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MS-6 December, 2015



December, 2015 Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100 (Weightage 70%) Note : (i) Attempt any three questions from Section-A. (ii) Section-B is compulsory. (iii) All questions carry equal marks.

SECTION - A Explain the three additional elements in the marketing mix specifically required for services.

What is market segmentation ? Suggest suitable bases for segmenting the markets for the following products : (i) Toothpaste (ii) Biscuits

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  1065 Hits

MS 6 JUNE 2015

MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME Term-End Examination June, 2015 MS-6 : MARKETING FOR MANAGERS  SECTION - A 1. (a) Explain the reasons for the growth of theservice sector. (b) Explain the unique characteristics ofservices that differentiate them from goods, giving suitable examples. 2. (a) What do you understand by the term'marketing research'? Briefly outline the marketing research process. (b) How do social factors like reference groupsand family affect consumer decision ? Explain with the help of suitable examples. MS-6 1 P.T.O. 3. (a) Discuss the advantages and disadvantagesof 'branding'. Suggest a suitable brand name for a new chocolate cream based biscuittargeted at children. Justify your choice. (b) What is marginal cost pricing ? What areits advantages and disadvantages ? 4. Write short notes on any three of the following : (a) Perceptual mapping technique. (b) Considerations involved in designing the market organisation. (c) Types of purchase decision behaviour. (d) Product Life cycle. (e) Promotion Mix.


  932 Hits

MS-6 JUNE 2013


June, 2013



 1. What is Marketing Mix? Explain the various Marketing Mix elements taking the example of small sized passenger car.

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  1201 Hits

Ms-6 june 2007

MS-6   june, 2007

MS-6 : Marketing for managers

1.   Explain the various segmentation bases used by rnarketers, with suitable illustrations. Suggest suitable segmentation basis for the following, giving reasons :

(i) Light Commercial Vehicles (LCV)

(ii) Contact lenses

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  1385 Hits

Ms-6 june 2008

MS-6   june, 2008

MS-6 : Marketing for managers

1. (a) Distinguish Product Marketing and Services Marketing, giving suitable examples

(b) A company desires to enter the packaged fruit juice market. Discuss the Market Research process to be followed to study the consumer attitude towards the packaged fruit juices.

2. (a) Discuss the stages in New Product Development process, giving suitable examples.

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  1314 Hits

Ms-6 june 2009

MS-6   june, 2009

MS-6 : Marketing for managers


1.What is Social Marketing ? Explain Social Marketing in terms of its objectives and the applicability of the 4Ps, giving suitable examples.

2.(a) What is Marketing Research ? Discuss its relevance in the field of Marketing.

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  1317 Hits

Ms-6 june 2010

MS-6   june, 2010

MS-6 : Marketing for managers

1. a) With the help of suitable examples explain the implications of characteristics of services and how the marketing strategy can be focused to overcome these constraints ?

(b) What do you understand by the term 'Market Segmentation' ? How would you segment the market for toothpastes ?

2.(a) Using the steps in the marketing research process ? Describe how you would go about investigating the feasibility of a photocopying shop adjacent to a university campus ?

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  1061 Hits

Ms-6 june 2011

MS-6   june, 2011

MS-6 : Marketing for managers

1. (a) Explain the concept of Marketing and discuss its importance in modern organisations in accomplishing their objectives.

(b) In spite of secondary data being available in abundance, what makes a manager rely on the collection of primary data for marketing decisions ? Elaborate with suitable examples.

2. (a) Middleman and their functions form an essential aspect of Marketing Channels. Discuss with suitable examples.

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  1089 Hits

Ms-6 Dec 2007

MS-6   Dec, 2007

MS-6 : Marketing for managers

1. What is consumer behaviour ? Explain briefly the various factors influencing consumer behaviour taking example of any consumer durable of your choice.

2. (a) Distinguish between Market Segmentation and Product Differentiation.

     b) Describe the bases that you will 'use in segmenting the market for the following products :

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  3237 Hits

Ms-6 Dec 2008

MS-6   Dec, 2008

MS-6 : Marketing for managers

1.(a) Discuss the reasons for growth of the service sector, giving suitable examples.

(b) Explain the concept of Product LiIe Cycle (PLC). Taking example of any consumer product, discuss how the marketing mix strategy would vary during different stages of the PLC.

2. (a) What are the benefits of market segmentation ? What segmentation bases would you choose for segmenting the market for cosmetics ?

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  2865 Hits

Ms-6 Dec 2009

MS-6   Dec, 2009

MS-6 : Marketing for managers


1.(a) Explain the term Marketing and distinguish it from "Selling".

(b) Identify the elements of Marketing Mix for Services. Explain the same taking the

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  2919 Hits

Ms-6 Dec 2010

MS-6   Dec, 2010

MS-6 : Marketing for managers


1. (a) What do you understand by the term 'marketing mix' ? How would the marketing

mix strategies vary during different stages of the product life cycle?

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  3444 Hits

Ms-6 Dec 2011

MS-6   Dec, 2011

MS-6 : Marketing for managers

1. (a) The essence of Marketing is a "Transaction". Discuss the above statement and give reasons in support of your answers with suitable illustrations.

,(b) Explain the term 'Marketing Strategies'. Outline the possible marketing strategies

that may be used at the growth and decline stages of any Product/Brand of your choice.

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  4080 Hits
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