Mba Global Network

Ms-58 December, 2009 Management of R&D and Innovation

December, 2009

Ms-58 : Management of R&D and Innovation

1(a) How does one identify a business strategy that is appropriate to your competencies ? How do you ensure that competitive advantage can be obtained through technological innovation ?

(b) Discuss the linkage between R&D, innovation and economic development. What have the experiences of USA and Japan to do with them ?

2(a) What are the essential requirements of design ? Examine the relationship between design, innovation and market.

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Ms-58 June, 2010 Management of R&D and Innovation

June, 2010

Ms-58 : Management of R&D and Innovation

1(a) Discuss the various measures for determining the benefits of technological innovation.

(b) What is R & D ? Briefly explain the various facets of R & D.

2.(a) Elaborate your understanding about market oriented product development method. Compare it with the traditional method.

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Ms-58 June, 2011 Management of R& D and Innovation

June, 2011

Ms-58 : Management of R&D and Innovation

1.  (a) What is the interaction between science, technology and business ? How do these interactions affect industrial growth ? Discuss with suitable examples.

(b) Critically examine the role of market research in product development. Discuss the pros and cons of market research based R&D.

2.  (a) Explain the following techniques of enhancing or maintaining the creativity

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Ms-58 December, 2011 Management of R&D and Innovation

December, 2011

Ms-58 : Management of R&D and Innovation

1. (a)  What are the factors which impinge heavily on the growth and quality of life in India ? What is the Japanese model of technology and technological innovation ?

(b)  Elaborate your understanding about major issues related to the nature of technological change.

2. (a)  Explain the relationship between design, innovation and market. Why is design important in the market context ?

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Ms-58 December, 2012 Management Of R&D And Innovation

December, 2012

Ms-58 : Management Of R&D And Innovation

1.  (a)  How does one identify a business strategy that is appropriate to your competancies ? How do you ensure that competitive advantage can be assured through technological innovation ?

(b)  Elaborate your understanding about Dual Role of R&D with the help of an example.

2.  (a)  What are the essential requirement of design ? Examine the relationship between design, innovation and market.

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Ms-58 June, 2013 Management Of R&D and Innovation

June, 2013

Ms-58 : Management Of R&D and Innovation

1. (a) "Business is a fluid, dynamic living thing, sometimes building to great things, sometimes failing to crumpled lumps". Discuss the above fact keeping in mind technology and corporate growth.

(b) Distinguish between Basic and Applied Research with at least one practical example.


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