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June, 2011 BLS-2 : LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 1.1 What do you understand by library management ? Explain the Fayol's principles of management indicating their relevance in library management. OR 1.2 Define "Management Information System (MIS)". Discuss the characteristics and advantages of MIS. 2.1 Explain the governing principles of book selection enuncia
    BACHELOR OF LIBRARY INFORMATION AND SCIENCE June, 2011 BLS-1 : LIBRARY AND SOCIETY 1.1 Explain the implications of the Five Laws of library science in the wider context of documentation and information work. OR 1.2 Discuss the characteristics and functions of Public Libraries. 2.1 Discuss the key components of an ideal college library
December, 2012 MCO-05 : Accounting For Managerial Decisions 1.  Discuss various methods of costing giving examples of Industries where they are applicable. 2.  Distinguish between Reserves and Provisions. Explain the various types of Reserves usually Created by business firms. 3.  Explain the various Techniques of Financial Analysis.
December, 2012 MC0-07 : Financial Management 1.  (a) Explain the factors that influence working capital needs of a business unit. (b) What is the purpose of holding inventories ? Explain brief the selective inventory control techniques. 2.  A company is considering an investment proposal to install a new machine at the cost of Rs. 1,50,00
June, 2013 MC0-07 : Financial Management 1. (a) What is financial management ? Explain the basic finance functions. (b) In what ways the wealth maximisation objective is superior to profit maximisation objective ? 2. (a) Explain the concept of risk and return. What are the various statistical techniques available to measure risk ? (b) What is Capit
December, 2012 MCO-06 : Marketing Management 1.  (a) "Marketing involves satisfaction of consumer needs." Comment. (b) Outline the steps in marketing management process. 2.  Briefly explain various stages involved in the consumer buying decision process. 3.  "Marketing mix strategies should be different at different stages of a produ
June, 2013 MC0 - 06 : Marketing Management 1. What is marketing information system ? Explain the major components of marketing information system. 2. (a) State the requirements of an effective market segmentation. (b) "Marketers use a number of alternative bases for positioning their products". Explain these bases briefly. 3. Differentiate between
June, 2013 MC0 - 06 : Marketing Management 1. What is marketing information system ? Explain the major components of marketing information system. 2. (a) State the requirements of an effective market segmentation. (b) "Marketers use a number of alternative bases for positioning their products". Explain these bases briefly. 3. Differentiate between
December, 2012 MC0-04 : Business Environment 1.  "Economic conditions, economic policies and systems are important external factors that constitute the economic environment of a business." Explain this statement and give Indian illustrations to show interaction between economic and non-economic environment. 2.  Discuss the institutional f
June, 2013 MCO-04 : Business Environment 1. Explain briefly the critical elements of socio-cultural environment of business and their impact on business decision making. 2. Explain the salient features of companies (Amendment) Bill, 2003. 3. Distinguish between money market and capital market ; and discuss the importance of stock exchanges for (i)
December, 2012 MCO-03 : Research Methodology And Statistical Analysis 1. (a) What do you mean by a research problem ? Explain the sources of research problem and the points to be considered while formulating the Research Problem.             (b) Explain how to formulate objectives in the hight
June, 2013 MC0-03 : Research Methodology And Statistical Analysis 1. (a) What is a research problem ? In the light of research problem how are hypothesis framed ? Explain with examples. (b) What are the statistical techniques used to test the hypothesis ? Explain them briefly. 2. What are the various methods of collecting primary data ? Explain the
December, 2012 MCO-01 : Organisation Theory And Behaviour 1.  Do you think that the modern theory of  organisation considers the dynamic conditions at micro and macro levels ? Discuss and critically examine the modern theory of organisation. 2.  (a) Why do you study organisational behaviour? Substantiate your answer with suitable exa
June, 2013 MCO-01 : Organisation Theory and Behaviour 1. (a) Discuss the importance of Organisation.  (b) Critically examine the systems theory of Organisation. 2. (a) Explain the classical conditioning theory of learning. (b) How can you apply social learning theory for change of behaviour ? 3. What is stress ? Discuss consequences of stress
December, 2012 IBO-06 : International Business Finance 1.  What are the salient features of the present day International Monetary System ? Critically examine their suitability from the view point of developing countries. 2.  Discuss the concept of disequilibrium in balance of payments. What are the measures usually adopted to restore the
June, 2013 IBO-06 : International Business Finance 1. "Devaluation is the most effective remedy for correcting an adverse balance of payments position" Critically examine this statement . 2. Discuss the rationale of Regional financial institutions. Have they succeeded in achieving their objects ? Explain the working of any one of them. 3. What are
December, 2012 IB0-05 : International Marketing Logistics 1.  Define Marketing Logistics and state its objectives. Also identify the recent developments in international logistics. 2.  (a) Why is inland water transport rarely used for movement of export-import cargo in  India ? How can the situation be improved ? (b) Explain the perp
June, 2013 IBO-05 : International Marketing Logistics 1. (a) What are the main activities involved in marketing logistics ? Explain them briefly. (b) "Various developments in international logistics impacting both demand and supply sides have spurred the emergence of logistics as an important plank of corporate strategy". Discuss. 2. Describe brief
December, 2012 IB0-04 : Procedures And Documentation PART-A Comment on any four  of the following statements.  1.  (a) Documentary credit reconciles the conflicting interest of buyers and sellers in a contract. (b)  the objective of export assistance is to neuteralise the incidence of internal taxes and import content of the exp
June, 2013 IB0-04 : Export - Import Procedures and Documentation 1. What is the legal framework in terms of major acts governing foreign trade of India ? Discuss macro general provisions related to exports under the foreign trade policy. 2. What do you mean by Electronic Data Interchange ? How can you develop an EDI plan for your organisation ? Dis
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