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EDUCATION AND SOCIETY 1. "Education is not only preparation for life, it is synonymous with life." Discuss bringing out the definition and aims of education. 2.Discuss the role of community in education and its relationship with school as an agency of education. 3. Compare the ideas propagated by Naturalism, Idealism and Pragmatism with respect to
TEACHER AND SCHOOL 1. Answer the following in about 600 words. Explain the relationship between school and community. Specify the roles of parents and community in-the effective functioning of the school, with suitable examples. 2. What do you mean by `Management Processes' ? Explain the different management processes in the school. 3. What do you
TEACHING OF SCIENCE 1. Answer the following question in about 600 words. Illustrate instructional   objectives   for Science teaching under cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains, with examples. 2. What is meant by `Project' ? Explain the use,   advantages and disadvantages   of `Project method' for teaching of Science. 3.
TEACHING OF MATHEMATICS 1. Answer the following question in about 600 words. Discuss the need and importance of Mathematics in school curriculum. 2. Discuss the principles of formulating the Mathematics curriculum. 3. Answer the following question in about.600 words. Formulate   objectives , select learning experiences to teach any one of the
TEACHING OF   SOCIAL STUDIES 1. Answer the following in about 600 words : What is project work ? How will you organise project work in teaching   Social Studies  at   Secondary school   level   ? Discuss with example. 2. Differentiate between evaluation of cognitive and non-cognitive outcomes in   Social Studies.
TEACHING OF ENGLISH 1. What is the status of English language in the context of our Indian education system ? Discuss the role of the English teacher in this context giving suitable examples. 2. Out of the four skills of language, which one do you think is most important ? Give a reasoned answer bringing out the objectives of teaching English in In
EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY 1. Answer the following question in about 600 words. Define the term `Educational technology'. Describe its scope and noteworthy applications in the field of education in India , giving concrete examples from your experiences. 2. "The National Institute of   Open   Schooling (NIOS) is an apt example of an ET project
COMPUTERS IN EDUCATION 1.Answer the following in about 600 words : Discuss the advantages of use of computers in Educational Administration. 2. Discuss the benefits of computers in   open learning   system in the context of teaching with technology. 3. Answer the following in about 600 words : What is multimedia ? Discuss the hardware/sof
GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING 1. Answer the following question in about 600 words. What is the need of evaluating guidance programme ? Discuss different   methods   of   evaluation   of a guidance programme. 2. Explain the various stages and tentative periods according to Ginzberg's theory in career development. 3. Answer the followi
DISTANCE EDUCATION 1. Answer the following question in about 600 words. What is the definition of "Distance Education" according to Desmond Keegan ? Discuss specific features of   Distance Education  based on his definition, 2. What are the different models of   Distance Education  institutions ? Compare the similarities and dif
EDUCATION AND ITS NATURE QUESTION:- 1. Prepare lists of educational aims for different levels of school education. Compare your aims with aims of education in a democratic set-up. Also, find out in what ways these aims can take care of individual   and social   interests . 2. The   spiritual , developmental and the social mould of ed
(1) Distinguish between a   ductile   and a brittle material. Give examples of   ductile  and brittle materials. (2) Describe the procedure for finding Rockwell hardness. (3) Describe the process of steel making with direct arc   electric furnace . (4)What are the distinguish features of eutectoid, hypo-eutectoid and hyper
BASICS   OF THERMAL ENGINEERING (1)   Define   a   steam turbine   and state its fields of   application (2) State the methods of increasing the thermal efficiency of a Rankine cycle. (3) State the First Law of   Thermodynamics   and prove that for a non-flow process, it leads to the energy equation Q = AU +
ENVIRONMENTAL   ENGINEERING (1) Write and explain various surface and ground water sources. (2) List various factors which are   considered   before taking a decision on design period of water supply   schemes. (3)List and explain in brief various bacteriological tests conducted for the estimation of micro-biological quality of
  CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY    (1)    Differentiate   between end bearing   pile   and friction   pile.    (2)    Explain   pile   driving.   (3)     Describe the various tests to be carried out to ascertain the quality of bricks.   (4)   &nb
HEAT POWER TECHNOLOGY 1. Classify   I. C.   engines   and sketch two types based on   cylinder   arrangement 2.Name any eight engine   components   describe head. 3.A single   cylinder  4 stroke engine has 14 stroke =   cylinder  diameter = 80 mm. The   engine running at 500 rpm   pro
REFRIGERATION & AIR.CONDITIONING 1 Answer any two of the following : (a) List some   applications   of air conditioning . (b) With a simple sketch explain   the working   of a vapour compression refrigeration system. (c) Explain briefly some   applications  for reciprocating and centrifugal compressors. 2 Answer an
EQUITY MARKETS 1. Discuss the role of Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) in regulating the  Financial markets  in India . Also briefly explain the major achievements of SEBI since its inception. 2. What is a ' financial market ' ? Discuss the components of Indian   Financial Markets   and explain how are they interlin
What is   Investment management Investment management involves first making an   investment decision   and next protecting and promoting the Capital value of such investments. In this process, there is need for making investment analysis   at two levels namely at macro   level - market analysis. Market analysis involves the
OPTIONS TRADING   What is Options It is a   derivative   security used for the purpose of risk management in the investment market, based on some security. Futures, forwards, swaps, options etc., are all examples of hedge against risk. Investors are risk   averse   and want to reduce the risk. Individuals and corporations h
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