Mba Global Network



1. (a) Convert the following decimal numbers to binary equivalent :

(i)  39.37

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  505 Hits



 1. (a) Design an algorithm and draw a 6 corresponding flow chart to convert binary

number to hexadecimal number.

(b)Write a shell program to find Greatest 6 Common Divisor (GCD) for the two given


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  448 Hits

Operating System Concepts and Networking Management

Operating System Concepts and Networking Management


(1) What are the Goals of Computer Security'?

(2) Justifj, the following statement.  There is no confidentiality without integrity"

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  476 Hits

Top Operating System Concepts and Networking Management

(52) What is meant by being in invisible mode in Yahoo Messenger?

(53) How do you being chatting with a friend?

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  484 Hits


WEBSITE MANAGEMENT  1. Write an HTML code to generate the study centre name, study centre coordinator, place and the state where you are studying your BIT programme. use frame based approach. Make necessary assumptions and indicate them. 2.What is JSP ? Write at least five advantages of JSP 3. Design a feedback form for any of the Universitys websites. Use HTML. Your form should have basic formatting features. Make necessary assumptions and indicate them. 4. Design a home page for any movie theatre. Use HTML. Use frame-based approach. .Assumptions can be made wherever necessary. 5.. Design an Order-form for any online store (for an E-commerce website). Appropriate controls are to be placed for various inputs and events. Write necessary code for the above problem using ASP or CGI program using PERL. 6)Design a web page similar to any of the user-registration for a free email account. The form should consist of all the details with appropriate controls on them. VI should be user-friendly. Implement using ASP OR CGI programming using PERL. 7) Design a web page for any Computer Institute for the students' registration into a particular course./programme/module. Design the user interface with appropriate controls. Implement using ASP OR CGI programming using PERL. 8)Write HTML code to generate the home page of any Educational Institute. It should watch all the essential features on the home - page. Assumption can be made wherever necessary. 9) Explain the role of ASP in the web page design. Illustrate with an example. 10) Design a registration form for an e-mail account. Use ASP/CGI using PERL to make it functional. Draw the sample layout of the form. 11) Design a homepage for a news-website. Use HTML, ASP/CGI using PERL. 12) Explain at least five main menu options of any of the web - browses. 13) Write HTML code to generate the UNIVERSITY NAME, ADDRESS and a logo at the left corner of the page- Use frame based approach to add the options like About university, For students, Regional Centres, Divisions, schools and Recruitments to the left' side of the page and corresponding text should be displayed on the right frame/main frame. 14) What is the role of the VBScript in HTML pages ? Explain with' the help of an example. 15) Design an online Examination form for the students to apply for the exams of theory as well as practical courses. Try to place appropriate controls on the form. Write necessary code for the above problem using ASP or CGI using PERL. 16) Design a home page for an enterprise which has E-Commerce application launched on it. Use HTML. Use frame-based approach 17) Design an online-poll application. The application should consist of a question(s) and 3 answers (YES, NO and CANT' SAY). Depending upon the selection of the choice, it should display the results in a Bar chart form. Write the necessary code for the above problem using ASP or CGI using PERL. 18) write atleast five advantages of use of Javascript in HTML documents' 19) Design a suggestion feedback form for any of the review of the product whose information is placed online. Assumptions can be made wherever necessary . 20) Design an order-form for an online electronics store Appropriate controls should be placed for various inputs and events' Write necessary code for the above problem Use ASP or PERL  21) Design a webpage that consists of a form whose title and heading is FIND ADDRESS. It should consist of a text box labelled as ENROLLMENT NUMBER. It should also consist of SUBMIT and RESET buttons. On clicking SUBMIT button, the address of student whose enrollment number is input in text box should be displayed. Make necessary assumptions. Implement using ASP or CGI programming using PERL. 22) Design a web page similar to any of the on-line polling applications (in the form of objective questions) and display the statistics as per the result (YES, NO' CAN'T SAY)' UI should be user-friendly.

  579 Hits


COMPUTER NETWORKING  1) A software company named "Hindsoft" wants to design its network. The company has three departments at different locations in India, like Administration in Bangalore, sales in Bombay and Development at Delhi. Each Department has 30 computers, 4 printers and 2 FAX machines whileadministration department is working as the central office to maintain all databases and main server. The main server is connected with the servers of other two departments. Give answers of the following, based on the network specification defined above :  (a) Draw and explain the best suited physical and logical topology. (b) Justify the need of each network device you may use in the network. ( c ) Which cable is best suited for this all the available cables to justify your answer. (d) Which operating system is best for this 4 company ? Justify your answer. (d) Explain the best hardware and software you should use in the network to implement the security. 2) (a) Explain any two functionalities of each of the following : (i) Data link layer of OSI model (ii) Internet layer of TCP/IP model (iii) Session layer of OSI model (b) What are print servers ? Why do we need them ? Explain the print queue management. 3) Write three difference between each of the following pairs :  (a) Fiber optics and Coaxial cable (b) Bridge and Gateways (c) Connection Oriented and Connectionless Services (d) Peer to Peer and Client-Server Networking (e) ATM and Frame Relay 4) (a) What are the main difference between proxy server and Firewall ? Explain different types of firewalls that use different strategies for protecting network resources. (b) What is meant by Trust Relationship ? 7 Explain the Domain Trust Relationship and Alternative Domain Trust Relationship. 5) (a) What is Token Ring ? How does it work ? In what way is it different from Ethernet ? Also, explain the purpose of fields in Token Ring frame header. (b) Explain the "Resource Password Security Model". 6) (a) Why disk administration is an important part of network Management ? Does it provide security and reliability ? Also, explain the important options provided by disk administrator in Windows NT. 7) Assume you are designing a LAN for library, which has three departments in the library buildinglike Administration, Purchase unit and Maintenance. purchase unit and Maintenance department have 25 computers, o printers each, while Administration department, which is functioning as the Central department has 38 computers, 4 printers and 2 FAX machines Administration department maintains all databases and the main server. The main server is connected with the servers of other departments. Give answers of the following, based on the network defined above : (i) Draw and explain the best suited physical and logical topology for the above network specification. (ii) Justify the need of each hardware device you may use in the network at different t of all (iii) Which cable is best suited for this library ? Compare merits and demerits of all the available cables to justify your answer. (iv) Which operating system is best for this network ? Justify your answer. (v) Explain the best hard wares and soft wares you should use in the network to implement the securitv. 8) (a) Explain the importance of User Access security model. Also, Recursive Password security model, with their advantages and (b) Explain different aspects of print queue management. (c) Explain the importance of disk administration in networking. 9) (a) Explain, how windows NT manages the domains. Also, explain the trust relationship domain with the help of an example. (b) What is the role of Network Interface Card NIC) ? ( c ) How does Stateful Inspection Technique provide security in networks ? 10 )(a) What is a difference between Viruses' and' Trojan Horses' ? Explain the possible precautions an administrator has to take for controlling Viruses and Trojan Horses. (b) Explain the different file systems explain the NTFS master file table supported by Windows NT. Also, draw and structure and define its components' 11) Assume you are designing a network for a university, which has 25 Lecture rooms' ,Administration department, 20 Teachers rooms and one management department' Each Lecture room and Teacher room is having a computer, while administration and managernent department has 20 computers, 10 printers and 2 FAX machines each. Administration is working as the central office which maintains all databases and main serverThe main server is connected to all computers and servers of other departments. Give answers of the following, based on the network defined above : (i) Draw and explain the best suited physical and logical topology for the network specification (ii) justify. the need of each hardware device you may use in the network at different locations. (iii) Which cable is best suited for this company ? Compare merits and demerits of all the available cables to justify your answer. (iv) Which operating system is best for this company ? Justify your answer. (v) Explain the best hard wares and soft wares that can be used in the network to implement the security 12) Explain. any two functionalities of each of the following :  (i) Physical layer ' (ii) Data link layer (iii) Transport layer (b) What is Token Ring ? How does it work ? In what way is it different from Ethernet ? Explain the fields in a Token Ring frame header.. 13) write three differences between each of the following pairs :  (a) IEEE 802.6 and IEEE 802.4 ( b) Iterative and Recursive name resolution (c) Coaxial cable and Fiber optics (d) Centralized computing and Distributed computing (e) Internet and Intranet 14) (a) How does Windows NT manage file system ? Explain different systems supported by Windows NT. Write two advantages and two disadvantages of each model.  (b) Explain the 'flow control' and 'error control' mechanism in X.25 protocol. 15)(a) What are print servers? Why do we need them ? What do you understand by - print queue management ? b) Explain the "Resource Password Security Model 16) Assume you are designing a network for a hospital, which has four departments in the hospital building like administration, OPD, Lab, and Maintenance. Each department has 20 computers, 4printers and 1 FAX machine, while Administration department is working as the Central department which maintains all databases and the main server. The main server is connected with the servers of other departments. Give answers of the following, based on the network defined above : (i)Draw and explain the best suited physical and logical topology for the network specification (ii) Justify the need of each hardware device you may use in the network at different locations. (iii)Which cable is best suited for this company ? Compare merits and demerits of all the available cables to justify your answer. (iv) Which operating system is best for this company ? justify your answer. (v) Explain the best hard wares and soft wares you should use in the network to. implement the security.  17) Assume you are designing a network for a Gargent manufacturing and distribution company. The company has 3 departments at different locations in India like Administration, Manufacturing and Distribution departments at New Delhi, Gujarat and Mumbai respectively. Further, distribution department has .4 sub distribution departments in Mumbai at different locations. Each department has 25 computers, 2 printers and one FAX machine, and each sub-department has 10 computers and 2 printers while Administration department is working as the central office which maintains all database, transactions and main server. The main server is connected with servers of other departments and sub-departments. Give answer of the following, based on the network defined above : (i) Draw and explain the best suited physical and logical topology for the network specification. (ii) justify the need of each hardware device you may use in the network at different locations. (iii) Which cable is best suited for this company ? Compare merits and demerits of all the available cables, to justify your answer. (iv) Which operating system is best for this company? Justify your answer. (v) Explain the best hard wares and soft wares you should use in the network to implement the security 18) Explain any two functionalities of each of the following : (i) Presentation layer (ii) Data link layer (iii) Internet layer of TCP/IP (b) Explain, how the microwave communication works. In what ways is it different ' from the satellite communication ? Give at least three differences. (c) In OSI model, how does the transport layer ensure the complete reliability of the message and the proper ordering of the message ? 19) Write three differences between each of the following pairs (a) Token ring and Token bus (b) Message switching and Packet switching (c) Connection oriented and Connection-less services (d) 10 Base 2 and 100 Base T cable (e) Gateway and Router 14)(a) What is the importance of mirroring ? How do we mirror a disk partition on : I server ? can we establish the mirror of boot partition ? If yes, how f If no, why not ? (b) How does NTFS file system provide the 'recoverability' and 'compression' of files ? Explain your answer with the help of suitable examples for each. 15) (a) What is disk stripping ? What are the differences between strip set with parity and. without -parity ? .Explain, how you can create and remove strip set with parity and without parity. 16) (a) What are the different types of activities that could be administrator in the security policy ? Also, explain addressed by the network why these activities are included in the security policy. (b) How are the configuration of a Explain with suitable diagram. local printer and a network printer different ?

  562 Hits


COMPUTER NETWORKS 1) Draw a hybrid topology having a star backbone with four ring networks. 2) Make a diagram (topology) of the network existing in your centre showing the various nodes, and what they actually represent (Computer, Printer, Hub, Router, Switches). Also show how this network is connected with another network (LAN,WAN). What is the Internet bandwidth of the network ? What network OS is used ? 3) Draw a hybrid topology having a star backbone with three bus networks. (a) Carefully examine the network interface card of your node and write the detailed specification. (b) Write IP address of your machine. 4)Draw a fully connected Five node networks. How many links are there ? 5) (a) Write all the steps for file sharing mechanism on your machine. (b) Write the specification of hubs used in networking of the Lab. 6) Draw a .hybrid topology having a ring network backbone with 4 bus networks. 7) (a) Write all the steps to share and access the printer in the network environment. (b) How can you check the MAC address of your machine ? 8) (a) Draw a fully connected 4 node networks. How many links are there ? (b) Draw a hybrid topology having a ring network with 3 bus networks. 9) (a) Write all the steps for assigning IP address to your machine. (b) Write the specification of the following devices of your study centre being used in networking. (i) Hub (ii) UTP cable 10) (a) Draw a fully connected 6 node networks. How many links are there ? (b) Draw a hybrid topology having a star backbone with 3 ring networks. 11)(a) Write the specification of the following devices of your study centre being used in networking. (i) Router (ii) Network Printer (b) Write all the steps for accessing data from another computer in a network. 12 (i) Write all the steps for enabling file sharing mechanism on your machine (ii) What do you understand by these specifications. 10 base 2 hubs 10 base T hubs 13) Write complete specification of your network interface cards. 14) Write all the specifications of routers, hubs and switches of your study centre. 15) (i) What is IP address of your machine ? Which class it belongs to ? (ii) What is IP address of "" ? Which class it belongs to ?

  485 Hits

Windows Proagramming

Windows Proagramming 1)Write an event procedure to find and display the string - length of an input string. 2) Create a simple VB application to simulate the billing application of a gas - agency. The bill should contain the bill-no (auto generated), date and time also. Design the user - interface with appropriate controls. Also, design the splash - screen for this application. 3)Write an event procedure to sort list of n - numbers in ascending order. Design an user - friendly interface for the application with appropriate controls. 4)Create a simple VB application to simulate the generation of a LIC premium receipt . The premium receipt should contain the Policy No. date, time, details of the policy, name of the policy holder, address and amount. Design the splash screen for this application. 5) Write an event procedure to concatenate two strings given as input and should display the resultant string. Use appropriate controls to design the user-interface. 6) Create a VB application to simulate the menu-design NOTE-PAD. Note : No need of doing any programming for the application menu - design is enough 7) Create a form with a picture-box. Find 3 interesting pictures and use a timer control to cycle these 3 pictures every one second. Place an exit button to close the application. 8) Write an event procedure to display the type of the triangle, given the measurements of its 3 sides by the user. 9) Create a form where the user enters some text into a text-box control and have the result output into a label in a different font with the colour change in the background of the form. 10) Write an event procedure to collect an ,integer from the user and find out whether the given integer is an odd integer or an even one. Design a splash screen for this application. Use appropriate controls on the form. 11) Collect the first name, middle name and the last name from the user on three separate , text-boxes and display the user's short J name. 12) Write a Visula Basic program to compute the FV (Future Value)of an investment. The formula to be used is as follows : FV - Investment * (1 + Interest rate ) years Also, design a splash screen for this application. Use appropriate controls to design the User Interface.   13) Design a simple application DVD's, writing pads, pens, wherever necessary. to generate a bill for a stationery shop which sells books, CD's, pencils and other stationery items. Assumptions can be made 14) create a VB program to introduce yourself should provide the complete information appropriate controls on the form. to the lab faculty. when the program is run,it about yourself. Design a good interface with 15) Create a VB application to simulate a simple calculator to perform the arithmetic operations like addition , multiplication , division and finding out percentage, Select and place appropriate controls on the form to provide user - friendly interface .  Create a menu similar to that of a note-pad application using menu editor  16) Create VB application to calculate and display the Gross-pay ,Deductions and the Net-pay for the employees of the company , given the Basic Pay, TA , DA, Perks, HRA and deductions(GPF, medical contribution , pension scheme , loans).The pay-slip should consist of all the details of the employee along with the pay details . Consider the following details for calculating the DA,HRA perks, allowances. TA=RS800/ for the employees DA=40% of basic pay Perks =3% of basic pay HRA = 30% of basic pay 17) Create a VB application to check whether the given string is a palindrome or not. 18) Create a simple application to simulate the billing system for an automobile spare parts shop .Also design the splash screen for this application. The UI should be user-friendly with appropriate controls.

  533 Hits

Software engineering


Software engineering 1) Suppose we wish to computerize the activities of study centers, which offer various programmers of the university. The activities are as follows :

(i) Forwarding the counselor's biodata to Regional Centre. (ii) Schedule the classes (both theory and practical) (iii) Identify Practical Centers. (iv) Collect TMA's from students and get it evaluated \l the counselors (v) Student's enquiry (vi) Dispatch of Award lists of TMA's to University

For the above mentioned system,

(1) Develop SRS. (2, Draw DFDs upto second level. (3) Identify the software modules and their functions. (4) Propose a testing strategy for any two software modules mentioned in above.

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  476 Hits




1 What are the preconditions for applying binary search on any list containing integer values ? Write the algorithm and manually run it on the following list of number 

11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88

2 What is worst case complexity of the above algorithm ?

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  376 Hits

Windows Proagramming

Windows Proagramming1)Write an event procedure to find and display the string - length of an input string.2) Create a simple VB application to simulate the billing application of a gas - agency. The bill should contain the bill-no (auto generated), date and time also. Design theuser - interface with appropriate controls. Also, design the splash - screen for thisapplication.3)Write an event procedure to sort list of n - numbers in ascending order. Design an user - friendly interface for the application with appropriate controls.4)Create a simple VB application to simulate the generation of a LIC premium receipt . The premium receipt should contain the Policy No. date, time, details of the policy, name of the policy holder, address and amount. Design the splash screen for this application.5) Write an event procedure to concatenate two strings given as input and should display the resultant string. Use appropriate controls to design the user-interface.6) Create a VB application to simulate the menu-design NOTE-PAD. Note : No need of doing any programming for the application menu - design is enough7) Create a form with a picture-box. Find 3 interesting pictures and use a timer control to cycle these 3 pictures every one second. Place an exit button to close the application.8) Write an event procedure to display the type of the triangle, given the measurements of its 3 sides by the user.9) Create a form where the user enters some text into a text-box control and have the resultoutput into a label in a different font with the colour change in the background of the form.10) Write an event procedure to collect an ,integer from the user and find out whether the giveninteger is an odd integer or an even one. Design a splash screen for this application. Useappropriate controls on the form.11) Collect the first name, middle name and the last name from the user on three separate, text-boxes and display the user's short J name.12) Write a Visula Basic program to compute the FV (Future Value)of an investment. The formulato be used is as follows :FV - Investment * (1 + Interest rate ) yearsAlso, design a splash screen for this application. Use appropriate controls to design the UserInterface.13) Design a simple application DVD's, writing pads, pens, wherever necessary. to generate a bill for a stationery shop which sells books, CD's, pencils and other stationery items. Assumptions can be made14) create a VB program to introduce yourself should provide the complete information appropriate controls on the form. to the lab faculty. when the program is run,it about yourself. Design a good interface with15) Create a VB application to simulate a simple calculator to perform the arithmetic operations like addition , multiplication , division and finding out percentage, Select and place appropriate controls on the form to provide user - friendly interface . Create a menu similar to that of a note-pad application using menu editor 16) Create VB application to calculate and display the Gross-pay ,Deductions and the Net-pay for the employees of the company , given the Basic Pay, TA , DA, Perks, HRA and deductions(GPF, medical contribution , pension scheme , loans).The pay-slip should consist of all the details of the employee along with the pay details . Consider the following details for calculating the DA,HRA perks, allowances.TA=RS800/ for the employeesDA=40% of basic payPerks =3% of basic payHRA = 30% of basic pay17) Create a VB application to check whether the given string is a palindrome or not.18) Create a simple application to simulate the billing system for an automobile spare parts shop .Also design the splash screen for this application. The UI should be user-friendly with appropriate controls.19) Create a VB application which will display the string-length for a given string.

  579 Hits



 1. (a) Design an algorithm and draw a 6 corresponding flow chart to convert binary

number to hexadecimal number.


(b)Write a shell program to find Greatest 6 Common Divisor (GCD) for the two given

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  372 Hits



 1. (a) Design an algorithm and draw a 6 corresponding flow chart to convert binary

number to hexadecimal number.


(b)Write a shell program to find Greatest 6 Common Divisor (GCD) for the two given

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  618 Hits


COMPUTER NETWORKS 1) Draw a hybrid topology having a star backbone with four ring networks.2) Make a diagram (topology) of the network existing in your centre showing the various nodes, and what they actually represent (Computer, Printer, Hub, Router, Switches). Also show how this network is connected with another network (LAN,WAN). What is the Internet bandwidth of the network ? What network OS is used ?3) Draw a hybrid topology having a star backbone with three bus networks.(a) Carefully examine the network interface card of your node and write the detailed specification.(b) Write IP address of your machine.4)Draw a fully connected Five node networks. How many links are there ?5) (a) Write all the steps for file sharing mechanism on your machine.(b) Write the specification of hubs used in networking of the Lab.6) Draw a .hybrid topology having a ring network backbone with 4 bus networks.7) (a) Write all the steps to share and access the printer in the network environment.(b) How can you check the MAC address of your machine ?8) (a) Draw a fully connected 4 node networks. How many links are there ? (b) Draw a hybrid topology having a ring network with 3 bus networks.9) (a) Write all the steps for assigning IP address to your machine.(b) Write the specification of the following devices of your study centre being used in networking.(i) Hub(ii) UTP cable10) (a) Draw a fully connected 6 node networks. How many links are there ? (b) Draw a hybrid topology having a star backbone with 3 ring networks.11)(a) Write the specification of the following devices of your study centre being used innetworking.(i) Router (ii) Network Printer(b) Write all the steps for accessing data from another computer in a network.12 (i) Write all the steps for enabling file sharing mechanism on your machine(ii) What do you understand by these specifications.10 base 2 hubs10 base T hubs13) Write complete specification of your network interface cards.14) Write all the specifications of routers, hubs and switches of your study centre.15) (i) What is IP address of your machine ? Which class it belongs to ?(ii) What is IP address of "" ? Which class it belongs to ?16) List the H/W components which have been used for the networking of your program centre and write all its specification.17) Write at least two initial steps for troubleshooting a network.18) Write all the steps to connect two computers with network interface cards19) Explain the followings :(i)Rj - 4s(ii) Category 3, 4 or 5 UTP

  385 Hits


COMPUTER NETWORKS 1) Draw a hybrid topology having a star backbone with four ring networks.2) Make a diagram (topology) of the network existing in your centre showing the various nodes, and what they actually represent (Computer, Printer, Hub, Router, Switches). Also show how this network is connected with another network (LAN,WAN). What is the Internet bandwidth of the network ? What network OS is used ?3) Draw a hybrid topology having a star backbone with three bus networks.(a) Carefully examine the network interface card of your node and write the detailed specification.(b) Write IP address of your machine.4)Draw a fully connected Five node networks. How many links are there ?5) (a) Write all the steps for file sharing mechanism on your machine.(b) Write the specification of hubs used in networking of the Lab.6) Draw a .hybrid topology having a ring network backbone with 4 bus networks.7) (a) Write all the steps to share and access the printer in the network environment.(b) How can you check the MAC address of your machine ?8) (a) Draw a fully connected 4 node networks. How many links are there ? (b) Draw a hybrid topology having a ring network with 3 bus networks.9) (a) Write all the steps for assigning IP address to your machine.(b) Write the specification of the following devices of your study centre being used in networking.(i) Hub(ii) UTP cable10) (a) Draw a fully connected 6 node networks. How many links are there ? (b) Draw a hybrid topology having a star backbone with 3 ring networks.11)(a) Write the specification of the following devices of your study centre being used innetworking.(i) Router (ii) Network Printer(b) Write all the steps for accessing data from another computer in a network.12 (i) Write all the steps for enabling file sharing mechanism on your machine(ii) What do you understand by these specifications.10 base 2 hubs10 base T hubs13) Write complete specification of your network interface cards.14) Write all the specifications of routers, hubs and switches of your study centre.15) (i) What is IP address of your machine ? Which class it belongs to ?(ii) What is IP address of "" ? Which class it belongs to ?16) List the H/W components which have been used for the networking of your program centre and write all its specification.17) Write at least two initial steps for troubleshooting a network.18) Write all the steps to connect two computers with network interface cards19) Explain the followings :(i)Rj - 4s(ii) Category 3, 4 or 5 UTP

  712 Hits

Software engineering

Software engineering1) Suppose we wish to computerize the activities of study centers, which offer various programmers of the university. The activities are as follows :(i) Forwarding the counselor's biodata to Regional Centre.(ii) Schedule the classes (both theory and practical)(iii) Identify Practical Centers.(iv) Collect TMA's from students and get it evaluated \l the counselors(v) Student's enquiry(vi) Dispatch of Award lists of TMA's to UniversityFor the above mentioned system,(1) Develop SRS.(2, Draw DFDs upto second level.(3) Identify the software modules and their functions.(4) Propose a testing strategy for any two software modules mentioned in above.(3)Make assumptions, wherever necessary.(b) List at least five important qualities of software product and process. ( c ) What is Agility ? List all the principles for those who want to achieve agility. (d) With the help of an example, explain the significance of the PERT chart.2) What is a design method ? What are its five components ?3) What is 4GL ? Explain at least three areas which are impacted by the advent of 4Gts.4) "independence is measured using two qualitative criteria Cohesion and Coupling." Explain both of them in detail.5) Explain how version control combines procedures and tools to manage different versions of configuration objects that are created during the s/w engineering process.6) The requirements engineering process is accomplished through' the execution of functions like Inception, Elicitation, Elaboration' Negotiation, Specification, validation and Management' Explain the role and significance of each of the functions'7) Explain the purpose of each o{ the system tests given below (i) Recovery testing(iii) Security testing(iii) Stress testing(iv) Performance testing8) Write short notes on:(i) The Incremental Model(iii) Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM)(iv) Basis Path Testing9) Income Tax department wants to automate its system. It has the following requirements(i) Filing of annual IT forms through Internet(ii) Filing of PAN card form through Internet(iii) Online discussion form to handle different queries(iv) Specify the three use-cases.(v) Identify the classes and prepare the class diagram for it.10) What is project scheduling ? Explain at least three functions associated with project scheduling.11) Explain COCOMO model.12) What is the importance of software documentation standards ? List any threestandards.13) How is re-engineering different from reverse engineering ? Explain the restructuring technique for re-engineering with the help of an example.14) List various McCall's Quality Factors. What do plain with example.15) Justify the following statements :(i) MTBF = MTTF + MTTR(ii) Software Availability :IMTTF/(MTTF + MTTR)I x700o/o16) List any five principles for data specification used in data design at the component level.17) Consider an Examination System for a school. It performs the following operations.(a) Seating-plan generation and room allocation for students and invigilators.(b) Maintaining records of different courses,student attendance and evaluators.(c) Distributing and collecting answer scripts to/from different evaluators.(d) Maintaining l Displaying student marks.Based on the above specification, answer the following (a) Prepare SRS document for this system. (b) Design and draw DFDs upto two levels. ( c ) Design a complete ER diagram with various components.18) Write short notes on the following : 5(a) Software Quality Assurance(b) Data Coupling(c) Cost Benefit Analysis(d) Decision Tree(e) Risk Management19) ABC Multiplex movie theatre wants to automate its system. It has the following requirements to be fulfilled :n It has 4 auditoriums (theatres).n Normally new film releases/change of the films will be on Fridays only.n Each auditorium will screen 4 movies daily.n To provide the information about all the movies online on its website.n To provide the online ticketing facility through credit cards or debit cards.n Allow to book for families or in groupsn To offer some exclusive offers for its members.n Should automatically send a newsletter every week about the latest information about the movies etc. and through e-mail to its members.(20) For the above mentioned system :(i) Prepare SRS document for this system.(ii) Mention Hardware and Software requirements.(iii) Design and draw DFD's upto two levels.(iv) Design a complete ER diagram with various entities, relationships, cardinality etc.(b) Define CMM. Explain various maturity levels in CMM.(c) With the help of a diagram, describe the layered technology approach to software engineering.21) "The prototype can serve as the first system. It is true that both the customers and developers like the model. Users get a feel for the actual system and developers get to build something immediately". In support with the above statement, explain the prototyping model and also suggest for which kind of projects, this paradigm is suitable. Also mention any two reasons where this paradigm can create problems. Make assumptions wherever needed?(22) Compare and contrast size-oriented metrics with function-oriented metrics?23) What do you mean by cyclomatic complexity ? How do we compute it ?24) List the objectives of the Formal Technical Review (FTR). Also, mention the review reporting and record keeping process of FT& briefly.25) What is the significance of user interface design for any project. Explain briefly, the user interface design guidelines.26) Explain the following testing techniques :(i) Unit Testing:(ii) Integration testing27) Write short note on the following :(a) Temporal Cohesion(b) Software Reliability(c) Risk Management(d) Reverse Engineering(e) CASE Tools28) A University's reception wants to automate the Visitor's Registration Process. It has the following requirements to be ful filled (a) To make note of the visitor's details, purpose of visit, time.(b)Checking process whether she/he has taken the prior appointment of the visiting official(c) To schedule the appointments(d) To cancel the appointments(e) To divert the visitors to other officials depending upon the purpose(f) Follow-up activities after the visit.(g) Report generation.for the above mentioned system.(i) Prepare the JRS document for this system(ii) Mention hardware and software requirements.(iii) Design and draw DFD's upto two levels.(iv) Design a complete FR diagram with 4 various entities, relationships, cordinality etc.29) What is the significance of software 8 configuration management ? Discuss therole of CASE tools in S/W project management30) List the cost estimation techniques explain any one of them.31) Define the term "Risk". How will you 7 identify it ?32) When can we say that the Software Project is amenable for Modular design ? Justify your answer.33) (a) Explain equivalence partitioning.(b) With the help of an example, explain the Flow Graph Notation.34) Explain the following testing techniques :(i) Stress testing(ii) Performance testing(35) Often, Software development companies outsource the job of testing the software developed by them. Why do they outsource ? Why don't they test software developed by themselves ?(36) Write a short note on the following :(a)Graph-based testing methods(b)McCall's Quality Factors(c) Cohesion(37) Design a system for Enrolment Process of a Distance Education University.(i) Draw DFD up to level(ii) Prepare SRS document for the same.(37) Which phase of the SDLC is considered to be the most important phase ? Discuss the reason for its importance.(38) Describe several specific actions that should be taken during software development to achieve the maintainability of the software that is developed(39) Explain what is meant by critical path scheduling. Describe the process of creatingGantt charts. Give an example.(40) Explain use cases and use case diagrams and how they can be used to model systemfunctionality.(42) A desirable property of requirements is that 8 it should be testable. Explain why testable requirements add in the production of high quality software.(43) Discuss in detail the various software process models.44) Explain McCabe's cyclomatic complexity with example.45) Does programming languages have an impact on S/w project planning, analysis,design, coding, testing and maintenance ? Discuss ?46)Explain the following :(a) Debugger(b) Product Vs Process(c) CASE Tools(d)Cocomo Model(e) Risk Management

  396 Hits

Software engineering

Software engineering1) Suppose we wish to computerize the activities of study centers, which offer various programmers of the university. The activities are as follows :(i) Forwarding the counselor's biodata to Regional Centre.(ii) Schedule the classes (both theory and practical)(iii) Identify Practical Centers.(iv) Collect TMA's from students and get it evaluated \l the counselors(v) Student's enquiry(vi) Dispatch of Award lists of TMA's to UniversityFor the above mentioned system,(1) Develop SRS.(2, Draw DFDs upto second level.(3) Identify the software modules and their functions.(4) Propose a testing strategy for any two software modules mentioned in above.(3)Make assumptions, wherever necessary.(b) List at least five important qualities of software product and process. ( c ) What is Agility ? List all the principles for those who want to achieve agility. (d) With the help of an example, explain the significance of the PERT chart.2) What is a design method ? What are its five components ?3) What is 4GL ? Explain at least three areas which are impacted by the advent of 4Gts.4) "independence is measured using two qualitative criteria Cohesion and Coupling." Explain both of them in detail.5) Explain how version control combines procedures and tools to manage different versions of configuration objects that are created during the s/w engineering process.6) The requirements engineering process is accomplished through' the execution of functions like Inception, Elicitation, Elaboration' Negotiation, Specification, validation and Management' Explain the role and significance of each of the functions'7) Explain the purpose of each o{ the system tests given below (i) Recovery testing(iii) Security testing(iii) Stress testing(iv) Performance testing8) Write short notes on:(i) The Incremental Model(iii) Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM)(iv) Basis Path Testing9) Income Tax department wants to automate its system. It has the following requirements(i) Filing of annual IT forms through Internet(ii) Filing of PAN card form through Internet(iii) Online discussion form to handle different queries(iv) Specify the three use-cases.(v) Identify the classes and prepare the class diagram for it.10) What is project scheduling ? Explain at least three functions associated with project scheduling.11) Explain COCOMO model.12) What is the importance of software documentation standards ? List any threestandards.13) How is re-engineering different from reverse engineering ? Explain the restructuring technique for re-engineering with the help of an example.14) List various McCall's Quality Factors. What do plain with example.15) Justify the following statements :(i) MTBF = MTTF + MTTR(ii) Software Availability :IMTTF/(MTTF + MTTR)I x700o/o16) List any five principles for data specification used in data design at the component level.17) Consider an Examination System for a school. It performs the following operations.(a) Seating-plan generation and room allocation for students and invigilators.(b) Maintaining records of different courses,student attendance and evaluators.(c) Distributing and collecting answer scripts to/from different evaluators.(d) Maintaining l Displaying student marks.Based on the above specification, answer the following (a) Prepare SRS document for this system. (b) Design and draw DFDs upto two levels. ( c ) Design a complete ER diagram with various components.18) Write short notes on the following : 5(a) Software Quality Assurance(b) Data Coupling(c) Cost Benefit Analysis(d) Decision Tree(e) Risk Management19) ABC Multiplex movie theatre wants to automate its system. It has the following requirements to be fulfilled :n It has 4 auditoriums (theatres).n Normally new film releases/change of the films will be on Fridays only.n Each auditorium will screen 4 movies daily.n To provide the information about all the movies online on its website.n To provide the online ticketing facility through credit cards or debit cards.n Allow to book for families or in groupsn To offer some exclusive offers for its members.n Should automatically send a newsletter every week about the latest information about the movies etc. and through e-mail to its members.(20) For the above mentioned system :(i) Prepare SRS document for this system.(ii) Mention Hardware and Software requirements.(iii) Design and draw DFD's upto two levels.(iv) Design a complete ER diagram with various entities, relationships, cardinality etc.(b) Define CMM. Explain various maturity levels in CMM.(c) With the help of a diagram, describe the layered technology approach to software engineering.21) "The prototype can serve as the first system. It is true that both the customers and developers like the model. Users get a feel for the actual system and developers get to build something immediately". In support with the above statement, explain the prototyping model and also suggest for which kind of projects, this paradigm is suitable. Also mention any two reasons where this paradigm can create problems. Make assumptions wherever needed?(22) Compare and contrast size-oriented metrics with function-oriented metrics?23) What do you mean by cyclomatic complexity ? How do we compute it ?24) List the objectives of the Formal Technical Review (FTR). Also, mention the review reporting and record keeping process of FT& briefly.25) What is the significance of user interface design for any project. Explain briefly, the user interface design guidelines.26) Explain the following testing techniques :(i) Unit Testing:(ii) Integration testing27) Write short note on the following :(a) Temporal Cohesion(b) Software Reliability(c) Risk Management(d) Reverse Engineering(e) CASE Tools28) A University's reception wants to automate the Visitor's Registration Process. It has the following requirements to be ful filled (a) To make note of the visitor's details, purpose of visit, time.(b)Checking process whether she/he has taken the prior appointment of the visiting official(c) To schedule the appointments(d) To cancel the appointments(e) To divert the visitors to other officials depending upon the purpose(f) Follow-up activities after the visit.(g) Report generation.for the above mentioned system.(i) Prepare the JRS document for this system(ii) Mention hardware and software requirements.(iii) Design and draw DFD's upto two levels.(iv) Design a complete FR diagram with 4 various entities, relationships, cordinality etc.29) What is the significance of software 8 configuration management ? Discuss therole of CASE tools in S/W project management30) List the cost estimation techniques explain any one of them.31) Define the term "Risk". How will you 7 identify it ?32) When can we say that the Software Project is amenable for Modular design ? Justify your answer.33) (a) Explain equivalence partitioning.(b) With the help of an example, explain the Flow Graph Notation.34) Explain the following testing techniques :(i) Stress testing(ii) Performance testing(35) Often, Software development companies outsource the job of testing the software developed by them. Why do they outsource ? Why don't they test software developed by themselves ?(36) Write a short note on the following :(a)Graph-based testing methods(b)McCall's Quality Factors(c) Cohesion(37) Design a system for Enrolment Process of a Distance Education University.(i) Draw DFD up to level(ii) Prepare SRS document for the same.(37) Which phase of the SDLC is considered to be the most important phase ? Discuss the reason for its importance.(38) Describe several specific actions that should be taken during software development to achieve the maintainability of the software that is developed(39) Explain what is meant by critical path scheduling. Describe the process of creatingGantt charts. Give an example.(40) Explain use cases and use case diagrams and how they can be used to model systemfunctionality.(42) A desirable property of requirements is that 8 it should be testable. Explain why testable requirements add in the production of high quality software.(43) Discuss in detail the various software process models.44) Explain McCabe's cyclomatic complexity with example.45) Does programming languages have an impact on S/w project planning, analysis,design, coding, testing and maintenance ? Discuss ?46)Explain the following :(a) Debugger(b) Product Vs Process(c) CASE Tools(d)Cocomo Model(e) Risk Management

  730 Hits


DATA AND FILE STRUCTURES1 What are the preconditions for applying binary search on any list containing integer values ? Write the algorithm and manually run it on the following list of number 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 882 What is worst case complexity of the above algorithm ?3 How can a polynomial be represented with the help of a linked list ? Write an algorithm to multiply two polynomials of degree 'm' and degree 'n' ?4 Write a program to implement a static stack. Also, mention few applications of stack ?5 Differentiate between the following (i) Space and Time complexity(ii) Indexed file organisation and Indexed sequential file organisation6 Write an algorithm to balance a Red-Black tree after deleting a node ?7 How are the deletions performed in Binary Search Tree ? Explain each case of deletion with an example8 Write algorithm to insert elements in a B-Tree. Make B-Tree using your algorithm for the following list of elements ?2. 4, 9, 8, 7, 6,3, 1, 5, 109 Two Binary trees are similar if they are both empty or if they are both non-empty and left and right subtrees are similar. Write an algorithm to determine if two Binary trees are similar?10 Explain the factors involved in the selection of a particular file organization for user. What is sequential file ? Why are sequential files stored in disk cylinder by cylinder ?11 What are the limitations of a Binary Search Tree (BST) ? How does AVL tree help in this regard ?12 Give an AVL tree for which the deletion of a node requires two double rotations. Draw the tree and explain why two rotations are needed ?13 Write a function in 'C' to insert a node in a linked list at the following position (a) at the beginning(b) at the end14 What are the different types of hash functions How can clustering involved in linear probing be avoided ? Explain any two methods.15 Write an algorithm to sort an array25, 15, 30, 9, 99, 20, 26using insertion sort . Also write the steps involved in it ?16 Write an algorithm to discuss the implementation of breadth first traversal method of a graph?17 Write algorithms for the following (i) To insert a node at a given position in a circular linked list.(ii) To delete the first node from circular linked list.18 Write an algorithm to create a Binary Tree. The algorithm should accept elements and display Binary Tree with those elements ?19 What is a linear queue ? Write an algorithm for adding an element to a linear queue .20 Write a 'C' program to implement priority queue using arrays, check for overflow and underflow conditions ?21 Write an algorithm for the implementation of multiple stacks in an array?22 Write a program in 'C' for the implementation of a Doubly Linked List ?23 Explain sequential file organisation. What are various operations that can beperformed on it ? Also, list any two disadvantages of it.24 Write algorithm for Heap sort. Also run your algorithm manually and show how sorting is done by your algorithm for the following sets of data ?1 6 , 1 4 , 1 0 , 8 , 7 , 9 , 3 , 2 , 4 , 725 Compare Arrays with linked list by mentioning the advantages and limitations of both?26 Why is Red-Black tree considered a better data structure than Binary Search tree and AVL tree ? Write algorithm to insert a node in Red-black tree. Take proper example also.27 Sort the following numbers using Quick sort algorithm. Show all intermediate steps. 10, 70, 2, 32, 11, 48, 6, 1928 Differentiate between singly linked list and Doubly linked list. Write algorithm to insert and delete elements in a singly linked list ?29 What are the differences between sequential and direct file organisation ? Under what conditions, if any, is it advantageous to have the file organised as a direct file rather than sequential file ?30 Write short notes on the following with an example (a) Red Black Tree(b) Multiple stacks(c) Applications of Tree(d) Kruskal's Algorithm.(e) Binary search31 Define the term "Complexity". For what types of applications is Time Complexity Critical and for what types of applications is Space Complexity Critical?32 Write an algorithm to implement the following functions of a dequeue. Also, give an example to show the working of these functions ?(i) Insert Element(ii) Create DEQUEUE(iii) Delete Element33 Write an algorithm for multiplication of two sparse matrices?34 What is cylinder - surface indexing ? Explain it with an example. Also, write its merits and demerits.35 Define Abstract Data Type, and give two examples of it ?36 Explain the following using an example(i) Breadth First Search(ii) AVL Tree37 Write a program to store the roll numbers and names of students in a binary searchtree. Write a function to accept a number and display the name of the student, whoseroll number matches with this number. Give suitable messages if the roll number does notexist in the binary search tree ?38 Write a program to simulate a circular queue using pointers with functions for insertion, deletion. (Use singly linked list)?39 Write an algorithm for pushing an element into a stack?40 Write a program to find the frequency of words in a given text. The list of words andtheir corresponding frequency should be in the alphabetical order of words ?41 Explain the properties and operations of AA trees ?42 What are the essential features of a binary tree ? Explain, how a general tree can be converted into a binary tree ?43 Write an algorithm to balance a Red-Black tree after deleting a node ?

  342 Hits


DATA AND FILE STRUCTURES1 What are the preconditions for applying binary search on any list containing integer values ? Write the algorithm and manually run it on the following list of number 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 882 What is worst case complexity of the above algorithm ?3 How can a polynomial be represented with the help of a linked list ? Write an algorithm to multiply two polynomials of degree 'm' and degree 'n' ?4 Write a program to implement a static stack. Also, mention few applications of stack ?5 Differentiate between the following (i) Space and Time complexity(ii) Indexed file organisation and Indexed sequential file organisation6 Write an algorithm to balance a Red-Black tree after deleting a node ?7 How are the deletions performed in Binary Search Tree ? Explain each case of deletion with an example8 Write algorithm to insert elements in a B-Tree. Make B-Tree using your algorithm for the following list of elements ?2. 4, 9, 8, 7, 6,3, 1, 5, 109 Two Binary trees are similar if they are both empty or if they are both non-empty and left and right subtrees are similar. Write an algorithm to determine if two Binary trees are similar?10 Explain the factors involved in the selection of a particular file organization for user. What is sequential file ? Why are sequential files stored in disk cylinder by cylinder ?11 What are the limitations of a Binary Search Tree (BST) ? How does AVL tree help in this regard ?12 Give an AVL tree for which the deletion of a node requires two double rotations. Draw the tree and explain why two rotations are needed ?13 Write a function in 'C' to insert a node in a linked list at the following position (a) at the beginning(b) at the end14 What are the different types of hash functions How can clustering involved in linear probing be avoided ? Explain any two methods.15 Write an algorithm to sort an array25, 15, 30, 9, 99, 20, 26using insertion sort . Also write the steps involved in it ?16 Write an algorithm to discuss the implementation of breadth first traversal method of a graph?17 Write algorithms for the following (i) To insert a node at a given position in a circular linked list.(ii) To delete the first node from circular linked list.18 Write an algorithm to create a Binary Tree. The algorithm should accept elements and display Binary Tree with those elements ?19 What is a linear queue ? Write an algorithm for adding an element to a linear queue .20 Write a 'C' program to implement priority queue using arrays, check for overflow and underflow conditions ?21 Write an algorithm for the implementation of multiple stacks in an array?22 Write a program in 'C' for the implementation of a Doubly Linked List ?23 Explain sequential file organisation. What are various operations that can beperformed on it ? Also, list any two disadvantages of it.24 Write algorithm for Heap sort. Also run your algorithm manually and show how sorting is done by your algorithm for the following sets of data ?1 6 , 1 4 , 1 0 , 8 , 7 , 9 , 3 , 2 , 4 , 725 Compare Arrays with linked list by mentioning the advantages and limitations of both?26 Why is Red-Black tree considered a better data structure than Binary Search tree and AVL tree ? Write algorithm to insert a node in Red-black tree. Take proper example also.27 Sort the following numbers using Quick sort algorithm. Show all intermediate steps. 10, 70, 2, 32, 11, 48, 6, 1928 Differentiate between singly linked list and Doubly linked list. Write algorithm to insert and delete elements in a singly linked list ?29 What are the differences between sequential and direct file organisation ? Under what conditions, if any, is it advantageous to have the file organised as a direct file rather than sequential file ?30 Write short notes on the following with an example (a) Red Black Tree(b) Multiple stacks(c) Applications of Tree(d) Kruskal's Algorithm.(e) Binary search31 Define the term "Complexity". For what types of applications is Time Complexity Critical and for what types of applications is Space Complexity Critical?32 Write an algorithm to implement the following functions of a dequeue. Also, give an example to show the working of these functions ?(i) Insert Element(ii) Create DEQUEUE(iii) Delete Element33 Write an algorithm for multiplication of two sparse matrices?34 What is cylinder - surface indexing ? Explain it with an example. Also, write its merits and demerits.35 Define Abstract Data Type, and give two examples of it ?36 Explain the following using an example(i) Breadth First Search(ii) AVL Tree37 Write a program to store the roll numbers and names of students in a binary searchtree. Write a function to accept a number and display the name of the student, whoseroll number matches with this number. Give suitable messages if the roll number does notexist in the binary search tree ?38 Write a program to simulate a circular queue using pointers with functions for insertion, deletion. (Use singly linked list)?39 Write an algorithm for pushing an element into a stack?40 Write a program to find the frequency of words in a given text. The list of words andtheir corresponding frequency should be in the alphabetical order of words ?41 Explain the properties and operations of AA trees ?42 What are the essential features of a binary tree ? Explain, how a general tree can be converted into a binary tree ?43 Write an algorithm to balance a Red-Black tree after deleting a node ?

  723 Hits
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