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Financial market


1. Discuss the role of Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) in regulating the Financial markets in India. Also briefly explain the major achievements of SEBI since its inception.

2. What is a 'financial market' ? Discuss the components of Indian Financial Markets and

explain how are they interlinked with each other ?

3. What is meant by Book Building process of Public Issues ? What are the different steps involved in the issuance of equity shares through this process ? Discuss its advantages also.

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Investment management

What is Investment management Investment management involves first making an investment decision and next protecting and promoting the Capital value of such investments. In this process, there is need for makinginvestment analysis at two levels namely at macro level- market analysis. Market analysis involves the analysis of the market trends of some indicators like prices, volume of trade etc. Company analysis comprises of the study of companys fundamentals in terms of its operational and financial results. Then the analysis should extend to comparison of the companys performance with that of the industry to which it belongs and the market as a whole. Components of Investment Management Chart I shows what is investment and its components namely: (a) Investment analysis, (b) Investment decision making ( c ) review and monitoring of investment based on research. The study of fundamentals will reveal the industry and the companies to invest in while the study of technicals will tell us the timing of purchase and sale decisions. There are four types of decisions which an investors can make , which are explained below briefly: (a) Buy Decision : When investment analysis shows that a company share price is undervalued in terms of the fundamentals and expectations of the company relative to other companies in the same industry, its share recommended to be bought. (b) Sell Decision: When investment research reveals that a company share is overvalued in the market, relative to its fundamentals, and expectations based on some norms like P/E multiple, book value or present value of discounted cash flows etc. then that share is recommended to be sold. ( c ) Hold decision : when research shows that a companys future performance is uncertain and fundamentals and the market do not reveal any reliable trend, then a hold decision has to be taken. (d) Average Up/Down : when the market trend is against your position, say you want to sell, when the market price is falling then small doses of purchase have to be effected to average down your price per share. On the reverse side, if you want to buy, but the market price is countinuing to rise, instead of falling as expected by you, then slow doses of sales have to be made to average up your price per share.

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Options trading

OPTIONS TRADING  What is Options It is a derivative security used for the purpose of risk management in the investment market, based on some security. Futures, forwards, swaps, options etc., are all examples of hedge against risk. Investors are risk averse and want to reduce the risk. Individuals and corporations have a strong urge to reduce or manage risk and this is secured by trading in derivative markets. The volatility in share prices require to be hedge. Thus, the larger the volatility the larger is the hedging demand. This is secured through the options and futures. Thus the volume of futures or options can cause higher or lower volatility in underlying share/securities. These are all tools for risk management and no correlation is empirically found for options to increase or reduce volatility of shares prices Characteristics of Options Derivatives have many distinctive characteristics. 1. Their origin is from some other security, commodity or reference point, (such as indexes.) 2. They are instruments of hedge against risk of undue volatility. 3.They are leveraged instruments for risk management based on original security or instrument. Calls and puts The two major type of stock options are calls and puts. A call gives the investors the right to purchase 100 shares of a particular stock at a fixed price until a specific date. An investor who purchases a call option locks in a price on 100 shares of stock for a predetermined time. A put option gives an investor the right to sell 100 shares of a particular stock at a fixed price until a specific date. A put in a price at which to sell stock rather than a price at which to buy stock. Both puts and c alls provide the investor with the right, but not the obligation, to use the option. Stock options are created, or �written�, by other investors who wish to earn income from selling the options. The writers then become obligated to sell (if a call has been sold) or purchase (if a put has been sold) the stock if and when the owner of the option decides to exercise the put or call. Puts and calls derive their values from the values of the stock that they can be used to sell or purchase. Stock options pay no dividends or interest and expire without any value if not used by the expiration date. The value of call option is directly related to the value of the underlying stock(i.e. the option value increase when the stock value increase) and the value of a put is inversely related to the value of the underlying stock (i.e., the option value increase when the stock value decrease ). Option values are also affected by the time remaining until expiration, the price volatility of the underlying common stock and the market rate of interest. Types of Derivatives The security or asset classes on which the derivatives depend are : (1) Debt or Bonds, (2) Equities ,(3) Indexes, (4) Commodities, (5) Currencies. Options vs. Badla  The age old method of badla financing facilities the carry forward transactions in the stock market and serves almost the same purpose of helping speculation and imparting greater volume and better liquidity , as in the case of options. In both methods, no delivery of securities is envisaged and both depend on some underlying securities traded on cash/delivery basis. Then why do SEBI and other influential sources advocate the substitution of badla by options in India? Their perception is that badla adds to spec ulation and it is better to separate the speculative market from real investment market, so that genuine investors are protected from the effect of excessive speculation. Options would have the same effects and objectives as badla trading. Both increase liquidity, cater to the instinct of speculation and provide a hedge against risk. Both are tools of risk management and based on some rules and regulations, margins and other terms. The differences between them and the advantages of options over Badla may be set out as follows: The risk can be limited and kept with in a range both in upward and downward direction in the case of options. Transparency in operations is possible due to well organized trading in contrasts in options. No manoeurvrability of terms, margins, expiration dates and no flexibility in operations are possible. Cash outlay is limited to the premiums paid and risk taken can be kept in limits. But once the contract period is over the right to nexercise option ceases and no advantage can be taken of any favourable change in price. But in the case of badla, money lending is used as a tool. There is flexibility of margin fixation, and in fixation of carry forward prices. Badla terms can be bargained and the trader has the chance to adjust his purchase and sale position depending on the price movements after settlement, which is not possible for the option purchaser once the contract period is over. Thus, options and badla have both advantages and disadvantages. The edge of options over badla will come in due to electronic trading possible through the use of computer network and this will also ensure greater transparency to trading in options. Otherwisw the time tested method of badla is by itself not inferior as a method of facilitating speculative trading and to increase the volume of trade and liquidity in the securities markets.

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