By on Thursday, 08 November 2012
Category: Ms-6 Question bank

Ms-6 Dec 2007

MS-6   Dec, 2007

MS-6 : Marketing for managers

1. What is consumer behaviour ? Explain briefly the various factors influencing consumer behaviour taking example of any consumer durable of your choice.

2. (a) Distinguish between Market Segmentation and Product Differentiation.

     b) Describe the bases that you will 'use in segmenting the market for the following products :

(il Hair dryer

(ii) Low calorie sweetene

3. What are the objectives of Sales Promotion ? As a Sales Manager, you have been assigned the task of planning the Sales Promotion program of a ready-to-cook meal. Discuss the steps that you would follow for effective planning and management of the said program.

4. Write short notes on any three of the following :

(a) Marketing Research as a tool for decision making

(b) Functional Organisation

(c) Functions of Packaging

(d) Stages in new product development

(e) Product Life Cycle

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