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Saturday, 17 November 2012 14:25

Ms-23 june 2009

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MS-23    june-2009



1. Explain  the  concept   of  Human  Resource Planning.  Describe  the  various  factors contributing to  demand  forecasting.

2. What  is  job  evaluation?  Explain any  two  methods of job evaluation  with  examples.

3. Discuss  aims and objectives  of  career  planning. Describe  the career  planning  process  and its benefits.

4. What  is  Human  Resource  Accounting  (HRA)  ? Describe  the historical  development of  Human Resource  Accounting.

5. Write  short notes  on any  three  of the following  :

(a)  Orientation

(b)  Selection  tests

(c)  Retention

(d)  Role  of HR professionals

(e)  Scope  of HR  audit


6.  Please  read  the  case  given  below and answer  the questions  given at the  end :


'Inside  Rails'  is  an organrzation  with  15,000 employees  scattered  all over  India  in  their seven branches.  To  provide for fufure manpower  needs of the  enterprise,  in  terms  of sales,  number,  age, i.e.,  to  provide  the  right  number  of  employees  with

the right  talents  and skills at  the right  time  to perform  right activities  to  achieve  the  set  objectives and to  fulfill  the corporate  purpose,  manpower needs  used to  be calculated  initially  at the corporate  office itself. For  the  post  of  Chief Draftsman in  the graded  pay structure  of Rs.  2000-3200  plus perks, taking  into  consideration  the needs  of  the entire organisation with  its  various  branches  the manpower  needs  were  to  be  assessed. While  assessing  the  manpower  needs, the following  informations  are generally collected.

(a)  Details  of previous  selections

(b)  The availability  of  manpower  on hand

(c)  Actual  sanctions

(d)  Present  holdings

(e)  Vacancies

(f) Anticipated  vacancies  for  the next one  year

-(i)  due to  normal  wastage,

(ii)  due to  diversificatiory  and

(iii)  due to  unforeseen  circumstances.

g) Surplus,  if.  any, anticipated  from  other divisions  of  the  organization  and

h) Any  other special  considerations.

An  addition  of  20 per  cent over  the  net vacancies  arrived at is  generally  made,  to  arrive at  the  total  requirement. While  working  out  the requirements  for  this  category  which  is  at  the highest supervisory level  and  is  the  feeder category  f  or  managerial  promotions,  the anticipated  vacancies  on  account  of  expected promotions are  also  taken.  20  per cent  of the  total vacancies  arrived at are  filled  up  by open  market recruitment with  graduate  engineers  while  80  per cent  is  by  promotion  of  diploma  holders.  Those who  are  recruited  directly  from  open market are given training  for  one  year and then only  posted to  the  working  posts.

   Though they  are  called  trainees,  they  are  counted against  working  posts  since  their  absorption is certain.  The  corporate  office  processed a requirement  profile  for  the  years  1990  and 199'1" with  the following  informations  collected  from various sources.  The following  particulars  were available:

(u)  Number available  on  hand for promotion - 13

(b)  Number of posts  on hand - 22

(c)  Number on  rolls - 20

(d)  Anticipated  requirements  to  be filled  onaccount  of retirement, wastages,  etc. -6

(e)  Total  requirement- 7

Action was  initiated  and the  process  was  carried through, till  the  time of fixing  a date  for  selection and interviews.  It  was, however,  seen  one day prior  to  the  date of  interview,  by  the  Chief  of Personnel  when  someone  who  had  come  to interview  paid  a courtesy  call on  the Chief and when  he called  for  the papers since  he did  not

know  about  the  selection, that  the  actual requirement  would  get considerably  reduced.  It was also  seen  that  if  the process  was carried through  and if  seven  persons  were selected  this would  create  problems and  discontentment amongst  the  staff  since  at least  the  last  few  out of the  seven  would  not fit  in.  The  Chief of Personnel was perplexed.

  Questions :

a) How  and why  has  this  situation  arisen ?

b) Was there  anything  wrong  in  the  system  ?

c) Do you  suggest  any improvement  ?

 d) How  could  you  solve the  situation  ? By canceling  the  entire  procedure  so  far completed and start afresh  the  manpower planning  to  see  the  needs  or  make adjustments now,  or  by  going  through  the process  and  face  the situation of  excess when it  arises  ?

Read 2598 times Last modified on Saturday, 17 November 2012 14:32
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