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Ms-22 Question bank (13)

Ms-22 Question bank

MS-22    June, 2010



1.Define HRD. Briefly discuss the changing boundaries of HRD and HRD trends in Asian Countries.

2.What is the concept of career ? Briefly describe the individual and organisational strategies for career development. Explain with suitable example.


3. What are the objectives of compensation cum reward system ? How is assessment done for rewarding employees, discuss with example.

4. What is Self-Renewal System ? Describe the important aspects of development of Internal Self Renewal Facilitators, with suitable examples.


5. Write short notes on any three of the following :

a) Competency Mapping.

b) The Coaching Process.

c)  HRD Audit.

d)  Knowledge Management in Organisations

(e) Managing Technological changes in work organisation.

MS-22    June, 2011


1. What are the 3 Ss of Organisational Development ?  Discuss the Competency based Organisational  Development System. Explain with suitable  examples.

2. What are the objectives of compensation cum-  reward system ? Briefly discuss various  components of compensation system, citing  suitable examples.

3.  How does HRD Audit contribute towards  development process of an organisation ? Explain  the process of HRD Audit in an organisation.

4.What are the issues in managing technological  change in work organisation ? Briefly discuss the  role and relationship of HRD in managing  technological change.

5.  Write short notes on any three of the following :

(a)  360 Degree Appraisal

(b)  Mentoring

(c)  Role of Trade Unions in HRD

(d)  Career Transition and choices

(e)  Diversity Management


6.  Read the case and answer the questions given  at the end :

The HRD programme was decided to be  initiated in IOC as a totally fresh and  uncontaminated idea. To introduce HRD as a  fresh idea was in itself an innovative idea, since  the Corporation had well - established Human  Resources Management policies and practices.  Yet, the very idea was mooted as a concept,  accepted as a principle, presented to the top  management in the company represented by the  Directors and got cleared for introduction as a  necessary intervention, considering the growth  and development plans of the organisation.

To start with, the road -show of the concept  comprised a wide campaign to create extensive  awareness that HRD, as an issue, was everybody's  baby and that it needs to be properly nurtured  and cared for. When the whole objective was  explained to critical senior management groups,  the concept received wide acceptance. After all,  any new idea should be worth looking into !  The top and senior management groups in  the Corporation, thus backed and accepted in  principle, the process of undertaking a company  -wide campaign for the new-look HRD  programme. This, no doubt, implied that the   established policies will continue to be operated,  but are liable to be tested for validity and modified  for deficiency, wherever called for.  The awareness campaign was set in motion  with great vigour and gusto. The initial campaign  was concentrated on executives at all iceek. This  pre - supposed two things : top management commitment as a vanguard action and executive  involvement as a lead group activity. Within a  short time, conferences, seminars, workshops and  training programmes were designed, drawn -up  and delivered throughout the organisation to cover  virtually every executive.

What was missed in the process was the  large bulk of non- executives. Though there was

a plan to cover the non execuuive involment in the  second  leg  of the campaign, the the very fact intial  efforts  were  going only in the direction of executives  created its own rustles amid rambles.

The HRD action groups, who were  spearheading and controlling the HRD activities,  naturally had to take notice or the message which  had come too soon from the non --executive  categories of employees. It was, therefore, only  natural to recognise that  . without waiting for the  second leg of the campaign, the need was to  advance the campaign schedule and initiate the  HRD awareness programme for non- executives.

    as well. After : all. the milk has to  be  given gladly  to the baby which started crying !  But the  process  of covering the large mass  of non- executive employees was not an easy task.  The number  as well as the spread of numerous locations throughout the company made the task   to achieve coverage of maximum number of  non-executive employees to a one-day "HRD)  awareness programme". The programme outline  was centrally designed but the specific inputs were  left to be  decided  by the divisional and unit  functionaries.

The programme design provided for  executives as faculty, who would  cover  small  non - executive groups in lecture and discussion  sessions on the whole concept of new FIND  programme that the Corporation is contemplating.  When the executives speak to the non -executives  on any projected company programme, needing  involvement of non  executives, a pinch of salt is  always present ! This was true for the initial  awareness programmes organised for  non -executives as well. When it became clear that  the message was not really going down to the  participants, naturally the question arose whether  it was worthwhile going ahead with the rest of  the programmes covering the large majority of  non-executives.

     The HRD group stepped in and rolled back  their campaign at least temporarily to review  whether everything is going to be okay or not. It  was the general view that there is a "receptability  block" operating in the communication channel  between the executive faculty members and the  non -executive participants. This has to be  overcome if the programme is to give the  maximum possible return.

It was one of the ideas to try out the next  few programmes with faculty drawn from among  the non -executives themselves, rather than the  traditional executive faculty. Employees from  non - executive category with excellent  communication, comprehension and influencing  skills were identified and provided with a briefing  as to what exactly is the inherent purpose of the  awareness programme.

It was a revelation to find a sea - change in  the receptability of participants. Although, the  programme input was the same, the difference  lay in the fact that earlier the executive faculty  used to speak to the non - executive participants,  whereas now it was the non - executives  themselves functioning as faculty, speaking to  their own colleagues in a language perceived as  their own. We often tend to forget this and end  up reaping a harvest much below our expectation.

      Therefore, it is worth considering : why settle for  a lean harvest when you can afford to have the  full harvest ! It is small ideas that often bring big  results.

Questions :

(a)  What is the problem as you see it ?  Elaborate.

(b)  List the lessons learnt. What is your  recommendation in this situation ?

(c)  What is the "receptability block" ? Explain.

(d)  What were the changes witnessed ? How  did they occur ?

Saturday, 17 November 2012 10:46

Ms-22 dec 2007

Written by

MS-22    Dec, 2007



1. Define  and  describe  three  Ss  of  organizational Development-  Briefly  discuss  the  process  of formulating  the Organisational  Development  Plan.

2. What is  Compensation  System  ? What considerations  are taken  into  account  in  designing  a reward  system  ? Explain with example.

3. Define  and  describe  Diversity  and  Power.  Briefly  discuis the  cultural,  structural  and  behavioural  influences  on Diversity and  Power,  with  examples.

4. Enumerate  and  briefly  describe  the  evaluation  criteria against  which  'HRD'  is  assessed  for  attaining the  status  of a  'Profession'.  Explain with  example.

5.  Write  short  notes  on  any  three  of  the  following  :

(a)  Knowledge Management

(b)  Developing Business  Ethics

(c)  Horizontal  re-skilling

(d)  Role of  Trade Unions  in  HRD

(e)  Basic processes  of  Coaching


6-  Read the  following  case  carefuily  and answer  the  questions given at  the  end.

Microelectronics,  a  carifornia-based  electronics defense contractor,  has  enjoyed  a  smooth  growth  curve over  the  past  five  years,' primarily  because of  favourable defense  funding  during  the  Reagan  administration's build-up  of  u.s.  military  defenses. Microerectronics has had  numerous  contracts to  design and  develop  guidance and  radar  systems  for  military weaponry. Although  the  favorable funding  cycle  has  enabled. Microelectronics  to  grow  at  a  steady  rate, the  company  is finding  it  increasingly  difficult  to  keep  its  really  good engineers.  Based  on  extensive  turnover  analyses conducted by  Ned Jackson,  the  human  resources  planning manager,  Microelectronics'  problem  seems  to  be  its inability  to  keep  engineers  beyond the  "critical,'  five  year point.  Apparently,  the  probability  of  turnover  drops dramatically after five years  of  service.  Ned's conclusion is that  Microelectronics  has  been  essentially  serving  as  an industry  college.  Their  staffing  strategy has  always  been to  hire  the  best  and  brightest  engineers  from  the  best engineering  schools in  the  United  States.

    Ned  believes that  these  engineers often  get  lost  in  the shuffle at  the  time  they  join  the  firm.  For  example,  most (if  not  all)  of  the  new  hires  must  work  on  non-classified projects  until  cleared  by  security  to  join  a  designated major  project.  Security  clearance  usually  takes  anywhere from  six  to  ten  months.  In  the  meantime  the  major project  has  started, and  these young  engineers frequently miss out  on  its  design phase, considered the  most  creative and  challenging segment of  the  program.  Because  of  the nature  of  project  work,  new  engineers  often  have difficulty  learning  the  organizational  culture  such  as who  to  ask  when  you  have  a  problem,  what  the  general dos and  don'ts  are,  and  why  the  organization does things in  a  certain  way.

   After  heading  a  task  force  of  human  resource professionals  within  Microelectronics,  Ned  has  been designated  to  present  to  top  management  a  proposal designed  to  reduce  turnover  among  young  engineering recruits.  The  essence of  his  plan  is  to  create  a  mentor program,  except  that  in  this  plan  the  mentors  will  not  be the  seasoned graybeards of  Microelectronics, but  rather those  engineers  in  the  critical  three-to-five-year  service window,  the  period  of  highest turnover.  These  engineers will  be  paired  with  new  engineering  recruits  before  the recruits  actually  report  to  Microelectronics  for  work.

   According  to  the  task  force,  the  programme  is twofold  '  (1)  it  benefits  the  newcomer  by  easing  the transition  into  the  company,  and  (2\  it  helps  the three-to-five-year  service  engineers  by  enabling  them  to serve  an  important  role  for  the  company.  By  performing the  mentor  role,  these  .engineers  will  .become  more committed  and  hence  less  likely  to  leave.  As  Ned prepared  his  fifteen-minute  presentation  for  top management,  he  wondered  if  he  had  adequately anticipated  the  possible  objections  to  the  program  in order  to  make  an  intelligent  defense  of  it.  Only  time would  tell.


(a)  Identify  the  salient  issues  from  HR  point  of  view  for this case.

(b)  If  you  were  to  study  this  turnover  problem,  how would  you  conduct  a  needs  analysis  or  evolve  a counselling  programme  ?

(c)  What  are  the  causes of  dissatisfaction and  turn  over in  Microelectronics  ?

(d)  Do  you  find  the  mentoring  programme  suitable  to reduce  turnover  ? Justify  your answer.

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