, the Deputy General Manager of the Corporation and one of the candidates for General Manager's position was annoyed with the management's practice. But, he wanted to show his performance record to the management at the next appraisal meeting. The management of the Corporation asked Mr. Sastry, General Manager of Televisions Division to be the General Manager in-charge of Computer Division for some time, until a new General Manager is appointed. Mr. Sastry wanted to switch over to the Computer Division in view of the prospects, prestige and recognition of the position among the top management of the Corporation. He viewed this assignment as a chance to prove his performance. The Corporation has the system of appraisal of the superior's performance by the subordinates. The perfomance of the Deputy General Manager, Joint General Manager and General Manager has to be appraised by the same group of subordinates. Mr. Prakash is a stranger to the system as well as its  Modus Operandi. Mr. Sastry and Mr. Anand were competing with each other

in convincing their subordinates about their performance and used all sorts of techniques for pleasing them like promising them a wage hike, transfers to the job of their interest, promotions etc. However, these two officers functioned in collaboration with a view to pull down Mr. Prakash. They openly told their subordinates that a stranger should not occupy the 'chair'. They created several groups among employees like pro-Anand group, pro-Sastry group, anti-Prakash and Sastry Group, anti-Anand and Prakash group. Mr. Prakash has been watching the proceedings calmly and keeping the management in touch with all these developments. However, Mr. Prakash has been quite work-conscious and top management found his performance under such a political atmosphere to be satisfactory. Prakash's pleasing manners and way of maintaining human relations with different levels of employees did, however, prevent an anti-Prakash wave in the company. But in view of the politicisation, there is no strong pro-Prakash's group either. The management administered the performance appraisal technique and the subordinates appraised the performance of all the three managers. In the end, surprisingly, the workers assigned the following overall scores. Prakash : 560 points, Sastry : 420 points; and Anand : 260 points.

Questions :

a)How do you evaluate the workers' appraisal in this case ?

b)Do you suggest any techniques to avert politics creeping into the process of performance appraisal by subordinates ?

(c) What measures would you like to suggest in dispensing with such an appraisal system ?


Saturday, 17 November 2012 10:39

Ms-22 dec 2010

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MS-22    Dec, 2010


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